// // System.Web.SiteMapProviderTest.cs - Unit tests for System.Web.SiteMapProvider // // Author: // Marek Habersack // // Copyright (C) 2009 Novell, Inc (http://novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.Configuration.Provider; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Hosting; using NUnit.Framework; using MonoTests.stand_alone.WebHarness; using MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework; using Tests; namespace MonoTests.System.Web { [TestFixture] public class XmlSiteMapProviderTest { [TestFixtureSetUp] public void SetUp () { Type myType = GetType (); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_01.sitemap", "test_map_01.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_02.sitemap", "test_map_02.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_03.sitemap", "test_map_03.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_04.sitemap", "test_map_04.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_05.sitemap", "test_map_05.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_06.sitemap", "test_map_06.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_07.sitemap", "test_map_07.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_08.sitemap", "test_map_08.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "test_map_09.sitemap", "test_map_09.sitemap"); WebTest.CopyResource (myType, "sub_map_01.sitemap", "sub_map_01.sitemap"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void AddNode_Null_1 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var node = new SiteMapNode (provider, "/test.aspx"); provider.DoAddNode (null, node); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void AddNode_Null_2 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var node = new SiteMapNode (provider, "/test.aspx"); provider.DoAddNode (node, null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void AddNode_DifferentProviders_01 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var node = new SiteMapNode (new TestSiteMapProvider (), "/test.aspx"); var parentNode = new SiteMapNode (provider, "/test2.aspx"); // SiteMapNode cannot be found in current provider, only nodes in the same provider can be added. provider.DoAddNode (node, parentNode); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void AddNode_DifferentProviders_02 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var node = new SiteMapNode (provider, "/test.aspx"); var parentNode = new SiteMapNode (new TestSiteMapProvider (), "/test2.aspx"); // SiteMapNode cannot be found in current provider, only nodes in the same provider can be added. provider.DoAddNode (node, parentNode); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (HttpException))] public void AddNode_01 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var node = new SiteMapNode (provider, "/test.aspx"); var parentNode = new SiteMapNode (provider, "/test2.aspx"); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/test_map_01.sitemap"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); // The application relative virtual path '~/test_map_01.sitemap' cannot be made absolute, because the path to the application is not known. provider.DoAddNode (node, parentNode); } [Test] public void AddNode_02 () { new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (AddNode_02_OnLoad)).Run (); } public static void AddNode_02_OnLoad (Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); provider.CallTrace = null; var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/test_map_01.sitemap"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); SiteMapNode rootNode = provider.RootNode; provider.CallTrace = null; var node = new SiteMapNode (provider, "test3.aspx", "~/test3.aspx"); provider.DoAddNode (node, rootNode); Assert.IsNotNull (provider.CallTrace, "#A1"); AssertHelper.Greater (provider.CallTrace.Length, 1, "#A1-1"); Assert.AreEqual (provider.CallTrace[0].Name, "BuildSiteMap", "#A1-2"); } [Test] public void Initialize_1 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", null); Assert.AreEqual ("TestMap", provider.Name, "#A1"); } [Test] public void Initialize_2 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", new NameValueCollection ()); Assert.AreEqual ("TestMap", provider.Name, "#A1"); } [Test] public void Initialize_3 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "test.sitemap"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); Assert.AreEqual ("TestMap", provider.Name, "#A1"); } [Test] public void Initialize_4 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "test.sitemap"); nvc.Add ("description", "Test XML provider"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); Assert.AreEqual ("TestMap", provider.Name, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("Test XML provider", provider.Description, "#A2"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ConfigurationErrorsException))] public void Initialize_5 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "test.sitemap"); nvc.Add ("description", "Test XML provider"); // The attribute 'acme' is unexpected in the configuration of the 'TestMap' provider. nvc.Add ("acme", "test provider"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void Initialize_6 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", null); // XmlSiteMapProvider cannot be initialized twice provider.Initialize ("TestMap2", null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void RootNode_1 () { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); // Thrown from internal GetConfigDocument (): // The siteMapFile attribute must be specified on the XmlSiteMapProvider provider.Initialize ("TestMap", null); var rn = provider.RootNode; } [Test] public void RootNode_2 () { new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (RootNode_2_OnLoad)).Run (); } public static void RootNode_2_OnLoad (Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); provider.CallTrace = null; var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/test_map_01.sitemap"); provider.CallTrace = null; provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); Assert.IsNotNull (provider.RootNode, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (provider.RootNode.Provider, provider, "#A2"); Assert.IsNotNull (provider.CallTrace, "#A3"); AssertHelper.Greater (provider.CallTrace.Length, 1, "#A3-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("BuildSiteMap", provider.CallTrace[0].Name, "#A3-2"); Assert.AreEqual ("get_RootNode", provider.CallTrace[1].Name, "#A3-3"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void InvalidFileExtension () { // The file /NunitWeb/test_map_01.extension has an invalid extension, only .sitemap files are allowed in XmlSiteMapProvider. new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (InvalidFileExtension_OnLoad)).Run (); } public static void InvalidFileExtension_OnLoad (Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/test_map_01.extension"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); var rn = provider.RootNode; } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void MissingMapFile () { new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (MissingMapFile_OnLoad)).Run (); } public static void MissingMapFile_OnLoad (Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/missing_map_file.sitemap"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); var rn = provider.RootNode; } [Test] public void NodeWithSiteMapFile_01 () { var test = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (NodeWithSiteMapFile_01_OnLoad)).Run (); } public static void NodeWithSiteMapFile_01_OnLoad (Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/test_map_02.sitemap"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); var rn = provider.RootNode; string expectedTreeString = "UNTITLED_0[0]; Test 1[1]; Sub 1 [/NunitWeb/sub_map_01.sitemap][1]; Sub Sub 1 [/NunitWeb/sub_map_01.sitemap][2]"; string treeString = provider.GetTreeString (); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTreeString, treeString, "#A1"); } [Test] public void NodeWithProvider_01 () { var test = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ((Page p) => { NodeWithProvider_OnLoad ("~/test_map_07.sitemap", p); })).Run (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ProviderException))] public void NodeWithProvider_02 () { new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ((Page p) => { NodeWithProvider_OnLoad ("~/test_map_08.sitemap", p); })).Run (); } public static void NodeWithProvider_OnLoad (string filePath, Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", filePath); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); var rn = provider.RootNode; string expectedTreeString = "UNTITLED_0[0]; Test 1[1]; Test [TestSiteMapProvider][1]"; string treeString = provider.GetTreeString (); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTreeString, treeString, "#A1"); SiteMapNode node = provider.FindSiteMapNode ("default.aspx"); Assert.IsNotNull (node, "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual ("Test", node.Title, "#B1-1"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ConfigurationErrorsException))] public void InvalidMapFile_01 () { // Top element must be siteMap. new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ((Page p) => { InvalidMapFile_OnLoad ("~/test_map_03.sitemap", p); })).Run (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ConfigurationErrorsException))] public void InvalidMapFile_02 () { // Only elements are allowed at this location. var test = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ((Page p) => { InvalidMapFile_OnLoad ("~/test_map_04.sitemap", p); })).Run (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ConfigurationErrorsException))] public void InvalidMapFile_03 () { // Only elements are allowed at this location. var test = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ((Page p) => { InvalidMapFile_OnLoad ("~/test_map_05.sitemap", p); })).Run (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ConfigurationErrorsException))] public void InvalidMapFile_04 () { // Only elements are allowed at this location. var test = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ((Page p) => { InvalidMapFile_OnLoad ("~/test_map_06.sitemap", p); })).Run (); } public static void InvalidMapFile_OnLoad (string filePath, Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", filePath); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); var rn = provider.RootNode; } [Test] public void MapFileWithNonStandardAttributes () { // Only elements are allowed at this location. new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (MapFileWithNonStandardAttributes_OnLoad)).Run (); } public static void MapFileWithNonStandardAttributes_OnLoad (Page p) { var provider = new XmlSiteMapProviderPoker (); var nvc = new NameValueCollection (); nvc.Add ("siteMapFile", "~/test_map_09.sitemap"); provider.Initialize ("TestMap", nvc); var rn = provider.RootNode; //TODO: find out what happens to non-standard attributes //SiteMapNode node = rn.ChildNodes[0]; //Assert.IsNotNull (node, "#A1"); //Assert.AreEqual ("some, keyword, another, one", node["keywords"], "#A1-1"); //node = rn.ChildNodes[1]; //Assert.IsNotNull (node, "#B1"); //Assert.AreEqual("value", node["someattribute"], "#B1-1"); } } class XmlSiteMapProviderPoker : XmlSiteMapProvider { public MethodBase[] CallTrace { get; set; } public void DoAddNode (SiteMapNode node, SiteMapNode parentNode) { AddNode (node, parentNode); } public override SiteMapNode BuildSiteMap () { StoreCallTrace (); return base.BuildSiteMap (); } public string GetTreeString () { var sb = new StringBuilder (); int untitled_counter = 0; BuildTreeString (RootNode, sb, 0, ref untitled_counter); return sb.ToString (); } void BuildTreeString (SiteMapNode top, StringBuilder sb, int level, ref int untitled_counter) { string title = top.Title; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) title = "UNTITLED_" + untitled_counter++; SiteMapProvider provider = top.Provider; if (provider != this) { if (provider == null) title += " [NULL_PROVIDER]"; else { string name = provider.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) title += " [" + provider.GetType () + "]"; else title += " [" + name + "]"; } } if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append ("; "); sb.Append (title + "[" + level + "]"); SiteMapNodeCollection childNodes = top.ChildNodes; if (childNodes != null && childNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (SiteMapNode child in childNodes) BuildTreeString (child, sb, level + 1, ref untitled_counter); } } void StoreCallTrace () { CallTrace = null; StackFrame[] frames = new StackTrace (1).GetFrames (); var frameMethods = new List (); int i = 0; foreach (StackFrame sf in frames) frameMethods.Add (sf.GetMethod ()); CallTrace = frameMethods.ToArray (); } } }