System.Web The interface is implemented by classes that represent nodes of a hierarchical structure, and track the hierarchical relationships to their parent and child nodes. Classes that implement the interface can be contained in collections that implement the interface. Exposes a node of a hierarchical data structure, including the node object and some properties that describe characteristics of the node. Objects that implement the interface can be contained in collections, and are used by ASP.NET site navigation and data source controls. Method System.Web.UI.IHierarchicalEnumerable You can use the property to determine whether the node has child nodes. Gets an enumeration object that represents all the child nodes of the current hierarchical node. An collection of child nodes of the current hierarchical node. Method System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData The interface does not define a HasParent convenience property, so callers must check the return value of the method for null to determine whether the current node is the root node of the hierarchical data structure to which the node belongs. Gets an object that represents the parent node of the current hierarchical node. An object that represents the parent node of the current hierarchical node. Property System.Boolean To be added. The property is a convenience property that enables callers to avoid checking the return value of the method for null. If the property returns true, call the method to retrieve an collection of child nodes. Indicates whether the hierarchical data node that the object represents has any child nodes. Property System.Object To be added. While many classes that represent hierarchical data nodes, such as the class, implement the interface directly, other classes only act as a wrapper for a class that does not implement the interface. The property is provided for these design situations, when business objects are functionally equivalent to an object but cannot be redesigned easily. Gets the hierarchical data node that the object represents. Property System.String To be added. The property can be passed to the method to retrieve the object that corresponds to the node identified by . The property should not contain any sensitive information about the host environment, because it might be rendered to the client in a data-bound control. Gets the hierarchical path of the node. Property System.String To be added. The property does not return the of the object represented in an object. It returns a name used by data-bound controls to differentiate between items in a hierarchy that have different bindable properties. Gets the name of the type of contained in the property.