System.Web System.Object System.Web.UI.IStateManager System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter)) You cannot directly create instances of the abstract class. Instead, this class is inherited by the , , and classes to provide the common basic functionality for a hot spot. You must derive from the class to create a custom hot spot class that represents a unique shape that you define. However, you can define most shapes using the , , and classes. When a in an control is clicked, the page either navigates to a URL, generates a postback to the server, or does nothing. The property specifies this behavior. To navigate to a URL, set the property to HotSpotMode.Navigate. Use the property to specify the URL to navigate to. To post back to the server, set the property to HotSpotMode.PostBack. Use the property to specify a name for the object. This name will be passed in the event data when the object is clicked. If you want the object to have no behavior set the property to HotSpotMode.Inactive. Alternately, you can use the property on the containing control to specify a object's behavior. For more information, see . Implements the basic functionality common to all hot spot shapes. Constructor This constructor is called by derived class constructors to initialize state in this type. The class is abstract and therefore cannot be instantiated directly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("") System.ComponentModel.Localizable(true) System.String To be added. Use the property to specify the keyboard shortcut for a region. This allows you to navigate quickly to the region by pressing the ALT key and the key for the specified character on the keyboard. For example, setting the access key of a region to the string "D" indicates that the user can navigate to the control by pressing ALT+D. Only a single character string is allowed for the property. If you attempt to set this property to a value that is neither null, , nor a single character string, an exception is thrown. This property is supported only in Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. The value of this property, when set, can be saved automatically to a resource file by using a designer tool. For more information, see and ASP.NET Globalization and Localization. Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the region. Property System.ComponentModel.Bindable(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("") System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentProperty(true) System.ComponentModel.Localizable(true) System.String To be added. Use the property to specify the text to display for a object in an control when the image specified by the property is unavailable. When an control is rendered to a browser that does not support images, instead of displaying an image, it renders a hyperlink for each in the control. The control retrieves the text to display for each hyperlink from the property for each . When a user clicks one of the hyperlinks, it behaves like a by either navigating to a specified URL, generating a postback to the server, or doing nothing. When the control renders to a browser that supports the ToolTips feature, the value of the property is displayed as a ToolTip for the . The value of this property, when set, can be saved automatically to a resource file by using a designer tool. For more information, see and ASP.NET Globalization and Localization. Gets or sets the alternate text to display for a object in an control when the image is unavailable or renders to a browser that does not support images. Method System.String When overridden in a derived class, the method returns the string representation of the coordinates of the region. When overridden in a derived class, returns a string that represents the coordinates of the region. A string that represents the coordinates of the region. Property System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentProperty(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(System.Web.UI.WebControls.HotSpotMode.NotSet) System.Web.UI.WebControls.HotSpotMode To be added. Use the property to specify the behavior of a object in an control when the is clicked. This property is set using one of the enumeration values. The following table lists the possible values. Value Description NotSet The uses the behavior set by the control's property. If the control does not define the behavior, the objects navigate to a URL. Inactive The does not have any behavior. Navigate The navigates to a URL. PostBack The generates a postback to the server. You can specify behavior on either the property of the control or on the property of each individual object. If both properties are set, the property specified on each individual object takes precedence over the property on the control. If you specify HotSpotMode.NotSet for the property of an individual object, the gets its behavior from the containing control's property. In this scenario, if the control's property is either not set to a value or is set to HotSpotMode.NotSet, the default behavior is to navigate to a URL. If you specify HotSpotMode.Navigate for the property of a object, the object navigates to a URL when the hot spot region is clicked. Use the property to specify the URL to navigate to. If you specify HotSpotMode.PostBack for the property of a object, the object generates a post back to the server when the is clicked. Use the property to specify a name for the . This name will be passed in the event data on when a postback event occurs. When a postback is clicked, the event is raised. To programmatically control the actions performed when a postback is clicked, provide an event handler for the event. To cause all objects in an control to have the same behavior, set the property on each individual object to HotSpotMode.NotSet or do not specify a value for the property. To specify different behaviors for objects in an control, set the property on each individual object to either HotSpotMode.Navigate, HotSpotMode.PostBack, or HotSpotMode.Inactive. If an control's property or the property on the objects it contains is either not set to a value or set to HotSpotMode.NotSet, by default the behavior is HotSpotMode.Navigate. If you specify HotSpotMode.Inactive for the property, the object does not have any behavior when it is clicked. You can use this value to create an inactive hot spot within a larger active hot spot. This option is provided to allow you to create more complex hot-spot zones within an control. To create an inactive area within an active hot spot, you must specify the inactive hot spot before the active hot spot in the control. For example, the following defines an active ring by specifying an inactive circular hot spot within a larger active circular hot spot: <asp:ImageMap ID="SaturnImage" ImageUrl="~/saturn.PNG" runat="server" OnClick="SaturnImage_Click"> <asp:CircleHotSpot AlternateText="planet" HotSpotMode=PostBack PostBackValue="planet" Radius=40 X=100 Y=100 /> <asp:CircleHotSpot HotSpotMode=Inactive Radius=60 X=100 Y=100 /> <asp:CircleHotSpot AlternateText="rings" HotSpotMode=PostBack PostBackValue="rings" Radius=80 X=100 Y=100 /> </asp:ImageMap> Gets or sets the behavior of a object in an control when the is clicked. Property System.Boolean To be added. The member is used primarily by control developers when deriving a custom implementation from the class. Gets a value indicating whether the object is tracking its view-state changes. Method System.Void This method is used primarily by the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. However, control developers can override this method to specify how a custom server control restores its view state. For more information, see ASP.NET State Management Overview. The method is used primarily by control developers when deriving a custom implementation from the class. This method restores view-state information for the object from a previous page request that was saved by the method. Restores the object's previously saved view state to the object. An that represents the object to restore. Property System.String To be added. The member is used primarily by control developers when deriving a custom implementation from the class. When overridden in a derived class, the property gets a string that represents the name of the object's shape. When overridden in a derived class, gets the string representation for the object's shape. Property System.Web.UI.UrlProperty System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentProperty(true) System.ComponentModel.Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a") System.ComponentModel.Bindable(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("") System.String To be added. Use the property to specify the URL to navigate to when a object is clicked. This property has an effect only when the property is set to HotSpotMode.Navigate, to navigate to a URL. Gets or sets the URL to navigate to when a object is clicked. Property System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentProperty(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("") System.ComponentModel.Bindable(true) System.String To be added. Use the property to specify a name for a object. This name will be passed in the event data when the is clicked. This property has an effect only when the property is set to HotSpotMode.PostBack, to generate a postback to the server. To programmatically control the actions performed when a object is clicked, provide an event handler for the event. Gets or sets the name of the object to pass in the event data when the is clicked. Method System.Object The member is used primarily by control developers when deriving a custom implementation from the class. View state is the accumulation of the values of a server control's properties. These values are automatically placed in the server control's property, which is an instance of the class. This property's value is then persisted to a string object after the save state stage of the server control's life cycle. For more information, see ASP.NET Application Life Cycle Overview. When view state is saved, this string object is returned to the client as a variable that is stored in a hidden HTML input element. When you author custom server controls, you can improve efficiency by overriding this method and modifying your server control's ViewState property. For more information, see ASP.NET State Management Overview. Saves the changes to the object's view state since the time the page was posted back to the server. The that contains the changes to the object's view state. If no view state is associated with the object, this method returns null. Property System.Boolean To be added. Typically, you should use the member to determine whether a object is tracking view-state changes. The member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when a instance is cast to an interface. Gets a value indicating whether the object is tracking its view-state changes. Method System.Void Typically, you should use the member to restore the view state for a object. The member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when a instance is cast to an interface. Restores the object's previously saved view state to the object. An that contains the saved view state values for the object to restore. Method System.Object Typically, you should use the method to save the view state for the region. The method is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when a instance is cast to an interface. Saves the changes to the object's view state since the last time the page was posted back to the server. The that contains the changes to the object's view state. Method System.Void Typically, you should use the method to start tracking view-state changes for the region. The method is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when a instance is cast to an interface. Instructs the region to track changes to its view state. Property System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(0) System.Int16 To be added. Use the property to specify or determine the tab index of a region on the Web Forms page. When you press the TAB key, the order in which the Web server controls receive focus is determined by the property of each control. When a page is initially loaded, the first item that receives focus when the TAB key is pressed is the address bar. Next, the controls on the Web Forms page are tabbed to in ascending order, based on the value of the property of each control, starting with the smallest positive, nonzero value. If multiple controls share the same tab index, the controls will receive focus in the order they are declared on the Web Forms page. Finally, controls that have a tab index of zero are tabbed to in the order they are declared. Only controls with a nonzero tab index will render the tabindex attribute. You can remove a region from the tab order by setting the property to a negative value. This property is supported only in Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. Gets or sets the tab index of the region. Property System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.Web.UI.WebControls.TargetConverter)) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("") System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentProperty(true) System.String To be added. Use the property to specify the frame or window that displays the Web page linked to when a object that navigates to a URL is clicked. This property has an effect only when the property is set to HotSpotMode.Navigate, to navigate to a URL. If this property is not set, the browser or window with focus refreshes when the object is clicked. The property renders as a target attribute. The target attribute on ANCHOR elements is not allowed in the XHTML 1.1 document type definition. Do not set the property if the rendered output for the must be XHTML 1.1 compliant. For more information, refer to the topic ASP.NET and XHTML Compliance. We strongly recommend that, when creating accessible Web pages, you avoid using the property to target another window. For more information, see ASP.NET Accessibility. The value must begin with a letter in the range of A to Z (case-insensitive), except for the following special values, which begin with an underscore. Target value Description _blank Renders the content in a new window without frames. _parent Renders the content in the immediate frameset parent. _search Renders the content in the search pane. _self Renders the content in the frame with focus. _top Renders the content in the full window without frames. Check your browser documentation to determine whether the _search value is supported. For example, Internet Explorer 5.0 or later supports the _search target value. Gets or sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when a object that navigates to a URL is clicked. Method System.String The method returns a string that represents the current object. For example, if the current is an instance of the class, calling this method returns the string "CircleHotSpot". Returns the representation of this instance of a object. A string that represents this object. Method System.Void The member is used primarily by control developers when deriving a custom implementation from the class. This method is called automatically by ASP.NET when the object is initialized. Causes the object to track changes to its view state so they can be stored in the object's object. This object is accessible through the property. Property System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility(System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false) System.Web.UI.StateBag To be added. The member is used primarily by control developers when deriving a custom implementation from the class. A server control's view state is the accumulation of all its property values. In order to preserve these values across HTTP requests, ASP.NET server controls use the property, which is an instance of the class, to store the property values. The values are then passed as a variable to a hidden HTML element when subsequent requests are processed. For more information about saving server control view state, see ASP.NET State Management Overview. View state is enabled for all server controls by default, but there are circumstances in which you will want to disable it. For more information, see Performance Overview. For information about dictionaries and how to use them, see Collections and Data Structures. Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a object across multiple requests for the same page.