System.Web System.EventArgs The event occurs before a control is added to a page. There are a number of common scenarios where a control can be added to a page. For a full description of these, see the Remarks section for the method. The class provides access to properties about the Web Parts control being added to the page. When a control is added, it must be checked to see whether its property has been set and, if so, whether the control is authorized to be added to the page. Provides data for the event. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. The of the control being checked for authorization. The relative application path to the source file for the control being authorized, if the control is a user control. An arbitrary string value assigned to the property of a control, used for authorizing whether a control can be added to a page. Indicates whether the control being checked for authorization is a shared control, meaning that it is visible to many or all users of the application, and its property value is set to true. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the string value assigned to the property of a control, used for authorizing whether a control can be added to a page. Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the value indicating whether a Web Parts control can be added to a page. Property System.Boolean To be added. A shared Web Parts control is visible to all users of a Web page. The opposite of a shared control is a per-user control, which is user-specific and is visible only to the user who added that control to the page. If a dynamic control is added while a user is viewing the page in shared personalization scope, the control will be shared. If the control is added while the user is in user personalization scope, the property value for that control will be false. For more information about shared and per-user controls, see Web Parts Personalization. Gets a value that indicates whether a Web Parts control is visible to all users of a Web Parts page. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the relative application path to the source file for the control being authorized, if the control is a user control. Property System.Type To be added. To be added. Gets the of the Web Parts control being checked for authorization.