/* * uni2tab.c - Convert Unicode data files into CJK conversion tables. * * Copyright (c) 2002 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * * Usage: uni2tab * * Required files from ftp.unicode.org: Unihan.txt, CP932.TXT * * Unihan.txt and CP932.TXT can be found at: * ftp://www.unicode.org/Public/5.0.0/ucd/Unihan.txt * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP932.TXT */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * Forward declarations. */ static void convertLine(char *buf); static void convertSJISLine(char *buf); static int createTables(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; int error; /* Load the relevant contents from the Unihan.txt file */ if((file = fopen("Unihan.txt", "r")) == NULL) { perror("Unihan.txt"); return 1; } while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file)) { if(buffer[0] == 'U' && buffer[1] == '+') { convertLine(buffer + 2); } } fclose(file); /* Load the relevant contents from the CP932.TXT file, to get mappings for non-CJK characters */ if((file = fopen("CP932.TXT", "r")) == NULL) { perror("CP932.TXT"); return 1; } while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file)) { if(buffer[0] == '0' && buffer[1] == 'x') { convertSJISLine(buffer + 2); } } fclose(file); /* Create the output tables */ error = createTables(); /* Clean up and exit */ return error; } /* * Parse a hexadecimal value. Returns the length * of the value that was parsed. */ static int parseHex(const char *buf, unsigned long *value) { int len = 0; char ch; *value = 0; while((ch = buf[len]) != '\0') { if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { *value = *value * 16 + (unsigned long)(ch - '0'); } else if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { *value = *value * 16 + (unsigned long)(ch - 'A' + 10); } else if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { *value = *value * 16 + (unsigned long)(ch - 'a' + 10); } else { break; } ++len; } return len; } /* * Parse "ku" and "ten" values from a buffer. */ static void parseKuTen(const char *buf, int *ku, int *ten) { int value = 0; while(*buf >= '0' && *buf <= '9') { value = value * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'); } *ku = value / 100; *ten = value % 100; } /* * Tables. */ static unsigned short jisx0208ToUnicode[94*94]; static unsigned short jisx0212ToUnicode[94*94]; static unsigned short unicodeToJis[65536]; static unsigned short greekToJis[0x451 - 0x0391 + 1]; static unsigned short extraToJis[0xFFEF - 0xFF01 + 1]; static unsigned long lowJis = 0xFFFF; static unsigned long highJis = 0x0000; /* * Process a JIS X 0208 sequence by ku and ten values. */ static void processJis0208(unsigned long code, int ku, int ten) { int offset = (ku - 1) * 94 + (ten - 1); jisx0208ToUnicode[offset] = (unsigned short)code; unicodeToJis[code] = (unsigned short)(offset + 0x0100); if(code < lowJis) { lowJis = code; } if(code > highJis) { highJis = code; } } /* * Process a JIS X 0212 sequence by ku and ten values. */ static void processJis0212(unsigned long code, int ku, int ten) { int offset = (ku - 1) * 94 + (ten - 1); jisx0212ToUnicode[offset] = (unsigned short)code; unicodeToJis[code] = (unsigned short)(offset + 0x8000); if(code < lowJis) { lowJis = code; } if(code > highJis) { highJis = code; } } /* * Convert an input line into table entries. */ static void convertLine(char *buf) { unsigned long code; const char *key; int ku, ten; /* Parse the hex name of the Unicode character */ buf += parseHex(buf, &code); if(code >= 0x10000) { /* Cannot handle surrogate-based CJK characters yet */ return; } /* Skip to the key name */ while(*buf != '\0' && *buf != 'k') { ++buf; } if(*buf == '\0') { return; } /* Extract the key name from the buffer */ key = buf; while(*buf != '\0' && *buf != ' ' && *buf != '\t') { ++buf; } if(*buf == '\0') { return; } *buf++ = '\0'; /* Skip to the value field */ while(*buf != '\0' && (*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t' || *buf == '\r' || *buf == '\n')) { ++buf; } if(*buf == '\0') { return; } /* Determine what to do based on the key */ if(!strcmp(key, "kJis0")) { parseKuTen(buf, &ku, &ten); processJis0208(code, ku, ten); } else if(!strcmp(key, "kJis1")) { parseKuTen(buf, &ku, &ten); processJis0212(code, ku, ten); } } /* * Convert a line from the "CP932.TXT" file. */ static void convertSJISLine(char *buf) { unsigned long sjis; unsigned long code; int ch1, ch2; int offset; /* Read the Shift-JIS code point */ buf += parseHex(buf, &sjis); if(sjis < 0x8000) { return; } while(*buf != '\0' && (*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t' || *buf == '\r' || *buf == '\n')) { ++buf; } if(*buf != '0' || buf[1] != 'x') { return; } buf += 2; /* Read the Unicode code point */ buf += parseHex(buf, &code); /* Convert the Shift-JIS code point into a JIS kuten value */ ch1 = (int)(sjis >> 8); ch2 = (int)(sjis & 0xFF); if(ch1 >= 0x81 && ch1 <= 0x9F) { offset = (ch1 - 0x81) * 0xBC; } else if(ch1 >= 0xE0 && ch1 <= 0xEF) { offset = (ch1 - 0xE0 + (0xA0 - 0x81)) * 0xBC; } else { /* Invalid first byte */ return; } if(ch2 >= 0x40 && ch2 <= 0x7E) { offset += (ch2 - 0x40); } else if(ch2 >= 0x80 && ch2 <= 0xFC) { offset += (ch2 - 0x80 + 0x3F); } else { /* Invalid second byte */ return; } /* Process the kuten value */ if(code >= 0x0391 && code <= 0x0451) { /* Greek subset */ greekToJis[code - 0x0391] = (unsigned short)(offset + 0x0100); /* This is required to decode Extra subset to Unicode!! */ jisx0208ToUnicode[offset] = (unsigned short)code; } else if(code >= 0xFF01 && code <= 0xFFEF) { /* Extra subset */ extraToJis[code - 0xFF01] = (unsigned short)(offset + 0x0100); /* This is required to decode Extra subset to Unicode!! */ jisx0208ToUnicode[offset] = (unsigned short)code; } else if(code >= 0x0100 && code < 0x4E00) { /* Non-CJK characters within JIS */ processJis0208(code, (offset / 94) + 1, (offset % 94) + 1); } else if(code >= 0x00A7 && code <= 0x00F7) { /* Non-CJK characters within JIS for which unicodeToJis should not be * edited. In addition to this, do not track lowJis and highJis. */ jisx0208ToUnicode[offset] = (unsigned short)(code & 0xFF); jisx0208ToUnicode[offset + 1] = (((unsigned short)(code & 0x00FF)) >> 8); } } /* * Write a section header. */ static void writeSection(FILE *file, unsigned long num, unsigned long size) { putc((int)(num & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((num >> 8) & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((num >> 16) & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((num >> 24) & 0xFF), file); putc((int)(size & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((size >> 8) & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((size >> 16) & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((size >> 24) & 0xFF), file); } /* * Write an array of 16-bit data values. */ static void writeData(FILE *file, unsigned short *data, unsigned long size) { while(size > 0) { putc((int)(*data & 0xFF), file); putc((int)((*data >> 8) & 0xFF), file); ++data; --size; } } /* * Section numbers for the JIS table. */ #define JISX0208_To_Unicode 1 #define JISX0212_To_Unicode 2 #define CJK_To_JIS 3 #define Greek_To_JIS 4 #define Extra_To_JIS 5 /* * Write the JIS table file. */ static void writeJis(FILE *file) { unsigned long size; /* Write the JIS X 0208 to Unicode conversion table */ writeSection(file, JISX0208_To_Unicode, 94 * 94 * 2); writeData(file, jisx0208ToUnicode, 94 * 94); /* Write the JIS X 0212 to Unicode conversion table */ writeSection(file, JISX0212_To_Unicode, 94 * 94 * 2); writeData(file, jisx0212ToUnicode, 94 * 94); /* Write the Unicode to JIS conversion table */ size = highJis - lowJis + 1; writeSection(file, CJK_To_JIS, size * 2); writeData(file, unicodeToJis + lowJis, size); printf("JIS: U+%04lX to U+%04lX\n", lowJis, highJis); /* Write the Greek to JIS conversion table */ writeSection(file, Greek_To_JIS, sizeof(greekToJis)); writeData(file, greekToJis, sizeof(greekToJis) / 2); /* Write the Extra to JIS conversion table */ writeSection(file, Extra_To_JIS, sizeof(extraToJis)); writeData(file, extraToJis, sizeof(extraToJis) / 2); } /* * Create all of the tables that we need based on the Unihan.txt file. */ static int createTables(void) { FILE *file; /* Create the JIS conversion table */ if((file = fopen("jis.table", "wb")) == NULL) { if((file = fopen("jis.table", "wb")) == NULL) { perror("jis.table"); return 1; } } writeJis(file); fclose(file); /* Done */ return 0; }