using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; namespace System.Web.DynamicData.ModelProviders { internal sealed class EFColumnProvider : ColumnProvider { private EFTableProvider _table; private EFAssociationProvider _association; private bool _isAssociation; private bool _isSortableProcessed; private const string StoreGeneratedMetadata = ""; public EFColumnProvider(EntityType entityType, EFTableProvider table, EdmMember m, bool isPrimaryKey) : base(table) { EdmMember = m; IsPrimaryKey = isPrimaryKey; _table = table; MaxLength = 0; Name = EdmMember.Name; // IsCustomProperty = false; // var property = EdmMember as EdmProperty; if (property != null) { IsForeignKeyComponent = DetermineIsForeignKeyComponent(property); IsGenerated = IsServerGenerated(property); } ProcessFacets(); var navProp = m as NavigationProperty; if (navProp != null) { _isAssociation = true; long key = EFAssociationProvider.BuildRelationshipKey(entityType, navProp.FromEndMember); ((EFDataModelProvider)table.DataModel).RelationshipEndLookup[key] = this; } } private bool DetermineIsForeignKeyComponent(EdmProperty property) { var navigationProperties = property.DeclaringType.Members.OfType<NavigationProperty>(); // Look at all NavigationProperties (i.e. strongly-type relationship columns) of the table this column belong to and // see if there is a foreign key that matches this property // If this is a 1 to 0..1 relationship and we are processing the more primary side. i.e in the Student in Student-StudentDetail // and this is the primary key we don't want to check the relationship type since if there are no constraints we will treat the primary key as a foreign key. return navigationProperties.Any(n => EFAssociationProvider.GetDependentPropertyNames(n, !IsPrimaryKey /* checkRelationshipType */).Contains(property.Name)); } private static bool IsServerGenerated(EdmProperty property) { MetadataProperty generated; if (property.MetadataProperties.TryGetValue(StoreGeneratedMetadata, false, out generated)) { return "Identity" == (string)generated.Value || "Computed" == (string)generated.Value; } return false; } private void ProcessFacets() { foreach (Facet facet in EdmMember.TypeUsage.Facets) { switch (facet.Name) { case "MaxLength": if (facet.IsUnbounded) { // If it's marked as unbounded, treat it as max int MaxLength = Int32.MaxValue; } else if (facet.Value != null && facet.Value is int) { MaxLength = (int)facet.Value; } break; case "Nullable": Nullable = (bool)facet.Value; break; } } } internal EdmMember EdmMember { get; private set; } #region IEntityMember Members public override PropertyInfo EntityTypeProperty { // get { return _table.EntityType.GetProperty(Name); } } public override Type ColumnType { get { if (base.ColumnType == null) { // var edmType = EdmMember.TypeUsage.EdmType; if (edmType is EntityType) { base.ColumnType = ((EFDataModelProvider)this.Table.DataModel).GetClrType(edmType); } else if (edmType is CollectionType) { // get the EdmType that this CollectionType is wrapping base.ColumnType = ((EFDataModelProvider)this.Table.DataModel).GetClrType(((CollectionType)edmType).TypeUsage.EdmType); } else if (edmType is PrimitiveType) { base.ColumnType = ((PrimitiveType)edmType).ClrEquivalentType; } else if (edmType is EnumType) { base.ColumnType = ((EFDataModelProvider)this.Table.DataModel).GetClrType((EnumType)edmType); } else { Debug.Assert(false, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unknown EdmType {0}.", edmType.GetType().FullName)); } } return base.ColumnType; } } public override bool IsSortable { get { if (!_isSortableProcessed) { base.IsSortable = (ColumnType != typeof(byte[])); _isSortableProcessed = true; } return base.IsSortable; } } public override AssociationProvider Association { get { if (!_isAssociation) { return null; } if (_association == null) { _association = new EFAssociationProvider(this, (NavigationProperty)EdmMember); } return _association; } } #endregion internal static bool IsSupportedEdmMemberType(EdmMember member) { var edmType = member.TypeUsage.EdmType; return edmType is EntityType || edmType is CollectionType || edmType is PrimitiveType || edmType is EnumType; } } }