// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// @owner=alexgor, deliant
// File: Matrix3D.cs
// Namespace: DataVisualization.Charting
// Classes: Matrix3D
// Purpose: Matrix3D class is used during the 3D drawings to
// transform plotting area 3D coordinates into the 2D
// projection coordinates based on rotation and
// perspective settings.
// Reviewed: AG - Dec 4, 2002
// AG - Microsoft 14, 2007
#region Used namespaces
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
#if Microsoft_CONTROL
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartTypes;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Borders3D;
//using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities;
//using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Borders3D;
#if Microsoft_CONTROL
namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting
/// This class is responsible for all 3D coordinates transformations: Translation,
/// Rotation, Scale, Perspective and RightAngle Projection. Translation
/// and rotation are stored in composite matrix (mainMatrix), and scaling,
/// projection and non-composite translation are stored in private fields.
/// Matrix is initialized with Chart Area 3D cube, which is invisible boundary
/// cube of 3D Chart area. The matrix has to be initialized every time
/// when angles, position or perspective parameters are changed. Method
/// TransformPoints will apply 3D Transformation on points using
/// Initialization values: Main matrix and other initialization values.
internal class Matrix3D
#region Enumerations
/// 3D Axis used for rotation
private enum RotationAxis
/// Rotation around X axis.
/// Rotation around Y axis.
/// Rotation around Z axis.
#endregion // Enumerations
#region Fields
/// Composite matrix.
private float [][] _mainMatrix;
/// Default translation for chart area cube ( without composition ).
private float _translateX;
/// Default translation for chart area cube ( without composition ).
private float _translateY;
/// Default translation for chart area cube ( without composition ).
private float _translateZ;
/// The value, which is used to rescale chart area.
private float _scale;
/// The value used for Isometric Shift.
private float _shiftX;
/// The value used for Isometric Shift.
private float _shiftY;
/// Perspective value.
internal float _perspective;
/// Isometric projection.
private bool _rightAngleAxis;
/// The value, which is used for perspective.
private float _perspectiveFactor = float.NaN;
/// The value, which is used to set projection plane.
private float _perspectiveZ;
/// X Angle.
private float _angleX;
/// Y Angle.
private float _angleY;
/// Private fields used for lighting
Point3D [] _lightVectors = new Point3D[7];
/// LightStyle Style
LightStyle _lightStyle;
#endregion // Fields
#region Properties
/// Gets the X Angle.
internal float AngleX
get { return _angleX; }
/// Gets the Y Angle.
internal float AngleY
get { return _angleY; }
/// Get perspective value.
internal float Perspective
get { return _perspective; }
#endregion // Properties
#region Internal and Public Methods
/// Constructor for Matrix 3D
public Matrix3D()
/// Checks if 3D matrix was initialized.
/// True if matrix was initialized.
public bool IsInitialized()
return (this._mainMatrix != null);
/// Initialize Matrix 3D. This method calculates how much a chart area
/// cube has to be resized to fit Inner Plotting Area rectangle. Order
/// of operation is following: Translation for X and Y axes, Rotation
/// by X-axis, Rotation by Y-axis and same scaling for all axes. All
/// other elements, which belongs to this chart area cube (Data points,
/// grid lines etc.) has to follow same order. Translation and rotation
/// form composite matrix mainMatrix. Scale has to be allied separately.
/// Inner Plotting Area position. Chart area cube has to be inside this rectangle
/// Depth of chart area cube
/// Angle of rotation by X axis.
/// Angle of rotation by Y axis.
/// Perspective in percentages
/// Right angle flag.
internal void Initialize(
RectangleF innerPlotRectangle,
float depth,
float angleX,
float angleY,
float perspective,
bool rightAngleAxis )
// Initialization for mainMatrix
// Remember non-composite translation
_translateX = innerPlotRectangle.X+innerPlotRectangle.Width/2;
_translateY = innerPlotRectangle.Y+innerPlotRectangle.Height/2;
_translateZ = depth / 2F;
float width = innerPlotRectangle.Width;
float height = innerPlotRectangle.Height;
this._perspective = perspective;
this._rightAngleAxis = rightAngleAxis;
// Remember Angles
this._angleX = angleX;
this._angleY = angleY;
// Change Degrees to radians.
angleX = angleX / 180F * (float)Math.PI;
angleY = angleY / 180F * (float)Math.PI;
// Set points for 3D Bar which represents 3D Chart Area Cube.
Point3D [] points = Set3DBarPoints( width, height, depth );
Translate( _translateX, _translateY, 0 );
// Non Isometric projection
if( !rightAngleAxis )
// Rotate Chart Area Cube by X axis.
Rotate( angleX, RotationAxis.X );
// Rotate Chart Area Cube by Y axis.
Rotate( angleY, RotationAxis.Y );
if( this._angleY >= 45 )
// Rotate Chart Area Cube by Y axis.
Rotate( Math.PI / 2, RotationAxis.Y );
else if( this._angleY <= -45 )
// Rotate Chart Area Cube by Y axis.
Rotate( -Math.PI / 2, RotationAxis.Y );
// Apply composed transformation ( Translation and rotation ).
GetValues( points );
float maxZ = float.MinValue;
if( perspective != 0F || rightAngleAxis )
// Find projection plane
foreach( Point3D point in points )
if( point.Z > maxZ )
maxZ = point.Z;
// Set Projection plane
_perspectiveZ = maxZ;
if( perspective != 0F )
_perspectiveFactor = perspective / 2000F;
// Apply perspective
ApplyPerspective( points );
// Isometric projection is active
if( rightAngleAxis )
RightAngleProjection( points );
float minX = 0F;
float minY = 0F;
float maxX = 0F;
float maxY = 0F;
// Point loop
foreach( Point3D point in points )
if( point.X - _translateX < 0F && Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX ) > minX )
minX = Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX );
if( point.X - _translateX >=0F && Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX ) > maxX )
maxX = Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX );
if( point.Y - _translateY < 0F && Math.Abs( point.Y - _translateY ) > minY )
minY = Math.Abs( point.Y - _translateY );
if( point.Y - _translateY >=0F && Math.Abs( point.Y - _translateY ) > maxY )
maxY = Math.Abs( point.Y - _translateY );
_shiftX = (maxX - minX)/2F;
_shiftY = (maxY - minY)/2F;
RightAngleShift( points );
// This code searches for value, which will be used for scaling.
float maxXScale = float.MinValue;
float maxYScale = float.MinValue;
foreach( Point3D point in points )
// Find maximum relative distance for X axis.
// Relative distance is (distance from the center of plotting area
// position) / (distance from the edge of rectangle to
// the center of the rectangle).
if( maxXScale < Math.Abs(point.X - _translateX) / width * 2 )
maxXScale = Math.Abs(point.X - _translateX) / width * 2;
// Find maximum relative distance for Y axis.
if( maxYScale < Math.Abs(point.Y - _translateY) / height * 2 )
maxYScale = Math.Abs(point.Y - _translateY) / height * 2;
// Remember scale factor
_scale = (maxYScale > maxXScale ) ? maxYScale : maxXScale;
// Apply scaling
Scale( points );
/// Apply transformations on array od 3D Points. Order of operation is
/// following: Translation ( Set coordinate system for 0:100 to -50:50
/// Center of rotation is always 0), Composite Translation for X and Y
/// axes ( Moving center of rotation ), Rotation by X-axis, Rotation
/// by Y-axis, perspective and same scaling for all axes.
/// 3D Points array.
public void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points )
TransformPoints( points, true );
/// This Method returns scale factor
internal float GetScale()
return scale;
#endif //RS_DEADCODE
#endregion // Internal and Public Methods
#region Private Methods
/// Apply transformations on array od 3D Points. Order of operation is
/// following: Translation ( Set coordinate system for 0:100 to -50:50
/// Center of rotation is always 0), Composite Translation for X and Y
/// axes ( Moving center of rotation ), Rotation by X-axis, Rotation
/// by Y-axis, perspective and same scaling for all axes.
/// 3D Points array.
/// Applay Perspective
private void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points, bool withPerspective )
// Matrix is not initialized.
if( _mainMatrix == null )
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExceptionMatrix3DNotinitialized);
// Translate point. CENTER OF ROTATION is 0 and that center is in
// the middle of chart area 3D CUBE. Translate method cannot
// be used because composite translation WILL MOVE
foreach( Point3D point in points )
point.X -= _translateX;
point.Y -= _translateY;
point.Z -= _translateZ;
// Transform points using composite mainMatrix. (Translation of points together with
// Center of rotation and rotations by X and Y axes).
GetValues( points );
// Apply perspective
if( _perspective != 0F && withPerspective )
ApplyPerspective( points );
// RightAngle Projection
if( _rightAngleAxis )
RightAngleProjection( points );
RightAngleShift( points );
// Scales data points. Scaling has to be performed SEPARATELY from
// composite matrix. If scale is used with composite matrix after
// rotation, scaling will deform object.
Scale( points );
/// This method adjusts a position of 3D Chart Area cube. This
/// method will translate chart for better use of the inner
/// plotting area. Center of rotation is shifted for
/// right Angle projection.
/// 3D Points array.
private void RightAngleShift( Point3D [] points )
foreach( Point3D point in points )
point.X = point.X - _shiftX;
point.Y = point.Y - _shiftY;
/// Method used to calculate right Angle projection.
/// 3D points array.
private void RightAngleProjection( Point3D [] points )
float coorectionAngle = 45F;
float xFactor = this._angleX / 45;
float yFactor;
if( this._angleY >= 45 )
yFactor = (this._angleY - 90) / coorectionAngle;
else if ( this._angleY <= -45 )
yFactor = ( this._angleY + 90 ) / coorectionAngle;
yFactor = this._angleY / coorectionAngle;
// Projection formula
// perspectiveZ - Position of perspective plain.
// Perspective Factor - Intensity of projection.
foreach( Point3D point in points )
point.X = point.X + ( _perspectiveZ - point.Z ) * yFactor;
point.Y = point.Y - ( _perspectiveZ - point.Z ) * xFactor;
/// Method is used for Planar Geometric projection.
/// 3D Points array.
private void ApplyPerspective( Point3D [] points )
// Projection formula
// perspectiveZ - Position of perspective plain.
// perspectiveFactor - Intensity of projection.
foreach( Point3D point in points )
point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / ( 1 + (_perspectiveZ - point.Z) * _perspectiveFactor);
point.Y = _translateY + (point.Y - _translateY) / ( 1 + (_perspectiveZ - point.Z) * _perspectiveFactor);
/// Scales data points. Scaling has to be performed SEPARATELY from
/// composite matrix. If scale is used with composite matrix after
/// rotation, scaling will deform object.
/// 3D Points array.
private void Scale( Point3D [] points )
foreach( Point3D point in points )
point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / _scale;
point.Y = _translateY + (point.Y - _translateY) / _scale;
/// Prepend to this Matrix object a translation. This method is used
/// Translate in x axis direction.
/// Translate in y axis direction.
/// Translate in z axis direction.
private void Translate( float dx, float dy, float dz )
float [][] translationMatrix = new float[4][];
translationMatrix[0] = new float[4];
translationMatrix[1] = new float[4];
translationMatrix[2] = new float[4];
translationMatrix[3] = new float[4];
// Matrix initialization
// Row loop
for( int row = 0; row < 4; row ++ )
// Column loop
for( int column = 0; column < 4; column ++ )
// For initialization: Diagonal matrix elements are equal to one
// and all other elements are equal to zero.
if( row == column )
translationMatrix[row][column] = 1F;
translationMatrix[row][column] = 0F;
// Set translation values to the matrix
translationMatrix[0][3] = dx;
translationMatrix[1][3] = dy;
translationMatrix[2][3] = dz;
// Translate main Matrix
Multiply( translationMatrix, MatrixOrder.Prepend, true );
/// This method initialize and set default values for mainMatrix ( there is no rotation and translation )
private void Reset()
// First element is row and second element is column !!!
_mainMatrix = new float[4][];
_mainMatrix[0] = new float[4];
_mainMatrix[1] = new float[4];
_mainMatrix[2] = new float[4];
_mainMatrix[3] = new float[4];
// Matrix initialization
// Row loop
for( int row = 0; row < 4; row ++ )
// Column loop
for( int column = 0; column < 4; column ++ )
// For initialization: Diagonal matrix elements are equal to one
// and all other elements are equal to zero.
if( row == column )
_mainMatrix[row][column] = 1F;
_mainMatrix[row][column] = 0F;
/// Multiplies this Matrix object by the matrix specified in the
/// matrix parameter, and in the order specified in the order parameter.
/// The Matrix object by which this Matrix object is to be multiplied.
/// The MatrixOrder enumeration that represents the order of the multiplication. If the specified order is MatrixOrder.Prepend, this Matrix object is multiplied by the specified matrix in a prepended order. If the specified order is MatrixOrder.Append, this Matrix object is multiplied by the specified matrix in an appended order.
/// Set main matrix to be result of multiplication
/// Matrix multiplication result.
private float[][] Multiply( float [][] mulMatrix, MatrixOrder order, bool setMainMatrix )
// A matrix which is result of matrix multiplication
// of mulMatrix and mainMatrix
float [][] resultMatrix = new float[4][];
resultMatrix[0] = new float[4];
resultMatrix[1] = new float[4];
resultMatrix[2] = new float[4];
resultMatrix[3] = new float[4];
// Row loop
for( int row = 0; row < 4; row ++ )
// Column loop
for( int column = 0; column < 4; column ++ )
// Initialize element
resultMatrix[row][column ] = 0F;
for( int sumIndx = 0; sumIndx < 4; sumIndx ++ )
// Find matrix element
if( order == MatrixOrder.Prepend )
// Order of matrix multiplication
resultMatrix[row][column ] += _mainMatrix[row][sumIndx ] * mulMatrix[sumIndx][column];
// Order of matrix multiplication
resultMatrix[row][column] += mulMatrix[row][sumIndx] * _mainMatrix[sumIndx][column];
// Set result matrix to be main matrix
if( setMainMatrix )
_mainMatrix = resultMatrix;
return resultMatrix;
/// Multiplies this Matrix object by the Vector specified in the
/// vector parameter.
/// The vector object by which this Matrix object is to be multiplied.
/// Vector which is result of matrix and vector multiplication.
private void MultiplyVector( float [] mulVector, ref float [] resultVector )
// Row loop
for( int row = 0; row < 3; row ++ )
// Initialize element
resultVector[ row ] = 0F;
// Column loop
for( int column = 0; column < 4; column ++ )
// Find matrix element
resultVector[ row ] += _mainMatrix[row][column] * mulVector[ column ];
/// Prepend to this Matrix object a clockwise rotation, around the axis and by the specified angle.
/// Angle to rotate
/// Axis used for rotation
private void Rotate( double angle, RotationAxis axis )
float [][] rotationMatrix = new float[4][];
rotationMatrix[0] = new float[4];
rotationMatrix[1] = new float[4];
rotationMatrix[2] = new float[4];
rotationMatrix[3] = new float[4];
// Change angle direction
angle = -1F * angle;
// Matrix initialization
// Row loop
for( int row = 0; row < 4; row ++ )
// Column loop
for( int column = 0; column < 4; column ++ )
// For initialization: Diagonal matrix elements are equal to one
// and all other elements are equal to zero.
if( row == column )
rotationMatrix[row][column] = 1F;
rotationMatrix[row][column] = 0F;
// Rotation about axis
switch( axis )
// Rotation about X axis
case RotationAxis.X:
rotationMatrix[1][1] = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
rotationMatrix[1][2] = (float)-Math.Sin( angle );
rotationMatrix[2][1] = (float)Math.Sin( angle );
rotationMatrix[2][2] = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
// Rotation about Y axis
case RotationAxis.Y:
rotationMatrix[0][0] = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
rotationMatrix[0][2] = (float)Math.Sin( angle );
rotationMatrix[2][0] = (float)-Math.Sin( angle );
rotationMatrix[2][2] = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
// Rotation about Z axis
case RotationAxis.Z:
rotationMatrix[0][0] = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
rotationMatrix[0][1] = (float)-Math.Sin( angle );
rotationMatrix[1][0] = (float)Math.Sin( angle );
rotationMatrix[1][1] = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
// Rotate Main matrix
Multiply( rotationMatrix, MatrixOrder.Prepend, true );
/// Returns transformed x and y values from x, y and z values
/// and composed main matrix values (All rotations,
/// translations and scaling).
/// Array of 3D points.
private void GetValues( Point3D [] points )
// Create one dimensional matrix (vector)
float [] inputVector = new float[4];
// A vector which is result of matrix and vector multiplication
float [] resultVector = new float[4];
foreach( Point3D point in points )
// Fill input vector with x, y and z coordinates
inputVector[0] = point.X;
inputVector[1] = point.Y;
inputVector[2] = point.Z;
inputVector[3] = 1;
// Apply 3D transformations.
MultiplyVector( inputVector, ref resultVector );
// Return x and y coordinates.
point.X = resultVector[0];
point.Y = resultVector[1];
point.Z = resultVector[2];
/// Set points for 3D Bar which represents 3D Chart Area.
/// Width of the bar 3D.
/// Height of the bar 3D.
/// Depth of the bar 3D.
/// Collection of Points 3D.
private Point3D [] Set3DBarPoints( float dx, float dy, float dz )
Point3D [] points = new Point3D[8];
// ********************************************
// 3D Bar side: Front
// ********************************************
points[0] = new Point3D(-dx/2, -dy/2, dz/2);
points[1] = new Point3D(dx/2, -dy/2, dz/2);
points[2] = new Point3D(dx/2, dy/2, dz/2);
points[3] = new Point3D(-dx/2, dy/2, dz/2);
// ********************************************
// 3D Bar side: Back
// ********************************************
points[4] = new Point3D(-dx/2, -dy/2, -dz/2);
points[5] = new Point3D(dx/2, -dy/2, -dz/2);
points[6] = new Point3D(dx/2, dy/2, -dz/2);
points[7] = new Point3D(-dx/2, dy/2, -dz/2);
return points;
#endregion // Private Methods
#region Lighting Methods
/// Initial Lighting. Use matrix transformation only once
/// for Normal vectors.
/// LightStyle Style
internal void InitLight( LightStyle lightStyle )
// Set LightStyle Style
this._lightStyle = lightStyle;
// Center of rotation
_lightVectors[0] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 0F );
// Front side normal Vector.
_lightVectors[1] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F );
// Back side normal Vector.
_lightVectors[2] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F );
// Left side normal Vector.
_lightVectors[3] = new Point3D( -1F, 0F, 0F );
// Right side normal Vector.
_lightVectors[4] = new Point3D( 1F, 0F, 0F );
// Top side normal Vector.
_lightVectors[5] = new Point3D( 0F, -1F, 0F );
// Bottom side normal Vector.
_lightVectors[6] = new Point3D( 0F, 1F, 0F );
// Apply matrix transformations
TransformPoints( _lightVectors, false );
// ********************************************************
// LightStyle Vector and normal vectors have to have same center.
// Shift Normal vectors.
// ********************************************************
// Front Side shift
_lightVectors[1].X -= _lightVectors[0].X;
_lightVectors[1].Y -= _lightVectors[0].Y;
_lightVectors[1].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z;
// Back Side shift
_lightVectors[2].X -= _lightVectors[0].X;
_lightVectors[2].Y -= _lightVectors[0].Y;
_lightVectors[2].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z;
// Left Side shift
_lightVectors[3].X -= _lightVectors[0].X;
_lightVectors[3].Y -= _lightVectors[0].Y;
_lightVectors[3].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z;
// Right Side shift
_lightVectors[4].X -= _lightVectors[0].X;
_lightVectors[4].Y -= _lightVectors[0].Y;
_lightVectors[4].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z;
// Top Side shift
_lightVectors[5].X -= _lightVectors[0].X;
_lightVectors[5].Y -= _lightVectors[0].Y;
_lightVectors[5].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z;
// Bottom Side shift
_lightVectors[6].X -= _lightVectors[0].X;
_lightVectors[6].Y -= _lightVectors[0].Y;
_lightVectors[6].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z;
/// Return intensity of lightStyle for 3D Cube. There are tree types of lights: None,
/// Simplistic and Realistic. None Style have same lightStyle intensity on
/// all polygons. Normal vector doesn’t have influence on this type
/// of lighting. Simplistic style have lightStyle source, which is
/// rotated together with scene. Realistic lighting have fixed lightStyle
/// source and intensity of lightStyle is change when scene is rotated.
/// Color used for polygons without lighting
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle for Front side of the 3D Rectangle
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle for Back side of the 3D Rectangle
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle for Left side of the 3D Rectangle
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle for Right side of the 3D Rectangle
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle for Top side of the 3D Rectangle
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle for Bottom side of the 3D Rectangle
internal void GetLight( Color surfaceColor, out Color front, out Color back, out Color left, out Color right, out Color top, out Color bottom )
switch( _lightStyle )
// LightStyle style is None
case LightStyle.None:
front = surfaceColor;
left = surfaceColor;
top = surfaceColor;
back = surfaceColor;
right = surfaceColor;
bottom = surfaceColor;
// LightStyle style is Simplistic
case LightStyle.Simplistic:
front = surfaceColor;
left = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.25);
top = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.15);
back = surfaceColor;
right = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.25);
bottom = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.15);
// LightStyle style is Realistic
// For Right Axis angle Realistic lightStyle should be different
if( _rightAngleAxis )
// LightStyle source Vector
Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F );
Point3D [] rightPRpoints = new Point3D[1];
rightPRpoints[0] = lightSource;
// ******************************************************************
// Color correction. Angle between Normal vector of polygon and
// vector of lightStyle source is used.
// ******************************************************************
if( this._angleY >= 45 || this._angleY <= -45 )
front = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[1])/Math.PI );
back = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[2])/Math.PI );
left = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0 );
right = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0 );
front = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0 );
back = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 1 );
left = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[3])/Math.PI );
right = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[4])/Math.PI );
top = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[5])/Math.PI );
bottom = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[6])/Math.PI );
// LightStyle source Vector
Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F );
// ******************************************************************
// Color correction. Angle between Normal vector of polygon and
// vector of lightStyle source is used.
// ******************************************************************
front = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[1])/Math.PI );
back = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[2])/Math.PI );
left = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[3])/Math.PI );
right = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[4])/Math.PI );
top = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[5])/Math.PI );
bottom = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[6])/Math.PI );
/// Return intensity of lightStyle for Polygons. There are tree types of lights: None,
/// Simplistic and Realistic. None Style have same lightStyle intensity on
/// all polygons. Normal vector doesn’t have influence on this type
/// of lighting. Simplistic style have lightStyle source, which is
/// rotated together with scene. Realistic lighting have fixed lightStyle
/// source and intensity of lightStyle is change when scene is rotated.
/// Points of the polygon
/// Color used for polygons without lighting
/// This flag gets information if polygon is visible or not.
/// Y angle ( from -90 to 90 ) Should be used width switchSeriesOrder to get from -180 to 180
/// Used for lighting of front - back and left - right sides
/// Used to calculate real y angle
/// Color corrected with intensity of lightStyle
internal Color GetPolygonLight(Point3D[] points, Color surfaceColor, bool visiblePolygon, float rotation, SurfaceNames surfaceName, bool switchSeriesOrder)
// Corrected color
Color color = surfaceColor;
// Direction of lightStyle source
Point3D lightSource;
lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F );
// There are tree different lightStyle styles: None, Simplistic and realistic.
switch( _lightStyle )
// LightStyle style is None
case LightStyle.None:
// Use same color
// LightStyle style is Simplistic
case LightStyle.Simplistic:
// Find two vectors of polygon
Point3D firstVector = new Point3D();
firstVector.X = points[0].X - points[1].X;
firstVector.Y = points[0].Y - points[1].Y;
firstVector.Z = points[0].Z - points[1].Z;
Point3D secondVector = new Point3D();
secondVector.X = points[2].X - points[1].X;
secondVector.Y = points[2].Y - points[1].Y;
secondVector.Z = points[2].Z - points[1].Z;
// Find Normal vector for Polygon
Point3D normalVector = new Point3D();
normalVector.X = firstVector.Y * secondVector.Z - firstVector.Z * secondVector.Y;
normalVector.Y = firstVector.Z * secondVector.X - firstVector.X * secondVector.Z;
normalVector.Z = firstVector.X * secondVector.Y - firstVector.Y * secondVector.X;
// Polygon is left side ( like side of area chart )
if( surfaceName == SurfaceNames.Left )
color = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.15);
// Polygon is right side ( like side of area chart )
else if( surfaceName == SurfaceNames.Right )
color = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.15);
// Polygon is front side ( like side of area chart )
else if( surfaceName == SurfaceNames.Front )
color = surfaceColor;
// Polygon is back side ( like side of area chart )
else if( surfaceName == SurfaceNames.Back )
color = surfaceColor;
// Polygon has angle with bottom side ( Line chart or top of area chart )
float angleLeft;
float angleRight;
// Find angles between lightStyle and polygon for different y-axis angles.
if( switchSeriesOrder )
if (rotation > 0 && rotation <= 90)
angleLeft = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[3] );
angleRight = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[4] );
angleLeft = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[4] );
angleRight = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[3] );
if (rotation > 0 && rotation <= 90)
angleLeft = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[4] );
angleRight = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[3] );
angleLeft = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[3] );
angleRight = GetAngle( normalVector, _lightVectors[4] );
if( Math.Abs( angleLeft - angleRight ) < 0.01 )
color = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.25);
else if( angleLeft < angleRight )
color = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.25);
color = ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( surfaceColor, Color.Black, 0.15);
// LightStyle style is Realistic
// Find two vectors of polygon
Point3D firstVector = new Point3D();
firstVector.X = points[0].X - points[1].X;
firstVector.Y = points[0].Y - points[1].Y;
firstVector.Z = points[0].Z - points[1].Z;
Point3D secondVector = new Point3D();
secondVector.X = points[2].X - points[1].X;
secondVector.Y = points[2].Y - points[1].Y;
secondVector.Z = points[2].Z - points[1].Z;
// Find Normal vector for Polygon
Point3D normalVector = new Point3D();
normalVector.X = firstVector.Y * secondVector.Z - firstVector.Z * secondVector.Y;
normalVector.Y = firstVector.Z * secondVector.X - firstVector.X * secondVector.Z;
normalVector.Z = firstVector.X * secondVector.Y - firstVector.Y * secondVector.X;
// ******************************************************************
// Color correction. Angle between Normal vector of polygon and
// vector of lightStyle source is used.
// ******************************************************************
if( surfaceName == SurfaceNames.Front )
lightSource.Z *= -1;
color = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[2])/Math.PI );
else if( surfaceName == SurfaceNames.Back )
lightSource.Z *= -1;
color = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,_lightVectors[1])/Math.PI );
if( visiblePolygon )
lightSource.Z *= -1;
color = GetBrightGradientColor( surfaceColor, GetAngle(lightSource,normalVector)/Math.PI );
return color;
/// This method creates gradien color with brightnes.
/// Start color for gradient.
/// Position used between Start and end color.
/// Calculated Gradient color from gradient position
private Color GetBrightGradientColor( Color beginColor, double position )
position = position * 2;
double brightness = 0.5;
if( position < brightness )
return ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( Color.FromArgb(beginColor.A,255,255,255), beginColor, 1 - brightness + position );
else if( -brightness + position < 1 )
return ChartGraphics.GetGradientColor( beginColor, Color.Black, -brightness + position );
return Color.FromArgb( beginColor.A, 0, 0, 0 );
/// Returns the angle between two 3D vectors (a and b);
/// First vector
/// Second Vector
/// Angle between vectors
private float GetAngle(Point3D a,Point3D b)
double angle;
angle = Math.Acos( ( a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z ) / ( Math.Sqrt( a.X * a.X + a.Y * a.Y + a.Z * a.Z ) * Math.Sqrt( b.X * b.X + b.Y * b.Y + b.Z * b.Z ) ) );
return (float)angle;