System.Design System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor An object is used at design time to select and edit a URL for an XML schema definition file (.xsd), and to assign the URL to a control property. Use the attribute to associate the with a property. When the associated property is edited on the design surface, the designer host calls the method. The method uses the method, which in turn displays a user interface for selecting the URL, and then returns the URL that is selected by the user. The method indicates the display style of the user interface. Derive a class from the to define a custom editor for an XML schema URL property. For example, a derived class can override the method, and then call the method with a custom or value. Provides a design-time user interface for selecting an XML schema definition file. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.String To be added. The property is used by the method when calling the method, which displays the URL selection dialog box to the user at design time. Gets the caption to display on the selection dialog box. Property System.String To be added. The property is used by the method when calling the method, which displays the URL selection dialog box to the user at design time. The property default value indicates two URL filters for the dialog box: one for XML schema definition files (*.xsd) and another for all files (*.*). To specify a custom filter string, derive a class from the class, and then override the property to return the custom filter string. A filter string contains one or more filter options. Each filter option contains a description of the filter, followed by the vertical bar (|) and the filter pattern. The strings for different filtering options are separated by the vertical bar. The following is an example of a filter string that contains two filter options: "XML Schema Files (*.xsd)|*.xsd|All Files (*.*)|*.*". You can specify several filter patterns in a filter option by separating the filter patterns with semicolons. The following is an example of a filter string in which the first filter option specifies two filter patterns: "Custom Schema Files (*.xs1; *.xs2)|*.xs1;*.xs2|All Files (*.*)|*.*". Gets the URL filter options for the editor, which are used to filter the items that appear in the URL selection dialog box.