// // System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerSerializationManager // // Authors: // Ivan N. Zlatev (contact i-nZ.net) // // (C) 2007 Ivan N. Zlatev // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization { public class DesignerSerializationManager : IDesignerSerializationManager, IServiceProvider { private class Session : IDisposable { private DesignerSerializationManager _manager; public Session (DesignerSerializationManager manager) { _manager = manager; } public void Dispose () { _manager.OnSessionDisposed (EventArgs.Empty); } } public DesignerSerializationManager () : this (null) { } // This constructor sets the PreserveNames and ValidateRecycledTypes properties to true. // public DesignerSerializationManager (IServiceProvider provider) { _serviceProvider = provider; _preserveNames = true; _validateRecycledTypes = true; } private IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; private bool _preserveNames = false; private bool _validateRecycledTypes = false; private bool _recycleInstances = false; private IContainer _designerContainer = null; private object _propertyProvider = null; private Session _session = null; private ArrayList _errors = null; private List <IDesignerSerializationProvider> _serializationProviders; private Dictionary <Type, object> _serializersCache = null; // componentType - serializer instance private Dictionary <string, object> _instancesByNameCache = null; // name - instance private Dictionary <object, string> _instancesByValueCache = null; // instance - name private ContextStack _contextStack = null; public bool RecycleInstances { get { return _recycleInstances; } set { VerifyNotInSession (); _recycleInstances = value; } } public bool PreserveNames { get { return _preserveNames; } set { VerifyNotInSession (); _preserveNames = value; } } public bool ValidateRecycledTypes { get { return _validateRecycledTypes; } set { VerifyNotInSession (); _validateRecycledTypes = value; } } public IContainer Container { get { if (_designerContainer == null) { _designerContainer = (this.GetService (typeof (IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost).Container; } return _designerContainer; } set{ VerifyNotInSession (); _designerContainer = value; } } public object PropertyProvider { get { return _propertyProvider; } set { _propertyProvider = value; } } public IList Errors { get { return _errors; } } public event EventHandler SessionDisposed; public event EventHandler SessionCreated; protected virtual void OnSessionCreated (EventArgs e) { if (SessionCreated != null) { SessionCreated (this, e); } } // For behaviour description: // // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.design.serialization.designerserializationmanager.validaterecycledtypes.aspx // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.design.serialization.designerserializationmanager.preservenames.aspx // protected virtual object CreateInstance (Type type, ICollection arguments, string name, bool addToContainer) { VerifyInSession (); object instance = null; if (name != null && _recycleInstances) { _instancesByNameCache.TryGetValue (name, out instance); if (instance != null && _validateRecycledTypes) { if (instance.GetType () != type) instance = null; } } if (instance == null || !_recycleInstances) instance = this.CreateInstance (type, arguments); if (addToContainer && instance != null && this.Container != null && typeof (IComponent).IsAssignableFrom (type)) { if (_preserveNames) { this.Container.Add ((IComponent) instance, name); } else { if (name != null && this.Container.Components[name] != null) { this.Container.Add ((IComponent) instance); } else { this.Container.Add ((IComponent) instance, name); } } ISite site = ((IComponent)instance).Site; // get the name from the site in case a name has been generated. if (site != null) name = site.Name; } if (instance != null && name != null) { _instancesByNameCache[name] = instance; _instancesByValueCache[instance] = name; } return instance; } // Invokes the constructor that matches the arguments // private object CreateInstance (Type type, ICollection argsCollection) { object instance = null; object[] arguments = null; Type[] types = new Type[0]; if (argsCollection != null) { arguments = new object[argsCollection.Count]; types = new Type[argsCollection.Count]; argsCollection.CopyTo (arguments, 0); for (int i=0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { if (arguments[i] == null) types[i] = null; else types[i] = arguments[i].GetType (); } } ConstructorInfo ctor = type.GetConstructor (types); if (ctor != null) { instance = ctor.Invoke (arguments); } return instance; } public object GetSerializer (Type objectType, Type serializerType) { VerifyInSession (); if (serializerType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("serializerType"); object serializer = null; if (objectType != null) { // try 1: from cache // _serializersCache.TryGetValue (objectType, out serializer); // check for provider attribute and add it to the list of providers // if (serializer != null && !serializerType.IsAssignableFrom (serializer.GetType ())) serializer = null; AttributeCollection attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (objectType); DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute providerAttribute = attributes[typeof (DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute)] as DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute; if (providerAttribute != null && this.GetType (providerAttribute.ProviderTypeName) == serializerType) { object provider = Activator.CreateInstance (this.GetType (providerAttribute.ProviderTypeName), BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, null, null); ((IDesignerSerializationManager)this).AddSerializationProvider ((IDesignerSerializationProvider) provider); } } // try 2: DesignerSerializerAttribute // if (serializer == null && objectType != null) { AttributeCollection attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (objectType); DesignerSerializerAttribute serializerAttribute = attributes[typeof (DesignerSerializerAttribute)] as DesignerSerializerAttribute; if (serializerAttribute != null && this.GetType (serializerAttribute.SerializerBaseTypeName) == serializerType) { try { serializer = Activator.CreateInstance (this.GetType (serializerAttribute.SerializerTypeName), BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, null, null); } catch {} } if (serializer != null) _serializersCache[objectType] = serializer; } // try 3: from provider // if (serializer == null && _serializationProviders != null) { foreach (IDesignerSerializationProvider provider in _serializationProviders) { serializer = provider.GetSerializer (this, null, objectType, serializerType); if (serializer != null) break; } } return serializer; } private void VerifyInSession () { if (_session == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Not in session."); } private void VerifyNotInSession () { if (_session != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("In session."); } public IDisposable CreateSession () { VerifyNotInSession (); _errors = new ArrayList (); _session = new Session (this); _serializersCache = new Dictionary<System.Type,object> (); _instancesByNameCache = new Dictionary<string,object> (); _instancesByValueCache = new Dictionary<object, string> (); _contextStack = new ContextStack (); this.OnSessionCreated (EventArgs.Empty); return _session; } protected virtual void OnSessionDisposed (EventArgs e) { _errors.Clear (); _errors = null; _serializersCache.Clear (); _serializersCache = null; _instancesByNameCache.Clear (); _instancesByNameCache = null; _instancesByValueCache.Clear (); _instancesByValueCache = null; _session = null; _contextStack = null; _resolveNameHandler = null; _serializationCompleteHandler = null; if (SessionDisposed != null) { SessionDisposed (this, e); } if (_serializationCompleteHandler != null) _serializationCompleteHandler (this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual Type GetType (string typeName) { if (typeName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("typeName"); this.VerifyInSession (); Type result = null; ITypeResolutionService typeResSvc = this.GetService (typeof (ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService; if (typeResSvc != null) result = typeResSvc.GetType (typeName); if (result == null) result = Type.GetType (typeName); return result; } #region IDesignerSerializationManager implementation protected virtual void OnResolveName (ResolveNameEventArgs e) { if (_resolveNameHandler != null) { _resolveNameHandler (this, e); } } void IDesignerSerializationManager.AddSerializationProvider (IDesignerSerializationProvider provider) { if (_serializationProviders == null) _serializationProviders = new List <IDesignerSerializationProvider> (); if (!_serializationProviders.Contains (provider)) _serializationProviders.Add (provider); } void IDesignerSerializationManager.RemoveSerializationProvider (IDesignerSerializationProvider provider) { if (_serializationProviders != null) _serializationProviders.Remove (provider); } object IDesignerSerializationManager.CreateInstance (Type type, ICollection arguments, string name, bool addToContainer) { return this.CreateInstance (type, arguments, name, addToContainer); } object IDesignerSerializationManager.GetInstance (string name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); this.VerifyInSession (); object instance = null; _instancesByNameCache.TryGetValue (name, out instance); if (instance == null && this.Container != null) instance = this.Container.Components[name]; if (instance == null) instance = this.RequestInstance (name); return instance; } private object RequestInstance (string name) { ResolveNameEventArgs args = new ResolveNameEventArgs (name); this.OnResolveName (args); return args.Value; } Type IDesignerSerializationManager.GetType (string name) { return this.GetType (name); } object IDesignerSerializationManager.GetSerializer (Type type, Type serializerType) { return this.GetSerializer (type, serializerType); } string IDesignerSerializationManager.GetName (object instance) { if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("instance"); this.VerifyInSession (); string name = null; if (instance is IComponent) { ISite site = ((IComponent)instance).Site; if (site != null && site is INestedSite) name = ((INestedSite)site).FullName; else if (site != null) name = site.Name; } if (name == null) _instancesByValueCache.TryGetValue (instance, out name); return name; } void IDesignerSerializationManager.SetName (object instance, string name) { if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("instance"); if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); if (_instancesByNameCache.ContainsKey (name)) throw new ArgumentException ("The object specified by instance already has a name, or name is already used by another named object."); _instancesByNameCache.Add (name, instance); _instancesByValueCache.Add (instance, name); } void IDesignerSerializationManager.ReportError (object error) { this.VerifyInSession (); _errors.Add (error); } ContextStack IDesignerSerializationManager.Context { get { return _contextStack; } } PropertyDescriptorCollection IDesignerSerializationManager.Properties { get { PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection (new PropertyDescriptor[0]); object component = this.PropertyProvider; if (component != null) properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (component); return properties; } } private EventHandler _serializationCompleteHandler; private ResolveNameEventHandler _resolveNameHandler; event EventHandler IDesignerSerializationManager.SerializationComplete { add { this.VerifyInSession (); _serializationCompleteHandler = (EventHandler) Delegate.Combine (_serializationCompleteHandler, value); } remove { _serializationCompleteHandler = (EventHandler) Delegate.Remove (_serializationCompleteHandler, value); } } event ResolveNameEventHandler IDesignerSerializationManager.ResolveName { add { this.VerifyInSession (); _resolveNameHandler = (ResolveNameEventHandler) Delegate.Combine (_resolveNameHandler, value); } remove { _resolveNameHandler = (ResolveNameEventHandler) Delegate.Remove (_resolveNameHandler, value); } } #endregion object IServiceProvider.GetService (Type serviceType) { return this.GetService (serviceType); } protected virtual object GetService (Type serviceType) { object result = null; if (_serviceProvider != null) result = _serviceProvider.GetService (serviceType); return result; } } }