//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Implementation of VirtualPathProvider based on the metabase and the standard * file system. This is what ASP.NET uses by default. */ namespace System.Web.Hosting { using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.Configuration; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.Compilation; using Util=System.Web.UI.Util; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Security; internal class MapPathBasedVirtualPathProvider: VirtualPathProvider { public override string GetFileHash(string virtualPath, IEnumerable virtualPathDependencies) { HashCodeCombiner hashCodeCombiner = new HashCodeCombiner(); // Calculate the hash based on the time stamps of all the virtual paths foreach (string virtualDependency in virtualPathDependencies) { string physicalDependency = HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(virtualDependency); hashCodeCombiner.AddFile(physicalDependency); } return hashCodeCombiner.CombinedHashString; } public override CacheDependency GetCacheDependency(string virtualPath, IEnumerable virtualPathDependencies, DateTime utcStart) { if (virtualPathDependencies == null) return null; StringCollection physicalDependencies = null; // Get the list of physical dependencies foreach (string virtualDependency in virtualPathDependencies) { string physicalDependency = HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(virtualDependency); if (physicalDependencies == null) physicalDependencies = new StringCollection(); physicalDependencies.Add(physicalDependency); } if (physicalDependencies == null) return null; // Copy the list of physical dependencies into an array string[] physicalDependenciesArray = new string[physicalDependencies.Count]; physicalDependencies.CopyTo(physicalDependenciesArray, 0); return new CacheDependency(0, physicalDependenciesArray, utcStart); } private string CreateCacheKey(bool isFile, string physicalPath) { // Need different prefixes for file/directory lookups if (isFile) return CacheInternal.PrefixMapPathVPPFile + physicalPath; else return CacheInternal.PrefixMapPathVPPDir + physicalPath; } private bool CacheLookupOrInsert(string virtualPath, bool isFile) { string physicalPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(virtualPath); bool doNotCache = CachedPathData.DoNotCacheUrlMetadata; string cacheKey = null; if (!doNotCache) { cacheKey = CreateCacheKey(isFile, physicalPath); // tri-state: // * null means it's not cached // * true means it's cached and it exists // * false means it's cached and it doesn't exist bool? cacheValue = HttpRuntime.Cache.InternalCache.Get(cacheKey) as bool?; if (cacheValue != null) { return cacheValue.Value; } } bool exists = (isFile) ? File.Exists(physicalPath) : Directory.Exists(physicalPath); if (doNotCache) { return exists; } // Setup a cache entry for this so we don't hit the file system every time CacheDependency dep = null; // Code based on similar logic from FileAuthorizationModule. // If file does not exist, but it's path is beneath the app root, we will cache it and // use the first existing directory as the cache depenedency path. If it does not exist // and it's not beneath the app root, we cannot cache it. string existingDir = (exists) ? physicalPath : FileUtil.GetFirstExistingDirectory(AppRoot, physicalPath); if (existingDir != null) { dep = new CacheDependency(existingDir); TimeSpan slidingExp = CachedPathData.UrlMetadataSlidingExpiration; HttpRuntime.Cache.InternalCache.Insert(cacheKey, exists, new CacheInsertOptions() { Dependencies = dep, SlidingExpiration = slidingExp }); } return exists; } private static string _AppRoot; private static string AppRoot { get { string appRoot = _AppRoot; if (appRoot == null) { InternalSecurityPermissions.AppPathDiscovery.Assert(); appRoot = Path.GetFullPath(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPathInternal); appRoot = FileUtil.RemoveTrailingDirectoryBackSlash(appRoot); _AppRoot = appRoot; } return appRoot; } } public override bool FileExists(string virtualPath) { return CacheLookupOrInsert(virtualPath, true); } public override bool DirectoryExists(string virtualDir) { return CacheLookupOrInsert(virtualDir, false); } public override VirtualFile GetFile(string virtualPath) { return new MapPathBasedVirtualFile(virtualPath); } public override VirtualDirectory GetDirectory(string virtualDir) { return new MapPathBasedVirtualDirectory(virtualDir); } } internal class MapPathBasedVirtualFile: VirtualFile { private string _physicalPath; private FindFileData _ffd; internal MapPathBasedVirtualFile(string virtualPath) : base(virtualPath) { } internal MapPathBasedVirtualFile(string virtualPath, string physicalPath, FindFileData ffd) : base(virtualPath) { _physicalPath = physicalPath; _ffd = ffd; } private void EnsureFileInfoObtained() { // Get the physical path and FindFileData on demand if (_physicalPath == null) { Debug.Assert(_ffd == null); _physicalPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPathInternal(VirtualPath); FindFileData.FindFile(_physicalPath, out _ffd); } } public override string Name { get { EnsureFileInfoObtained(); // If for whatever reason we couldn't get the FindFileData, just call the base (VSWhidbey 501294) if (_ffd == null) return base.Name; return _ffd.FileNameLong; } } public override Stream Open() { EnsureFileInfoObtained(); TimeStampChecker.AddFile(VirtualPath, _physicalPath); return new FileStream(_physicalPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } internal string PhysicalPath { get { EnsureFileInfoObtained(); return _physicalPath; } } } internal class MapPathBasedVirtualDirectory: VirtualDirectory { public MapPathBasedVirtualDirectory(string virtualPath) : base(virtualPath) { } public override IEnumerable Directories { get { return new MapPathBasedVirtualPathCollection( System.Web.VirtualPath.CreateNonRelative(VirtualPath), RequestedEntryType.Directories); } } public override IEnumerable Files { get { return new MapPathBasedVirtualPathCollection( System.Web.VirtualPath.CreateNonRelative(VirtualPath), RequestedEntryType.Files); } } public override IEnumerable Children { get { return new MapPathBasedVirtualPathCollection( System.Web.VirtualPath.CreateNonRelative(VirtualPath), RequestedEntryType.All); } } } internal enum RequestedEntryType { Files, Directories, All } internal class MapPathBasedVirtualPathCollection: MarshalByRefObject, IEnumerable { private VirtualPath _virtualPath; private RequestedEntryType _requestedEntryType; internal MapPathBasedVirtualPathCollection(VirtualPath virtualPath, RequestedEntryType requestedEntryType) { _virtualPath = virtualPath; _requestedEntryType = requestedEntryType; } public override Object InitializeLifetimeService(){ return null; // never expire lease } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new MapPathBasedVirtualPathEnumerator(_virtualPath, _requestedEntryType); } } internal class MapPathBasedVirtualPathEnumerator : MarshalByRefObject, IEnumerator, IDisposable { VirtualPath _virtualPath; // virtual path we are enumerating Hashtable _exclude; // names of files and dirs to exclude Hashtable _virtualPaths; // names of virtual directories to include IEnumerator _fileEnumerator; // the physical file enumerator IEnumerator _virtualEnumerator; // the virtual file enumerator bool _useFileEnumerator; // use the file enumerator RequestedEntryType _requestedEntryType; IServerConfig2 _serverConfig2; internal MapPathBasedVirtualPathEnumerator(VirtualPath virtualPath, RequestedEntryType requestedEntryType) { if (virtualPath.IsRelative) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_app_VirtualPath), "virtualPath"); } _virtualPath = virtualPath; _requestedEntryType = requestedEntryType; string physicalPath; if (!ServerConfig.UseServerConfig) { // Use the hosting environment to map the virtual path physicalPath = _virtualPath.MapPathInternal(); } else { IServerConfig serverConfig = ServerConfig.GetInstance(); _serverConfig2 = serverConfig as IServerConfig2; // Use serverConfig to map the virtual path physicalPath = serverConfig.MapPath(null, _virtualPath); if (_requestedEntryType != RequestedEntryType.Files) { // For MetabaseServerConfig, get the subdirs that are not in the application, and add them to the exclude list. if (_serverConfig2 == null) { string [] virtualSubdirsNotInApp = serverConfig.GetVirtualSubdirs(_virtualPath, false); if (virtualSubdirsNotInApp != null) { _exclude = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (string subdir in virtualSubdirsNotInApp) { _exclude[subdir] = subdir; } } } // Get subdirs that are virtual directories, and record their physical mappings. // Ignore the virtualPaths if we only need files, since it only contains directories string [] virtualSubdirsInApp = serverConfig.GetVirtualSubdirs(_virtualPath, true); if (virtualSubdirsInApp != null) { _virtualPaths = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (string subdir in virtualSubdirsInApp) { VirtualPath subpath = _virtualPath.SimpleCombineWithDir(subdir); string subPhysicalPath = serverConfig.MapPath(null, subpath); if (FileUtil.DirectoryExists(subPhysicalPath)) { _virtualPaths[subdir] = new MapPathBasedVirtualDirectory(subpath.VirtualPathString); } } // Create enumerator for the virtual paths _virtualEnumerator = _virtualPaths.Values.GetEnumerator(); } } } // Create an enumerator for the physical files and directories at this path _fileEnumerator = FileEnumerator.Create(physicalPath); // Reset the enumerator. Note that we don't support the Reset method. _useFileEnumerator = false; } public override Object InitializeLifetimeService(){ return null; // never expire lease } // Dispose the file enumerator void IDisposable.Dispose() { if (_fileEnumerator != null) { ((IDisposable)_fileEnumerator).Dispose(); _fileEnumerator = null; } } // First MoveNext() with the file enumerator, then with the virtual directories // that have not been enumerated. bool IEnumerator.MoveNext() { bool more = false; if (_virtualEnumerator != null) more = _virtualEnumerator.MoveNext(); if (!more) { _useFileEnumerator = true; for (;;) { more = _fileEnumerator.MoveNext(); if (!more) break; FileData fileData = (FileData) _fileEnumerator.Current; // Ignore all hidden files and directories if (fileData.IsHidden) continue; // Ignore it if it's not of the right type (i.e. directory vs file) if (fileData.IsDirectory) { if (_requestedEntryType == RequestedEntryType.Files) continue; // Check whether the file is the same as a virtual path // that we have already enumerated string name = fileData.Name; if (_virtualPaths != null && _virtualPaths.Contains(name)) continue; // Check whether the file should be excluded because it is // not part of this app. // MetabaseServerConfig if (_exclude != null && _exclude.Contains(name)) continue; // IServerConfig2 if (_serverConfig2 != null && !_serverConfig2.IsWithinApp(UrlPath.SimpleCombine(_virtualPath.VirtualPathString, name))) { continue; } } else { if (_requestedEntryType == RequestedEntryType.Directories) continue; } // We've found the file break; } } return more; } internal VirtualFileBase Current { get { if (_useFileEnumerator) { FileData fileData = (FileData) _fileEnumerator.Current; VirtualPath childVirtualPath; if (fileData.IsDirectory) { childVirtualPath = _virtualPath.SimpleCombineWithDir(fileData.Name); return new MapPathBasedVirtualDirectory(childVirtualPath.VirtualPathString); } else { childVirtualPath = _virtualPath.SimpleCombine(fileData.Name); FindFileData ffd = fileData.GetFindFileData(); return new MapPathBasedVirtualFile(childVirtualPath.VirtualPathString, fileData.FullName, ffd); } } else { return (VirtualFileBase) _virtualEnumerator.Current; } } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return Current; } } void IEnumerator.Reset() { // We don't support reset, though it would be easy to add if needed throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } #if NO // TEST CODE public class TestEnum { public static void Enum(HttpResponse response) { VirtualDirectory vdir = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetDirectory( "~"); EnumRecursive(response, vdir); } static void EnumRecursive(HttpResponse response, VirtualDirectory vdir) { foreach (VirtualFile vfile in vdir.Files) { response.Write("File: " + vfile.VirtualPath + "
\r\n"); } foreach (VirtualDirectory childVdir in vdir.Directories) { response.Write("Directory: " + childVdir.VirtualPath + "
\r\n"); EnumRecursive(response, childVdir); } } } #endif }