//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IdentityModel; using System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust; using System.IdentityModel.Selectors; using System.IdentityModel.Tokens; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens; using SR = System.ServiceModel.SR; namespace System.ServiceModel.Security { /// /// SecurityTokenManager that enables plugging custom tokens easily. /// The SecurityTokenManager provides methods to register custom token providers, /// serializers and authenticators. It can wrap another Token Managers and /// delegate token operation calls to it if required. /// /// /// Framework use only - this is an implementation adapter class that is used to expose /// the Framework SecurityTokenHandlers to WCF. /// sealed class FederatedSecurityTokenManager : ServiceCredentialsSecurityTokenManager { static string ListenUriProperty = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2006/05/servicemodel/securitytokenrequirement/ListenUri"; ExceptionMapper _exceptionMapper; SecurityTokenResolver _defaultTokenResolver; SecurityTokenHandlerCollection _securityTokenHandlerCollection; object _syncObject = new object(); ReadOnlyCollection _cookieTransforms; SessionSecurityTokenCache _tokenCache; /// /// Initializes an instance of . /// /// ServiceCredentials that created this instance of TokenManager. /// The argument 'parentCredentials' is null. public FederatedSecurityTokenManager( ServiceCredentials parentCredentials ) : base( parentCredentials ) { if ( parentCredentials == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "parentCredentials" ); } if ( parentCredentials.IdentityConfiguration == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "parentCredentials.IdentityConfiguration" ); } _exceptionMapper = parentCredentials.ExceptionMapper; _securityTokenHandlerCollection = parentCredentials.IdentityConfiguration.SecurityTokenHandlers; _tokenCache = _securityTokenHandlerCollection.Configuration.Caches.SessionSecurityTokenCache; _cookieTransforms = SessionSecurityTokenHandler.DefaultCookieTransforms; } /// /// Returns the list of SecurityTokenHandlers. /// public SecurityTokenHandlerCollection SecurityTokenHandlers { // // get { return _securityTokenHandlerCollection; } } /// /// Gets or sets the ExceptionMapper to be used when throwing exceptions. /// public ExceptionMapper ExceptionMapper { get { return _exceptionMapper; } set { if ( value == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "value" ); } _exceptionMapper = value; } } #region SecurityTokenManager Implementation /// /// Overriden from the base class. Creates the requested Token Authenticator. /// Looks up the list of Token Handlers registered with the token Manager /// based on the TokenType Uri in the SecurityTokenRequirement. If none is found, /// then the call is delegated to the inner Token Manager. /// /// Security Token Requirement for which the Authenticator should be created. /// Token resolver that resolves any out-of-band tokens. /// Instance of Security Token Authenticator. /// 'tokenRequirement' parameter is null. /// No Authenticator is registered for the given token type. public override SecurityTokenAuthenticator CreateSecurityTokenAuthenticator( SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement, out SecurityTokenResolver outOfBandTokenResolver ) { if ( tokenRequirement == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "tokenRequirement" ); } outOfBandTokenResolver = null; // Check for a registered authenticator SecurityTokenAuthenticator securityTokenAuthenticator = null; string tokenType = tokenRequirement.TokenType; // // When the TokenRequirement.TokenType is null, we treat this as a SAML issued token case. It may be SAML 1.1 or SAML 2.0. // if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( tokenType ) ) { return CreateSamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); } // // When the TokenType is set, build a token authenticator for the specified token type. // SecurityTokenHandler securityTokenHandler = _securityTokenHandlerCollection[tokenType]; if ( ( securityTokenHandler != null ) && ( securityTokenHandler.CanValidateToken ) ) { outOfBandTokenResolver = GetDefaultOutOfBandTokenResolver(); if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.UserName ) ) { UserNameSecurityTokenHandler upSecurityTokenHandler = securityTokenHandler as UserNameSecurityTokenHandler; if ( upSecurityTokenHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString( SR.ID4072, securityTokenHandler.GetType(), tokenType, typeof( UserNameSecurityTokenHandler ) ) ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedUserNameSecurityTokenAuthenticator( upSecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.Kerberos ) ) { securityTokenAuthenticator = CreateInnerSecurityTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.Rsa ) ) { RsaSecurityTokenHandler rsaSecurityTokenHandler = securityTokenHandler as RsaSecurityTokenHandler; if ( rsaSecurityTokenHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString( SR.ID4072, securityTokenHandler.GetType(), tokenType, typeof( RsaSecurityTokenHandler ) ) ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedRsaSecurityTokenAuthenticator( rsaSecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.X509Certificate ) ) { X509SecurityTokenHandler x509SecurityTokenHandler = securityTokenHandler as X509SecurityTokenHandler; if ( x509SecurityTokenHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString( SR.ID4072, securityTokenHandler.GetType(), tokenType, typeof( X509SecurityTokenHandler ) ) ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedX509SecurityTokenAuthenticator( x509SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.SamlTokenProfile11 ) || StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.OasisWssSamlTokenProfile11 ) ) { SamlSecurityTokenHandler saml11SecurityTokenHandler = securityTokenHandler as SamlSecurityTokenHandler; if ( saml11SecurityTokenHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString( SR.ID4072, securityTokenHandler.GetType(), tokenType, typeof( SamlSecurityTokenHandler ) ) ) ); } if ( saml11SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4274 ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSaml11SecurityTokenAuthenticator( saml11SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); // The out-of-band token resolver will be used by WCF to decrypt any encrypted SAML tokens. outOfBandTokenResolver = saml11SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver; } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.Saml2TokenProfile11 ) || StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, SecurityTokenTypes.OasisWssSaml2TokenProfile11 ) ) { Saml2SecurityTokenHandler saml2SecurityTokenHandler = securityTokenHandler as Saml2SecurityTokenHandler; if ( saml2SecurityTokenHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString( SR.ID4072, securityTokenHandler.GetType(), tokenType, typeof( Saml2SecurityTokenHandler ) ) ) ); } if ( saml2SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4274 ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSaml2SecurityTokenAuthenticator( saml2SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); // The out-of-band token resolver will be used by WCF to decrypt any encrypted SAML tokens. outOfBandTokenResolver = saml2SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver; } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( tokenType, ServiceModelSecurityTokenTypes.SecureConversation ) ) { RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement tr = tokenRequirement as RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement; if ( tr == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4240, tokenRequirement.GetType().ToString() ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = SetupSecureConversationWrapper( tr, securityTokenHandler as SessionSecurityTokenHandler, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); } else { securityTokenAuthenticator = new SecurityTokenAuthenticatorAdapter( securityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); } } else { if ( tokenType == ServiceModelSecurityTokenTypes.SecureConversation || tokenType == ServiceModelSecurityTokenTypes.MutualSslnego || tokenType == ServiceModelSecurityTokenTypes.AnonymousSslnego || tokenType == ServiceModelSecurityTokenTypes.SecurityContext || tokenType == ServiceModelSecurityTokenTypes.Spnego ) { RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement tr = tokenRequirement as RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement; if ( tr == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4240, tokenRequirement.GetType().ToString() ) ); } securityTokenAuthenticator = SetupSecureConversationWrapper( tr, null, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); } else { securityTokenAuthenticator = CreateInnerSecurityTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); } } return securityTokenAuthenticator; } /// /// Helper method to setup the WrappedSecureConversttion /// SecurityTokenAuthenticator SetupSecureConversationWrapper( RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement, SessionSecurityTokenHandler tokenHandler, out SecurityTokenResolver outOfBandTokenResolver ) { // This code requires Orcas SP1 to compile. // WCF expects this securityTokenAuthenticator to support: // 1. IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator // 2. ICommunicationObject is needed for this to work right. // WCF opens a listener in this STA that handles the nego and uses an internal class for negotiating the // the bootstrap tokens. We want to handle ValidateToken to return our authorization policies and surface the bootstrap tokens. // when sp1 is installed, use this one. //SecurityTokenAuthenticator sta = base.CreateSecureConversationTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement as RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement, _saveBootstrapTokensInSession, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); // use this code if SP1 is not installed SecurityTokenAuthenticator sta = base.CreateSecurityTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); SessionSecurityTokenHandler sessionTokenHandler = tokenHandler; // // If there is no SCT handler here, create one. // if ( tokenHandler == null ) { sessionTokenHandler = new SessionSecurityTokenHandler( _cookieTransforms, SessionSecurityTokenHandler.DefaultTokenLifetime ); sessionTokenHandler.ContainingCollection = _securityTokenHandlerCollection; sessionTokenHandler.Configuration = _securityTokenHandlerCollection.Configuration; } if ( ServiceCredentials != null ) { sessionTokenHandler.Configuration.MaxClockSkew = ServiceCredentials.IdentityConfiguration.MaxClockSkew; } SctClaimsHandler claimsHandler = new SctClaimsHandler( _securityTokenHandlerCollection, GetNormalizedEndpointId( tokenRequirement ) ); WrappedSessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator wssta = new WrappedSessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator( sessionTokenHandler, sta, claimsHandler, _exceptionMapper ); WrappedTokenCache wrappedTokenCache = new WrappedTokenCache( _tokenCache, claimsHandler); SetWrappedTokenCache( wrappedTokenCache, sta, wssta, claimsHandler ); outOfBandTokenResolver = wrappedTokenCache; return wssta; } /// /// The purpose of this method is to set our WrappedTokenCache as the token cache for SCT's. /// And to set our OnIssuedToken callback when in cookie mode. /// We have to use reflection here as this is a private method. /// static void SetWrappedTokenCache( WrappedTokenCache wrappedTokenCache, SecurityTokenAuthenticator sta, WrappedSessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator wssta, SctClaimsHandler claimsHandler ) { if ( sta is SecuritySessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator ) { ( sta as SecuritySessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator ).IssuedTokenCache = wrappedTokenCache; } else if ( sta is AcceleratedTokenAuthenticator ) { ( sta as AcceleratedTokenAuthenticator ).IssuedTokenCache = wrappedTokenCache; } else if ( sta is SpnegoTokenAuthenticator ) { ( sta as SpnegoTokenAuthenticator ).IssuedTokenCache = wrappedTokenCache; } else if ( sta is TlsnegoTokenAuthenticator ) { ( sta as TlsnegoTokenAuthenticator ).IssuedTokenCache = wrappedTokenCache; } // we need to special case this as the OnTokenIssued callback is not hooked up in the cookie mode case. IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator issuanceTokenAuthenticator = sta as IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator; if ( issuanceTokenAuthenticator != null ) { issuanceTokenAuthenticator.IssuedSecurityTokenHandler = claimsHandler.OnTokenIssued; issuanceTokenAuthenticator.RenewedSecurityTokenHandler = claimsHandler.OnTokenRenewed; } } /// /// Overriden from the base class. Creates the requested Token Serializer. /// Returns a Security Token Serializer that is wraps the list of token /// hanlders registerd and also the serializers from the inner token manager. /// /// SecurityTokenVersion of the serializer to be created. /// Instance of SecurityTokenSerializer. /// Input parameter is null. public override SecurityTokenSerializer CreateSecurityTokenSerializer( SecurityTokenVersion version ) { if ( version == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "version" ); } TrustVersion trustVersion = null; SecureConversationVersion scVersion = null; foreach ( string securitySpecification in version.GetSecuritySpecifications() ) { if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( securitySpecification, WSTrustFeb2005Constants.NamespaceURI ) ) { trustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrustFeb2005; } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( securitySpecification, WSTrust13Constants.NamespaceURI ) ) { trustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13; } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( securitySpecification, WSSecureConversationFeb2005Constants.Namespace ) ) { scVersion = SecureConversationVersion.WSSecureConversationFeb2005; } else if ( StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals( securitySpecification, WSSecureConversation13Constants.Namespace ) ) { scVersion = SecureConversationVersion.WSSecureConversation13; } if ( trustVersion != null && scVersion != null ) { break; } } if ( trustVersion == null ) { trustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13; } if ( scVersion == null ) { scVersion = SecureConversationVersion.WSSecureConversation13; } WsSecurityTokenSerializerAdapter adapter = new WsSecurityTokenSerializerAdapter( _securityTokenHandlerCollection, GetSecurityVersion( version ), trustVersion, scVersion, false, this.ServiceCredentials.IssuedTokenAuthentication.SamlSerializer, this.ServiceCredentials.SecureConversationAuthentication.SecurityStateEncoder, this.ServiceCredentials.SecureConversationAuthentication.SecurityContextClaimTypes ); adapter.MapExceptionsToSoapFaults = true; adapter.ExceptionMapper = _exceptionMapper; return adapter; } /// /// The out-of-band token resolver to be used if the authenticator does /// not provide another. /// /// By default this will create the resolver with the service certificate and /// know certificates collections specified in the service credentials when the STS is /// hosted inside WCF. SecurityTokenResolver GetDefaultOutOfBandTokenResolver() { if ( _defaultTokenResolver == null ) { lock ( _syncObject ) { if ( _defaultTokenResolver == null ) { // // Create default Out-Of-Band SecurityResolver. // List outOfBandTokens = new List(); if ( base.ServiceCredentials.ServiceCertificate.Certificate != null ) { outOfBandTokens.Add( new X509SecurityToken( base.ServiceCredentials.ServiceCertificate.Certificate ) ); } if ( ( base.ServiceCredentials.IssuedTokenAuthentication.KnownCertificates != null ) && ( base.ServiceCredentials.IssuedTokenAuthentication.KnownCertificates.Count > 0 ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < base.ServiceCredentials.IssuedTokenAuthentication.KnownCertificates.Count; ++i ) { outOfBandTokens.Add( new X509SecurityToken( base.ServiceCredentials.IssuedTokenAuthentication.KnownCertificates[i])); } } _defaultTokenResolver = SecurityTokenResolver.CreateDefaultSecurityTokenResolver( outOfBandTokens.AsReadOnly(), false ); } } } return _defaultTokenResolver; } /// /// There is a bug in WCF where the version obtained from the public SecurityTokenVersion strings is wrong. /// The internal MessageSecurityTokenVersion has the right version. /// internal static SecurityVersion GetSecurityVersion( SecurityTokenVersion tokenVersion ) { if ( tokenVersion == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "tokenVersion" ); } // // Workaround for WCF bug. // In .NET 3.5 WCF returns the wrong Token Specification. We need to reflect on the // internal code so we can access the SecurityVersion directly instead of depending // on the security specification. // if ( tokenVersion is MessageSecurityTokenVersion ) { SecurityVersion sv = ( tokenVersion as MessageSecurityTokenVersion ).SecurityVersion; if ( sv != null ) { return sv; } } else { if ( tokenVersion.GetSecuritySpecifications().Contains( WSSecurity11Constants.Namespace ) ) { return SecurityVersion.WSSecurity11; } else if ( tokenVersion.GetSecuritySpecifications().Contains( WSSecurity10Constants.Namespace ) ) { return SecurityVersion.WSSecurity10; } } return SecurityVersion.WSSecurity11; } #endregion // SecurityTokenManager Implementation /// /// This method creates the inner security token authenticator from the base class. /// The wrapped token cache is initialized with this authenticator. /// SecurityTokenAuthenticator CreateInnerSecurityTokenAuthenticator( SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement, out SecurityTokenResolver outOfBandTokenResolver ) { SecurityTokenAuthenticator securityTokenAuthenticator = base.CreateSecurityTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); SctClaimsHandler claimsHandler = new SctClaimsHandler( _securityTokenHandlerCollection, GetNormalizedEndpointId( tokenRequirement ) ); SetWrappedTokenCache( new WrappedTokenCache( _tokenCache, claimsHandler ), securityTokenAuthenticator, null, claimsHandler ); return securityTokenAuthenticator; } /// /// This method creates a SAML security token authenticator when token type is null. /// It wraps the SAML 1.1 and the SAML 2.0 token handlers that are configured. /// If no token handler was found, then the inner token manager is created. /// SecurityTokenAuthenticator CreateSamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator( SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement, out SecurityTokenResolver outOfBandTokenResolver ) { outOfBandTokenResolver = null; SecurityTokenAuthenticator securityTokenAuthenticator = null; SamlSecurityTokenHandler saml11SecurityTokenHandler = _securityTokenHandlerCollection[SecurityTokenTypes.SamlTokenProfile11] as SamlSecurityTokenHandler; Saml2SecurityTokenHandler saml2SecurityTokenHandler = _securityTokenHandlerCollection[SecurityTokenTypes.Saml2TokenProfile11] as Saml2SecurityTokenHandler; if ( saml11SecurityTokenHandler != null && saml11SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4274 ) ); } if ( saml2SecurityTokenHandler != null && saml2SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4274 ) ); } if ( saml11SecurityTokenHandler != null && saml2SecurityTokenHandler != null ) { // // Both SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 token handlers have been configured. // WrappedSaml11SecurityTokenAuthenticator wrappedSaml11SecurityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSaml11SecurityTokenAuthenticator( saml11SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); WrappedSaml2SecurityTokenAuthenticator wrappedSaml2SecurityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSaml2SecurityTokenAuthenticator( saml2SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator( wrappedSaml11SecurityTokenAuthenticator, wrappedSaml2SecurityTokenAuthenticator ); // The out-of-band token resolver will be used by WCF to decrypt any encrypted SAML tokens. List resolvers = new List(); resolvers.Add( saml11SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver ); resolvers.Add( saml2SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver ); outOfBandTokenResolver = new AggregateTokenResolver( resolvers ); } else if ( saml11SecurityTokenHandler == null && saml2SecurityTokenHandler != null ) { // // SAML 1.1 token handler is not present but SAML 2.0 is. Set the token type to SAML 2.0 // securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSaml2SecurityTokenAuthenticator( saml2SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); // The out-of-band token resolver will be used by WCF to decrypt any encrypted SAML tokens. outOfBandTokenResolver = saml2SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver; } else if ( saml11SecurityTokenHandler != null && saml2SecurityTokenHandler == null ) { // // SAML 1.1 token handler is present but SAML 2.0 is not. Set the token type to SAML 1.1 // securityTokenAuthenticator = new WrappedSaml11SecurityTokenAuthenticator( saml11SecurityTokenHandler, _exceptionMapper ); // The out-of-band token resolver will be used by WCF to decrypt any encrypted SAML tokens. outOfBandTokenResolver = saml11SecurityTokenHandler.Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver; } else { securityTokenAuthenticator = CreateInnerSecurityTokenAuthenticator( tokenRequirement, out outOfBandTokenResolver ); } return securityTokenAuthenticator; } /// /// Converts the ListenUri in the to a normalized string. /// The method preserves the Uri scheme, port and absolute path and replaces the host name /// with the string 'NormalizedHostName'. /// /// The which contains the 'ListenUri' property. /// A string representing the Normalized URI string. public static string GetNormalizedEndpointId( SecurityTokenRequirement tokenRequirement ) { if ( tokenRequirement == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "tokenRequirement" ); } Uri listenUri = null; if ( tokenRequirement.Properties.ContainsKey( ListenUriProperty ) ) { listenUri = tokenRequirement.Properties[ListenUriProperty] as Uri; } if ( listenUri == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4287, tokenRequirement ) ); } if ( listenUri.IsDefaultPort ) { return String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}://NormalizedHostName{1}", listenUri.Scheme, listenUri.AbsolutePath ); } else { return String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}://NormalizedHostName:{1}{2}", listenUri.Scheme, listenUri.Port, listenUri.AbsolutePath ); } } } }