//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels { using System; using System.Runtime; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Security; class PeerMessageDispatcher : CommunicationObject where ChannelInterfaceType : class, IChannel where TChannel : InputQueueChannel { public class PeerMessageQueueAdapter { SingletonChannelAcceptor singletonChannelAcceptor; InputQueueChannel inputQueueChannel; public PeerMessageQueueAdapter(SingletonChannelAcceptor singletonChannelAcceptor) { this.singletonChannelAcceptor = singletonChannelAcceptor; } public PeerMessageQueueAdapter(InputQueueChannel inputQueueChannel) { this.inputQueueChannel = inputQueueChannel; } public void EnqueueAndDispatch(Message message, Action callback) { if (singletonChannelAcceptor != null) { singletonChannelAcceptor.Enqueue(message, callback); } else if (inputQueueChannel != null) { inputQueueChannel.EnqueueAndDispatch(message, callback); } } } Uri via; EndpointAddress to; SecurityProtocol securityProtocol; PeerNodeImplementation peerNode; PeerMessageQueueAdapter queueHandler; ChannelManagerBase channelManager; PeerQuotaHelper quotaHelper = new PeerQuotaHelper(Int32.MaxValue); bool registered; public PeerMessageDispatcher(PeerMessageQueueAdapter queueHandler, PeerNodeImplementation peerNode, ChannelManagerBase channelManager, EndpointAddress to, Uri via) { PeerNodeImplementation.ValidateVia(via); this.queueHandler = queueHandler; this.peerNode = peerNode; this.to = to; this.via = via; this.channelManager = channelManager; EndpointAddress filterTo = null; this.securityProtocol = ((IPeerFactory)channelManager).SecurityManager.CreateSecurityProtocol(to, ServiceDefaults.SendTimeout); if (typeof(IDuplexChannel).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ChannelInterfaceType))) filterTo = to; //Register this handler PeerMessageFilter[] filters = new PeerMessageFilter[] { new PeerMessageFilter(via, filterTo) }; peerNode.RegisterMessageFilter(this, this.via, filters, (ITransportFactorySettings)this.channelManager, new PeerNodeImplementation.MessageAvailableCallback(OnMessageAvailable), securityProtocol); registered = true; } protected override TimeSpan DefaultCloseTimeout { get { return channelManager.InternalCloseTimeout; } } protected override TimeSpan DefaultOpenTimeout { get { return channelManager.InternalOpenTimeout; } } public SecurityProtocol SecurityProtocol { get { return securityProtocol; } } protected override void OnAbort() { } protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginClose(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { this.OnClose(timeout); return new CompletedAsyncResult(callback, state); } protected override void OnEndClose(IAsyncResult result) { CompletedAsyncResult.End(result); } protected override void OnClose(TimeSpan timeout) { Unregister(true); } internal void Unregister() { Unregister(false); } internal void Unregister(bool release) { PeerNodeImplementation node = this.peerNode; if (node != null) { if (registered) { node.UnregisterMessageFilter(this, via); registered = false; } if (release) node.Release(); } } protected override void OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout) { } protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginOpen(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { return new CompletedAsyncResult(callback, state); } protected override void OnEndOpen(IAsyncResult result) { CompletedAsyncResult.End(result); } public void OnMessageAvailable(Message message) { quotaHelper.ReadyToEnqueueItem(); queueHandler.EnqueueAndDispatch(message, quotaHelper.ItemDequeued); } } class PeerMessageFilter { Uri via; Uri actingAs; public PeerMessageFilter(Uri via) : this(via, null) { } public PeerMessageFilter(Uri via, EndpointAddress to) { Fx.Assert(via != null, "PeerMessageFilter via can not be set to null"); this.via = via; if (to != null) this.actingAs = to.Uri; } public bool Match(Uri peerVia, Uri toCond) { bool result = false; if (peerVia == null) { result = false; } else if (Uri.Compare(this.via, peerVia, (UriComponents.Scheme | UriComponents.UserInfo | UriComponents.Host | UriComponents.Port | UriComponents.Path), UriFormat.SafeUnescaped, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { result = false; } else if (this.actingAs != null) { result = Uri.Compare(this.actingAs, toCond, (UriComponents.Scheme | UriComponents.UserInfo | UriComponents.Host | UriComponents.Port | UriComponents.Path), UriFormat.SafeUnescaped, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0; } else result = true; return result; } } }