//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Runtime { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Diagnostics; [Fx.Tag.SynchronizationPrimitive(Fx.Tag.BlocksUsing.PrivatePrimitive, SupportsAsync = true, ReleaseMethod = "Exit")] class ThreadNeutralSemaphore { #if DEBUG StackTrace exitStack; #endif static Action<object, TimeoutException> enteredAsyncCallback; bool aborted; Func<Exception> abortedExceptionGenerator; int count; int maxCount; [Fx.Tag.SynchronizationObject(Blocking = false)] object ThisLock = new object(); [Fx.Tag.SynchronizationObject] Queue<AsyncWaitHandle> waiters; public ThreadNeutralSemaphore(int maxCount) : this(maxCount, null) { } public ThreadNeutralSemaphore(int maxCount, Func<Exception> abortedExceptionGenerator) { Fx.Assert(maxCount > 0, "maxCount must be positive"); this.maxCount = maxCount; this.abortedExceptionGenerator = abortedExceptionGenerator; } static Action<object, TimeoutException> EnteredAsyncCallback { get { if (enteredAsyncCallback == null) { enteredAsyncCallback = new Action<object, TimeoutException>(OnEnteredAsync); } return enteredAsyncCallback; } } Queue<AsyncWaitHandle> Waiters { get { if (this.waiters == null) { this.waiters = new Queue<AsyncWaitHandle>(); } return this.waiters; } } public bool EnterAsync(TimeSpan timeout, FastAsyncCallback callback, object state) { Fx.Assert(callback != null, "must have a non-null call back for async purposes"); AsyncWaitHandle waiter = null; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.aborted) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateObjectAbortedException()); } if (this.count < this.maxCount) { this.count++; return true; } waiter = new AsyncWaitHandle(); this.Waiters.Enqueue(waiter); } return waiter.WaitAsync(EnteredAsyncCallback, new EnterAsyncData(this, waiter, callback, state), timeout); } static void OnEnteredAsync(object state, TimeoutException exception) { EnterAsyncData data = (EnterAsyncData)state; ThreadNeutralSemaphore thisPtr = data.Semaphore; Exception exceptionToPropagate = exception; if (exception != null) { if (!thisPtr.RemoveWaiter(data.Waiter)) { // The timeout raced with Exit and exit won. // We've successfully entered. exceptionToPropagate = null; } } Fx.Assert(!thisPtr.waiters.Contains(data.Waiter), "The waiter should have been removed already."); if (thisPtr.aborted) { exceptionToPropagate = thisPtr.CreateObjectAbortedException(); } data.Callback(data.State, exceptionToPropagate); } public bool TryEnter() { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.count < this.maxCount) { this.count++; return true; } return false; } } [Fx.Tag.Blocking(CancelMethod = "Abort")] public void Enter(TimeSpan timeout) { if (!TryEnter(timeout)) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateEnterTimedOutException(timeout)); } } [Fx.Tag.Blocking(CancelMethod = "Abort")] public bool TryEnter(TimeSpan timeout) { AsyncWaitHandle waiter = EnterCore(); if (waiter != null) { bool timedOut = !waiter.Wait(timeout); if (this.aborted) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateObjectAbortedException()); } if (timedOut && !RemoveWaiter(waiter)) { // The timeout raced with Exit and exit won. // We've successfully entered. timedOut = false; } return !timedOut; } return true; } internal static TimeoutException CreateEnterTimedOutException(TimeSpan timeout) { return new TimeoutException(InternalSR.LockTimeoutExceptionMessage(timeout)); } Exception CreateObjectAbortedException() { if (this.abortedExceptionGenerator != null) { return this.abortedExceptionGenerator(); } else { return new OperationCanceledException(InternalSR.ThreadNeutralSemaphoreAborted); } } // remove a waiter from our queue. Returns true if successful. Used to implement timeouts. bool RemoveWaiter(AsyncWaitHandle waiter) { bool removed = false; lock (this.ThisLock) { for (int i = this.Waiters.Count; i > 0; i--) { AsyncWaitHandle temp = this.Waiters.Dequeue(); if (object.ReferenceEquals(temp, waiter)) { removed = true; } else { this.Waiters.Enqueue(temp); } } } return removed; } AsyncWaitHandle EnterCore() { AsyncWaitHandle waiter; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.aborted) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateObjectAbortedException()); } if (this.count < this.maxCount) { this.count++; return null; } waiter = new AsyncWaitHandle(); this.Waiters.Enqueue(waiter); } return waiter; } public int Exit() { AsyncWaitHandle waiter; int remainingCount = -1; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.aborted) { return remainingCount; } if (this.count == 0) { string message = InternalSR.InvalidSemaphoreExit; #if DEBUG if (!Fx.FastDebug && exitStack != null) { string originalStack = exitStack.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\r\n "); message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code. Previous Exit(): {0}", originalStack); } #endif throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new SynchronizationLockException(message)); } if (this.waiters == null || this.waiters.Count == 0) { this.count--; #if DEBUG if (!Fx.FastDebug && this.count == 0) { exitStack = new StackTrace(); } #endif return this.count; } waiter = this.waiters.Dequeue(); remainingCount = this.count; } waiter.Set(); return remainingCount; } // Abort the ThreadNeutralSemaphore object. public void Abort() { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.aborted) { return; } this.aborted = true; if (this.waiters != null) { while (this.waiters.Count > 0) { AsyncWaitHandle waiter = this.waiters.Dequeue(); waiter.Set(); } } } } class EnterAsyncData { public EnterAsyncData(ThreadNeutralSemaphore semaphore, AsyncWaitHandle waiter, FastAsyncCallback callback, object state) { this.Waiter = waiter; this.Semaphore = semaphore; this.Callback = callback; this.State = state; } public ThreadNeutralSemaphore Semaphore { get; set; } public AsyncWaitHandle Waiter { get; set; } public FastAsyncCallback Callback { get; set; } public object State { get; set; } } } }