// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IdentityModel.Diagnostics;
using System.IdentityModel.Policy;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Security.Principal;
using SysClaimSet = System.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimSet;
namespace System.IdentityModel.Tokens
/// Defines an AuthorizationPolicy that carries the IDFx Claims. When IDFx is enabled
/// a new set of Security Token Authenticators are added to the system. These Authenticators
/// will generate the new Claims defined in System.Security.Claims.
internal class AuthorizationPolicy : IAuthorizationPolicy
#pragma warning disable 1591
public const string ClaimsPrincipalKey = "ClaimsPrincipal"; // This key must be different from "Principal". "Principal" is reserved for Custom mode.
public const string IdentitiesKey = "Identities";
#pragma warning restore 1591
List _identityCollection = new List();
// Add an issuer to specify that this is a IDFx issued AuthorizationPolicy.
SysClaimSet _issuer = SysClaimSet.System;
string _id = UniqueId.CreateUniqueId();
/// Initializes an instance of
public AuthorizationPolicy()
/// Initializes an instance of
/// ClaimsIdentity for the AuthorizationPolicy.
/// One of the input argument is null.
public AuthorizationPolicy(ClaimsIdentity identity)
if (identity == null)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("identity");
/// Initializes an instance of
/// Collection of identities.
public AuthorizationPolicy(IEnumerable identityCollection)
if (identityCollection == null)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("identityCollection");
List collection = new List();
foreach (ClaimsIdentity identity in identityCollection)
_identityCollection = collection;
/// Gets a ClaimsIdentity collection.
public ReadOnlyCollection IdentityCollection
return _identityCollection.AsReadOnly();
#region IAuthorizationPolicy Members
/// Evaluates the current Policy. This is provided for backward compatibility
/// of WCF Claims model. We always return true without affecting the EvaluationContext.
/// The current EvaluationContext.
/// The reference state object.
/// True if the Policy was successfully applied.
public bool Evaluate(EvaluationContext evaluationContext, ref object state)
if (null == evaluationContext || null == evaluationContext.Properties)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("evaluationContext");
if (0 == _identityCollection.Count)
// Nothing to do here.
return true;
// Locate or create the ClaimsPrincipal
object principalObj = null;
if (!evaluationContext.Properties.TryGetValue(ClaimsPrincipalKey, out principalObj))
ClaimsPrincipal principalToAdd = CreateClaimsPrincipalFromIdentities(_identityCollection);
evaluationContext.Properties.Add(ClaimsPrincipalKey, principalToAdd);
if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Information))
new ClaimsPrincipalTraceRecord(principalToAdd),
ClaimsPrincipal principal = principalObj as ClaimsPrincipal;
if (null != principal && null != principal.Identities)
// Someone stomped on our ClaimsPrincipal property key in the properties collection
// Just trace this for now.
if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Error))
// Locate or create evaluationContext.Properties[ "Identities" ] with identities
object identitiesObj = null;
if (!evaluationContext.Properties.TryGetValue(IdentitiesKey, out identitiesObj))
List identities = new List();
foreach (ClaimsIdentity ici in _identityCollection)
evaluationContext.Properties.Add(IdentitiesKey, identities);
List identities;
identities = identitiesObj as List;
foreach (ClaimsIdentity ici in _identityCollection)
return true;
private static ClaimsPrincipal CreateClaimsPrincipalFromIdentities(IEnumerable identities)
ClaimsIdentity selectedClaimsIdentity = SelectPrimaryIdentity(identities);
if (selectedClaimsIdentity == null)
//return an anonymous identity
return new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity());
ClaimsPrincipal principal = CreateFromIdentity(selectedClaimsIdentity);
// Add the remaining identities.
foreach (ClaimsIdentity identity in identities)
if (identity != selectedClaimsIdentity)
return principal;
/// Creates the appropriate implementation of an IClaimsPrincipal base on the
/// type of the specified IIdentity (e.g. WindowsClaimsPrincipal for a WindowsIdentity).
/// Note the appropriate IClaimsIdentity is generated based on the specified IIdentity
/// as well.
/// An implementation of IIdentity
/// A claims-based principal.
private static ClaimsPrincipal CreateFromIdentity(IIdentity identity)
if (null == identity)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("identity");
WindowsIdentity wci = identity as WindowsIdentity;
if (null != wci)
return new WindowsPrincipal(wci);
WindowsIdentity wi = identity as WindowsIdentity;
if (null != wi)
return new WindowsPrincipal(wi);
ClaimsIdentity ici = identity as ClaimsIdentity;
if (null != ici)
return new ClaimsPrincipal(ici);
return new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(identity));
/// This method iterates through the collection of ClaimsIdentities
/// and determines which identity must be used as the primary one.
/// If the identities collection contains a WindowsClaimsIdentity, it is the most preferred.
/// If the identities collection contains an RsaClaimsIdentity, it is the least preferred.
private static ClaimsIdentity SelectPrimaryIdentity(IEnumerable identities)
if (identities == null)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("identities");
// Loop through the identities to determine the primary identity.
ClaimsIdentity selectedClaimsIdentity = null;
foreach (ClaimsIdentity identity in identities)
if (identity is WindowsIdentity)
// If there is a WindowsIdentity, return that.
selectedClaimsIdentity = identity;
else if (identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Rsa) != null)
//this is a RSA identity
//it is the least preffered identity
if (selectedClaimsIdentity == null)
selectedClaimsIdentity = identity;
else if (selectedClaimsIdentity == null)
// If no primary identity has been selected yet, choose the current identity.
selectedClaimsIdentity = identity;
return selectedClaimsIdentity;
/// Gets the Issuer Claimset. This will return a DefaultClaimSet with just one claim
/// whose ClaimType is http://schemas.microsoft.com/claims/identityclaim.
public SysClaimSet Issuer
return _issuer;
#region IAuthorizationComponent Members
/// Returns an Id for the ClaimsPrincipal.
public string Id
return _id;