// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// @owner Microsoft
// @backupOwner Microsoft
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class...
// It is fine to use Debug.Assert in cases where you assert an obvious thing that is supposed
// to prevent from simple mistakes during development (e.g. method argument validation
// in cases where it was you who created the variables or the variables had already been validated or
// in "else" clauses where due to code changes (e.g. adding a new value to an enum type) the default
// "else" block is chosen why the new condition should be treated separately). This kind of asserts are
// (can be) helpful when developing new code to avoid simple mistakes but have no or little value in
// the shipped product.
// PlanCompiler.Assert *MUST* be used to verify conditions in the trees. These would be assumptions
// about how the tree was built etc. - in these cases we probably want to throw an exception (this is
// what PlanCompiler.Assert does when the condition is not met) if either the assumption is not correct
// or the tree was built/rewritten not the way we thought it was.
// Use your judgment - if you rather remove an assert than ship it use Debug.Assert otherwise use
// PlanCompiler.Assert.
using cqt = System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
using md = System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
using System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler;
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler
/// The PlanCompiler class is used by the BridgeCommand to produce an
/// execution plan - this execution plan is the plan object. The plan compilation
/// process takes as input a command tree (in C space), and then runs through a
/// set of changes before the final plan is produced. The final plan contains
/// one or more command trees (commands?) (in S space), with a set of assembly
/// instructions.
/// The compiler phases include
/// * Convert the command tree (CTree) into an internal tree (an ITree)
/// * Run initializations on the ITree.
/// * Eliminate structured types from the tree
/// * Eliminating named type references, refs and records from the tree
/// At the end of this phase, we still may have collections (and record
/// arguments to collections) in the tree.
/// * Projection pruning (ie) eliminating unused references
/// * Tree transformations. Various transformations are run on the ITree to
/// (ostensibly) optimize the tree. These transformations are represented as
/// rules, and a rule processor is invoked.
/// * Nest elimination. At this point, we try to get pull up nest operations
/// as high up the tree as possible
/// * Code Generation. This phase produces a plan object with various subpieces
/// of the ITree represented as commands (in S space).
/// * The subtrees of the ITree are then converted into the corresponding CTrees
/// and converted into S space as part of the CTree creation.
/// * A plan object is created and returned.
internal class PlanCompiler
#region private state
/// A boolean switch indicating whether we should apply transformation rules regardless of the size of the Iqt.
/// By default, the Enabled property of a boolean switch is set using the value specified in the configuration file.
/// Configuring the switch with a value of 0 sets the Enabled property to false; configuring the switch with a nonzero
/// value to set the Enabled property to true. If the BooleanSwitch constructor cannot find initial switch settings
/// in the configuration file, the Enabled property of the new switch is set to false by default.
private static BooleanSwitch _applyTransformationsRegardlessOfSize = new BooleanSwitch("System.Data.EntityClient.IgnoreOptimizationLimit", "The Entity Framework should try to optimize the query regardless of its size");
/// Determines the maximum size of the query in terms of Iqt nodes for which we attempt to do transformation rules.
/// This number is ignored if applyTransformationsRegardlessOfSize is enabled.
private const int MaxNodeCountForTransformations = 100000;
/// The CTree we're compiling a plan for.
private cqt.DbCommandTree m_ctree;
/// The ITree we're working on.
private Command m_command;
/// The phase of the process we're currently in.
private PlanCompilerPhase m_phase;
/// Set of phases we need to go through
private int m_neededPhases;
/// Keeps track of foreign key relationships. Needed by Join Elimination
private ConstraintManager m_constraintManager;
/// Can transformation rules be applied
private Nullable m_mayApplyTransformationRules = null;
/// Does the command include any sort key that represents a null sentinel
/// This may only be set to true in NominalTypeElimination and is used
/// in Transformation Rules
private bool m_hasSortingOnNullSentinels = false;
#region constructors
/// private constructor
/// the input cqt
private PlanCompiler(cqt.DbCommandTree ctree)
m_ctree = ctree; // the input command tree
#region public interfaces
/// Retail Assertion code.
/// Provides the ability to have retail asserts.
internal static void Assert(bool condition, string message)
if (!condition)
// NOTE: I considered, at great length, whether to have the assertion message text
// included in the exception we throw; in the end, there really isn't a reliable
// equivalent to the C++ __LINE__ and __FILE__ macros in C# (at least not without
// using the C++ PreProcessor...ick) The StackTrace object comes close but
// doesn't handle inlined callers properly for our needs (MethodA() calls MethodB()
// calls us, but MethodB() is inlined, so we'll get MethodA() info instead), and
// since these are retail "Asserts" (as in: we're not supposed to get them in our
// shipping code, and we're doing this to avoid a null-ref which is even worse) I
// elected to simplify this by just including them as the additional info.
throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.AssertionFailed, 0, message);
/// Compile a query, and produce a plan
/// the input CQT
/// list of provider commands
/// column map for result assembly
/// the entity sets referenced in this query
/// a compiled plan object
internal static void Compile(cqt.DbCommandTree ctree, out List providerCommands, out ColumnMap resultColumnMap, out int columnCount, out Common.Utils.Set entitySets)
PlanCompiler.Assert(ctree != null, "Expected a valid, non-null Command Tree input");
PlanCompiler pc = new PlanCompiler(ctree);
pc.Compile(out providerCommands, out resultColumnMap, out columnCount, out entitySets);
/// Get the current command
internal Command Command { get { return m_command; } }
/// Does the command include any sort key that represents a null sentinel
/// This may only be set to true in NominalTypeElimination and is used
/// in Transformation Rules
internal bool HasSortingOnNullSentinels
get { return m_hasSortingOnNullSentinels; }
set { m_hasSortingOnNullSentinels = value; }
/// Keeps track of foreign key relationships. Needed by Join Elimination
internal ConstraintManager ConstraintManager
if (m_constraintManager == null)
m_constraintManager = new ConstraintManager();
return m_constraintManager;
/// Get the current plan compiler phase
internal PlanCompilerPhase Phase { get { return m_phase; } }
/// Sets the current plan compiler trace function to , enabling plan compiler tracing
internal static void TraceOn(Action traceCallback)
s_traceCallback = traceCallback;
/// Sets the current plan compiler trace function to null, disabling plan compiler tracing
internal static void TraceOff()
s_traceCallback = null;
private static Action s_traceCallback;
/// The MetadataWorkspace
internal md.MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace { get { return m_ctree.MetadataWorkspace; } }
/// Is the specified phase needed for this query?
/// the phase in question
internal bool IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase phase)
return ((m_neededPhases & (1 << (int)phase)) != 0);
/// Mark the specified phase as needed
/// plan compiler phase
internal void MarkPhaseAsNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase phase)
m_neededPhases = m_neededPhases | (1 << (int)phase);
#region private methods
/// The real driver.
/// list of provider commands
/// column map for the result
/// the entity sets exposed in this query
private void Compile(out List providerCommands, out ColumnMap resultColumnMap, out int columnCount, out Common.Utils.Set entitySets)
Initialize(); // initialize the ITree
string beforePreProcessor = String.Empty;
string beforeAggregatePushdown = String.Empty;
string beforeNormalization = String.Empty;
string beforeNTE = String.Empty;
string beforeProjectionPruning1 = String.Empty;
string beforeNestPullup = String.Empty;
string beforeProjectionPruning2 = String.Empty;
string beforeTransformationRules1 = String.Empty;
string beforeProjectionPruning3 = String.Empty;
string beforeTransformationRules2 = String.Empty;
string beforeJoinElimination1 = String.Empty;
string beforeTransformationRules3 = String.Empty;
string beforeJoinElimination2 = String.Empty;
string beforeTransformationRules4 = String.Empty;
string beforeCodeGen = String.Empty;
// We always need the pre-processor and the codegen phases.
// It is generally a good thing to run through the transformation rules, and
// the projection pruning phases.
// The "optional" phases are AggregatePushdown, Normalization, NTE, NestPullup and JoinElimination
m_neededPhases = (1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.PreProcessor) |
// (1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.AggregatePushdown) |
// (1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.Normalization) |
// (1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.NTE) |
(1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.ProjectionPruning) |
// (1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.NestPullup) |
(1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.Transformations) |
// (1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.JoinElimination) |
(1 << (int)PlanCompilerPhase.CodeGen);
// Perform any necessary preprocessing
StructuredTypeInfo typeInfo;
Dictionary tvfResultKeys;
beforePreProcessor = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.PreProcessor);
PreProcessor.Process(this, out typeInfo, out tvfResultKeys);
entitySets = typeInfo.GetEntitySets();
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.AggregatePushdown))
beforeAggregatePushdown = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.AggregatePushdown);
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.Normalization))
beforeNormalization = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.Normalization);
// Eliminate "structured" types.
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.NTE))
beforeNTE = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.NTE);
NominalTypeEliminator.Process(this, typeInfo, tvfResultKeys);
// Projection pruning - eliminate unreferenced expressions
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.ProjectionPruning))
beforeProjectionPruning1 = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.ProjectionPruning);
// Nest Pull-up on the ITree
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.NestPullup))
beforeNestPullup = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.NestPullup);
//If we do Nest Pull-up, we should again do projection pruning
beforeProjectionPruning2 = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.ProjectionPruning);
// Run transformations on the tree
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.Transformations))
bool projectionPrunningNeeded = ApplyTransformations(ref beforeTransformationRules1, TransformationRulesGroup.All);
if (projectionPrunningNeeded)
beforeProjectionPruning3 = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.ProjectionPruning);
ApplyTransformations(ref beforeTransformationRules2, TransformationRulesGroup.Project);
// Join elimination
if (IsPhaseNeeded(PlanCompilerPhase.JoinElimination))
beforeJoinElimination1 = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.JoinElimination);
bool modified = JoinElimination.Process(this);
if (modified)
ApplyTransformations(ref beforeTransformationRules3, TransformationRulesGroup.PostJoinElimination);
beforeJoinElimination2 = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.JoinElimination);
modified = JoinElimination.Process(this);
if (modified)
ApplyTransformations(ref beforeTransformationRules4, TransformationRulesGroup.PostJoinElimination);
// Code generation
beforeCodeGen = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.CodeGen);
CodeGen.Process(this, out providerCommands, out resultColumnMap, out columnCount);
// GC.KeepAlive makes FxCop Grumpy.
int size = beforePreProcessor.Length;
size = beforeAggregatePushdown.Length;
size = beforeNormalization.Length;
size = beforeNTE.Length;
size = beforeProjectionPruning1.Length;
size = beforeNestPullup.Length;
size = beforeProjectionPruning2.Length;
size = beforeTransformationRules1.Length;
size = beforeProjectionPruning3.Length;
size = beforeTransformationRules2.Length;
size = beforeJoinElimination1.Length;
size = beforeTransformationRules3.Length;
size = beforeJoinElimination2.Length;
size = beforeTransformationRules4.Length;
size = beforeCodeGen.Length;
// All done
/// Helper method for applying transformation rules
private bool ApplyTransformations(ref string dumpString, TransformationRulesGroup rulesGroup)
if (MayApplyTransformationRules)
dumpString = SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase.Transformations);
return TransformationRules.Process(this, rulesGroup);
return false;
/// Logic to perform between each compile phase
private string SwitchToPhase(PlanCompilerPhase newPhase)
string iqtDumpResult = string.Empty;
m_phase = newPhase;
if (s_traceCallback != null)
s_traceCallback(Enum.GetName(typeof(PlanCompilerPhase), newPhase), m_command);
iqtDumpResult = Dump.ToXml(m_command);
return iqtDumpResult;
/// To avoid processing huge trees, transformation rules are applied only if the number of nodes
/// is less than MaxNodeCountForTransformations
/// or if it is specified that they should be applied regardless of the size of the query.
/// Whether to apply transformations is only computed the first time this property is requested,
/// and is cached afterwards. This is because we don't expect the tree to get larger
/// from applying transformations.
private bool MayApplyTransformationRules
if (m_mayApplyTransformationRules == null)
m_mayApplyTransformationRules = ComputeMayApplyTransformations();
return m_mayApplyTransformationRules.Value;
/// Compute whether transformations may be applied.
/// Transformation rules may be applied only if the number of nodes is less than
/// MaxNodeCountForTransformations or if it is specified that they should be applied
/// regardless of the size of the query.
private bool ComputeMayApplyTransformations()
// If the nextNodeId is less than MaxNodeCountForTransformations then we don't need to
// calculate the acutal node count, it must be less than MaxNodeCountForTransformations
if (_applyTransformationsRegardlessOfSize.Enabled || this.m_command.NextNodeId < MaxNodeCountForTransformations)
return true;
//Compute the actual node count
int actualCount = NodeCounter.Count(this.m_command.Root);
return (actualCount < MaxNodeCountForTransformations);
/// Converts the CTree into an ITree, and initializes the plan
private void Initialize()
// Only support queries for now
cqt.DbQueryCommandTree cqtree = m_ctree as cqt.DbQueryCommandTree;
PlanCompiler.Assert(cqtree != null, "Unexpected command tree kind. Only query command tree is supported.");
// Generate the ITree
m_command = ITreeGenerator.Generate(cqtree);
PlanCompiler.Assert(m_command != null, "Unable to generate internal tree from Command Tree");
/// Enum describing which phase of plan compilation we're currently in
internal enum PlanCompilerPhase
/// Just entering the PreProcessor phase
PreProcessor = 0,
/// Entering the AggregatePushdown phase
AggregatePushdown = 1,
/// Entering the Normalization phase
Normalization = 2,
/// Entering the NTE (Nominal Type Eliminator) phase
NTE = 3,
/// Entering the Projection pruning phase
ProjectionPruning = 4,
/// Entering the Nest Pullup phase
NestPullup = 5,
/// Entering the Transformations phase
Transformations = 6,
/// Entering the JoinElimination phase
JoinElimination = 7,
/// Entering the codegen phase
CodeGen = 8,
/// We're almost done
PostCodeGen = 9,
/// Marker
MaxMarker = 10