//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Activities.Statements { using System.Activities; using System.Activities.DynamicUpdate; using System.Activities.Validation; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.Collections; using System.Windows.Markup; [ContentProperty("Nodes")] public sealed class Flowchart : NativeActivity { Collection variables; Collection nodes; Collection reachableNodes; CompletionCallback onStepCompleted; CompletionCallback onDecisionCompleted; Variable currentNode; public Flowchart() { this.currentNode = new Variable(); this.reachableNodes = new Collection(); } [DefaultValue(false)] public bool ValidateUnconnectedNodes { get; set; } public Collection Variables { get { if (this.variables == null) { this.variables = new ValidatingCollection { // disallow null values OnAddValidationCallback = item => { if (item == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("item"); } } }; } return this.variables; } } [DependsOn("Variables")] public FlowNode StartNode { get; set; } [DependsOn("StartNode")] public Collection Nodes { get { if (this.nodes == null) { this.nodes = new ValidatingCollection { // disallow null values OnAddValidationCallback = item => { if (item == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("item"); } } }; } return this.nodes; } } protected override void OnCreateDynamicUpdateMap(NativeActivityUpdateMapMetadata metadata, Activity originalActivity) { Flowchart originalFlowchart = (Flowchart)originalActivity; Dictionary originalActivities = new Dictionary(); foreach (FlowNode node in originalFlowchart.reachableNodes) { if (node.ChildActivity == null) { continue; } if (metadata.IsReferenceToImportedChild(node.ChildActivity)) { // We can't save original values for referenced children. Also, we can't reliably combine // implementation changes with changes to referenced children. For now, we just disable // this scenario altogether; if we want to support it, we'll need deeper runtime support. metadata.DisallowUpdateInsideThisActivity(SR.FlowchartContainsReferences); return; } if (originalActivities.ContainsKey(node.ChildActivity)) { metadata.DisallowUpdateInsideThisActivity(SR.MultipleFlowNodesSharingSameChildBlockDU); return; } originalActivities[node.ChildActivity] = node.Index; } HashSet updatedActivities = new HashSet(); foreach (FlowNode node in this.reachableNodes) { if (node.ChildActivity != null) { if (metadata.IsReferenceToImportedChild(node.ChildActivity)) { metadata.DisallowUpdateInsideThisActivity(SR.FlowchartContainsReferences); return; } if (updatedActivities.Contains(node.ChildActivity)) { metadata.DisallowUpdateInsideThisActivity(SR.MultipleFlowNodesSharingSameChildBlockDU); return; } else { updatedActivities.Add(node.ChildActivity); } Activity originalChild = metadata.GetMatch(node.ChildActivity); int originalIndex; if (originalChild != null && originalActivities.TryGetValue(originalChild, out originalIndex)) { if (originalFlowchart.reachableNodes[originalIndex].GetType() != node.GetType()) { metadata.DisallowUpdateInsideThisActivity(SR.CannotMoveChildAcrossDifferentFlowNodeTypes); return; } if (originalIndex != node.Index) { metadata.SaveOriginalValue(node.ChildActivity, originalIndex); } } } } } protected override void UpdateInstance(NativeActivityUpdateContext updateContext) { int oldNodeIndex = updateContext.GetValue(this.currentNode); foreach (FlowNode node in this.reachableNodes) { if (node.ChildActivity != null) { object originalValue = updateContext.GetSavedOriginalValue(node.ChildActivity); if (originalValue != null) { int originalIndex = (int)originalValue; if (originalIndex == oldNodeIndex) { updateContext.SetValue(this.currentNode, node.Index); break; } } } } } protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata) { metadata.SetVariablesCollection(this.Variables); metadata.AddImplementationVariable(this.currentNode); this.GatherReachableNodes(metadata); if (this.ValidateUnconnectedNodes && (this.reachableNodes.Count < this.Nodes.Count)) { metadata.AddValidationError(SR.FlowchartContainsUnconnectedNodes(this.DisplayName)); } HashSet uniqueChildren = new HashSet(); IEnumerable childrenNodes = this.ValidateUnconnectedNodes ? this.Nodes.Distinct() : this.reachableNodes; foreach (FlowNode node in childrenNodes) { if (this.ValidateUnconnectedNodes) { node.OnOpen(this, metadata); } node.GetChildActivities(uniqueChildren); } List children = new List(uniqueChildren.Count); foreach (Activity child in uniqueChildren) { children.Add(child); } metadata.SetChildrenCollection(new Collection(children)); } void GatherReachableNodes(NativeActivityMetadata metadata) { // Clear out our cached list of all nodes this.reachableNodes.Clear(); if (this.StartNode == null && this.Nodes.Count > 0) { metadata.AddValidationError(SR.FlowchartMissingStartNode(this.DisplayName)); } else { this.DepthFirstVisitNodes((n) => this.VisitNode(n, metadata), this.StartNode); } } // Returns true if we should visit connected nodes bool VisitNode(FlowNode node, NativeActivityMetadata metadata) { if (node.Open(this, metadata)) { Fx.Assert(node.Index == -1 && !this.reachableNodes.Contains(node), "Corrupt Flowchart.reachableNodes."); node.Index = this.reachableNodes.Count; this.reachableNodes.Add(node); return true; } return false; } void DepthFirstVisitNodes(Func visitNodeCallback, FlowNode start) { Fx.Assert(visitNodeCallback != null, "This must be supplied since it stops us from infinitely looping."); List connected = new List(); Stack stack = new Stack(); if (start == null) { return; } stack.Push(start); while (stack.Count > 0) { FlowNode current = stack.Pop(); if (current == null) { continue; } if (visitNodeCallback(current)) { connected.Clear(); current.GetConnectedNodes(connected); for (int i = 0; i < connected.Count; i++) { stack.Push(connected[i]); } } } } protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { if (this.StartNode != null) { if (TD.FlowchartStartIsEnabled()) { TD.FlowchartStart(this.DisplayName); } this.ExecuteNodeChain(context, this.StartNode, null); } else { if (TD.FlowchartEmptyIsEnabled()) { TD.FlowchartEmpty(this.DisplayName); } } } void ExecuteNodeChain(NativeActivityContext context, FlowNode node, ActivityInstance completedInstance) { if (node == null) { if (context.IsCancellationRequested) { Fx.Assert(completedInstance != null, "cannot request cancel if we never scheduled any children"); // we are done but the last child didn't complete successfully if (completedInstance.State != ActivityInstanceState.Closed) { context.MarkCanceled(); } } return; } if (context.IsCancellationRequested) { // we're not done and cancel has been requested context.MarkCanceled(); return; } Fx.Assert(node != null, "caller should validate"); FlowNode current = node; do { FlowNode next; if (this.ExecuteSingleNode(context, current, out next)) { current = next; } else { this.currentNode.Set(context, current.Index); current = null; } } while (current != null); } bool ExecuteSingleNode(NativeActivityContext context, FlowNode node, out FlowNode nextNode) { Fx.Assert(node != null, "caller should validate"); FlowStep step = node as FlowStep; if (step != null) { if (this.onStepCompleted == null) { this.onStepCompleted = new CompletionCallback(this.OnStepCompleted); } return step.Execute(context, this.onStepCompleted, out nextNode); } nextNode = null; FlowDecision decision = node as FlowDecision; if (decision != null) { if (this.onDecisionCompleted == null) { this.onDecisionCompleted = new CompletionCallback(this.OnDecisionCompleted); } return decision.Execute(context, this.onDecisionCompleted); } IFlowSwitch switchNode = node as IFlowSwitch; Fx.Assert(switchNode != null, "unrecognized FlowNode"); return switchNode.Execute(context, this); } FlowNode GetCurrentNode(NativeActivityContext context) { int index = this.currentNode.Get(context); FlowNode result = this.reachableNodes[index]; Fx.Assert(result != null, "corrupt internal state"); return result; } void OnStepCompleted(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance) { FlowStep step = this.GetCurrentNode(context) as FlowStep; Fx.Assert(step != null, "corrupt internal state"); FlowNode next = step.Next; this.ExecuteNodeChain(context, next, completedInstance); } void OnDecisionCompleted(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance, bool result) { FlowDecision decision = this.GetCurrentNode(context) as FlowDecision; Fx.Assert(decision != null, "corrupt internal state"); FlowNode next = result ? decision.True : decision.False; this.ExecuteNodeChain(context, next, completedInstance); } internal void OnSwitchCompleted(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance, T result) { IFlowSwitch switchNode = this.GetCurrentNode(context) as IFlowSwitch; Fx.Assert(switchNode != null, "corrupt internal state"); FlowNode next = switchNode.GetNextNode(result); this.ExecuteNodeChain(context, next, completedInstance); } } }