diff --git a/modules/basic/.libs/basic-coretext.o b/modules/basic/.libs/basic-coretext.o
index 13cce67..80c3268 100644
Binary files a/modules/basic/.libs/basic-coretext.o and b/modules/basic/.libs/basic-coretext.o differ
diff --git a/modules/basic/.libs/pango-basic-coretext.so b/modules/basic/.libs/pango-basic-coretext.so
index 70bb117..d0940c4 100755
Binary files a/modules/basic/.libs/pango-basic-coretext.so and b/modules/basic/.libs/pango-basic-coretext.so differ
diff --git a/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c b/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c
index c34460a..46d83ff 100644
--- a/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c
+++ b/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ struct RunIterator
   CTRunRef current_run;
   CFIndex *current_indices;
   const CGGlyph *current_cgglyphs;
+  CGGlyph *current_cgglyphs_buffer;
   CTRunStatus current_run_status;

@@ -101,6 +102,9 @@ run_iterator_free_current_run (struct RunIterator *iter)
   iter->current_run_number = -1;
   iter->current_run = NULL;
   iter->current_cgglyphs = NULL;
+  if (iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer)
+    free (iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer);
+  iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer = NULL;
   if (iter->current_indices)
     free (iter->current_indices);
   iter->current_indices = NULL;
@@ -116,10 +120,18 @@ run_iterator_set_current_run (struct RunIterator *iter,

   iter->current_run_number = run_number;
   iter->current_run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (iter->runs, run_number);
+  ct_glyph_count = CTRunGetGlyphCount (iter->current_run);
   iter->current_run_status = CTRunGetStatus (iter->current_run);
   iter->current_cgglyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr (iter->current_run);
+  if (!iter->current_cgglyphs)
+    {
+      iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer = (CGGlyph *)malloc (sizeof (CGGlyph) * ct_glyph_count);
+      CTRunGetGlyphs (iter->current_run, CFRangeMake (0, ct_glyph_count),
+                      iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer);
+      iter->current_cgglyphs = iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer;
+    }

-  ct_glyph_count = CTRunGetGlyphCount (iter->current_run);
   iter->current_indices = malloc (sizeof (CFIndex *) * ct_glyph_count);
   CTRunGetStringIndices (iter->current_run, CFRangeMake (0, ct_glyph_count),
@@ -237,6 +249,7 @@ run_iterator_create (struct RunIterator *iter,
   iter->current_run = NULL;
   iter->current_indices = NULL;
   iter->current_cgglyphs = NULL;
+  iter->current_cgglyphs_buffer = NULL;

   /* Create CTLine */
   attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault,
diff --git a/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c.orig b/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c.orig
index 0a2c27f..c34460a 100644
--- a/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c.orig
+++ b/modules/basic/basic-coretext.c.orig
@@ -166,7 +166,42 @@ run_iterator_run_is_non_monotonic (struct RunIterator *iter)
 static gunichar
 run_iterator_get_character (struct RunIterator *iter)
-  return CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (iter->cstr, iter->current_indices[iter->ct_i]);
+  int lower, upper;
+  lower = iter->current_indices[iter->ct_i];
+  if (iter->ct_i + 1 < CTRunGetGlyphCount (iter->current_run))
+    upper = iter->current_indices[iter->ct_i + 1];
+  else
+    {
+      CFRange range = CTRunGetStringRange (iter->current_run);
+      upper = range.location + range.length;
+    }
+  if (upper - lower == 1)
+    return CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (iter->cstr, lower);
+  if (upper - lower == 2)
+    {
+      /* Character is encoded in two UTF16 code points. */
+      gunichar *ch;
+      gunichar retval;
+      gunichar2 orig[2];
+      orig[0] = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (iter->cstr, lower);
+      orig[1] = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (iter->cstr, lower + 1);
+      ch = g_utf16_to_ucs4 (orig, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+      retval = *ch;
+      g_free (ch);
+      return retval;
+    }
+  /* This should not be reached, because other cases cannot occur. Instead
+   * of crashing, return the first character which will likely be displayed
+   * as unknown glyph.
+   */
+  return CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (iter->cstr, lower);

 static CGGlyph
@@ -175,12 +210,6 @@ run_iterator_get_cgglyph (struct RunIterator *iter)
   return iter->current_cgglyphs[iter->ct_i];

-static CFIndex
-run_iterator_get_index (struct RunIterator *iter)
-  return iter->current_indices[iter->ct_i];
 static gboolean
 run_iterator_create (struct RunIterator *iter,
                      const char         *text,
@@ -190,13 +219,17 @@ run_iterator_create (struct RunIterator *iter,
   char *copy;
   CFDictionaryRef attributes;
   CFAttributedStringRef attstr;
+  int val = 0;
+  CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &val);

   CFTypeRef keys[] = {
-      (CFTypeRef) kCTFontAttributeName
+      (CFTypeRef) kCTFontAttributeName,
+      kCTLigatureAttributeName

   CFTypeRef values[] = {
-      ctfont
+      ctfont,
+      number

   /* Initialize RunIterator structure */
@@ -209,7 +242,7 @@ run_iterator_create (struct RunIterator *iter,
   attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                    (const void **)keys,
                                    (const void **)values,
-                                   1,
+                                   sizeof (keys) / sizeof (keys[0]),

@@ -233,6 +266,7 @@ run_iterator_create (struct RunIterator *iter,
   iter->line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attstr);
   iter->runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (iter->line);

+  CFRelease (number);
   CFRelease (attstr);
   CFRelease (attributes);

@@ -336,7 +370,7 @@ create_core_text_glyph_list (const char *text,
       struct GlyphInfo *gi;

       gi = g_slice_new (struct GlyphInfo);
-      gi->index = run_iterator_get_index (&riter);
+      gi->index = riter.total_ct_i;
       gi->cgglyph = run_iterator_get_cgglyph (&riter);
       gi->wc = run_iterator_get_character (&riter);

@@ -378,9 +412,8 @@ basic_engine_shape (PangoEngineShape    *engine,
    * glyph sequence generated by the CoreText typesetter:
    *   # E.g. zero-width spaces do not end up in the CoreText glyph sequence. We have
    *     to manually account for the gap in the character indices.
-   *   # Sometimes, CoreText generates two glyph for the same character index. We
-   *     currently handle this "properly" as in we do not crash or corrupt memory,
-   *     but that's about it.
+   *   # Sometimes, CoreText generates two glyph for the same character index. These
+   *     are properly composed into a single 32-bit gunichar.
    *   # Due to mismatches in size, the CoreText glyph sequence can either be longer or
    *     shorter than the PangoGlyphString. Note that the size of the PangoGlyphString
    *     should match the number of characters in "text".
@@ -392,11 +425,6 @@ basic_engine_shape (PangoEngineShape    *engine,
    * increasing/decreasing.
    * FIXME items for future fixing:
-   *   # CoreText strings are UTF16, and the indices *often* refer to characters,
-   *     but not *always*. Notable exception is when a character is encoded using
-   *     two UTF16 code points. This are two characters in a CFString. At this point
-   *     advancing a single character in the CFString and advancing a single character
-   *     using g_utf8_next_char in the const char string goes out of sync.
    *   # We currently don't bother about LTR, Pango core appears to fix this up for us.
    *     (Even when we cared warnings were generated that strings were in the wrong
    *     order, this should be investigated).