// // MonoTests.Remoting.GenericTest.cs // // Authors: // Robert Jordan <robertj@gmx.net> // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.Remoting { public interface INested { int Test (); int Test (int i); int Test (int a, int b); V Test <V> (V v); V Test <V, T> (V v, T t); } public interface ITest { V TestIface<V> (V v); int TestDirectIfaceImpl (int i); INested GetNested (); INested GetNestedMbr (); } public class ServerBase<T> : MarshalByRefObject, ITest { public virtual V TestVirt<V> (V v) { return default (V); } public V TestIface<V> (V v) { return v; } int ITest.TestDirectIfaceImpl (int i) { return i; } public int TestDirectIfaceImpl (int i) { return -1; } public INested GetNested () { return new Nested (); } public INested GetNested (string s) { return new Nested (); } public INested GetNestedMbr () { return new NestedMbr (); } } public class Server<T> : ServerBase<T> { public override V TestVirt<V> (V v) { return v; } } [Serializable] public class Nested : INested { public int Test () { return 47; } int INested.Test () { return 42; } public int Test (int i) { return i + 500; } int INested.Test (int a, int b) { return a + b; } public V Test <V> (V v) { return v; } V INested.Test <V, T> (V v, T t) { return default (V); } } public class NestedMbr : MarshalByRefObject, INested { public int Test () { return 47; } int INested.Test () { return 42; } public int Test (int i) { return i + 500; } int INested.Test (int a, int b) { return a + b; } public V Test <V> (V v) { return v; } V INested.Test <V, T> (V v, T t) { return default (V); } } [TestFixture] public class GenericTest { // Under MS.NET, INested.Test<V>(V v) isn't supported over the // xappdom channel anymore (as of .NET 3.5). The stacktrace // looks like if INested.Test(int) is invoked in place of // INested.Test<int>(int). [Category("NotDotNet")] [Test] public void TestCrossAppDomainChannel () { RunTests (RegisterAndConnect <Server<object>> ()); } [Test] public void TestTcpChannel () { IDictionary props = new Hashtable (); props ["name"] = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString("N"); props ["port"] = 18191; TcpChannel chan = new TcpChannel (props, null, null); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (chan); try { Register <Server<object>> ("gentcptest.rem"); RunTests (Connect <Server<object>> ("tcp://localhost:18191/gentcptest.rem")); } finally { ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (chan); } } static T RegisterAndConnect <T> () where T: MarshalByRefObject { AppDomain d = BaseCallTest.CreateDomain ("GenericTests"); return (T) d.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap ( typeof (T).Assembly.FullName, typeof (T).FullName); } static void Register <T> (string uri) where T: MarshalByRefObject { object obj = Activator.CreateInstance (typeof(T)); RemotingServices.Marshal ((MarshalByRefObject)obj, uri); } static T Connect <T> (string uri) where T: MarshalByRefObject { return (T) RemotingServices.Connect (typeof (T), uri); } static void RunTests (ServerBase<object> rem) { Assert.AreEqual (42, rem.TestIface<int>(42), "#1 calling TestIface on object instance"); Assert.AreEqual (42, rem.TestVirt<int>(42), "#2 calling TestVirt"); ITest i = rem; Assert.AreEqual (42, i.TestIface<int>(42), "#3 calling TestIface on interface"); Assert.AreEqual (42, i.TestDirectIfaceImpl (42), "#4 calling TestDirectIfaceImp"); INested cao = rem.GetNested (); Assert.AreEqual (42, cao.Test (), "#5a calling INested.Test ()"); Assert.AreEqual (42 + 500, cao.Test (42), "#5 calling INested.Test (int)"); Assert.AreEqual (42, cao.Test (21, 21), "#6 calling INested.Test (int, int)"); Assert.AreEqual (42, cao.Test<int> (42), "#7 calling INested.Test<V>"); Assert.AreEqual (0, cao.Test<int, string> (42, "bar"), "#8 calling INested.Test<V, T>"); cao = rem.GetNestedMbr (); Assert.AreEqual (42, cao.Test (), "#9a calling INested.Test ()"); Assert.AreEqual (42 + 500, cao.Test (42), "#9 calling INested.Test (int)"); Assert.AreEqual (42, cao.Test (21, 21), "#10 calling INested.Test (int, int)"); Assert.AreEqual (42, cao.Test<int> (42), "#11 calling INested.Test<V>"); Assert.AreEqual (0, cao.Test<int, string> (42, "bar"), "#12 calling INested.Test<V, T>"); } } }