// // Mono.Net.Dns.SimpleResolver // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo.mono@gmail.com) // // Copyright 2011 Gonzalo Paniagua Javier // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Mono.Net.Dns { sealed class SimpleResolver : IDisposable { static string [] EmptyStrings = new string [0]; static IPAddress [] EmptyAddresses = new IPAddress [0]; IPEndPoint [] endpoints; Socket client; Dictionary<int, SimpleResolverEventArgs> queries; AsyncCallback receive_cb; TimerCallback timeout_cb; bool disposed; #if REUSE_RESPONSES Stack<DnsResponse> responses_avail = new Stack<DnsResponse> (); #endif public SimpleResolver () { queries = new Dictionary<int, SimpleResolverEventArgs> (); receive_cb = new AsyncCallback (OnReceive); timeout_cb = new TimerCallback (OnTimeout); InitFromSystem (); InitSocket (); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { if (!disposed) { disposed = true; if (client != null) { client.Close (); client = null; } } } public void Close () { ((IDisposable) this).Dispose (); } void GetLocalHost (SimpleResolverEventArgs args) { //FIXME IPHostEntry entry = new IPHostEntry (); entry.HostName = "localhost"; entry.AddressList = new IPAddress [] { IPAddress.Loopback }; entry.Aliases = EmptyStrings; args.ResolverError = 0; args.HostEntry = entry; return; /* List<IPEndPoint> eps = new List<IPEndPoint> (); foreach (NetworkInterface iface in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces ()) { if (NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback == iface.NetworkInterfaceType) continue; foreach (IPAddress addr in iface.GetIPProperties ().DnsAddresses) { if (AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 == addr.AddressFamily) continue; IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint (addr, 53); if (eps.Contains (ep)) continue; eps.Add (ep); } } endpoints = eps.ToArray (); */ } // Type A query // Might fill in Aliases // -IPAddress -> return the same IPAddress // -"" -> Local host ip addresses (filter out IPv6 if needed) public bool GetHostAddressesAsync (SimpleResolverEventArgs args) { if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("args"); if (args.HostName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("args.HostName is null"); if (args.HostName.Length > 255) throw new ArgumentException ("args.HostName is too long"); args.Reset (ResolverAsyncOperation.GetHostAddresses); string host = args.HostName; if (host == "") { GetLocalHost (args); return false; } IPAddress addr; if (IPAddress.TryParse (host, out addr)) { IPHostEntry entry = new IPHostEntry (); entry.HostName = host; entry.Aliases = EmptyStrings; entry.AddressList = new IPAddress [1] { addr }; args.HostEntry = entry; return false; } SendAQuery (args, true); return true; } // For names -> type A Query // For IP addresses -> PTR + A -> will at least return itself // Careful: for IP addresses with PTR, the hostname might yield different IP addresses! public bool GetHostEntryAsync (SimpleResolverEventArgs args) { if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("args"); if (args.HostName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("args.HostName is null"); if (args.HostName.Length > 255) throw new ArgumentException ("args.HostName is too long"); args.Reset (ResolverAsyncOperation.GetHostEntry); string host = args.HostName; if (host == "") { GetLocalHost (args); return false; } IPAddress addr; if (IPAddress.TryParse (host, out addr)) { IPHostEntry entry = new IPHostEntry (); entry.HostName = host; entry.Aliases = EmptyStrings; entry.AddressList = new IPAddress [1] { addr }; args.HostEntry = entry; args.PTRAddress = addr; SendPTRQuery (args, true); return true; } // 3. For IP addresses: // 3.1 Parsing IP succeeds // 3.2 Reverse lookup of the IP fills in HostName -> fails? HostName = IP // 3.3 The hostname resulting from this is used to query DNS again to get the IP addresses // // Exclude IPv6 addresses if not supported by the system // .Aliases is always empty // Length > 255 SendAQuery (args, true); return true; } bool AddQuery (DnsQuery query, SimpleResolverEventArgs args) { lock (queries) { if (queries.ContainsKey (query.Header.ID)) return false; queries [query.Header.ID] = args; } return true; } static DnsQuery GetQuery (string host, DnsQType q, DnsQClass c) { return new DnsQuery (host, q, c); } void SendAQuery (SimpleResolverEventArgs args, bool add_it) { SendAQuery (args, args.HostName, add_it); } void SendAQuery (SimpleResolverEventArgs args, string host, bool add_it) { DnsQuery query = GetQuery (host, DnsQType.A, DnsQClass.IN); SendQuery (args, query, add_it); } static string GetPTRName (IPAddress address) { // TODO: IPv6 PTR query? byte [] bytes = address.GetAddressBytes (); // "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.in-addr.arpa".Length StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (28); for (int i = bytes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.", bytes [i]); } sb.Append ("in-addr.arpa"); return sb.ToString (); } void SendPTRQuery (SimpleResolverEventArgs args, bool add_it) { DnsQuery query = GetQuery (GetPTRName (args.PTRAddress), DnsQType.PTR, DnsQClass.IN); SendQuery (args, query, add_it); } void SendQuery (SimpleResolverEventArgs args, DnsQuery query, bool add_it) { // TODO: not sure about reusing IDs when add_it == false int count = 0; if (add_it) { do { query.Header.ID = (ushort)new Random().Next(1, 65534); if (count > 500) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Too many pending queries (or really bad luck)"); } while (AddQuery (query, args) == false); args.QueryID = query.Header.ID; } else { query.Header.ID = args.QueryID; } if (args.Timer == null) args.Timer = new Timer (timeout_cb, args, 5000, Timeout.Infinite); else args.Timer.Change (5000, Timeout.Infinite); client.BeginSend (query.Packet, 0, query.Length, SocketFlags.None, null, null); } byte [] GetFreshBuffer () { #if !REUSE_RESPONSES return new byte [512]; #else DnsResponse response = null; lock (responses_avail) { if (responses_avail.Count > 0) { response = responses_avail.Pop (); } } if (response == null) { response = new DnsResponse (); } else { response.Reset (); } return response; #endif } void FreeBuffer (byte [] buffer) { #if REUSE_RESPONSES // TODO: set some limit here. Configurable? lock (responses_avail) { responses_avail.Push (response); } #endif } void InitSocket () { client = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); client.Blocking = true; client.Bind (new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Any, 0)); client.Connect (endpoints [0]); BeginReceive (); } void BeginReceive () { byte [] buffer = GetFreshBuffer (); client.BeginReceive (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, receive_cb, buffer); } void OnTimeout (object obj) { SimpleResolverEventArgs args = (SimpleResolverEventArgs) obj; SimpleResolverEventArgs args2; lock (queries) { if (!queries.TryGetValue (args.QueryID, out args2)) { return; // Already processed. } if (args != args2) throw new Exception ("Should not happen: args != args2"); args.Retries++; if (args.Retries > 1) { // Error timeout args.ResolverError = ResolverError.Timeout; args.OnCompleted (this); } else { SendAQuery (args, false); } } } void OnReceive (IAsyncResult ares) { if (disposed) return; int nread = 0; EndPoint remote_ep = client.RemoteEndPoint; try { nread = client.EndReceive (ares); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine (e); } BeginReceive (); byte [] buffer = (byte []) ares.AsyncState; if (nread > 12) { DnsResponse response = new DnsResponse (buffer, nread); int id = response.Header.ID; SimpleResolverEventArgs args = null; lock (queries) { if (queries.TryGetValue (id, out args)) { queries.Remove (id); } } if (args != null) { Timer t = args.Timer; if (t != null) t.Change (Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); try { ProcessResponse (args, response, remote_ep); } catch (Exception e) { args.ResolverError = (ResolverError) (-1); args.ErrorMessage = e.Message; } IPHostEntry entry = args.HostEntry; if (args.ResolverError != 0 && args.PTRAddress != null && entry != null && entry.HostName != null) { args.PTRAddress = null; SendAQuery (args, entry.HostName, true); args.Timer.Change (5000, Timeout.Infinite); } else { args.OnCompleted (this); } } } FreeBuffer (buffer); } void ProcessResponse (SimpleResolverEventArgs args, DnsResponse response, EndPoint server_ep) { DnsRCode status = response.Header.RCode; if (status != 0) { if (args.PTRAddress != null) { // PTR query failed -> no error, we have the IP return; } args.ResolverError = (ResolverError) status; return; } // TODO: verify IP of the server is in our list and the same one that got the query IPEndPoint ep = (IPEndPoint) server_ep; if (ep.Port != 53) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "Port"; return; } DnsHeader header = response.Header; if (!header.IsQuery) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "IsQuery"; return; } // TODO: handle Truncation. Retry with bigger buffer? if (header.QuestionCount > 1) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "QuestionCount"; return; } ReadOnlyCollection<DnsQuestion> q = response.GetQuestions (); if (q.Count != 1) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "QuestionCount 2"; return; } DnsQuestion question = q [0]; /* The answer might have dot at the end, etc... if (String.Compare (question.Name, args.HostName) != 0) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "HostName - " + question.Name + " != " + args.HostName; return; } */ DnsQType t = question.Type; if (t != DnsQType.A && t != DnsQType.AAAA && t != DnsQType.PTR) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "QType " + question.Type; return; } if (question.Class != DnsQClass.IN) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.ResponseHeaderError; args.ErrorMessage = "QClass " + question.Class; return; } ReadOnlyCollection<DnsResourceRecord> records = response.GetAnswers (); if (records.Count == 0) { if (args.PTRAddress != null) { // PTR query failed -> no error return; } args.ResolverError = ResolverError.NameError; // is this ok? args.ErrorMessage = "NoAnswers"; return; } List<string> aliases = null; List<IPAddress> addresses = null; foreach (DnsResourceRecord r in records) { if (r.Class != DnsClass.IN) continue; if (r.Type == DnsType.A || r.Type == DnsType.AAAA) { if (addresses == null) addresses = new List<IPAddress> (); addresses.Add (((DnsResourceRecordIPAddress) r).Address); } else if (r.Type == DnsType.CNAME) { if (aliases == null) aliases = new List<string> (); aliases.Add (((DnsResourceRecordCName) r).CName); } else if (r.Type == DnsType.PTR) { args.HostEntry.HostName = ((DnsResourceRecordPTR) r).DName; args.HostEntry.Aliases = aliases == null ? EmptyStrings : aliases.ToArray (); args.HostEntry.AddressList = EmptyAddresses; return; } } IPHostEntry entry = args.HostEntry ?? new IPHostEntry (); if (entry.HostName == null && aliases != null && aliases.Count > 0) { entry.HostName = aliases [0]; aliases.RemoveAt (0); } entry.Aliases = aliases == null ? EmptyStrings : aliases.ToArray (); entry.AddressList = addresses == null ? EmptyAddresses : addresses.ToArray (); args.HostEntry = entry; if ((question.Type == DnsQType.A || question.Type == DnsQType.AAAA) && entry.AddressList == EmptyAddresses) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.NameError; args.ErrorMessage = "No addresses in response"; } else if (question.Type == DnsQType.PTR && entry.HostName == null) { args.ResolverError = ResolverError.NameError; args.ErrorMessage = "No PTR in response"; } } void InitFromSystem () { List<IPEndPoint> eps = new List<IPEndPoint> (); foreach (NetworkInterface iface in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces ()) { if (NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback == iface.NetworkInterfaceType) continue; foreach (IPAddress addr in iface.GetIPProperties ().DnsAddresses) { if (AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 == addr.AddressFamily) continue; IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint (addr, 53); if (eps.Contains (ep)) continue; eps.Add (ep); } } endpoints = eps.ToArray (); } } }