Commons.Xml.Relaxng[00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 79 15 99 77 D2 D0 3A 8E 6B EA 7A 2E 74 E8 D1 AF CC 93 E8 85 19 74 95 2B B4 80 A1 2C 91 34 47 4D 04 06 24 47 C3 7E 0E 68 C0 80 53 6F CF 3C 3F BE 2F F9 C9 79 CE 99 84 75 E5 06 E8 CE 82 DD 5B 0F 35 0D C1 0E 93 BF 2E EE CF 87 4B 24 77 0C 50 81 DB EA 74 47 FD DA FA 27 7B 22 DE 47 D6 FF EA 44 96 74 A4 F9 FC CF 84 D1 50 69 08 93 80 28 4D BD D3 5F 46 CD FF 12 A1 BD 78 E4 EF 00 65 D0 16 DF]1.0.5000.0Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.Implements a RELAX NG Compact Syntax parser.To be added.System.ObjectMethodCommons.Xml.Relaxng.RelaxngPatternThis static method internally calls ParseRnc (reader, new NameTable ()).
a that holds the compact syntax source.
The resulting .To be added.MethodCommons.Xml.Relaxng.RelaxngPatternThis static method internally creates a new instance of this class and then parses the input compact syntax and returns the result pattern.
a that holds the compact syntax source.
a that is passed to the instance constructor.
The resulting .To be added.MethodCommons.Xml.Relaxng.RelaxngPatternParses the input compact syntax source and returns the pattern object.
a that holds the input compact syntax.
a The resulting pattern is not compiled. To make sure that the pattern is valid in the context of simplification and limitation defined by the RELAX NG specification, you have to call Compile () against the resulting pattern.ConstructorThe constructor.
a that is used through this parser.
To be added.PropertySystem.Int32Represents the line number that progresses on parse.a To be added.PropertySystem.Int32Represents the column number that progresses on parse.a To be added.PropertySystem.StringHolds the default namespace through the parse phase.a To be added.FieldSystem.IO.TextWriterTo be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int32To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.String[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.String[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int32To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int16[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int16[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int16[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int16[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int16[]To be added.To be added.FieldSystem.Int16[]To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Void
To be added.
To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Void
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.String
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.String[]
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Object
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.