// // SmallXmlParser.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // // small xml parser that is mostly compatible with // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Mono.Xml { internal sealed class DefaultHandler : SmallXmlParser.IContentHandler { public void OnStartParsing (SmallXmlParser parser) { } public void OnEndParsing (SmallXmlParser parser) { } public void OnStartElement (string name, SmallXmlParser.IAttrList attrs) { } public void OnEndElement (string name) { } public void OnChars (string s) { } public void OnIgnorableWhitespace (string s) { } public void OnProcessingInstruction (string name, string text) { } } internal class SmallXmlParser { internal interface IContentHandler { void OnStartParsing (SmallXmlParser parser); void OnEndParsing (SmallXmlParser parser); void OnStartElement (string name, IAttrList attrs); void OnEndElement (string name); void OnProcessingInstruction (string name, string text); void OnChars (string text); void OnIgnorableWhitespace (string text); } internal interface IAttrList { int Length { get; } bool IsEmpty { get; } string GetName (int i); string GetValue (int i); string GetValue (string name); string [] Names { get; } string [] Values { get; } } sealed class AttrListImpl : IAttrList { public int Length { get { return attrNames.Count; } } public bool IsEmpty { get { return attrNames.Count == 0; } } public string GetName (int i) { return (string) attrNames [i]; } public string GetValue (int i) { return (string) attrValues [i]; } public string GetValue (string name) { for (int i = 0; i < attrNames.Count; i++) if ((string) attrNames [i] == name) return (string) attrValues [i]; return null; } public string [] Names { get { return (string []) attrNames.ToArray (typeof (string)); } } public string [] Values { get { return (string []) attrValues.ToArray (typeof (string)); } } ArrayList attrNames = new ArrayList (); ArrayList attrValues = new ArrayList (); internal void Clear () { attrNames.Clear (); attrValues.Clear (); } internal void Add (string name, string value) { attrNames.Add (name); attrValues.Add (value); } } IContentHandler handler; TextReader reader; Stack elementNames = new Stack (); Stack xmlSpaces = new Stack (); string xmlSpace; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder (200); char [] nameBuffer = new char [30]; bool isWhitespace; AttrListImpl attributes = new AttrListImpl (); int line = 1, column; bool resetColumn; public SmallXmlParser () { } private Exception Error (string msg) { return new SmallXmlParserException (msg, line, column); } private Exception UnexpectedEndError () { string [] arr = new string [elementNames.Count]; // COMPACT FRAMEWORK NOTE: CopyTo is not visible through the Stack class (elementNames as ICollection).CopyTo (arr, 0); return Error (String.Format ( "Unexpected end of stream. Element stack content is {0}", String.Join (",", arr))); } private bool IsNameChar (char c, bool start) { switch (c) { case ':': case '_': return true; case '-': case '.': return !start; } if (c > 0x100) { // optional condition for optimization switch (c) { case '\u0559': case '\u06E5': case '\u06E6': return true; } if ('\u02BB' <= c && c <= '\u02C1') return true; } switch (Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c)) { case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter: case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter: case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter: case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter: case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber: return true; case UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark: case UnicodeCategory.EnclosingMark: case UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark: case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter: case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber: return !start; default: return false; } } private bool IsWhitespace (int c) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\t': case '\n': return true; default: return false; } } public void SkipWhitespaces () { SkipWhitespaces (false); } private void HandleWhitespaces () { while (IsWhitespace (Peek ())) buffer.Append ((char) Read ()); if (Peek () != '<' && Peek () >= 0) isWhitespace = false; } public void SkipWhitespaces (bool expected) { while (true) { switch (Peek ()) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\t': case '\n': Read (); if (expected) expected = false; continue; } if (expected) throw Error ("Whitespace is expected."); return; } } private int Peek () { return reader.Peek (); } private int Read () { int i = reader.Read (); if (i == '\n') resetColumn = true; if (resetColumn) { line++; resetColumn = false; column = 1; } else column++; return i; } public void Expect (int c) { int p = Read (); if (p < 0) throw UnexpectedEndError (); else if (p != c) throw Error (String.Format ("Expected '{0}' but got {1}", (char) c, (char) p)); } private string ReadUntil (char until, bool handleReferences) { while (true) { if (Peek () < 0) throw UnexpectedEndError (); char c = (char) Read (); if (c == until) break; else if (handleReferences && c == '&') ReadReference (); else buffer.Append (c); } string ret = buffer.ToString (); buffer.Length = 0; return ret; } public string ReadName () { int idx = 0; if (Peek () < 0 || !IsNameChar ((char) Peek (), true)) throw Error ("XML name start character is expected."); for (int i = Peek (); i >= 0; i = Peek ()) { char c = (char) i; if (!IsNameChar (c, false)) break; if (idx == nameBuffer.Length) { char [] tmp = new char [idx * 2]; // COMPACT FRAMEWORK NOTE: Array.Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, count) is not available. Array.Copy (nameBuffer, 0, tmp, 0, idx); nameBuffer = tmp; } nameBuffer [idx++] = c; Read (); } if (idx == 0) throw Error ("Valid XML name is expected."); return new string (nameBuffer, 0, idx); } public void Parse (TextReader input, IContentHandler handler) { this.reader = input; this.handler = handler; handler.OnStartParsing (this); while (Peek () >= 0) ReadContent (); HandleBufferedContent (); if (elementNames.Count > 0) throw Error (String.Format ("Insufficient close tag: {0}", elementNames.Peek ())); handler.OnEndParsing (this); Cleanup (); } private void Cleanup () { line = 1; column = 0; handler = null; reader = null; #if CF_1_0 elementNames = new Stack (); xmlSpaces = new Stack (); #else elementNames.Clear (); xmlSpaces.Clear (); #endif attributes.Clear (); buffer.Length = 0; xmlSpace = null; isWhitespace = false; } public void ReadContent () { string name; if (IsWhitespace (Peek ())) { if (buffer.Length == 0) isWhitespace = true; HandleWhitespaces (); } if (Peek () == '<') { Read (); switch (Peek ()) { case '!': // declarations Read (); if (Peek () == '[') { Read (); if (ReadName () != "CDATA") throw Error ("Invalid declaration markup"); Expect ('['); ReadCDATASection (); return; } else if (Peek () == '-') { ReadComment (); return; } else if (ReadName () != "DOCTYPE") throw Error ("Invalid declaration markup."); else throw Error ("This parser does not support document type."); case '?': // PIs HandleBufferedContent (); Read (); name = ReadName (); SkipWhitespaces (); string text = String.Empty; if (Peek () != '?') { while (true) { text += ReadUntil ('?', false); if (Peek () == '>') break; text += "?"; } } handler.OnProcessingInstruction ( name, text); Expect ('>'); return; case '/': // end tags HandleBufferedContent (); if (elementNames.Count == 0) throw UnexpectedEndError (); Read (); name = ReadName (); SkipWhitespaces (); string expected = (string) elementNames.Pop (); xmlSpaces.Pop (); if (xmlSpaces.Count > 0) xmlSpace = (string) xmlSpaces.Peek (); else xmlSpace = null; if (name != expected) throw Error (String.Format ("End tag mismatch: expected {0} but found {1}", expected, name)); handler.OnEndElement (name); Expect ('>'); return; default: // start tags (including empty tags) HandleBufferedContent (); name = ReadName (); while (Peek () != '>' && Peek () != '/') ReadAttribute (attributes); handler.OnStartElement (name, attributes); attributes.Clear (); SkipWhitespaces (); if (Peek () == '/') { Read (); handler.OnEndElement (name); } else { elementNames.Push (name); xmlSpaces.Push (xmlSpace); } Expect ('>'); return; } } else ReadCharacters (); } private void HandleBufferedContent () { if (buffer.Length == 0) return; if (isWhitespace) handler.OnIgnorableWhitespace (buffer.ToString ()); else handler.OnChars (buffer.ToString ()); buffer.Length = 0; isWhitespace = false; } private void ReadCharacters () { isWhitespace = false; while (true) { int i = Peek (); switch (i) { case -1: return; case '<': return; case '&': Read (); ReadReference (); continue; default: buffer.Append ((char) Read ()); continue; } } } private void ReadReference () { if (Peek () == '#') { // character reference Read (); ReadCharacterReference (); } else { string name = ReadName (); Expect (';'); switch (name) { case "amp": buffer.Append ('&'); break; case "quot": buffer.Append ('"'); break; case "apos": buffer.Append ('\''); break; case "lt": buffer.Append ('<'); break; case "gt": buffer.Append ('>'); break; default: throw Error ("General non-predefined entity reference is not supported in this parser."); } } } private int ReadCharacterReference () { int n = 0; if (Peek () == 'x') { // hex Read (); for (int i = Peek (); i >= 0; i = Peek ()) { if ('0' <= i && i <= '9') n = n << 4 + i - '0'; else if ('A' <= i && i <='F') n = n << 4 + i - 'A' + 10; else if ('a' <= i && i <='f') n = n << 4 + i - 'a' + 10; else break; Read (); } } else { for (int i = Peek (); i >= 0; i = Peek ()) { if ('0' <= i && i <= '9') n = n << 4 + i - '0'; else break; Read (); } } return n; } private void ReadAttribute (AttrListImpl a) { SkipWhitespaces (true); if (Peek () == '/' || Peek () == '>') // came here just to spend trailing whitespaces return; string name = ReadName (); string value; SkipWhitespaces (); Expect ('='); SkipWhitespaces (); switch (Read ()) { case '\'': value = ReadUntil ('\'', true); break; case '"': value = ReadUntil ('"', true); break; default: throw Error ("Invalid attribute value markup."); } if (name == "xml:space") xmlSpace = value; a.Add (name, value); } private void ReadCDATASection () { int nBracket = 0; while (true) { if (Peek () < 0) throw UnexpectedEndError (); char c = (char) Read (); if (c == ']') nBracket++; else if (c == '>' && nBracket > 1) { for (int i = nBracket; i > 2; i--) buffer.Append (']'); break; } else { for (int i = 0; i < nBracket; i++) buffer.Append (']'); nBracket = 0; buffer.Append (c); } } } private void ReadComment () { Expect ('-'); Expect ('-'); while (true) { if (Read () != '-') continue; if (Read () != '-') continue; if (Read () != '>') throw Error ("'--' is not allowed inside comment markup."); break; } } } internal sealed class SmallXmlParserException : SystemException { int line; int column; public SmallXmlParserException (string msg, int line, int column) : base (String.Format ("{0}. At ({1},{2})", msg, line, column)) { this.line = line; this.column = column; } public int Line { get { return line; } } public int Column { get { return column; } } } }