// // AggressiveRefletionReader.cs // // Author: // Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com) // // (C) 2005 Jb Evain // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // namespace Mono.Cecil { using System; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; using Mono.Cecil.Signatures; internal sealed class AggressiveReflectionReader : ReflectionReader { public AggressiveReflectionReader (ModuleDefinition module) : base (module) { } public override void VisitTypeDefinitionCollection (TypeDefinitionCollection types) { base.VisitTypeDefinitionCollection (types); ReadGenericParameterConstraints (); ReadClassLayoutInfos (); ReadFieldLayoutInfos (); ReadPInvokeInfos (); ReadProperties (); ReadEvents (); ReadSemantics (); ReadInterfaces (); ReadOverrides (); ReadSecurityDeclarations (); ReadCustomAttributes (); ReadConstants (); ReadExternTypes (); ReadMarshalSpecs (); ReadInitialValues (); m_events = null; m_properties = null; m_parameters = null; } void ReadGenericParameterConstraints () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (GenericParamConstraintTable.RId)) return; GenericParamConstraintTable gpcTable = m_tableReader.GetGenericParamConstraintTable (); for (int i = 0; i < gpcTable.Rows.Count; i++) { GenericParamConstraintRow gpcRow = gpcTable [i]; GenericParameter gp = GetGenericParameterAt (gpcRow.Owner); gp.Constraints.Add (GetTypeDefOrRef (gpcRow.Constraint, new GenericContext (gp.Owner))); } } void ReadClassLayoutInfos () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (ClassLayoutTable.RId)) return; ClassLayoutTable clTable = m_tableReader.GetClassLayoutTable (); for (int i = 0; i < clTable.Rows.Count; i++) { ClassLayoutRow clRow = clTable [i]; TypeDefinition type = GetTypeDefAt (clRow.Parent); type.PackingSize = clRow.PackingSize; type.ClassSize = clRow.ClassSize; } } void ReadFieldLayoutInfos () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (FieldLayoutTable.RId)) return; FieldLayoutTable flTable = m_tableReader.GetFieldLayoutTable (); for (int i = 0; i < flTable.Rows.Count; i++) { FieldLayoutRow flRow = flTable [i]; FieldDefinition field = GetFieldDefAt (flRow.Field); field.Offset = flRow.Offset; } } void ReadPInvokeInfos () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (ImplMapTable.RId)) return; ImplMapTable imTable = m_tableReader.GetImplMapTable (); for (int i = 0; i < imTable.Rows.Count; i++) { ImplMapRow imRow = imTable [i]; if (imRow.MemberForwarded.TokenType == TokenType.Method) { // should always be true MethodDefinition meth = GetMethodDefAt (imRow.MemberForwarded.RID); meth.PInvokeInfo = new PInvokeInfo ( meth, imRow.MappingFlags, MetadataRoot.Streams.StringsHeap [imRow.ImportName], Module.ModuleReferences [(int) imRow.ImportScope - 1]); } } } void ReadProperties () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (PropertyTable.RId)) { m_properties = new PropertyDefinition [0]; return; } PropertyTable propsTable = m_tableReader.GetPropertyTable (); PropertyMapTable pmapTable = m_tableReader.GetPropertyMapTable (); m_properties = new PropertyDefinition [propsTable.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < pmapTable.Rows.Count; i++) { PropertyMapRow pmapRow = pmapTable [i]; if (pmapRow.Parent == 0) continue; TypeDefinition owner = GetTypeDefAt (pmapRow.Parent); GenericContext context = new GenericContext (owner); int start = (int) pmapRow.PropertyList, last = propsTable.Rows.Count + 1, end; if (i < pmapTable.Rows.Count - 1) end = (int) pmapTable [i + 1].PropertyList; else end = last; if (end > last) end = last; for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { PropertyRow prow = propsTable [j - 1]; PropertySig psig = m_sigReader.GetPropSig (prow.Type); PropertyDefinition pdef = new PropertyDefinition ( m_root.Streams.StringsHeap [prow.Name], GetTypeRefFromSig (psig.Type, context), prow.Flags); pdef.MetadataToken = MetadataToken.FromMetadataRow (TokenType.Property, j - 1); pdef.PropertyType = GetModifierType (psig.CustomMods, pdef.PropertyType); if (!IsDeleted (pdef)) owner.Properties.Add (pdef); m_properties [j - 1] = pdef; } } } void ReadEvents () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (EventTable.RId)) { m_events = new EventDefinition [0]; return; } EventTable evtTable = m_tableReader.GetEventTable (); EventMapTable emapTable = m_tableReader.GetEventMapTable (); m_events = new EventDefinition [evtTable.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < emapTable.Rows.Count; i++) { EventMapRow emapRow = emapTable [i]; if (emapRow.Parent == 0) continue; TypeDefinition owner = GetTypeDefAt (emapRow.Parent); GenericContext context = new GenericContext (owner); int start = (int) emapRow.EventList, last = evtTable.Rows.Count + 1, end; if (i < (emapTable.Rows.Count - 1)) end = (int) emapTable [i + 1].EventList; else end = last; if (end > last) end = last; for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { EventRow erow = evtTable [j - 1]; EventDefinition edef = new EventDefinition ( m_root.Streams.StringsHeap [erow.Name], GetTypeDefOrRef (erow.EventType, context), erow.EventFlags); edef.MetadataToken = MetadataToken.FromMetadataRow (TokenType.Event, j - 1); if (!IsDeleted (edef)) owner.Events.Add (edef); m_events [j - 1] = edef; } } } void ReadSemantics () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (MethodSemanticsTable.RId)) return; MethodSemanticsTable semTable = m_tableReader.GetMethodSemanticsTable (); for (int i = 0; i < semTable.Rows.Count; i++) { MethodSemanticsRow semRow = semTable [i]; MethodDefinition semMeth = GetMethodDefAt (semRow.Method); semMeth.SemanticsAttributes = semRow.Semantics; switch (semRow.Association.TokenType) { case TokenType.Event : EventDefinition evt = GetEventDefAt (semRow.Association.RID); if ((semRow.Semantics & MethodSemanticsAttributes.AddOn) != 0) evt.AddMethod = semMeth; else if ((semRow.Semantics & MethodSemanticsAttributes.Fire) != 0) evt.InvokeMethod = semMeth; else if ((semRow.Semantics & MethodSemanticsAttributes.RemoveOn) != 0) evt.RemoveMethod = semMeth; break; case TokenType.Property : PropertyDefinition prop = GetPropertyDefAt (semRow.Association.RID); if ((semRow.Semantics & MethodSemanticsAttributes.Getter) != 0) prop.GetMethod = semMeth; else if ((semRow.Semantics & MethodSemanticsAttributes.Setter) != 0) prop.SetMethod = semMeth; break; } } } void ReadInterfaces () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (InterfaceImplTable.RId)) return; InterfaceImplTable intfsTable = m_tableReader.GetInterfaceImplTable (); for (int i = 0; i < intfsTable.Rows.Count; i++) { InterfaceImplRow intfsRow = intfsTable [i]; TypeDefinition owner = GetTypeDefAt (intfsRow.Class); owner.Interfaces.Add (GetTypeDefOrRef (intfsRow.Interface, new GenericContext (owner))); } } void ReadOverrides () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (MethodImplTable.RId)) return; MethodImplTable implTable = m_tableReader.GetMethodImplTable (); for (int i = 0; i < implTable.Rows.Count; i++) { MethodImplRow implRow = implTable [i]; if (implRow.MethodBody.TokenType == TokenType.Method) { MethodDefinition owner = GetMethodDefAt (implRow.MethodBody.RID); switch (implRow.MethodDeclaration.TokenType) { case TokenType.Method : owner.Overrides.Add ( GetMethodDefAt (implRow.MethodDeclaration.RID)); break; case TokenType.MemberRef : owner.Overrides.Add ( (MethodReference) GetMemberRefAt ( implRow.MethodDeclaration.RID, new GenericContext (owner))); break; } } } } void ReadSecurityDeclarations () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (DeclSecurityTable.RId)) return; DeclSecurityTable dsTable = m_tableReader.GetDeclSecurityTable (); for (int i = 0; i < dsTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DeclSecurityRow dsRow = dsTable [i]; SecurityDeclaration dec = BuildSecurityDeclaration (dsRow); if (dsRow.Parent.RID == 0) continue; IHasSecurity owner = null; switch (dsRow.Parent.TokenType) { case TokenType.Assembly : owner = this.Module.Assembly; break; case TokenType.TypeDef : owner = GetTypeDefAt (dsRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Method : owner = GetMethodDefAt (dsRow.Parent.RID); break; } owner.SecurityDeclarations.Add (dec); } } void ReadCustomAttributes () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (CustomAttributeTable.RId)) return; CustomAttributeTable caTable = m_tableReader.GetCustomAttributeTable (); for (int i = 0; i < caTable.Rows.Count; i++) { CustomAttributeRow caRow = caTable [i]; MethodReference ctor; if (caRow.Type.RID == 0) continue; if (caRow.Type.TokenType == TokenType.Method) ctor = GetMethodDefAt (caRow.Type.RID); else ctor = GetMemberRefAt (caRow.Type.RID, new GenericContext ()) as MethodReference; CustomAttrib ca = m_sigReader.GetCustomAttrib (caRow.Value, ctor); CustomAttribute cattr = BuildCustomAttribute (ctor, m_root.Streams.BlobHeap.Read (caRow.Value), ca); if (caRow.Parent.RID == 0) continue; ICustomAttributeProvider owner = null; switch (caRow.Parent.TokenType) { case TokenType.Assembly : owner = this.Module.Assembly; break; case TokenType.Module : owner = this.Module; break; case TokenType.TypeDef : owner = GetTypeDefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.TypeRef : owner = GetTypeRefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Field : owner = GetFieldDefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Method : owner = GetMethodDefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Property : owner = GetPropertyDefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Event : owner = GetEventDefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Param : owner = GetParamDefAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.GenericParam : owner = GetGenericParameterAt (caRow.Parent.RID); break; default : //TODO: support other ? break; } if (owner != null) owner.CustomAttributes.Add (cattr); } } void ReadConstants () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (ConstantTable.RId)) return; ConstantTable csTable = m_tableReader.GetConstantTable (); for (int i = 0; i < csTable.Rows.Count; i++) { ConstantRow csRow = csTable [i]; object constant = GetConstant (csRow.Value, csRow.Type); IHasConstant owner = null; switch (csRow.Parent.TokenType) { case TokenType.Field : owner = GetFieldDefAt (csRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Property : owner = GetPropertyDefAt (csRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Param : owner = GetParamDefAt (csRow.Parent.RID); break; } owner.Constant = constant; } } void ReadExternTypes () { base.VisitExternTypeCollection (Module.ExternTypes); } void ReadMarshalSpecs () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (FieldMarshalTable.RId)) return; FieldMarshalTable fmTable = m_tableReader.GetFieldMarshalTable (); for (int i = 0; i < fmTable.Rows.Count; i++) { FieldMarshalRow fmRow = fmTable [i]; if (fmRow.Parent.RID == 0) continue; IHasMarshalSpec owner = null; switch (fmRow.Parent.TokenType) { case TokenType.Field: owner = GetFieldDefAt (fmRow.Parent.RID); break; case TokenType.Param: owner = GetParamDefAt (fmRow.Parent.RID); break; } owner.MarshalSpec = BuildMarshalDesc ( m_sigReader.GetMarshalSig (fmRow.NativeType), owner); } } void ReadInitialValues () { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (FieldRVATable.RId)) return; FieldRVATable frTable = m_tableReader.GetFieldRVATable (); for (int i = 0; i < frTable.Rows.Count; i++) { FieldRVARow frRow = frTable [i]; FieldDefinition field = GetFieldDefAt (frRow.Field); field.RVA = frRow.RVA; SetInitialValue (field); } } } }