namespace System.Web.Util { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Web; internal static class AppVerifier { // It's possible that multiple error codes might get mapped to the same description string. // This can happen if there might be multiple ways for a single problem to manifest itself. private static readonly Dictionary<AppVerifierErrorCode, string> _errorStringMappings = new Dictionary<AppVerifierErrorCode, string>() { { AppVerifierErrorCode.HttpApplicationInstanceWasNull, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_HttpApplicationInstanceWasNull }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerDelegateWasNull, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_BeginHandlerDelegateWasNull }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedMultipleTimes, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedMultipleTimes }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedWithNullParameter, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedWithNullParameter }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackGivenAsyncResultWhichWasNotCompleted, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackGivenAsyncResultWhichWasNotCompleted }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedSynchronouslyButAsyncResultWasNotMarkedCompletedSynchronously, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedSynchronouslyButAsyncResultWasNotMarkedCompletedSynchronously }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronouslyButAsyncResultWasMarkedCompletedSynchronously, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronouslyButAsyncResultWasMarkedCompletedSynchronously }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultInstance, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultInstance }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronouslyThenBeginHandlerThrew, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedEvenThoughBeginHandlerThrew }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerThrewThenAsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronously, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedEvenThoughBeginHandlerThrew }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedSynchronouslyThenBeginHandlerThrew, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedEvenThoughBeginHandlerThrew }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultAsyncState, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultAsyncState }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackCalledAfterHttpApplicationReassigned, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackCalledAfterHttpApplicationReassigned }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedNull, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_BeginHandlerReturnedNull }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedAsyncResultMarkedCompletedSynchronouslyButWhichWasNotCompleted, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_BeginHandlerReturnedAsyncResultMarkedCompletedSynchronouslyButWhichWasNotCompleted }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedAsyncResultMarkedCompletedSynchronouslyButAsyncCallbackNeverCalled, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_BeginHandlerReturnedAsyncResultMarkedCompletedSynchronouslyButAsyncCallbackNeverCalled }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedUnexpectedAsyncResultInstance, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultInstance }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedUnexpectedAsyncResultAsyncState, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_BeginHandlerReturnedUnexpectedAsyncResultAsyncState }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.SyncContextSendOrPostCalledAfterRequestCompleted, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_SyncContextSendOrPostCalledAfterRequestCompleted }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.SyncContextSendOrPostCalledBetweenNotifications, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_SyncContextSendOrPostCalledBetweenNotifications }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.SyncContextPostCalledInNestedNotification, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_SyncContextPostCalledInNestedNotification }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.RequestNotificationCompletedSynchronouslyWithNotificationContextPending, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_RequestNotificationCompletedSynchronouslyWithNotificationContextPending }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.NotificationContextHasChangedAfterSynchronouslyProcessingNotification, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_NotificationContextHasChangedAfterSynchronouslyProcessingNotification }, { AppVerifierErrorCode.PendingProcessRequestNotificationStatusAfterCompletingNestedNotification, SR.AppVerifier_Errors_PendingProcessRequestNotificationStatusAfterCompletingNestedNotification }, }; // Provides an option for different wrappers to specify whether to collect the call stacks traces [FlagsAttribute] internal enum CallStackCollectionBitMasks : int { AllMask = -1, // used for a 3-parameter Begin* method [(T, AsyncCallback, object) -> IAsyncResult] wrapper BeginCallHandlerMask = 1, CallHandlerCallbackMask = 2, // used for a BeginEventHandler method [(object, sender, EventArgs, object) -> IAsyncResult] wrapper BeginExecutionStepMask = 4, ExecutionStepCallbackMask = 8, // when adding new bits above also update the following: AllHandlerMask = BeginCallHandlerMask | CallHandlerCallbackMask, AllStepMask = BeginExecutionStepMask | ExecutionStepCallbackMask, AllBeginMask = BeginCallHandlerMask | BeginExecutionStepMask, AllCallbackMask = CallHandlerCallbackMask | ExecutionStepCallbackMask }; // The declarative order of these two fields is important; don't swap them! private static Action<AppVerifierException> DefaultAppVerifierBehavior = GetAppVerifierBehaviorFromRegistry(); internal static readonly bool IsAppVerifierEnabled = (DefaultAppVerifierBehavior != null); private static long AppVerifierErrorCodeCollectCallStackMask; private static long AppVerifierErrorCodeEnableAssertMask; private static CallStackCollectionBitMasks AppVerifierCollectCallStackMask; private delegate void AssertDelegate(bool condition, AppVerifierErrorCode errorCode); private delegate void AppendAdditionalInfoDelegate(StringBuilder errorString); // Returns an AppVerifier handler (something that can record exceptions appropriately) // appropriate to what was set in the system registry. If the key we're looking for // doesn't exist or doesn't have a known value, we return 'null', signifying that // AppVerifier is disabled. private static Action<AppVerifierException> GetAppVerifierBehaviorFromRegistry() { // use 0 as the default value if the key doesn't exist or is of the wrong type int valueFromRegistry = (Misc.GetAspNetRegValue(subKey: null, valueName: "RuntimeVerificationBehavior", defaultValue: null) as int?) ?? 0; // REG_QWORD used as a mask to disable individual asserts. No key means all asserts are enabled AppVerifierErrorCodeEnableAssertMask = (Misc.GetAspNetRegValue(subKey: null, valueName: "AppVerifierErrorCodeEnableAssertMask", defaultValue: (long)(-1)) as long?) ?? (long)(-1); // REG_QWORD used as a mask to control call stack collection on individual asserts (useful if we event log only). No key means all asserts will collect stack traces AppVerifierErrorCodeCollectCallStackMask = (Misc.GetAspNetRegValue(subKey: null, valueName: "AppVerifierErrorCodeCollectCallstackMask", defaultValue: (long)(-1)) as long?) ?? (long)(-1); // REG_DWORD mask to disable call stack collection on begin* / end* methods. No key means all call stacks are collected AppVerifierCollectCallStackMask = (CallStackCollectionBitMasks)((Misc.GetAspNetRegValue(subKey: null, valueName: "AppVerifierCollectCallStackMask", defaultValue: (int)(-1)) as int?) ?? (int)(-1)); switch (valueFromRegistry) { case 1: // Just write to the event log return WriteToEventLog; case 2: // Write to the event log and Debugger.Launch / Debugger.Break return WriteToEventLogAndSoftBreak; case 3: // Write to the event log and kernel32!DebugBreak return WriteToEventLogAndHardBreak; default: // not enabled return null; } } // Writes an exception to the Windows Event Log (Application section) private static void WriteToEventLog(AppVerifierException ex) { Misc.WriteUnhandledExceptionToEventLog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain, ex); // method won't throw } [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)] // safe since AppVerifier can only be enabled via registry, which already requires admin privileges private static void WriteToEventLogAndSoftBreak(AppVerifierException ex) { // A "soft" break means that we prompt to launch a debugger, and if one is attached we'll signal it. WriteToEventLog(ex); if (Debugger.Launch()) { Debugger.Break(); } } [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)] // safe since AppVerifier can only be enabled via registry, which already requires admin privileges private static void WriteToEventLogAndHardBreak(AppVerifierException ex) { // A "hard" break means that we'll signal any attached debugger, and if none is attached // we'll just INT 3 and hope for the best. (This may cause a Watson dump depending on environment.) WriteToEventLog(ex); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Break(); } else { NativeMethods.DebugBreak(); } } // Instruments a 3-parameter Begin* method [(T, AsyncCallback, object) -> IAsyncResult]. // If AppVerifier is disabled, returns the original method unmodified. public static Func<T, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult> WrapBeginMethod<T>(HttpApplication httpApplication, Func<T, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult> originalDelegate) { if (!IsAppVerifierEnabled) { return originalDelegate; } return (arg, callback, state) => WrapBeginMethodImpl( httpApplication: httpApplication, beginMethod: (innerCallback, innerState) => originalDelegate(arg, innerCallback, innerState), originalDelegate: originalDelegate, errorHandler: HandleAppVerifierException, callStackMask: CallStackCollectionBitMasks.AllHandlerMask) (callback, state); } // Instruments a BeginEventHandler method [(object, sender, EventArgs, object) -> IAsyncResult]. // This pattern is commonly used, such as by IHttpModule, PageAsyncTask, and others. // If AppVerifier is disabled, returns the original method unmodified. public static BeginEventHandler WrapBeginMethod(HttpApplication httpApplication, BeginEventHandler originalDelegate) { if (!IsAppVerifierEnabled) { return originalDelegate; } return (sender, e, cb, extraData) => WrapBeginMethodImpl( httpApplication: httpApplication, beginMethod: (innerCallback, innerState) => originalDelegate(sender, e, innerCallback, innerState), originalDelegate: originalDelegate, errorHandler: HandleAppVerifierException, callStackMask: CallStackCollectionBitMasks.AllStepMask) (cb, extraData); } /// <summary> /// Wraps the Begin* part of a Begin / End method pair to allow for signaling when assertions have been violated. /// The instrumentation can be a performance hit, so this method should not be called if AppVerifier is not enabled. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpApplication">The HttpApplication instance for this request, used to get HttpContext and related items.</param> /// <param name="beginMethod">The Begin* part of a Begin / End method pair, likely wrapped in a lambda so only the AsyncCallback and object parameters are exposed.</param> /// <param name="originalDelegate">The original user-provided delegate, e.g. the thing that 'beginMethod' wraps. Provided so that we can show correct methods when asserting.</param> /// <param name="errorHandler">The listener that can handle verification failures.</param> /// <returns>The instrumented Begin* method.</returns> internal static Func<AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult> WrapBeginMethodImpl(HttpApplication httpApplication, Func<AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult> beginMethod, Delegate originalDelegate, Action<AppVerifierException> errorHandler, CallStackCollectionBitMasks callStackMask) { return (callback, state) => { // basic diagnostic info goes at the top since it's used during generation of the error message AsyncCallbackInvocationHelper asyncCallbackInvocationHelper = new AsyncCallbackInvocationHelper(); CallStackCollectionBitMasks myBeginMask = callStackMask & CallStackCollectionBitMasks.AllBeginMask; bool captureBeginStack = (myBeginMask & (CallStackCollectionBitMasks)AppVerifierCollectCallStackMask) == myBeginMask; InvocationInfo beginHandlerInvocationInfo = InvocationInfo.Capture(captureBeginStack); string requestUrl = null; RequestNotification? currentNotification = null; bool isPostNotification = false; Type httpHandlerType = null; // need to collect all this up-front since it might go away during the async operation if (httpApplication != null) { HttpContext context = httpApplication.Context; if (context != null) { if (!context.HideRequestResponse && context.Request != null) { requestUrl = TryGetRequestUrl(context); } if (context.NotificationContext != null) { currentNotification = context.NotificationContext.CurrentNotification; isPostNotification = context.NotificationContext.IsPostNotification; } if (context.Handler != null) { httpHandlerType = context.Handler.GetType(); } } } // If the condition passed to this method evaluates to false, we will raise an error to whoever is listening. AssertDelegate assert = (condition, errorCode) => { long mask = 1L<<(int)errorCode; // assert only if it was not masked out by a bit set bool enableAssert = (AppVerifierErrorCodeEnableAssertMask & mask) == mask; if (!condition && enableAssert) { // capture the stack only if it was not masked out by a bit set bool captureStack = (AppVerifierErrorCodeCollectCallStackMask & mask) == mask; InvocationInfo assertInvocationInfo = InvocationInfo.Capture(captureStack); // header StringBuilder errorString = new StringBuilder(); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_Title)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_Subtitle)); errorString.AppendLine(); // basic info (about the assert) errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_URL, requestUrl)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_ErrorCode, (int)errorCode)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_Description, GetLocalizedDescriptionStringForError(errorCode))); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_ThreadInfo, assertInvocationInfo.ThreadId, assertInvocationInfo.Timestamp.ToLocalTime())); errorString.AppendLine(assertInvocationInfo.StackTrace.ToString()); // Begin* method info errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BeginMethodInfo_EntryMethod, PrettyPrintDelegate(originalDelegate))); if (currentNotification != null) { errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BeginMethodInfo_RequestNotification_Integrated, currentNotification, isPostNotification)); } else { errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BeginMethodInfo_RequestNotification_NotIntegrated)); } errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BeginMethodInfo_CurrentHandler, httpHandlerType)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BeginMethodInfo_ThreadInfo, beginHandlerInvocationInfo.ThreadId, beginHandlerInvocationInfo.Timestamp.ToLocalTime())); errorString.AppendLine(beginHandlerInvocationInfo.StackTrace.ToString()); // AsyncCallback info int totalAsyncInvocationCount; InvocationInfo firstAsyncInvocation = asyncCallbackInvocationHelper.GetFirstInvocationInfo(out totalAsyncInvocationCount); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_AsyncCallbackInfo_InvocationCount, totalAsyncInvocationCount)); if (firstAsyncInvocation != null) { errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_AsyncCallbackInfo_FirstInvocation_ThreadInfo, firstAsyncInvocation.ThreadId, firstAsyncInvocation.Timestamp.ToLocalTime())); errorString.AppendLine(firstAsyncInvocation.StackTrace.ToString()); } AppVerifierException ex = new AppVerifierException(errorCode, errorString.ToString()); errorHandler(ex); throw ex; } }; assert(httpApplication != null, AppVerifierErrorCode.HttpApplicationInstanceWasNull); assert(originalDelegate != null, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerDelegateWasNull); object lockObj = new object(); // used to synchronize access to certain locals which can be touched by multiple threads IAsyncResult asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler = null; IAsyncResult asyncResultPassedToCallback = null; object beginHandlerReturnValueHolder = null; // used to hold the IAsyncResult returned by or Exception thrown by BeginHandler; see comments on Holder<T> for more info Thread threadWhichCalledBeginHandler = Thread.CurrentThread; // used to determine whether the callback was invoked synchronously bool callbackRanToCompletion = false; // don't need to lock when touching this local since it's only read in the synchronous case HttpContext assignedContextUponCallingBeginHandler = httpApplication.Context; // used to determine whether the underlying request disappeared try { asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler = beginMethod( asyncResult => { try { CallStackCollectionBitMasks myCallbackMask = callStackMask & CallStackCollectionBitMasks.AllCallbackMask; bool captureEndCallStack = (myCallbackMask & AppVerifierCollectCallStackMask ) == myCallbackMask; // The callback must never be called more than once. int newAsyncCallbackInvocationCount = asyncCallbackInvocationHelper.RecordInvocation(captureEndCallStack); assert(newAsyncCallbackInvocationCount == 1, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedMultipleTimes); // The 'asyncResult' parameter must never be null. assert(asyncResult != null, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedWithNullParameter); object tempBeginHandlerReturnValueHolder; Thread tempThreadWhichCalledBeginHandler; lock (lockObj) { asyncResultPassedToCallback = asyncResult; tempBeginHandlerReturnValueHolder = beginHandlerReturnValueHolder; tempThreadWhichCalledBeginHandler = threadWhichCalledBeginHandler; } // At this point, 'IsCompleted = true' is mandatory. assert(asyncResult.IsCompleted, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackGivenAsyncResultWhichWasNotCompleted); if (tempBeginHandlerReturnValueHolder == null) { // BeginHandler hasn't yet returned, so this call may be synchronous or asynchronous. // We can tell by comparing the current thread with the thread which called BeginHandler. // From a correctness perspective, it is valid to invoke the AsyncCallback delegate either // synchronously or asynchronously. From [....]: if 'CompletedSynchronously = true', then // AsyncCallback invocation can happen either on the same thread or on a different thread, // just as long as BeginHandler hasn't yet returned (which in true in this case). if (!asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously) { // If 'CompletedSynchronously = false', we must be on a different thread than the BeginHandler invocation. assert(tempThreadWhichCalledBeginHandler != Thread.CurrentThread, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedSynchronouslyButAsyncResultWasNotMarkedCompletedSynchronously); } } else { // BeginHandler already returned, so this invocation is definitely asynchronous. Holder<IAsyncResult> asyncResultHolder = tempBeginHandlerReturnValueHolder as Holder<IAsyncResult>; if (asyncResultHolder != null) { // We need to verify that the IAsyncResult we're given is the same that was returned by BeginHandler // and that the IAsyncResult is marked 'CompletedSynchronously = false'. assert(asyncResult == asyncResultHolder.Value, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultInstance); assert(!asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronouslyButAsyncResultWasMarkedCompletedSynchronously); } else { // If we reached this point, BeginHandler threw an exception. // The AsyncCallback should never be invoked if BeginHandler has already failed. assert(false, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerThrewThenAsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronously); } } // AsyncState must match the 'state' parameter passed to BeginHandler assert(asyncResult.AsyncState == state, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedWithUnexpectedAsyncResultAsyncState); // Make sure the underlying HttpApplication is still assigned to the captured HttpContext instance. // If not, this AsyncCallback invocation could end up completing *some other request's* operation, // resulting in data corruption. assert(assignedContextUponCallingBeginHandler == httpApplication.Context, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackCalledAfterHttpApplicationReassigned); } catch (AppVerifierException) { // We want to ---- any exceptions thrown by our verification logic, as the failure // has already been recorded by the appropriate listener. Just go straight to // invoking the callback. } // all checks complete - delegate control to the actual callback if (callback != null) { callback(asyncResult); } callbackRanToCompletion = true; }, state); // The return value must never be null. assert(asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler != null, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedNull); lock (lockObj) { beginHandlerReturnValueHolder = new Holder<IAsyncResult>(asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler); } if (asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler.CompletedSynchronously) { // If 'CompletedSynchronously = true', the IAsyncResult must be marked 'IsCompleted = true' // and the AsyncCallback must have been invoked synchronously (checked in the AsyncCallback verification logic). assert(asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler.IsCompleted, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedAsyncResultMarkedCompletedSynchronouslyButWhichWasNotCompleted); assert(asyncCallbackInvocationHelper.TotalInvocations != 0, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedAsyncResultMarkedCompletedSynchronouslyButAsyncCallbackNeverCalled); } IAsyncResult tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback; lock (lockObj) { tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback = asyncResultPassedToCallback; } // The AsyncCallback may have been invoked (either synchronously or asynchronously). If it has been // invoked, we need to verify that it was given the same IAsyncResult returned by BeginHandler. // If the AsyncCallback hasn't yet been called, we skip this check, as the AsyncCallback verification // logic will eventually perform the check at the appropriate time. if (tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback != null) { assert(tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback == asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedUnexpectedAsyncResultInstance); } // AsyncState must match the 'state' parameter passed to BeginHandler assert(asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler.AsyncState == state, AppVerifierErrorCode.BeginHandlerReturnedUnexpectedAsyncResultAsyncState); // all checks complete return asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler; } catch (AppVerifierException) { // We want to ---- any exceptions thrown by our verification logic, as the failure // has already been recorded by the appropriate listener. Just return the original // IAsyncResult so that the application continues to run. return asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler; } catch (Exception ex) { if (asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler == null) { // If we reached this point, an exception was thrown by BeginHandler, so we need to // record it and rethrow it. IAsyncResult tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback; lock (lockObj) { beginHandlerReturnValueHolder = new Holder<Exception>(ex); tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback = asyncResultPassedToCallback; } try { // The AsyncCallback should only be invoked if BeginHandler ran to completion. if (tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback != null) { // If AsyncCallback was invoked asynchronously, then by definition it was // scheduled prematurely since BeginHandler hadn't yet run to completion // (since whatever additional work it did after invoking the callback failed). // Therefore it is always wrong for BeginHandler to both throw and // asynchronously invoke AsyncCallback. assert(tempAsyncResultPassedToCallback.CompletedSynchronously, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedAsynchronouslyThenBeginHandlerThrew); // If AsyncCallback was invoked synchronously, then it must have been invoked // before BeginHandler surfaced the exception (since otherwise BeginHandler // wouldn't have reached the line of code that invoked AsyncCallback). But // AsyncCallback itself could have thrown, bubbling the exception up through // BeginHandler and back to us. If AsyncCallback ran to completion, then this // means BeginHandler did extra work (which failed) after invoking AsyncCallback, // so BeginHandler by definition hadn't yet run to completion. assert(!callbackRanToCompletion, AppVerifierErrorCode.AsyncCallbackInvokedSynchronouslyThenBeginHandlerThrew); } } catch (AppVerifierException) { // We want to ---- any exceptions thrown by our verification logic, as the failure // has already been recorded by the appropriate listener. Propagate the original // exception upward. } throw; } else { // We want to ---- any exceptions thrown by our verification logic, as the failure // has already been recorded by the appropriate listener. Just return the original // IAsyncResult so that the application continues to run. return asyncResultReturnedByBeginHandler; } } finally { // Since our local variables are GC-rooted in an anonymous object, we should // clear references to objects we no longer need so that the GC can reclaim // them if appropriate. lock (lockObj) { threadWhichCalledBeginHandler = null; } } }; } // Gets a delegate that checks for application code trying to call into the SyncContext after // the request or the request notification is already completed. // The Action returned by this method could be null. public static Action<bool> GetSyncContextCheckDelegate(ISyncContext syncContext) { if (!IsAppVerifierEnabled) { return null; } return GetSyncContextCheckDelegateImpl(syncContext, HandleAppVerifierException); } /// <summary> /// Returns an Action<bool> that determines whether SynchronizationContext.Send or Post was called after the underlying request /// or the request notification finished. The bool parameter controls whether to check if Post is attempted in nested notification. /// The instrumentation can be a performance hit, so this method should not be called if AppVerifier is not enabled. /// </summary> /// <param name="syncContext">The ISyncContext (HttpApplication, WebSocketPipeline, etc.) on which to perform the check.</param> /// <param name="errorHandler">The listener that can handle verification failures.</param> /// <returns>A callback which performs the verification.</returns> internal static Action<bool> GetSyncContextCheckDelegateImpl(ISyncContext syncContext, Action<AppVerifierException> errorHandler) { string requestUrl = null; object originalThreadContextId = null; // collect all of the diagnostic information upfront HttpContext originalHttpContext = (syncContext != null) ? syncContext.HttpContext : null; if (originalHttpContext != null) { if (!originalHttpContext.HideRequestResponse && originalHttpContext.Request != null) { requestUrl = TryGetRequestUrl(originalHttpContext); } // This will be used as a surrogate for the captured HttpContext so that we don't // have a long-lived reference to a heavy object graph. See comments on ThreadContextId // for more info. originalThreadContextId = originalHttpContext.ThreadContextId; originalHttpContext = null; } // If the condition passed to this method evaluates to false, we will raise an error to whoever is listening. AssertDelegate assert = GetAssertDelegateImpl(requestUrl, errorHandler, appendAdditionalInfoDelegate: null); return (checkForReEntry) => { try { // Make sure that the ISyncContext is still associated with the same HttpContext that // we captured earlier. HttpContext currentHttpContext = (syncContext != null) ? syncContext.HttpContext : null; object currentThreadContextId = (currentHttpContext != null) ? currentHttpContext.ThreadContextId : null; assert(currentThreadContextId != null && ReferenceEquals(originalThreadContextId, currentThreadContextId), AppVerifierErrorCode.SyncContextSendOrPostCalledAfterRequestCompleted); if (HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline && !currentHttpContext.HasWebSocketRequestTransitionCompleted) { var notificationContext = (currentHttpContext != null) ? currentHttpContext.NotificationContext : null; assert(notificationContext != null, AppVerifierErrorCode.SyncContextSendOrPostCalledBetweenNotifications); if (checkForReEntry && notificationContext != null) { assert(!notificationContext.IsReEntry, AppVerifierErrorCode.SyncContextPostCalledInNestedNotification); } } } catch (AppVerifierException) { // We want to ---- any exceptions thrown by our verification logic, as the failure // has already been recorded by the appropriate listener. Propagate the original // exception upward. } }; } // This generic method invokes a delegate that was created by AppVerifier at an earlier time. // It is safe to call it even if the returned delegate is null (e.g. AppVerifier is off). // Here is the typical usage scenario: // var verifierCheck = AppVerifier.Get*CheckDelegate(...); // get the delegate which can capture some state // T result = <...> // the result of some code execution // AppVerifier.InvokeVerifierCheck(verifierCheckDelegate, result); // invoke the verification of the result internal static void InvokeVerifierCheck<T>(Action<T> verifierCheckDelegate, T result) { if (verifierCheckDelegate != null) { try { verifierCheckDelegate(result); } catch (AppVerifierException) { // We want to ---- any exceptions thrown by our verification logic, as the failure // has already been recorded by the appropriate listener. } } } // Gets a delegate that checks for inconsistencies after managed code finished processing one or more request notifications. // The Action returned by this method could be null. internal static Action<RequestNotificationStatus> GetRequestNotificationStatusCheckDelegate(HttpContext context, RequestNotification currentNotification, bool isPostNotification) { if (!IsAppVerifierEnabled) { return null; } return GetRequestNotificationStatusCheckDelegateImpl(context, currentNotification, isPostNotification, HandleAppVerifierException); } /// <summary> /// Returns an Action<RequestNotificationStatus> that will check for inconsistencies after /// managed code has finished processing one or more notifications and about to return back to IIS. /// </summary> /// <returns>A callback which performs the verification.</returns> internal static Action<RequestNotificationStatus> GetRequestNotificationStatusCheckDelegateImpl(HttpContext context, RequestNotification currentNotification, bool isPostNotification, Action<AppVerifierException> errorHandler) { // collect all of the diagnostic information upfront NotificationContext originalNotificationContext = context.NotificationContext; bool isReentry = originalNotificationContext.IsReEntry; string requestUrl = null; if (!context.HideRequestResponse && context.Request != null) { requestUrl = TryGetRequestUrl(context); } AppendAdditionalInfoDelegate appendCurrentNotificationInfo = (errorString) => { errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_NotificationInfo, currentNotification, isPostNotification, isReentry)); }; AssertDelegate assert = GetAssertDelegateImpl(requestUrl, errorHandler, appendAdditionalInfoDelegate: appendCurrentNotificationInfo); return (RequestNotificationStatus status) => { if (status == RequestNotificationStatus.Pending) { // We don't expect nested notifications to complete asynchronously assert(!isReentry, AppVerifierErrorCode.PendingProcessRequestNotificationStatusAfterCompletingNestedNotification); } else { // Completing synchronously with pending NotificationContext means a bug in either user code or the pipeline. // NotificationContext being null means we already completed asynchronously before completing synchronously. // Both cases indicate that we have some async operations we failed to account for. assert(context.NotificationContext != null && !context.NotificationContext.PendingAsyncCompletion, AppVerifierErrorCode.RequestNotificationCompletedSynchronouslyWithNotificationContextPending); // Can't have a different NotificationContext after finishing the notification // Even if it was changed while processing nested notifications it should be restored back before we unwind assert(context.NotificationContext == originalNotificationContext, AppVerifierErrorCode.NotificationContextHasChangedAfterSynchronouslyProcessingNotification); } }; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the default implementation of the assert code which takes care of /// evaluating the assert contition, handing assert and stack collection enabling masks, /// and creating an AppVerifierException with basic information /// </summary> /// <param name="requestUrl">The Url of the request.</param> /// <param name="errorHandler">The listener that can handle verification failures.</param> /// <param name="appendAdditionalInfoDelegate">The caller can provide this delegate to append additional information to the exception. Could be null.</param> /// <returns>A callback which performs the verification.</returns> private static AssertDelegate GetAssertDelegateImpl(string requestUrl, Action<AppVerifierException> errorHandler, AppendAdditionalInfoDelegate appendAdditionalInfoDelegate) { // If the condition passed to this method evaluates to false, we will raise an error to whoever is listening. return (condition, errorCode) => { long mask = 1L << (int)errorCode; // assert only if it was not masked out by a bit set bool enableAssert = (AppVerifierErrorCodeEnableAssertMask & mask) == mask; if (!condition && enableAssert) { // capture the stack only if it was not masked out by a bit set bool captureStack = (AppVerifierErrorCodeCollectCallStackMask & mask) == mask; InvocationInfo assertInvocationInfo = InvocationInfo.Capture(captureStack); // header StringBuilder errorString = new StringBuilder(); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_Title)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_Subtitle)); errorString.AppendLine(); // basic info (about the assert) errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_URL, requestUrl)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_ErrorCode, (int)errorCode)); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_Description, GetLocalizedDescriptionStringForError(errorCode))); errorString.AppendLine(FormatErrorString(SR.AppVerifier_BasicInfo_ThreadInfo, assertInvocationInfo.ThreadId, assertInvocationInfo.Timestamp.ToLocalTime())); // append additional info if needed if (appendAdditionalInfoDelegate != null) { appendAdditionalInfoDelegate(errorString); } // append the stack trace errorString.AppendLine(assertInvocationInfo.StackTrace.ToString()); AppVerifierException ex = new AppVerifierException(errorCode, errorString.ToString()); errorHandler(ex); throw ex; } }; } // This is the default implementation of an AppVerifierException handler; // it just delegates to the configured behavior. [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2004:RemoveCallsToGCKeepAlive", Justification = "Want to keep these locals on the stack to assist with debugging.")] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] private static void HandleAppVerifierException(AppVerifierException ex) { // This method is specifically written to maximize the chance of // useful information being on the stack as a local, where it's more // easily observed by the debugger. AppVerifierErrorCode errorCode = ex.ErrorCode; string fullMessage = ex.Message; DefaultAppVerifierBehavior(ex); GC.KeepAlive(errorCode); GC.KeepAlive(fullMessage); GC.KeepAlive(ex); } private static string TryGetRequestUrl(HttpContext context) { try { return context.Request.EnsureRawUrl(); } catch (HttpException) { return null; } } internal static string PrettyPrintDelegate(Delegate del) { return PrettyPrintMemberInfo((del != null) ? del.Method : null); } // prints "TResult MethodName(TArg1, TArg2, ...) [Module.dll!Namespace.TypeName]" internal static string PrettyPrintMemberInfo(MethodInfo method) { if (method == null) { return null; } string retVal = method.ToString(); Type type = method.ReflectedType; if (type != null) { retVal = retVal + " ["; if (type.Module != null) { retVal += type.Module.Name + "!"; } retVal += type.FullName + "]"; } return retVal; } internal static string GetLocalizedDescriptionStringForError(AppVerifierErrorCode errorCode) { return FormatErrorString(_errorStringMappings[errorCode]); } // We use InstalledUICulture rather than CurrentCulture / CurrentUICulture since these strings will // be stored in the system event log. [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1305:SpecifyIFormatProvider", MessageId = "System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])", Justification = "Matches culture specified in Misc.WriteUnhandledExceptionToEventLog.")] internal static string FormatErrorString(string name, params object[] args) { return String.Format(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture, SR.Resources.GetString(name, CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture), args); } // contains a counter and invocation information for an AsyncCallback delegate private sealed class AsyncCallbackInvocationHelper { private InvocationInfo _firstInvocationInfo; private int _totalInvocationCount; public int TotalInvocations { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] get { return _totalInvocationCount; } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public InvocationInfo GetFirstInvocationInfo(out int totalInvocationCount) { totalInvocationCount = _totalInvocationCount; return _firstInvocationInfo; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public int RecordInvocation(bool captureCallStack) { _totalInvocationCount++; if (_firstInvocationInfo == null) { _firstInvocationInfo = InvocationInfo.Capture(captureCallStack); } return _totalInvocationCount; } } // We use a special class for holding data so that we can store the local's // intended type alongside its real value. Prevents us from misinterpreting // the degenerate case of "----CustomType : Exception, IAsyncResult" so that // we know whether it was returned as an IAsyncResult or thrown as an Exception. private sealed class Holder<T> { public readonly T Value; public Holder(T value) { Value = value; } } // holds diagnostic information about a particular invocation private sealed class InvocationInfo { public readonly int ThreadId; public readonly DateTimeOffset Timestamp; public readonly string StackTrace; private InvocationInfo(bool captureStack) { ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; // UTC is faster, will convert to local on error StackTrace = captureStack? CaptureStackTrace(): "n/a"; } public static InvocationInfo Capture(bool captureStack) { return new InvocationInfo(captureStack); } // captures a stack trace, removing AppVerifier.* frames from the top of the stack to minimize noise private static string CaptureStackTrace() { StackTrace fullStackTrace = new StackTrace(fNeedFileInfo: true); string[] traceLines = fullStackTrace.ToString().Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < fullStackTrace.FrameCount && i < traceLines.Length; i++) { StackFrame thisFrame = fullStackTrace.GetFrame(i); if (thisFrame.GetMethod().Module == typeof(AppVerifier).Module && thisFrame.GetMethod().DeclaringType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Web.Util.AppVerifier", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { // we want to skip this frame since it's an AppVerifier.* frame continue; } else { // this is the first frame that is not an AppVerifier.* frame, so start the stack trace from here return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, traceLines.Skip(i)); } } // if we reached this point, not sure what happened, so just return the original stack trace return fullStackTrace.ToString(); } } [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute] private static class NativeMethods { [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal extern static void DebugBreak(); } } }