using System.Globalization; namespace System.Web.ModelBinding { /// <summary> /// This value provider supports single key-value lookup. /// SimpleValueProvider itself is unaware of actual look-up mechanism and delegates to child classes using the FetchValue method. /// Example simple value providers are ViewStateValueProvider and ControlValueProvider. /// </summary> public abstract class SimpleValueProvider : IValueProvider { private CultureInfo _cultureInfo; protected ModelBindingExecutionContext ModelBindingExecutionContext { get; private set; } protected SimpleValueProvider(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext) : this(modelBindingExecutionContext, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) { } protected SimpleValueProvider(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo) { ModelBindingExecutionContext = modelBindingExecutionContext; _cultureInfo = cultureInfo; } public virtual bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix) { if (prefix == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("prefix"); } return FetchValue(prefix) != null; } public virtual ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key) { if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); } object rawValue = FetchValue(key); if (rawValue == null) { return null; } string attemptedValue = Convert.ToString(rawValue, _cultureInfo); return new ValueProviderResult(rawValue, attemptedValue, _cultureInfo); } protected abstract object FetchValue(string key); } }