//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="MobileControl.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mobile; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.Util; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls { /* * Mobile control base class. * All core controls and extension controls extend from this class. * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation */ /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl"]/*' /> [ ControlBuilderAttribute(typeof(MobileControlBuilder)), Designer(typeof(System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.MobileControlDesigner)), ParseChildren(false), PersistChildren(false), ToolboxItem(false), ToolboxItemFilter("System.Web.UI"), ToolboxItemFilter("System.Web.UI.MobileControls", ToolboxItemFilterType.Require), ] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public abstract class MobileControl : Control, IAttributeAccessor { private IControlAdapter _adapter; private DeviceSpecific _deviceSpecific; internal const String InnerTextViewStateKey = "_!InnerText"; private static String[] _ignoredCustomAttributes; static MobileControl() { // Note: These should be in alphabetical order! _ignoredCustomAttributes = new String[2]; _ignoredCustomAttributes[0] = "designtimedragdrop"; _ignoredCustomAttributes[1] = "name"; } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Adapter"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public new IControlAdapter Adapter { get { if (_adapter == null && MobilePage != null) { _adapter = MobilePage.GetControlAdapter(this); } return _adapter; } } [ DefaultValue(false) ] public override sealed bool EnableTheming { get { return false; } set { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.Theme_Not_Supported_On_MobileControls)); } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.MobilePage"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public MobilePage MobilePage { get { Page page = Page; if (page != null) { MobilePage mobilePage = page as MobilePage; if (mobilePage == null) { if (Site == null || !Site.DesignMode) { throw new Exception( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_MustBeInMobilePage, Page)); } } return mobilePage; } else { return null; } } } private Form _form = null; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Form"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public Form Form { get { if (_form == null) { for (Control control = this; control != null; control = control.Parent) { Form form = control as Form; if (form != null) { _form = form; return _form; } } if (_form == null && RequiresForm) { throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_MustBeInForm, UniqueID, GetType().Name)); } } return _form; } } [ Browsable(false) ] public override sealed string SkinID { get { return String.Empty; } set { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.Theme_Not_Supported_On_MobileControls)); } } [ EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), ] public override sealed void ApplyStyleSheetSkin(Page page) { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.Theme_Not_Supported_On_MobileControls)); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.ResolveFormReference"]/*' /> public Form ResolveFormReference(String formID) { Form form = ResolveFormReferenceNoThrow(formID); if (form == null) { throw new ArgumentException( SR.GetString(SR.MobilePage_FormNotFound, formID)); } return form; } internal Form ResolveFormReferenceNoThrow(String formID) { for (Control ctl = this; ctl != null; ctl = ctl.Parent) { if (ctl is TemplateControl) { Form childForm = ctl.FindControl(formID) as Form; if (childForm != null) { return childForm; } } } return null; } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.AddedControl"]/*' /> protected override void AddedControl(Control control, int index) { _cachedInnerText = null; base.AddedControl(control, index); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.RemovedControl"]/*' /> protected override void RemovedControl(Control control) { MobileControl ctl = control as MobileControl; if (ctl != null) { ctl.InvalidateParentStyles(); } // Remove the cached _deviceSpecific. DeviceSpecific deviceSpecific = control as DeviceSpecific; if (deviceSpecific != null) { _deviceSpecific.SetOwner(null); _deviceSpecific = null; } _cachedInnerText = null; base.RemovedControl(control); } internal virtual void InvalidateParentStyles() { Style.InvalidateParentStyle(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEMPLATES SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.IsTemplated"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual bool IsTemplated { get { if (_deviceSpecific != null && _deviceSpecific.HasTemplates) { return true; } else { Style referredStyle = Style.ReferredStyle; return referredStyle != null && referredStyle.IsTemplated; } } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.GetTemplate"]/*' /> public virtual ITemplate GetTemplate(String templateName) { Debug.Assert(this is ITemplateable); ITemplate t = null; if (_deviceSpecific != null) { t = _deviceSpecific.GetTemplate(templateName); } if (t == null) { Style referredStyle = Style.ReferredStyle; if (referredStyle != null) { t = referredStyle.GetTemplate(templateName); } } return t; } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.EnsureTemplatedUI"]/*' /> public virtual void EnsureTemplatedUI() { } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.CreateTemplatedUI"]/*' /> protected virtual void CreateTemplatedUI(bool doDataBind) { // It is possible for a rogue control to call this even though // the control is not templated. Catch and throw an exception for // this case. if (!IsTemplated) { throw new Exception( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_NoTemplatesDefined)); } Adapter.CreateTemplatedUI(doDataBind); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.CreateDefaultTemplatedUI"]/*' /> public virtual void CreateDefaultTemplatedUI(bool doDataBind) { // Create nothing by default. } // Return the nearest containing TemplateControl (UserControl or Page), // or null if none. internal TemplateControl FindContainingTemplateControl() { Control control = this; while (!(control is TemplateControl) && control != null) { control = control.Parent; } // We assume that the only template controls are Page and // UserControl. Debug.Assert(control == null || control is Page || control is UserControl); return (TemplateControl)control; } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.ResolveUrl"]/*' /> public new String ResolveUrl(String relativeUrl) { int length; if (relativeUrl == null || (length = relativeUrl.Length) == 0 || !UrlPath.IsRelativeUrl(relativeUrl)) { return relativeUrl; } // VSWhidbey 450801. Make the relativeUrl app-absolute first. relativeUrl = UrlPath.MakeVirtualPathAppAbsolute(relativeUrl); // Deal with app relative syntax (e.g. ~/foo) String baseUrl = UrlPath.MakeVirtualPathAppAbsolute(TemplateSourceDirectory); // Determine if there are any . or .. sequences. bool containsDots = false; for (int examine = 0; examine < length; examine++) { examine = relativeUrl.IndexOf('.', examine); if (examine < 0) { break; } // Expression borrowed from UrlPath.cs if ((examine == 0 || relativeUrl[examine - 1] == '/') && (examine + 1 == length || relativeUrl[examine + 1] == '/' || (relativeUrl[examine + 1] == '.' && (examine + 2 == length || relativeUrl[examine + 2] == '/')))) { containsDots = true; break; } } if (!containsDots) { if (baseUrl.Length == 0) { return relativeUrl; } TemplateControl parentTemplateControl = FindContainingTemplateControl(); if (parentTemplateControl == null || parentTemplateControl is MobilePage) { return relativeUrl; } } if (baseUrl.IndexOf(' ') != -1) { baseUrl = baseUrl.Replace(" ", "%20"); } String url = UrlPath.Combine(baseUrl, relativeUrl); return Context.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnDataBinding"]/*' /> protected override void OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) { if (_containsDataboundLiteral) { _cachedInnerText = null; } base.OnDataBinding(e); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN DESIGN TIME TEMPLATES SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // We need to expose the DeviceSpecific in runtime code for two purposes. A. We need to // access all components inside DeviceSpecific. B. We have to persist the modified HTML. /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.DeviceSpecific"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), //PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerDefaultProperty) PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty) ] public DeviceSpecific DeviceSpecific { get { return _deviceSpecific; } set { _deviceSpecific = value; if (value != null) { value.SetOwner(this); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONTROL OVERRIDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.AddParsedSubObject"]/*' /> protected override void AddParsedSubObject(Object obj) { if (obj is DeviceSpecific) { if (DeviceSpecific == null) { DeviceSpecific = (DeviceSpecific)obj; } else { throw new Exception( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_NoMultipleDeviceSpecifics)); } } else { base.AddParsedSubObject(obj); } } internal virtual void ApplyDeviceSpecifics() { if (_deviceSpecific != null) { _deviceSpecific.ApplyProperties(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN ADAPTER PLUMBING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnInit"]/*' /> protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { MobilePage page = MobilePage; bool isRuntime = page != null && !page.DesignMode; // We don't want to override the properties at design time. if (isRuntime) { ApplyDeviceSpecifics(); } if (Adapter != null) { Adapter.OnInit(e); } base.OnInit(e); // If we are being created after the first pass // then if (isRuntime && page.PrivateViewStateLoaded) { Object privateViewState = ((MobilePage)Page).GetPrivateViewState(this); if(privateViewState != null) { LoadPrivateViewStateInternal(privateViewState); } } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.IsFormSubmitControl"]/*' /> protected virtual bool IsFormSubmitControl() { return false; } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnLoad"]/*' /> protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { IPostBackEventHandler eventHandler = this as IPostBackEventHandler; if (Form != null && eventHandler != null && IsFormSubmitControl()) { Form.RegisterEventHandler(eventHandler); } // Handle custom attributes. if (_customAttributes != null && !MobilePage.AllowCustomAttributes) { // AUI 2346 ICollection keys = CustomAttributes.Keys; String illegalCustomAttributes = null; if (keys != null) { foreach (String key in keys) { String keyLower = key.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Array.BinarySearch(_ignoredCustomAttributes, keyLower) < 0) { if (illegalCustomAttributes != null) { illegalCustomAttributes += "; "; } illegalCustomAttributes += key + "=" + CustomAttributes[key]; } } } if (illegalCustomAttributes != null) { throw new Exception( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_NoCustomAttributes, illegalCustomAttributes)); } } Adapter.OnLoad(e); base.OnLoad(e); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnPreRender"]/*' /> protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); Adapter.OnPreRender(e); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Render"]/*' /> protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (RequiresForm && Page != null) { Page.VerifyRenderingInServerForm(this); } if (IsVisibleOnPage(Form.CurrentPage)) { OnRender(writer); } } internal virtual bool RequiresForm { get { return true; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnRender"]/*' /> protected virtual void OnRender(HtmlTextWriter writer) { Adapter.Render(writer); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnUnload"]/*' /> protected override void OnUnload(EventArgs e) { base.OnUnload(e); if (Adapter != null) { Adapter.OnUnload(e); } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.RenderChildren"]/*' /> public new void RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) { base.RenderChildren(writer); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VIEW STATE SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.TrackViewState"]/*' /> protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); ((IStateManager)Style).TrackViewState(); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.LoadViewState"]/*' /> protected override void LoadViewState(Object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { Object[] state = (Object[])savedState; if (state[0] != null) { base.LoadViewState(state[0]); } if (state[1] != null) { ((IStateManager)Style).LoadViewState(state[1]); } // Reset the property if persisted before, done similarly in // ASP.NET String s = (String)ViewState[InnerTextViewStateKey]; if (s != null) { InnerText = s; } } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.SaveViewState"]/*' /> protected override Object SaveViewState() { Object baseState = base.SaveViewState(); Object styleState = ((IStateManager)Style).SaveViewState(); if (baseState == null && styleState == null) { return null; } return new Object[2] { baseState, styleState }; } internal void SavePrivateViewStateInternal() { Object privateState = SavePrivateViewState(); Object adapterState = Adapter.SaveAdapterState(); if (privateState != null || adapterState != null) { privateState = new Object[] { privateState, adapterState }; MobilePage.AddClientViewState(this, privateState); } } internal void LoadPrivateViewStateInternal(Object state) { Debug.Assert(state != null); Object[] privateState = (Object[])state; if (privateState[0] != null) { LoadPrivateViewState(privateState[0]); } if (privateState[1] != null) { Adapter.LoadAdapterState(privateState[1]); } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.LoadPrivateViewState"]/*' /> protected virtual void LoadPrivateViewState(Object state) { } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.SavePrivateViewState"]/*' /> protected virtual Object SavePrivateViewState() { return null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CUSTOM PROPERTIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private StateBag _customAttributes; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.CustomAttributes"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public StateBag CustomAttributes { get { if (_customAttributes == null) { _customAttributes = new StateBag(true); // Ignore case if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager)_customAttributes).TrackViewState(); } } return _customAttributes; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute"]/*' /> /// <internalonly/> protected String GetAttribute(String name) { return (_customAttributes != null) ? (String)_customAttributes[name] : null; } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute"]/*' /> /// <internalonly/> protected void SetAttribute(String name, String value) { CustomAttributes[name] = value; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN STYLE PROPERTIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Style _style; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Style"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] internal protected virtual Style Style { get { if (_style == null) { _style = CreateStyle(); _style.SetControl(this); } return _style; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.CreateStyle"]/*' /> protected virtual Style CreateStyle() { return new Style(); } internal void RefreshStyle() { this.Style.Refresh(); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.StyleReference"]/*' /> [ Bindable(false), DefaultValue(null), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Appearance), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_StyleReference), TypeConverter(typeof(System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Converters.StyleReferenceConverter)) ] public virtual String StyleReference { get { return this.Style.StyleReference; } set { this.Style.StyleReference = value; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Font"]/*' /> [ DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Appearance), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_Font), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual FontInfo Font { get { return this.Style.Font; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Alignment"]/*' /> [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(Alignment.NotSet), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Appearance), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_Alignment), ] public virtual Alignment Alignment { get { return this.Style.Alignment; } set { this.Style.Alignment = value; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.Wrapping"]/*' /> [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(Wrapping.NotSet), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Appearance), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_Wrapping), ] public virtual Wrapping Wrapping { get { return this.Style.Wrapping; } set { this.Style.Wrapping = value; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.ForeColor"]/*' /> [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), ""), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Appearance), MobileSysDescription(SR.Style_ForeColor), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(WebColorConverter)) ] public virtual Color ForeColor { get { return this.Style.ForeColor; } set { this.Style.ForeColor = value; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.BackColor"]/*' /> [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), ""), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Appearance), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_BackColor), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(WebColorConverter)) ] public virtual Color BackColor { get { return this.Style.BackColor; } set { this.Style.BackColor = value; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END STYLE PROPERTIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String _cachedInnerText = null; private bool _containsDataboundLiteral = false; private static char[] _newlineChars = { '\r', '\n' }; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.InnerText"]/*' /> [ DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), ] protected String InnerText { get { String text = null; String innerTextAttribute = (String)ViewState[InnerTextViewStateKey]; if (_cachedInnerText != null) { text = _cachedInnerText; } else if (HasControls()) { _containsDataboundLiteral = false; bool containTag; bool trimInnerText = TrimInnerText; bool trimNewlines = TrimNewlines; text = GetControlText(out containTag, out _containsDataboundLiteral, trimInnerText); // Cannot throw exceptions from properties at designtime, // this will break property browser. if (containTag && !AllowInnerMarkup && (MobilePage == null || !MobilePage.DesignMode)) { throw new Exception( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_InnerTextCannotContainTags, GetType().ToString(), UniqueID)); } // Reset text to empty string at design time if the control // contains DataBoundLiteral child control. if (MobilePage != null && MobilePage.DesignMode && _containsDataboundLiteral) { text = String.Empty; } if (trimNewlines) { // Need to trim leading and trailing whitespace, but only up to last newline. int start = 0; int finish = text.Length; int length = text.Length; int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (c == '\n') { start = i + 1; } else if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { break; } } for (int i2 = length - 1; i2 > i; i2--) { char c = text[i2]; if (c == '\r') { finish = i2; } else if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { break; } } text = text.Substring(start, finish - start); } if ((trimInnerText || trimNewlines) && text.IndexOf('\r') != -1) { // Replace newlines with spaces. text = text.Replace("\r\n", " "); } if (trimNewlines && text.Trim().Length == 0) { text = String.Empty; } _cachedInnerText = text; } if (text == null || text.Length == 0) { text = innerTextAttribute; if (text == null) { text = String.Empty; } } return text; } set { if (!AllowMultiLines && value != null && value.IndexOf('\r') >= 0) { throw new ArgumentException( SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_TextCannotContainNewlines, GetType().ToString(), UniqueID)); } ViewState[InnerTextViewStateKey] = value; // There may be other types of child controls and they should // be preserved. Removing the specific controls in backward // direction so they can be removed properly. for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Control child = Controls[i]; if (child is LiteralControl || child is DataBoundLiteralControl || child is DesignerDataBoundLiteralControl) { Controls.RemoveAt(i); } } _cachedInnerText = null; } } // make this an internal method so designer could reuse the same logic. internal String GetControlText(out bool containTag, out bool containDataboundLiteral) { return GetControlText(out containTag, out containDataboundLiteral, false); } private String GetControlText(out bool containTag, out bool containDataboundLiteral, bool trim) { containTag = false; containDataboundLiteral = false; bool allowInnerMarkup = AllowInnerMarkup; String returnedText = null; // PERF: Optimized to avoid constructing builder and writer, unless // needed. StringBuilder builder = null; StringWriter writer = null; foreach (Control child in Controls) { String text; bool translate; if (child is LiteralControl) { text = ((LiteralControl)child).Text; containTag = containTag || text.IndexOf('<') != -1; if (allowInnerMarkup) { translate = false; } else { translate = text.IndexOf('&') != -1; } } else if (child is DataBoundLiteralControl) { text = ((DataBoundLiteralControl)child).Text; containDataboundLiteral = true; // Databound text is not in the persistence format, and thus should not // be translated. translate = false; } else if (child is DesignerDataBoundLiteralControl) { text = ((DesignerDataBoundLiteralControl)child).Text; // If the DesignerDataBoundLiteralControl is not databound, we simply // return empty string for the Text property. if (text == null || text.Length == 0) { containDataboundLiteral = true; } // Databound text is not in the persistence format, and thus should not // be translated. translate = false; } else if (child is HtmlContainerControl) { containTag = true; break; } else { continue; } if (trim) { text = text.Trim (); } if (translate || returnedText != null) { builder = new StringBuilder(); writer = new StringWriter(builder, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (returnedText != null) { writer.Write(returnedText); returnedText = null; } } if (writer != null) { if (translate) { TranslateAndAppendText(text, writer); } else { writer.Write(text); } } else { returnedText = text; } } if (returnedText != null) { return returnedText; } else if (builder == null) { return String.Empty; } else { return builder.ToString(); } } static internal void TranslateAndAppendText(String text, StringWriter writer) { // Can't quite use HtmlDecode, because HtmlDecode doesn't // parse the way we'd like it to. if (text.IndexOf('&') != -1) { if (text.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { text = text.Replace(" ", "\u00A0"); } HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(text, writer); } else { writer.Write(text); } } internal virtual bool AllowMultiLines { get { return false; } } internal virtual bool AllowInnerMarkup { get { return false; } } internal virtual bool TrimInnerText { get { return true; } } internal virtual bool TrimNewlines { get { return false; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.AddLinkedForms"]/*' /> public virtual void AddLinkedForms(IList linkedForms) { } // convenience method for returning a non-null string value internal String ToString(Object o) { if (o == null) return String.Empty; if (o is String) return (String)o; return o.ToString(); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.IsVisibleOnPage"]/*' /> public bool IsVisibleOnPage(int pageNumber) { if (!EnablePagination) { return true; } if (FirstPage < 0 || LastPage < 0) { return true; } return pageNumber >= FirstPage && pageNumber <= LastPage; } private int _firstPage = -1; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.FirstPage"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public int FirstPage { get { return _firstPage; } set { _firstPage = value; } } private int _lastPage = -1; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.LastPage"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public int LastPage { get { return _lastPage; } set { _lastPage = value; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.VisibleWeight"]/*' /> [ Browsable(false), Bindable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual int VisibleWeight { get { int weight = 0; if (HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in Controls) { if (child is MobileControl && child.Visible) { MobileControl control = (MobileControl)child; weight += control.GetVisibleWeight(); } } } if (weight == 0) { weight = ControlPager.DefaultWeight; } return weight; } } internal int GetVisibleWeight() { int weight = Adapter.VisibleWeight; if (weight == ControlPager.UseDefaultWeight) { weight = VisibleWeight; } return weight; } private bool _enablePagination = true; internal bool EnablePagination { get { return _enablePagination; } set { _enablePagination = value; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.PaginateChildren"]/*' /> protected virtual bool PaginateChildren { get { return true; } } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.PaginateRecursive"]/*' /> public virtual void PaginateRecursive(ControlPager pager) { if (!EnablePagination) { return; } if (PaginateChildren || this.Form.ControlToPaginate == this) { int firstAssignedPage = -1; DoPaginateChildren(pager, this, ref firstAssignedPage); if (firstAssignedPage != -1) { this.FirstPage = firstAssignedPage; } else { this.FirstPage = pager.GetPage(GetVisibleWeight()); } this.LastPage = pager.PageCount; } else { int pageNumber = pager.GetPage(GetVisibleWeight()); SetControlPageRecursive(this, pageNumber); this.FirstPage = pageNumber; this.LastPage = pageNumber; } } internal static void DoPaginateChildren(ControlPager pager, Control ctl, ref int firstAssignedPage) { if (ctl.HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in ctl.Controls) { if (child.Visible) { MobileControl mobileCtl = child as MobileControl; if (mobileCtl != null) { mobileCtl.PaginateRecursive(pager); if (firstAssignedPage == -1) { firstAssignedPage = mobileCtl.FirstPage; } } else if (child is UserControl) { DoPaginateChildren(pager, child, ref firstAssignedPage); } } } } } internal static void SetControlPageRecursive(Control control, int page) { if (control.HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in control.Controls) { MobileControl mobileChild = child as MobileControl; if (mobileChild != null) { mobileChild.SetControlPage(page); } else { SetControlPageRecursive(child, page); } } } } internal static void SetEnablePaginationRecursive(Control control, bool pagination) { if(control.HasControls()) { foreach(Control child in control.Controls) { SetEnablePaginationRecursive(child,pagination); } } MobileControl mobileControl = control as MobileControl; if(mobileControl != null) { mobileControl.EnablePagination = pagination; } } internal virtual void SetControlPage(int page) { FirstPage = page; LastPage = page; SetControlPageRecursive(this, page); } /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.OnPageChange"]/*' /> protected virtual void OnPageChange(int oldPageIndex, int newPageIndex) { MobileControl.OnPageChangeRecursive(this, oldPageIndex, newPageIndex); } private static void OnPageChangeRecursive(Control ctl, int oldPageIndex, int newPageIndex) { if (ctl.HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in ctl.Controls) { MobileControl mobileCtl = child as MobileControl; if (mobileCtl != null) { mobileCtl.OnPageChange(oldPageIndex, newPageIndex); } else { OnPageChangeRecursive(child, oldPageIndex, newPageIndex); } } } } internal bool _breakAfter = true; /// <include file='doc\MobileControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="MobileControl.BreakAfter"]/*' /> [ Browsable(true), Bindable(true), DefaultValue(true), MobileCategory(SR.Category_Behavior), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_BreakAfter) ] public virtual bool BreakAfter { get { return _breakAfter; } set { _breakAfter = value; } } // BEGIN: logic to check for infinite cycles when control trees are instantiated // through templates. // InstantiatingTemplate refers to template that instantiated this control // (or null if not instantiated by template). private ITemplate _instantiatingTemplate = null; private ITemplate InstantiatingTemplate { get { return _instantiatingTemplate; } } // The prospective parent of this control is passed as a parameter. Typically this // control has not been added to parent.Controls, so cannot use Parent property. private void SetInstantiatingTemplateAndVerify (ITemplate instantiatingTemplate, MobileControl parent) { for (MobileControl c = parent; c != null; c = c.Parent as MobileControl) { if (c.InstantiatingTemplate == instantiatingTemplate) { throw new Exception (SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_InfiniteTemplateRecursion)); } } _instantiatingTemplate = instantiatingTemplate; } // Typically target has not been added to targetParent.Controls collection yet. internal void CheckedInstantiateTemplate(ITemplate template, MobileControl target, MobileControl targetParent) { template.InstantiateIn (target); target.SetInstantiatingTemplateAndVerify (template, targetParent); } #region IAttributeAccessor implementation String IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute(String name) { return GetAttribute(name); } void IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute(String name, String value) { SetAttribute(name, value); } #endregion } }