//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="ScriptModule.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.Handlers { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using System.Web; using System.Web.ApplicationServices; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Resources; using System.Web.Script.Services; using System.Web.Security; public class ScriptModule : IHttpModule { private static readonly object _contextKey = new Object(); private static Type _authenticationServiceType = typeof(System.Web.Security.AuthenticationService); // disambiguation required private static int _isHandlerRegistered; private static bool ShouldSkipAuthorization(HttpContext context) { if (context == null || context.Request == null) { return false; } string path = context.Request.FilePath; if (ScriptResourceHandler.IsScriptResourceRequest(path)) { return true; } // if auth service is disabled, dont bother checking. // (NOTE: if a custom webservice is used, it will be up to them to enable anon access to it) // if it isn't a rest request dont bother checking. if(!ApplicationServiceHelper.AuthenticationServiceEnabled || !RestHandlerFactory.IsRestRequest(context)) { return false; } if(context.SkipAuthorization) { return true; } // it may be a rest request to a webservice. It must end in axd if it is an app service. if((path == null) || !path.EndsWith(".axd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return false; } // WebServiceData caches the object in cache, so this should be a quick lookup. // If it hasnt been cached yet, this will cause it to be cached, so later in the request // it will be a cache-hit anyway. WebServiceData wsd = WebServiceData.GetWebServiceData(context, path, false, false); if((wsd != null) && (_authenticationServiceType == wsd.TypeData.Type)) { return true; } return false; } protected virtual void Dispose() { } private void AuthenticateRequestHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { // flags the request with SkipAuthorization if it is a request for // the script Authentication webservice. HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender; if (app != null && ShouldSkipAuthorization(app.Context)) { app.Context.SetSkipAuthorizationNoDemand(true, false); } } private void EndRequestHandler(object sender, EventArgs e){ // DevDiv 100198: Send error response from EndRequest so Page and Application error handlers still fire on async posts // DevDiv 118737: Call Response.Clear as well as Response.ClearHeaders to force status code reset in integrated mode and // to ensure there are no errant headers such as a caching policy. Do not call Response.End or app.CompleteRequest as they // are pointless from the EndRequest event. HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender; HttpContext context = app.Context; object o = context.Items[PageRequestManager.AsyncPostBackErrorKey]; if ((o != null) && ((bool)o == true)) { context.ClearError(); context.Response.ClearHeaders(); context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string errorMessage = (string)context.Items[PageRequestManager.AsyncPostBackErrorMessageKey]; o = context.Items[PageRequestManager.AsyncPostBackErrorHttpCodeKey]; // o should definitely be an int, but user code could overwrite it int httpCode = (o is int) ? (int)o : 500; PageRequestManager.EncodeString(context.Response.Output, PageRequestManager.ErrorToken, httpCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), errorMessage); } } protected virtual void Init(HttpApplication app) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if this module has been already addded if (app.Context.Items[_contextKey] != null) { return; // already added to the pipeline } app.Context.Items[_contextKey] = _contextKey; // use the static HttpResponse.Redirecting event to hook all Response.Redirects. // Only hook the event once. Multiple pipelines may cause multiple instances of this // module to be created. if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isHandlerRegistered, 1) == 0) { HttpResponse.Redirecting += new EventHandler(HttpResponse_Redirecting); } app.PostAcquireRequestState += new EventHandler(OnPostAcquireRequestState); app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(AuthenticateRequestHandler); // DevDiv 100198: Send error response from EndRequest so Page and Application error handlers still fire on async posts app.EndRequest += new EventHandler(EndRequestHandler); } private static void HttpResponse_Redirecting(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse)sender; HttpContext context = response.Context; // Is in async postback, get status code and check for 302 if (PageRequestManager.IsAsyncPostBackRequest(new HttpRequestWrapper(context.Request))) { // Save the redirect location and other data before we clear it string redirectLocation = response.RedirectLocation; List<HttpCookie> cookies = new List<HttpCookie>(response.Cookies.Count); for (int i = 0; i < response.Cookies.Count; i++) { cookies.Add(response.Cookies[i]); } // Clear the entire response and send a custom response that the client script can process response.ClearContent(); response.ClearHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.Count; i++) { response.AppendCookie(cookies[i]); } response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); response.ContentType = "text/plain"; // DevDiv#961281 // Allow apps to access to the redirect location context.Items[PageRequestManager.AsyncPostBackRedirectLocationKey] = redirectLocation; // Preserve redirected state: TFS#882879 response.IsRequestBeingRedirected = true; PageRequestManager.EncodeString(response.Output, PageRequestManager.UpdatePanelVersionToken, String.Empty, PageRequestManager.UpdatePanelVersionNumber); // url encode the location in a way that javascript unescape() will be able to reverse redirectLocation = String.Join(" ", redirectLocation.Split(' ').Select(part => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(part))); PageRequestManager.EncodeString(response.Output, PageRequestManager.PageRedirectToken, String.Empty, redirectLocation); } else if (RestHandlerFactory.IsRestRequest(context)) { // We need to special case webservice redirects, as we want them to fail (always are auth failures) RestHandler.WriteExceptionJsonString(context, new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.WebService_RedirectError), (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); } } private void OnPostAcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender; HttpRequest request = app.Context.Request; if (app.Context.Handler is Page && RestHandlerFactory.IsRestMethodCall(request)) { // Get the data about the web service being invoked WebServiceData webServiceData = WebServiceData.GetWebServiceData(HttpContext.Current, request.FilePath, false, true); // Get the method name string methodName = request.PathInfo.Substring(1); // Get the data about the specific method being called WebServiceMethodData methodData = webServiceData.GetMethodData(methodName); RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext.Current, methodData); // Skip the rest of the page lifecycle app.CompleteRequest(); } } #region IHttpModule Members void IHttpModule.Dispose() { Dispose(); } void IHttpModule.Init(HttpApplication context) { Init(context); } #endregion } }