using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Linq; using System.Data.Linq.Provider; using System.Data.Linq.Mapping; using System.Data.Linq.SqlClient; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using LinqToSqlShared.Mapping; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace System.Data.Linq.Mapping { internal class MappedMetaModel : MetaModel { ReaderWriterLock @lock = new ReaderWriterLock(); MappingSource mappingSource; Type contextType; Type providerType; DatabaseMapping mapping; HashSet<Module> modules; Dictionary<string, Type> types; Dictionary<Type, MetaType> metaTypes; Dictionary<Type, MetaTable> metaTables; Dictionary<MetaPosition, MetaFunction> metaFunctions; bool fullyLoaded; [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // mapping parameter contains various type references. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // FindType method call. internal MappedMetaModel(MappingSource mappingSource, Type contextType, DatabaseMapping mapping) { this.mappingSource = mappingSource; this.contextType = contextType; this.mapping = mapping; this.modules = new HashSet<Module>(); this.modules.Add(this.contextType.Module); this.metaTypes = new Dictionary<Type, MetaType>(); this.metaTables = new Dictionary<Type, MetaTable>(); this.types = new Dictionary<string, Type>(); // Provider type if (this.providerType == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mapping.Provider)) { this.providerType = this.FindType(this.mapping.Provider, typeof(SqlProvider).Namespace); if (this.providerType == null) { throw Error.ProviderTypeNotFound(this.mapping.Provider); } } else if (this.providerType == null) { this.providerType = typeof(SqlProvider); } this.Init(); } #region Initialization private void Init() { if (!fullyLoaded) { // The fullyLoaded state is required so that tools like // CreateDatabase can get a full view of all tables. @lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (!fullyLoaded) { // Initialize static tables and functions. this.InitStaticTables(); this.InitFunctions(); fullyLoaded = true; } } finally { @lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // Exposure is via external mapping file/attributes. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // FindType method call. private void InitStaticTables() { this.InitStaticTableTypes(); foreach (TableMapping tableMapping in this.mapping.Tables) { Type rowType = this.FindType(tableMapping.RowType.Name); if (rowType == null) { throw Error.CouldNotFindTypeFromMapping(tableMapping.RowType.Name); } Type rootType = this.GetRootType(rowType, tableMapping.RowType); MetaTable table = new MappedTable(this, tableMapping, rootType); foreach (MetaType mt in table.RowType.InheritanceTypes) { this.metaTypes.Add(mt.Type, mt); this.metaTables.Add(mt.Type, table); } } } private void InitStaticTableTypes() { for (Type type = this.contextType; type != typeof(DataContext); type = type.BaseType) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); foreach (FieldInfo fi in fields) { Type ft = fi.FieldType; if (ft.IsGenericType && ft.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Table<>)) { Type rowType = ft.GetGenericArguments()[0]; if (!this.types.ContainsKey(rowType.Name)) { this.types.Add(rowType.FullName, rowType); if (!this.types.ContainsKey(rowType.Name)) { this.types.Add(rowType.Name, rowType); } this.modules.Add(rowType.Module); } } } PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in props) { Type pt = pi.PropertyType; if (pt.IsGenericType && pt.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Table<>)) { Type rowType = pt.GetGenericArguments()[0]; if (!this.types.ContainsKey(rowType.Name)) { this.types.Add(rowType.FullName, rowType); if (!this.types.ContainsKey(rowType.Name)) { this.types.Add(rowType.Name, rowType); } this.modules.Add(rowType.Module); } } } } } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // mapping instance variable is set elsewhere. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // For GetMethods call. private void InitFunctions() { this.metaFunctions = new Dictionary<MetaPosition, MetaFunction>(); if (this.contextType != typeof(DataContext)) { foreach (FunctionMapping fmap in this.mapping.Functions) { MethodInfo method = this.GetMethod(fmap.MethodName); if (method == null) { throw Error.MethodCannotBeFound(fmap.MethodName); } MappedFunction func = new MappedFunction(this, fmap, method); this.metaFunctions.Add(new MetaPosition(method), func); // pre-set all known function result types into metaType map foreach (MetaType rt in func.ResultRowTypes) { foreach (MetaType it in rt.InheritanceTypes) { if (!this.metaTypes.ContainsKey(it.Type)) { this.metaTypes.Add(it.Type, it); } } } } } } #endregion public override MappingSource MappingSource { get { return this.mappingSource; } } public override Type ContextType { get { return this.contextType; } } public override string DatabaseName { get { return this.mapping.DatabaseName; } } public override Type ProviderType { get { return this.providerType; } } public override IEnumerable<MetaTable> GetTables() { return this.metaTables.Values.Where(x => x != null).Distinct(); } public override MetaTable GetTable(Type rowType) { if (rowType == null) { throw Error.ArgumentNull("rowType"); } MetaTable table = null; this.metaTables.TryGetValue(rowType, out table); return table; } public override MetaType GetMetaType(Type type) { if (type == null) { throw Error.ArgumentNull("type"); } MetaType mtype = null; @lock.AcquireReaderLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (this.metaTypes.TryGetValue(type, out mtype)) { return mtype; } } finally { @lock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } @lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (!this.metaTypes.TryGetValue(type, out mtype)) { // not known, so must be unmapped type mtype = new UnmappedType(this, type); this.metaTypes.Add(type, mtype); } } finally { @lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } return mtype; } public override MetaFunction GetFunction(MethodInfo method) { if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } MetaFunction func = null; this.metaFunctions.TryGetValue(new MetaPosition(method), out func); return func; } public override IEnumerable<MetaFunction> GetFunctions() { return this.metaFunctions.Values; } private Type GetRootType(Type type, TypeMapping rootMapping) { if (string.Compare(rootMapping.Name, type.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0 || string.Compare(rootMapping.Name, type.FullName, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0 || string.Compare(rootMapping.Name, type.AssemblyQualifiedName, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) return type; if (type.BaseType != typeof(object)) { return this.GetRootType(type.BaseType, rootMapping); } throw Error.UnableToResolveRootForType(type); } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // name parameter will be found on a type. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // FindType method call. private MethodInfo GetMethod(string name) { string typeName, methodName; this.GetTypeAndMethod(name, out typeName, out methodName); Type type = this.FindType(typeName); if (type != null) { return type.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.NonPublic); } return null; } private void GetTypeAndMethod(string name, out string typeName, out string methodName) { int dotIndex = name.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.CurrentCulture); if (dotIndex > 0) { typeName = name.Substring(0, dotIndex); methodName = name.Substring(dotIndex + 1); } else { typeName = this.contextType.FullName; methodName = name; } } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // name parameter is a type name. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // FindType method call. internal Type FindType(string name) { return this.FindType(name, this.contextType.Namespace); } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // name parameter is a type name. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // SearchForType method call. internal Type FindType(string name, string defaultNamespace) { Type result = null; string name2 = null; @lock.AcquireReaderLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (this.types.TryGetValue(name, out result)) { return result; } name2 = name.Contains(".") ? null : defaultNamespace + "." + name; if (name2 != null && this.types.TryGetValue(name2, out result)) { return result; } } finally { @lock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } // don't block anyone while we search for the correct type Type foundResult = this.SearchForType(name); if (foundResult == null && name2 != null) { foundResult = this.SearchForType(name2); } if (foundResult != null) { @lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (this.types.TryGetValue(name, out result)) { return result; } this.types.Add(name, foundResult); return foundResult; } finally { @lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } return null; } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // name parameter is a type name. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // SearchForType method call. private Type SearchForType(string name) { // Try search for type using case sensitive. Type type = SearchForType(name, false); if (type != null) { return type; } // Try search for type using case in-sensitive. return SearchForType(name, true); } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // name parameter is a type name. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // Assembly.GetLoadedModules method call. private Type SearchForType(string name, bool ignoreCase) { // first try default system lookup Type type = Type.GetType(name, false, ignoreCase); if (type != null) { return type; } // try all known modules (modules that other statically known types were found in) foreach (Module module in this.modules) { type = module.GetType(name, false, ignoreCase); if (type != null) { return type; } } // try all loaded modules (is there a better way?) foreach (Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { foreach (Module module in a.GetLoadedModules()) { type = module.GetType(name, false, ignoreCase); if (type != null) { return type; } } } return null; } } internal sealed class MappedTable : MetaTable { MappedMetaModel model; TableMapping mapping; MetaType rowType; bool hasMethods; MethodInfo insertMethod; MethodInfo updateMethod; MethodInfo deleteMethod; [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // Parameter contains various type references. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // MappedRootType constructor call. internal MappedTable(MappedMetaModel model, TableMapping mapping, Type rowType) { this.model = model; this.mapping = mapping; this.rowType = new MappedRootType(model, this, mapping.RowType, rowType); } public override MetaModel Model { get { return this.model; } } public override string TableName { get { return this.mapping.TableName; } } public override MetaType RowType { get { return this.rowType; } } public override MethodInfo InsertMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.insertMethod; } } public override MethodInfo UpdateMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.updateMethod; } } public override MethodInfo DeleteMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.deleteMethod; } } private void InitMethods() { if (!this.hasMethods) { this.insertMethod = MethodFinder.FindMethod( this.model.ContextType, "Insert" + rowType.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, new Type[] { rowType.Type } ); this.updateMethod = MethodFinder.FindMethod( this.model.ContextType, "Update" + rowType.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, new Type[] { rowType.Type } ); this.deleteMethod = MethodFinder.FindMethod( this.model.ContextType, "Delete" + rowType.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, new Type[] { rowType.Type } ); this.hasMethods = true; } } } internal sealed class MappedRootType : MappedType { Dictionary<Type, MetaType> derivedTypes; Dictionary<object, MetaType> inheritanceCodes; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> inheritanceTypes; MetaType inheritanceDefault; bool hasInheritance; [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // Various parameters can contain type names. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // InitInheritedType method call. public MappedRootType(MappedMetaModel model, MappedTable table, TypeMapping typeMapping, Type type) : base(model, table, typeMapping, type, null) { if (typeMapping == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("typeMapping"); if (typeMapping.InheritanceCode != null || typeMapping.DerivedTypes.Count > 0) { if (this.Discriminator == null) { throw Error.NoDiscriminatorFound(type.Name); } this.hasInheritance = true; if (!MappingSystem.IsSupportedDiscriminatorType(this.Discriminator.Type)) { throw Error.DiscriminatorClrTypeNotSupported(this.Discriminator.DeclaringType.Name, this.Discriminator.Name, this.Discriminator.Type); } this.derivedTypes = new Dictionary<Type, MetaType>(); this.inheritanceCodes = new Dictionary<object, MetaType>(); this.InitInheritedType(typeMapping, this); } if (this.inheritanceDefault == null && (this.inheritanceCode != null || this.inheritanceCodes != null && this.inheritanceCodes.Count > 0)) throw Error.InheritanceHierarchyDoesNotDefineDefault(type); if (this.derivedTypes != null) { this.inheritanceTypes = this.derivedTypes.Values.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } else { this.inheritanceTypes = new MetaType[] { this }.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } this.Validate(); } private void Validate() { Dictionary<object, string> memberToColumn = new Dictionary<object, string>(); foreach (MetaType type in this.InheritanceTypes) { // NB: Table node in XML can have only one Type node -- enforced by XSD foreach (MetaDataMember mem in type.PersistentDataMembers) { if (mem.IsDeclaredBy(type)) { if (mem.IsDiscriminator && !this.HasInheritance) { throw Error.NonInheritanceClassHasDiscriminator(type); } if (!mem.IsAssociation) { // validate that no database column is mapped twice if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mem.MappedName)) { string column; object dn = InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(mem.Member); if (memberToColumn.TryGetValue(dn, out column)) { if (column != mem.MappedName) { throw Error.MemberMappedMoreThanOnce(mem.Member.Name); } } else { memberToColumn.Add(dn, mem.MappedName); } } } } } } } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // typeMap parameter's Name property. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // FindType method call. private MetaType InitDerivedTypes(TypeMapping typeMap) { Type type = ((MappedMetaModel)Model).FindType(typeMap.Name); if (type == null) throw Error.CouldNotFindRuntimeTypeForMapping(typeMap.Name); MappedType rowType = new MappedType(this.Model, this.Table, typeMap, type, this); return this.InitInheritedType(typeMap, rowType); } [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // typeMap parameter's Name property. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // InitDerivedTypes method call. private MetaType InitInheritedType(TypeMapping typeMap, MappedType type) { this.derivedTypes.Add(type.Type, type); if (typeMap.InheritanceCode != null) { // Mapping with no inheritance code: For example, an unmapped intermediate class in a hierarchy. if (this.Discriminator == null) throw Error.NoDiscriminatorFound(type.Name); if (type.Type.IsAbstract) throw Error.AbstractClassAssignInheritanceDiscriminator(type.Type); object keyValue = DBConvert.ChangeType(typeMap.InheritanceCode, this.Discriminator.Type); foreach (object d in inheritanceCodes.Keys) { // if the keys are equal, or if they are both strings containing only spaces // they are considered equal if ((keyValue.GetType() == typeof(string) && ((string)keyValue).Trim().Length == 0 && d.GetType() == typeof(string) && ((string)d).Trim().Length == 0) || object.Equals(d, keyValue)) { throw Error.InheritanceCodeUsedForMultipleTypes(keyValue); } } if (type.inheritanceCode != null) throw Error.InheritanceTypeHasMultipleDiscriminators(type); type.inheritanceCode = keyValue; this.inheritanceCodes.Add(keyValue, type); if (typeMap.IsInheritanceDefault) { if (this.inheritanceDefault != null) throw Error.InheritanceTypeHasMultipleDefaults(type); this.inheritanceDefault = type; } } // init sub-inherited types foreach (TypeMapping tm in typeMap.DerivedTypes) { this.InitDerivedTypes(tm); } return type; } public override bool HasInheritance { get { return this.hasInheritance; } } public override bool HasInheritanceCode { get { return this.InheritanceCode != null; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> InheritanceTypes { get { return this.inheritanceTypes; } } public override MetaType GetInheritanceType(Type type) { if (type == this.Type) return this; MetaType metaType = null; if (this.derivedTypes != null) { this.derivedTypes.TryGetValue(type, out metaType); } return metaType; } public override MetaType InheritanceDefault { get { return this.inheritanceDefault; } } } internal class MappedType : MetaType { MetaModel model; MetaTable table; Type type; TypeMapping typeMapping; Dictionary<object, MetaDataMember> dataMemberMap; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> dataMembers; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> persistentDataMembers; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> identities; MetaDataMember dbGeneratedIdentity; MetaDataMember version; MetaDataMember discriminator; MetaType inheritanceRoot; bool inheritanceBaseSet; MetaType inheritanceBase; internal object inheritanceCode; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> derivedTypes; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaAssociation> associations; bool hasMethods; bool hasAnyLoadMethod; bool hasAnyValidateMethod; MethodInfo onLoadedMethod; MethodInfo onValidateMethod; object locktarget = new object(); // Hold locks on private object rather than public MetaType. internal MappedType(MetaModel model, MetaTable table, TypeMapping typeMapping, Type type, MetaType inheritanceRoot) { this.model = model; this.table = table; this.typeMapping = typeMapping; this.type = type; this.inheritanceRoot = inheritanceRoot != null ? inheritanceRoot : this; this.InitDataMembers(); this.identities = this.dataMembers.Where(m => m.IsPrimaryKey).ToList().AsReadOnly(); this.persistentDataMembers = this.dataMembers.Where(m => m.IsPersistent).ToList().AsReadOnly(); } #region Initialization private void ValidatePrimaryKeyMember(MetaDataMember mm) { //if the type is a sub-type, no member in the type can be primary key if (mm.IsPrimaryKey && this.inheritanceRoot != this && mm.Member.DeclaringType == this.type) { throw (Error.PrimaryKeyInSubTypeNotSupported(this.type.Name, mm.Name)); } } private void InitMethods() { if (!this.hasMethods) { this.onLoadedMethod = MethodFinder.FindMethod( this.Type, "OnLoaded", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, Type.EmptyTypes, false ); this.onValidateMethod = MethodFinder.FindMethod( this.Type, "OnValidate", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, new[] { typeof(ChangeAction) }, false ); this.hasAnyLoadMethod = (this.onLoadedMethod != null) || (this.InheritanceBase != null && this.InheritanceBase.HasAnyLoadMethod); this.hasAnyValidateMethod = (this.onValidateMethod != null) || (this.InheritanceBase != null && this.InheritanceBase.HasAnyValidateMethod); this.hasMethods = true; } } private void InitDataMembers() { if (this.dataMembers == null) { Dictionary<object, MetaDataMember> map = new Dictionary<object, MetaDataMember>(); List<MetaDataMember> dMembers = new List<MetaDataMember>(); int ordinal = 0; BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; // Map of valid mapped names. Dictionary<string, MemberMapping> names = new Dictionary<string, MemberMapping>(); Type currentType = this.type; for (TypeMapping tm = this.typeMapping; tm != null; tm = tm.BaseType) { foreach (MemberMapping mmap in tm.Members) { names[mmap.MemberName + ":" + currentType.Name] = mmap; } currentType = currentType.BaseType; } HashSet<string> namesSeen = new HashSet<string>(); // Keep track of which names from the mapping file have been seen. FieldInfo[] fis = TypeSystem.GetAllFields(this.type, flags).ToArray(); if (fis != null) { foreach (FieldInfo fi in fis) { MemberMapping mmap; string name = fi.Name + ":" + fi.DeclaringType.Name; if (names.TryGetValue(name, out mmap)) { namesSeen.Add(name); object dn = InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(fi); MetaDataMember mm; if (!map.TryGetValue(dn, out mm)) { mm = new MappedDataMember(this, fi, mmap, ordinal); map.Add(InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(mm.Member), mm); dMembers.Add(mm); this.InitSpecialMember(mm); } ValidatePrimaryKeyMember(mm); ordinal++; } } } PropertyInfo[] pis = TypeSystem.GetAllProperties(this.type, flags).ToArray(); if (pis != null) { foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pis) { MemberMapping mmap; string name = pi.Name + ":" + pi.DeclaringType.Name; if (names.TryGetValue(name, out mmap)) { namesSeen.Add(name); MetaDataMember mm; object dn = InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(pi); if (!map.TryGetValue(dn, out mm)) { mm = new MappedDataMember(this, pi, mmap, ordinal); map.Add(InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(mm.Member), mm); dMembers.Add(mm); this.InitSpecialMember(mm); } ValidatePrimaryKeyMember(mm); ordinal++; } } } this.dataMembers = dMembers.AsReadOnly(); this.dataMemberMap = map; // Finally, make sure that all types in the mapping file were consumed. foreach(string name in namesSeen) { names.Remove(name); } foreach(var orphan in names) { Type aboveRoot = inheritanceRoot.Type.BaseType; while (aboveRoot!=null) { foreach(MemberInfo mi in aboveRoot.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { if(String.Compare(mi.Name, orphan.Value.MemberName, StringComparison.Ordinal)==0) { throw Error.MappedMemberHadNoCorrespondingMemberInType(orphan.Value.MemberName, type.Name); } } aboveRoot = aboveRoot.BaseType; } } } } private void InitSpecialMember(MetaDataMember mm) { // Can only have one auto gen member that is also an identity member, // except if that member is a computed column (since they are implicitly auto gen) if (mm.IsDbGenerated && mm.IsPrimaryKey && string.IsNullOrEmpty(mm.Expression)) { if (this.dbGeneratedIdentity != null) { throw Error.TwoMembersMarkedAsPrimaryKeyAndDBGenerated(mm.Member, this.dbGeneratedIdentity.Member); } this.dbGeneratedIdentity = mm; } if (mm.IsPrimaryKey && !MappingSystem.IsSupportedIdentityType(mm.Type)) { throw Error.IdentityClrTypeNotSupported(mm.DeclaringType, mm.Name, mm.Type); } if (mm.IsVersion) { if (this.version != null) { throw Error.TwoMembersMarkedAsRowVersion(mm.Member, this.version.Member); } this.version = mm; } if (mm.IsDiscriminator) { if (this.discriminator != null) { if (!InheritanceRules.AreSameMember(this.discriminator.Member, mm.Member)) { throw Error.TwoMembersMarkedAsInheritanceDiscriminator(mm.Member, this.discriminator.Member); } } else { this.discriminator = mm; } } } #endregion public override MetaModel Model { get { return this.model; } } public override MetaTable Table { get { return this.table; } } public override Type Type { get { return this.type; } } public override string Name { get { return this.type.Name; } } public override bool IsEntity { get { if (this.table != null) { return table.RowType.IdentityMembers.Count > 0; } return false; } } public override bool CanInstantiate { get { return !this.type.IsAbstract && (this == this.InheritanceRoot || this.HasInheritanceCode); } } public override MetaDataMember DBGeneratedIdentityMember { get { return this.dbGeneratedIdentity; } } public override MetaDataMember VersionMember { get { return this.version; } } public override MetaDataMember Discriminator { get { return this.discriminator; } } public override bool HasUpdateCheck { get { foreach (MetaDataMember member in this.PersistentDataMembers) { if (member.UpdateCheck != UpdateCheck.Never) { return true; } } return false; } } public override bool HasInheritance { get { return this.inheritanceRoot.HasInheritance; } } public override object InheritanceCode { get { return this.inheritanceCode; } } public override bool HasInheritanceCode { get { return this.InheritanceCode != null; } } public override bool IsInheritanceDefault { get { return this.InheritanceDefault == this; } } public override MetaType InheritanceDefault { get { if (this.inheritanceRoot == this) throw Error.CannotGetInheritanceDefaultFromNonInheritanceClass(); return this.InheritanceRoot.InheritanceDefault; } } public override MetaType InheritanceRoot { get { return this.inheritanceRoot; } } public override MetaType InheritanceBase { get { // LOCKING: Cannot initialize at construction if (!this.inheritanceBaseSet && this.inheritanceBase == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.inheritanceBase == null) { this.inheritanceBase = InheritanceBaseFinder.FindBase(this); this.inheritanceBaseSet = true; } } } return this.inheritanceBase; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> InheritanceTypes { get { return this.inheritanceRoot.InheritanceTypes; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> DerivedTypes { get { // LOCKING: Cannot initialize at construction because derived types // won't exist yet. if (this.derivedTypes == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.derivedTypes == null) { List<MetaType> dTypes = new List<MetaType>(); foreach (MetaType mt in this.InheritanceTypes) { if (mt.Type.BaseType == this.type) dTypes.Add(mt); } this.derivedTypes = dTypes.AsReadOnly(); } } } return this.derivedTypes; } } public override MetaType GetInheritanceType(Type inheritanceType) { foreach (MetaType mt in this.InheritanceTypes) if (mt.Type == inheritanceType) return mt; return null; } public override MetaType GetTypeForInheritanceCode(object key) { if (this.InheritanceRoot.Discriminator.Type == typeof(string)) { string skey = (string)key; foreach (MetaType mt in this.InheritanceRoot.InheritanceTypes) { if (string.Compare((string)mt.InheritanceCode, skey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) return mt; } } else { foreach (MetaType mt in this.InheritanceRoot.InheritanceTypes) { if (object.Equals(mt.InheritanceCode, key)) return mt; } } return null; } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> DataMembers { get { return this.dataMembers; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> PersistentDataMembers { get { return this.persistentDataMembers; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> IdentityMembers { get { return this.identities; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaAssociation> Associations { get { // LOCKING: Associations are late-expanded so that cycles are broken. if (this.associations == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.associations == null) { this.associations = this.dataMembers.Where(m => m.IsAssociation).Select(m => m.Association).ToList().AsReadOnly(); } } } return this.associations; } } public override MetaDataMember GetDataMember(MemberInfo mi) { if (mi == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("mi"); MetaDataMember mm; if (this.dataMemberMap.TryGetValue(InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(mi), out mm)) { return mm; } else { if (mi.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { throw Error.MappingOfInterfacesMemberIsNotSupported(mi.DeclaringType.Name, mi.Name); } else { //the member is not mapped in the base class throw Error.UnmappedClassMember(mi.DeclaringType.Name, mi.Name); } } } public override MethodInfo OnLoadedMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.onLoadedMethod; } } public override MethodInfo OnValidateMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.onValidateMethod; } } public override bool HasAnyValidateMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.hasAnyValidateMethod; } } public override bool HasAnyLoadMethod { get { this.InitMethods(); return this.hasAnyLoadMethod; } } public override string ToString() { return this.Name; } } internal sealed class MappedDataMember : MetaDataMember { MetaType declaringType; MemberInfo member; MemberInfo storageMember; int ordinal; Type type; bool hasAccessors; MetaAccessor accPublic; MetaAccessor accPrivate; MetaAccessor accDefValue; MetaAccessor accDefSource; MemberMapping memberMap; MappedAssociation assoc; bool isNullableType; bool isDeferred; bool isPrimaryKey; bool isVersion; bool isDBGenerated; bool isDiscriminator; bool canBeNull = true; string dbType; string expression; string mappedName; UpdateCheck updateCheck = UpdateCheck.Never; AutoSync autoSync = AutoSync.Never; object locktarget = new object(); // Hold locks on private object rather than public MetaType. bool hasLoadMethod; MethodInfo loadMethod; internal MappedDataMember(MetaType declaringType, MemberInfo mi, MemberMapping map, int ordinal) { this.declaringType = declaringType; this.member = mi; this.ordinal = ordinal; this.type = TypeSystem.GetMemberType(mi); this.isNullableType = TypeSystem.IsNullableType(this.type); this.memberMap = map; if (this.memberMap != null && this.memberMap.StorageMemberName != null) { MemberInfo[] mis = mi.DeclaringType.GetMember(this.memberMap.StorageMemberName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (mis == null || mis.Length != 1) { throw Error.BadStorageProperty(this.memberMap.StorageMemberName, mi.DeclaringType, mi.Name); } this.storageMember = mis[0]; } Type storageType = this.storageMember != null ? TypeSystem.GetMemberType(this.storageMember) : this.type; this.isDeferred = IsDeferredType(storageType); ColumnMapping cmap = map as ColumnMapping; if (cmap != null && cmap.IsDbGenerated && cmap.IsPrimaryKey) { // auto-gen identities must be synced on insert if ((cmap.AutoSync != AutoSync.Default) && (cmap.AutoSync != AutoSync.OnInsert)) { throw Error.IncorrectAutoSyncSpecification(mi.Name); } } if (cmap != null) { this.isPrimaryKey = cmap.IsPrimaryKey; this.isVersion = cmap.IsVersion; this.isDBGenerated = cmap.IsDbGenerated || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmap.Expression) || this.isVersion; this.isDiscriminator = cmap.IsDiscriminator; this.canBeNull = cmap.CanBeNull == null ? this.isNullableType || !this.type.IsValueType : (bool)cmap.CanBeNull; this.dbType = cmap.DbType; this.expression = cmap.Expression; this.updateCheck = cmap.UpdateCheck; // auto-gen keys are always and only synced on insert if (this.IsDbGenerated && this.IsPrimaryKey) { this.autoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert; } else if (cmap.AutoSync != AutoSync.Default) { // if the user has explicitly set it, use their value this.autoSync = cmap.AutoSync; } else if (this.IsDbGenerated) { // database generated members default to always this.autoSync = AutoSync.Always; } } this.mappedName = this.memberMap.DbName != null ? this.memberMap.DbName : this.member.Name; } private void InitAccessors() { if (!this.hasAccessors) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (!this.hasAccessors) { if (this.storageMember != null) { this.accPrivate = MakeMemberAccessor(this.member.ReflectedType, this.storageMember, null); if (this.isDeferred) { MakeDeferredAccessors(this.member.ReflectedType, this.accPrivate, out this.accPrivate, out this.accDefValue, out this.accDefSource); } this.accPublic = MakeMemberAccessor(this.member.ReflectedType, this.member, this.accPrivate); } else { this.accPublic = this.accPrivate = MakeMemberAccessor(this.member.ReflectedType, this.member, null); if (this.isDeferred) { MakeDeferredAccessors(this.member.ReflectedType, this.accPrivate, out this.accPrivate, out this.accDefValue, out this.accDefSource); } } this.hasAccessors = true; } } } } public override MetaType DeclaringType { get { return this.declaringType; } } public override bool IsDeclaredBy(MetaType metaType) { if (metaType == null) { throw Error.ArgumentNull("metaType"); } return metaType.Type == this.member.DeclaringType; } public override MemberInfo Member { get { return this.member; } } public override MemberInfo StorageMember { get { return this.storageMember; } } public override string Name { get { return this.member.Name; } } public override int Ordinal { get { return this.ordinal; } } public override Type Type { get { return this.type; } } public override MetaAccessor MemberAccessor { get { this.InitAccessors(); return this.accPublic; } } public override MetaAccessor StorageAccessor { get { this.InitAccessors(); return this.accPrivate; } } public override MetaAccessor DeferredValueAccessor { get { this.InitAccessors(); return this.accDefValue; } } public override MetaAccessor DeferredSourceAccessor { get { this.InitAccessors(); return this.accDefSource; } } public override bool IsDeferred { get { return this.isDeferred; } } public override bool IsPersistent { get { return this.memberMap != null; } } public override bool IsAssociation { get { return this.memberMap is AssociationMapping; } } public override bool IsPrimaryKey { get { return this.isPrimaryKey; } } /// <summary> /// Returns true if the member is explicitly marked as auto gen, or if the /// member is computed or generated by the database server. /// </summary> public override bool IsDbGenerated { get { return this.isDBGenerated; } } public override bool IsVersion { get { return this.isVersion; } } public override bool IsDiscriminator { get { return this.isDiscriminator; } } public override bool CanBeNull { get { return this.canBeNull; } } public override string DbType { get { return this.dbType; } } public override string Expression { get { return this.expression; } } public override string MappedName { get { return this.mappedName; } } public override UpdateCheck UpdateCheck { get { return this.updateCheck; } } public override AutoSync AutoSync { get { return this.autoSync; } } public override MetaAssociation Association { get { if (this.IsAssociation) { // LOCKING: This deferral isn't an optimization. It can't be done in the constructor // because there may be loops in the association graph. if (this.assoc == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.assoc == null) { this.assoc = new MappedAssociation(this, (AssociationMapping)this.memberMap); } } } } return this.assoc; } } public override MethodInfo LoadMethod { get { if (this.hasLoadMethod == false && this.IsDeferred) { // defer searching for this access method until we really need to know this.loadMethod = MethodFinder.FindMethod( ((MappedMetaModel)this.declaringType.Model).ContextType, "Load" + this.member.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, new Type[] { this.DeclaringType.Type } ); this.hasLoadMethod = true; } return this.loadMethod; } } private bool IsDeferredType(Type clrType) { if (clrType == null || clrType == typeof(object)) { return false; } if (clrType.IsGenericType) { Type gtype = clrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); return gtype == typeof(Link<>) || typeof(EntitySet<>).IsAssignableFrom(gtype) || typeof(EntityRef<>).IsAssignableFrom(gtype) || IsDeferredType(clrType.BaseType); } return false; } private static MetaAccessor MakeMemberAccessor(Type accessorType, MemberInfo mi, MetaAccessor storage) { FieldInfo fi = mi as FieldInfo; MetaAccessor acc = null; if (fi != null) { acc = FieldAccessor.Create(accessorType, fi); } else { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; acc = PropertyAccessor.Create(accessorType, pi, storage); } return acc; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] private static void MakeDeferredAccessors( Type declaringType, MetaAccessor accessor, out MetaAccessor accessorValue, out MetaAccessor accessorDeferredValue, out MetaAccessor accessorDeferredSource ) { if (accessor.Type.IsGenericType) { Type gtype = accessor.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); Type itemType = accessor.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; if (gtype == typeof(Link<>)) { accessorValue = CreateAccessor(typeof(LinkValueAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); accessorDeferredValue = CreateAccessor(typeof(LinkDefValueAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); accessorDeferredSource = CreateAccessor(typeof(LinkDefSourceAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); return; } else if (typeof(EntityRef<>).IsAssignableFrom(gtype)) { accessorValue = CreateAccessor(typeof(EntityRefValueAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); accessorDeferredValue = CreateAccessor(typeof(EntityRefDefValueAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); accessorDeferredSource = CreateAccessor(typeof(EntityRefDefSourceAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); return; } else if (typeof(EntitySet<>).IsAssignableFrom(gtype)) { accessorValue = CreateAccessor(typeof(EntitySetValueAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); accessorDeferredValue = CreateAccessor(typeof(EntitySetDefValueAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); accessorDeferredSource = CreateAccessor(typeof(EntitySetDefSourceAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(declaringType, itemType), accessor); return; } } throw Error.UnhandledDeferredStorageType(accessor.Type); } private static MetaAccessor CreateAccessor(Type accessorType, params object[] args) { return (MetaAccessor)Activator.CreateInstance(accessorType, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, args, null); } } internal class MappedAssociation : MetaAssociationImpl { MappedDataMember thisMember; MetaDataMember otherMember; MetaType otherType; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> thisKey; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> otherKey; bool isMany; bool isForeignKey; bool isNullable; bool thisKeyIsPrimaryKey; bool otherKeyIsPrimaryKey; AssociationMapping assocMap; internal MappedAssociation(MappedDataMember mm, AssociationMapping assocMap) { this.thisMember = mm; this.assocMap = assocMap; this.Init(); this.InitOther(); //validate the number of ThisKey columns is the same as the number of OtherKey columns if (this.thisKey.Count != this.otherKey.Count && this.thisKey.Count > 0 && this.otherKey.Count > 0) { throw Error.MismatchedThisKeyOtherKey(thisMember.Name, thisMember.DeclaringType.Name); } } #region Initialization private void Init() { this.isMany = TypeSystem.IsSequenceType(this.thisMember.Type); this.thisKey = (this.assocMap.ThisKey != null) ? MakeKeys(this.thisMember.DeclaringType, this.assocMap.ThisKey) : this.thisMember.DeclaringType.IdentityMembers; // this association refers to the parent if thisKey is not our own identity this.thisKeyIsPrimaryKey = AreEqual(this.thisKey, this.thisMember.DeclaringType.IdentityMembers); this.isForeignKey = this.assocMap.IsForeignKey; // if any key members are not nullable, the association is not nullable this.isNullable = true; foreach (MetaDataMember mm in this.thisKey) { if (mm == null) throw Error.UnexpectedNull("MetaDataMember"); if (!mm.CanBeNull) { this.isNullable = false; break; } } // validate DeleteOnNull specification if (assocMap.DeleteOnNull == true) { if (!(isForeignKey && !isMany && !isNullable)) { throw Error.InvalidDeleteOnNullSpecification(thisMember); } } } private void InitOther() { if (this.otherType == null) { Type ot = this.isMany ? TypeSystem.GetElementType(this.thisMember.Type) : this.thisMember.Type; this.otherType = this.thisMember.DeclaringType.Model.GetMetaType(ot); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(this.otherType.IsEntity); this.otherKey = (assocMap.OtherKey != null) ? MakeKeys(this.otherType, this.assocMap.OtherKey) : this.otherType.IdentityMembers; this.otherKeyIsPrimaryKey = AreEqual(this.otherKey, this.otherType.IdentityMembers); foreach (MetaDataMember omm in this.otherType.DataMembers) { if (omm.IsAssociation && omm != this.thisMember && omm.MappedName == this.thisMember.MappedName) { this.otherMember = omm; break; } } } } #endregion public override MetaDataMember ThisMember { get { return this.thisMember; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> ThisKey { get { return this.thisKey; } } public override MetaDataMember OtherMember { get { return this.otherMember; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> OtherKey { get { return this.otherKey; } } public override MetaType OtherType { get { return this.otherType; } } public override bool IsMany { get { return this.isMany; } } public override bool IsForeignKey { get { return this.isForeignKey; } } public override bool IsUnique { get { return this.assocMap.IsUnique; } } public override bool IsNullable { get { return this.isNullable; } } public override bool ThisKeyIsPrimaryKey { get { return this.thisKeyIsPrimaryKey; } } public override bool OtherKeyIsPrimaryKey { get { return this.otherKeyIsPrimaryKey; } } public override string DeleteRule { get { return this.assocMap.DeleteRule; } } public override bool DeleteOnNull { get { return this.assocMap.DeleteOnNull; } } } class MappedFunction : MetaFunction { MetaModel model; FunctionMapping map; MethodInfo method; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaParameter> parameters; MetaParameter returnParameter; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> rowTypes; static ReadOnlyCollection<MetaParameter> _emptyParameters = new List<MetaParameter>(0).AsReadOnly(); static ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> _emptyTypes = new List<MetaType>(0).AsReadOnly(); [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // map parameter contains type names. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // FindType method call. internal MappedFunction(MappedMetaModel model, FunctionMapping map, MethodInfo method) { this.model = model; = map; this.method = method; this.rowTypes = _emptyTypes; if (map.Types.Count == 0 && this.method.ReturnType == typeof(IMultipleResults)) { throw Error.NoResultTypesDeclaredForFunction(method.Name); } else if (map.Types.Count > 1 && this.method.ReturnType != typeof(IMultipleResults)) { throw Error.TooManyResultTypesDeclaredForFunction(method.Name); } else if (map.Types.Count == 1 && this.method.ReturnType != typeof(IMultipleResults)) { Type elementType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(method.ReturnType); this.rowTypes = new List<MetaType>(1) { this.GetMetaType(map.Types[0], elementType) }.AsReadOnly(); } else if (map.Types.Count > 0) { List<MetaType> rowTypes = new List<MetaType>(); foreach (TypeMapping rtm in map.Types) { Type elementType = model.FindType(rtm.Name); if (elementType == null) { throw Error.CouldNotFindElementTypeInModel(rtm.Name); } MetaType mt = this.GetMetaType(rtm, elementType); // Only add unique meta types if (!rowTypes.Contains(mt)) { rowTypes.Add(mt); } } this.rowTypes = rowTypes.AsReadOnly(); } else if (map.FunReturn != null) { this.returnParameter = new MappedReturnParameter(method.ReturnParameter, map.FunReturn); } // Parameters. ParameterInfo[] pis = this.method.GetParameters(); if (pis.Length > 0) { List<MetaParameter> mps = new List<MetaParameter>(pis.Length); if ( != pis.Length) { throw Error.IncorrectNumberOfParametersMappedForMethod(; } for (int i = 0; i < pis.Length; i++) { mps.Add(new MappedParameter(pis[i],[i])); } this.parameters = mps.AsReadOnly(); } else { this.parameters = _emptyParameters; } } /// <summary> /// For the specified type, if it is a mapped type, use the Table /// metatype to get the correct inheritance metatype, /// otherwise create a new meta type. [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // Parameter contains various type references. [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Assembly | ResourceScope.Machine)] // MappedRootType constructor call. private MetaType GetMetaType(TypeMapping tm, Type elementType) { MetaTable tbl = model.GetTable(elementType); if (tbl != null) { return tbl.RowType.GetInheritanceType(elementType); } return new MappedRootType((MappedMetaModel)model, null, tm, elementType); } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaParameter> Parameters { get { return this.parameters; } } public override string MappedName { get { return; } } public override MethodInfo Method { get { return this.method; } } public override MetaModel Model { get { return this.model; } } public override string Name { get { return this.method.Name; } } public override bool IsComposable { get { return; } } public override MetaParameter ReturnParameter { get { return this.returnParameter; } } public override bool HasMultipleResults { get { return this.method.ReturnType == typeof(IMultipleResults); } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> ResultRowTypes { get { return this.rowTypes; } } } internal sealed class MappedParameter : MetaParameter { private ParameterInfo parameterInfo; private ParameterMapping map; public MappedParameter(ParameterInfo parameterInfo, ParameterMapping map) { this.parameterInfo = parameterInfo; = map; } public override ParameterInfo Parameter { get { return this.parameterInfo; } } public override string Name { get { return this.parameterInfo.Name; } } public override string MappedName { get { return; } } public override Type ParameterType { get { return this.parameterInfo.ParameterType; } } public override string DbType { get { return; } } } internal sealed class MappedReturnParameter : MetaParameter { private ParameterInfo parameterInfo; private ReturnMapping map; public MappedReturnParameter(ParameterInfo parameterInfo, ReturnMapping map) { this.parameterInfo = parameterInfo; = map; } public override ParameterInfo Parameter { get { return this.parameterInfo; } } public override string Name { get { return null; } } public override string MappedName { get { return null; } } public override Type ParameterType { get { return this.parameterInfo.ParameterType; } } public override string DbType { get { return; } } } internal abstract class MetaAssociationImpl : MetaAssociation { private static char[] keySeparators = new char[] { ',' }; /// <summary> /// Given a MetaType and a set of key fields, return the set of MetaDataMembers /// corresponding to the key. /// </summary> protected static ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> MakeKeys(MetaType mtype, string keyFields) { string[] names = keyFields.Split(keySeparators); MetaDataMember[] members = new MetaDataMember[names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { names[i] = names[i].Trim(); MemberInfo[] rmis = mtype.Type.GetMember(names[i], BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (rmis == null || rmis.Length != 1) { throw Error.BadKeyMember(names[i], keyFields, mtype.Name); } members[i] = mtype.GetDataMember(rmis[0]); if (members[i] == null) { throw Error.BadKeyMember(names[i], keyFields, mtype.Name); } } return new List<MetaDataMember>(members).AsReadOnly(); } /// <summary> /// Compare two sets of keys for equality. /// </summary> protected static bool AreEqual(IEnumerable<MetaDataMember> key1, IEnumerable<MetaDataMember> key2) { using (IEnumerator<MetaDataMember> e1 = key1.GetEnumerator()) { using (IEnumerator<MetaDataMember> e2 = key2.GetEnumerator()) { bool m1, m2; for (m1 = e1.MoveNext(), m2 = e2.MoveNext(); m1 && m2; m1 = e1.MoveNext(), m2 = e2.MoveNext()) { if (e1.Current != e2.Current) return false; } if (m1 != m2) return false; } } return true; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format(Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} ->{1} {2}", ThisMember.DeclaringType.Name, IsMany ? "*" : "", OtherType.Name); } } internal sealed class UnmappedType : MetaType { MetaModel model; Type type; Dictionary<object, MetaDataMember> dataMemberMap; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> dataMembers; ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> inheritanceTypes; object locktarget = new object(); // Hold locks on private object rather than public MetaType. private static ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> _emptyTypes = new List<MetaType>().AsReadOnly(); private static ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> _emptyDataMembers = new List<MetaDataMember>().AsReadOnly(); private static ReadOnlyCollection<MetaAssociation> _emptyAssociations = new List<MetaAssociation>().AsReadOnly(); internal UnmappedType(MetaModel model, Type type) { this.model = model; this.type = type; } public override MetaModel Model { get { return this.model; } } public override MetaTable Table { get { return null; } } public override Type Type { get { return this.type; } } public override string Name { get { return this.type.Name; } } public override bool IsEntity { get { return false; } } public override bool CanInstantiate { get { return !this.type.IsAbstract; } } public override MetaDataMember DBGeneratedIdentityMember { get { return null; } } public override MetaDataMember VersionMember { get { return null; } } public override MetaDataMember Discriminator { get { return null; } } public override bool HasUpdateCheck { get { return false; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> InheritanceTypes { get { if (this.inheritanceTypes == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.inheritanceTypes == null) { this.inheritanceTypes = new MetaType[] { this }.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } } } return this.inheritanceTypes; } } public override MetaType GetInheritanceType(Type inheritanceType) { if (inheritanceType == this.type) return this; return null; } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaType> DerivedTypes { get { return _emptyTypes; } } public override MetaType GetTypeForInheritanceCode(object key) { return null; } public override bool HasInheritance { get { return false; } } public override bool HasInheritanceCode { get { return false; } } public override object InheritanceCode { get { return null; } } public override MetaType InheritanceRoot { get { return this; } } public override MetaType InheritanceBase { get { return null; } } public override MetaType InheritanceDefault { get { return null; } } public override bool IsInheritanceDefault { get { return false; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> DataMembers { get { this.InitDataMembers(); return this.dataMembers; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> PersistentDataMembers { get { return _emptyDataMembers; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaDataMember> IdentityMembers { get { this.InitDataMembers(); return this.dataMembers; } } public override ReadOnlyCollection<MetaAssociation> Associations { get { return _emptyAssociations; } } public override MetaDataMember GetDataMember(MemberInfo mi) { if (mi == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("mi"); this.InitDataMembers(); if (this.dataMemberMap == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.dataMemberMap == null) { Dictionary<object, MetaDataMember> map = new Dictionary<object, MetaDataMember>(); foreach (MetaDataMember mm in this.dataMembers) { map.Add(InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(mm.Member), mm); } this.dataMemberMap = map; } } } object dn = InheritanceRules.DistinguishedMemberName(mi); MetaDataMember mdm; this.dataMemberMap.TryGetValue(dn, out mdm); return mdm; } private void InitDataMembers() { if (this.dataMembers == null) { lock (this.locktarget) { if (this.dataMembers == null) { List<MetaDataMember> dMembers = new List<MetaDataMember>(); int ordinal = 0; BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; foreach (FieldInfo fi in this.type.GetFields(flags)) { MetaDataMember mm = new UnmappedDataMember(this, fi, ordinal); dMembers.Add(mm); ordinal++; } foreach (PropertyInfo pi in this.type.GetProperties(flags)) { MetaDataMember mm = new UnmappedDataMember(this, pi, ordinal); dMembers.Add(mm); ordinal++; } this.dataMembers = dMembers.AsReadOnly(); } } } } public override string ToString() { return this.Name; } public override MethodInfo OnLoadedMethod { get { return null; } } public override MethodInfo OnValidateMethod { get { return null; } } public override bool HasAnyValidateMethod { get { return false; } } public override bool HasAnyLoadMethod { get { return false; } } } internal sealed class UnmappedDataMember : MetaDataMember { MetaType declaringType; MemberInfo member; int ordinal; Type type; MetaAccessor accPublic; object lockTarget = new object(); internal UnmappedDataMember(MetaType declaringType, MemberInfo mi, int ordinal) { this.declaringType = declaringType; this.member = mi; this.ordinal = ordinal; this.type = TypeSystem.GetMemberType(mi); } private void InitAccessors() { if (this.accPublic == null) { lock (this.lockTarget) { if (this.accPublic == null) { this.accPublic = MakeMemberAccessor(this.member.ReflectedType, this.member); } } } } public override MetaType DeclaringType { get { return this.declaringType; } } public override bool IsDeclaredBy(MetaType metaType) { if (metaType == null) { throw Error.ArgumentNull("metaType"); } return metaType.Type == this.member.DeclaringType; } public override MemberInfo Member { get { return this.member; } } public override MemberInfo StorageMember { get { return this.member; } } public override string Name { get { return this.member.Name; } } public override int Ordinal { get { return this.ordinal; } } public override Type Type { get { return this.type; } } public override MetaAccessor MemberAccessor { get { this.InitAccessors(); return this.accPublic; } } public override MetaAccessor StorageAccessor { get { this.InitAccessors(); return this.accPublic; } } public override MetaAccessor DeferredValueAccessor { get { return null; } } public override MetaAccessor DeferredSourceAccessor { get { return null; } } public override bool IsDeferred { get { return false; } } public override bool IsPersistent { get { return false; } } public override bool IsAssociation { get { return false; } } public override bool IsPrimaryKey { get { return false; } } public override bool IsDbGenerated { get { return false; } } public override bool IsVersion { get { return false; } } public override bool IsDiscriminator { get { return false; } } public override bool CanBeNull { get { return !this.type.IsValueType || TypeSystem.IsNullableType(this.type); } } public override string DbType { get { return null; } } public override string Expression { get { return null; } } public override string MappedName { get { return this.member.Name; } } public override UpdateCheck UpdateCheck { get { return UpdateCheck.Never; } } public override AutoSync AutoSync { get { return AutoSync.Never; } } public override MetaAssociation Association { get { return null; } } public override MethodInfo LoadMethod { get { return null; } } private static MetaAccessor MakeMemberAccessor(Type accessorType, MemberInfo mi) { FieldInfo fi = mi as FieldInfo; MetaAccessor acc = null; if (fi != null) { acc = FieldAccessor.Create(accessorType, fi); } else { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; acc = PropertyAccessor.Create(accessorType, pi, null); } return acc; } } }