//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Activities { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Activities.Runtime; using System.Runtime; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; [DataContract] public class ExclusiveHandle : Handle { ReadOnlyCollection<BookmarkScopeHandle> readOnlyBookmarkScopeCollection; List<BookmarkScopeHandle> bookmarkScopes; ActivityInstance owningInstance; ActivityExecutor executor; ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList importantBookmarks; ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList unimportantBookmarks; bool bookmarkScopesListIsDefault; public ExclusiveHandle() { this.CanBeRemovedWithExecutingChildren = true; } public ReadOnlyCollection<BookmarkScopeHandle> RegisteredBookmarkScopes { get { if (this.bookmarkScopes == null) { return new ReadOnlyCollection<BookmarkScopeHandle>(new List<BookmarkScopeHandle>()); } if (this.readOnlyBookmarkScopeCollection == null) { this.readOnlyBookmarkScopeCollection = new ReadOnlyCollection<BookmarkScopeHandle>(this.bookmarkScopes); } return this.readOnlyBookmarkScopeCollection; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "bookmarkScopes")] internal List<BookmarkScopeHandle> SerializedBookmarkScopes { get { return this.bookmarkScopes; } set { this.bookmarkScopes = value; } } [DataMember(Name = "owningInstance")] internal ActivityInstance SerializedOwningInstance { get { return this.owningInstance; } set { this.owningInstance = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "executor")] internal ActivityExecutor SerializedExecutor { get { return this.executor; } set { this.executor = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "importantBookmarks")] internal ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList SerializedImportantBookmarks { get { return this.importantBookmarks; } set { this.importantBookmarks = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "unimportantBookmarks")] internal ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList SerializedUnimportantBookmarks { get { return this.unimportantBookmarks; } set { this.unimportantBookmarks = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "bookmarkScopesListIsDefault")] internal bool SerializedBookmarkScopesListIsDefault { get { return this.bookmarkScopesListIsDefault; } set { this.bookmarkScopesListIsDefault = value; } } [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Design, FxCop.Rule.ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters, Justification = "We are restricting the activities that can call this API.")] public void RegisterBookmarkScope(NativeActivityContext context, BookmarkScopeHandle bookmarkScopeHandle) { if (context == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("context"); } context.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (bookmarkScopeHandle == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("bookmarkScopeHandle"); } if ((this.ImportantBookmarks != null && this.ImportantBookmarks.Count != 0) || (this.UnimportantBookmarks != null && this.UnimportantBookmarks.Count != 0)) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExclusiveHandleRegisterBookmarkScopeFailed)); } if (this.bookmarkScopesListIsDefault) { this.bookmarkScopesListIsDefault = false; this.bookmarkScopes.Clear(); } this.bookmarkScopes.Add(bookmarkScopeHandle); this.readOnlyBookmarkScopeCollection = null; } [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Design, FxCop.Rule.ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters, Justification = "We are restricting the activities that can call this API.")] public void Reinitialize(NativeActivityContext context) { if (context == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("context"); } context.ThrowIfDisposed(); if ((this.ImportantBookmarks != null && this.ImportantBookmarks.Count != 0) || (this.UnimportantBookmarks != null && this.UnimportantBookmarks.Count != 0)) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExclusiveHandleReinitializeFailed)); } this.bookmarkScopes.Clear(); this.readOnlyBookmarkScopeCollection = null; this.PerformDefaultRegistration(); } protected override void OnInitialize(HandleInitializationContext context) { this.owningInstance = context.OwningActivityInstance; this.executor = context.Executor; PerformDefaultRegistration(); } internal ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList ImportantBookmarks { get { return this.importantBookmarks; } set { this.importantBookmarks = value; } } internal ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList UnimportantBookmarks { get { return this.unimportantBookmarks; } set { this.unimportantBookmarks = value; } } internal void AddToImportantBookmarks(Bookmark bookmark) { if (this.ImportantBookmarks == null) { this.ImportantBookmarks = new ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList(); } Fx.Assert(!this.ImportantBookmarks.Contains(bookmark), "We shouldnt be here. We attempted to add the same bookmark"); this.ImportantBookmarks.Add(bookmark); if (bookmark.ExclusiveHandles == null) { bookmark.ExclusiveHandles = new ExclusiveHandleList(); } Fx.Assert(!bookmark.ExclusiveHandles.Contains(this), "We shouldnt be here. We attempted to add the bookmark to this exclusive handle already"); bookmark.ExclusiveHandles.Add(this); } internal void AddToUnimportantBookmarks(Bookmark bookmark) { if (this.UnimportantBookmarks == null) { this.UnimportantBookmarks = new ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList(); } Fx.Assert(!this.UnimportantBookmarks.Contains(bookmark), "We shouldnt be here. We attempted to add the same bookmark"); this.UnimportantBookmarks.Add(bookmark); if (bookmark.ExclusiveHandles == null) { bookmark.ExclusiveHandles = new ExclusiveHandleList(); } Fx.Assert(!bookmark.ExclusiveHandles.Contains(this), "We shouldnt be here. We attempted to add the bookmark to this exclusive handle already"); bookmark.ExclusiveHandles.Add(this); } internal void RemoveBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) { Fx.Assert((this.ImportantBookmarks != null && this.ImportantBookmarks.Contains(bookmark)) || (this.UnimportantBookmarks != null && this.UnimportantBookmarks.Contains(bookmark)), "Internal error"); if (this.ImportantBookmarks != null) { if (this.ImportantBookmarks.Contains(bookmark)) { this.ImportantBookmarks.Remove(bookmark); return; } } if (this.UnimportantBookmarks != null) { if (this.UnimportantBookmarks.Contains(bookmark)) { this.UnimportantBookmarks.Remove(bookmark); } } } void PerformDefaultRegistration() { if (this.bookmarkScopes == null) { this.bookmarkScopes = new List<BookmarkScopeHandle>(); } //First register the default subinstance this.bookmarkScopes.Add(BookmarkScopeHandle.Default); // Note that we are starting the LocationEnvironment traversal from the current environment's Parent. We don't // want to include any BookmarkScopeHandles that are at the same scope level as the ExclusiveHandle. The ExclusiveHandle // should only be dependent on BookmarkScopeHandles that are higher in the scope tree. LocationEnvironment current = this.owningInstance.Environment; if (current != null) { for (current = current.Parent; current != null; current = current.Parent) { //don't bother continuing if at this level there are no handles if (!current.HasHandles) { continue; } // Look at the contained handles for the environment. List<Handle> handles = current.Handles; if (handles != null) { int count = handles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { BookmarkScopeHandle scopeHandle = handles[i] as BookmarkScopeHandle; if (scopeHandle != null) { this.bookmarkScopes.Add(scopeHandle); } } } } } // Also need to look in the Executor for handles that may have been created without an environment. List<Handle> executorHandles = this.executor.Handles; if (executorHandles != null) { int count = executorHandles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { BookmarkScopeHandle scopeHandle = executorHandles[i] as BookmarkScopeHandle; if (scopeHandle != null) { this.bookmarkScopes.Add(scopeHandle); } } } this.bookmarkScopesListIsDefault = true; } // Exclusive handle needs to track bookmarks such that it can tell the difference between two bookmarks in // different bookmark scopes with the same name. Since we always deal in terms of the internal bookmark // reference that we have, we can do an object.ReferenceEquals comparison to determine distinct bookmarks // without having to add some sort of "containing scope" property to Bookmark. [DataContract] internal class ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList { List<Bookmark> bookmarks; public ExclusiveHandleBookmarkList() : base() { this.bookmarks = new List<Bookmark>(); } public int Count { get { return this.bookmarks.Count; } } [DataMember(Name = "bookmarks")] internal List<Bookmark> SerializedBookmarks { get { return this.bookmarks; } set { this.bookmarks = value; } } public void Add(Bookmark bookmark) { Fx.Assert(bookmark != null, "A valid bookmark is expected."); this.bookmarks.Add(bookmark); } public void Remove(Bookmark bookmark) { Fx.Assert(bookmark != null, "A valid bookmark is expected."); for (int i = 0; i < this.bookmarks.Count; i++) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(this.bookmarks[i], bookmark)) { this.bookmarks.RemoveAt(i); return; } } } public bool Contains(Bookmark bookmark) { Fx.Assert(bookmark != null, "A valid bookmark is expected."); for (int i = 0; i < this.bookmarks.Count; i++) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(this.bookmarks[i], bookmark)) { return true; } } return false; } } } }