//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // [....] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace MS.Internal.Xml.Cache { /// /// Implementation of a Node in the XPath/XQuery data model. /// 1. All nodes are stored in variable-size pages (max 65536 nodes/page) of XPathNode structures. /// 2. Pages are sequentially numbered. Nodes are allocated in strict document order. /// 3. Node references take the form of a (page, index) pair. /// 4. Each node explicitly stores a parent and a sibling reference. /// 5. If a node has one or more attributes and/or non-collapsed content children, then its first /// child is stored in the next slot. If the node is in the last slot of a page, then its first /// child is stored in the first slot of the next page. /// 6. Attributes are linked together at the start of the child list. /// 7. Namespaces are allocated in totally separate pages. Elements are associated with /// declared namespaces via a hashtable map in the document. /// 8. Name parts are always non-null (string.Empty for nodes without names) /// 9. XPathNodeInfoAtom contains all information that is common to many nodes in a /// document, and therefore is atomized to save space. This includes the document, the name, /// the child, sibling, parent, and value pages, and the schema type. /// 10. The node structure is 20 bytes in length. Out-of-line overhead is typically 2-4 bytes per node. /// internal struct XPathNode { private XPathNodeInfoAtom info; // Atomized node information private ushort idxSibling; // Page index of sibling node private ushort idxParent; // Page index of parent node private ushort idxSimilar; // Page index of next node in document order that has local name with same hashcode private ushort posOffset; // Line position offset of node (added to LinePositionBase) private uint props; // Node properties (broken down into bits below) private string value; // String value of node private const uint NodeTypeMask = 0xF; private const uint HasAttributeBit = 0x10; private const uint HasContentChildBit = 0x20; private const uint HasElementChildBit = 0x40; private const uint HasCollapsedTextBit = 0x80; private const uint AllowShortcutTagBit = 0x100; // True if this is an element that allows shortcut tag syntax private const uint HasNmspDeclsBit = 0x200; // True if this is an element with namespace declarations declared on it private const uint LineNumberMask = 0x00FFFC00; // 14 bits for line number offset (0 - 16K) private const int LineNumberShift = 10; private const int CollapsedPositionShift = 24; // 8 bits for collapsed text position offset (0 - 256) #if DEBUG public const int MaxLineNumberOffset = 0x20; public const int MaxLinePositionOffset = 0x20; public const int MaxCollapsedPositionOffset = 0x10; #else public const int MaxLineNumberOffset = 0x3FFF; public const int MaxLinePositionOffset = 0xFFFF; public const int MaxCollapsedPositionOffset = 0xFF; #endif /// /// Returns the type of this node /// public XPathNodeType NodeType { get { return (XPathNodeType) (this.props & NodeTypeMask); } } /// /// Returns the namespace prefix of this node. If this node has no prefix, then the empty string /// will be returned (never null). /// public string Prefix { get { return this.info.Prefix; } } /// /// Returns the local name of this node. If this node has no name, then the empty string /// will be returned (never null). /// public string LocalName { get { return this.info.LocalName; } } /// /// Returns the name of this node. If this node has no name, then the empty string /// will be returned (never null). /// public string Name { get { if (Prefix.Length == 0) { return LocalName; } else { return string.Concat(Prefix, ":", LocalName); } } } /// /// Returns the namespace part of this node's name. If this node has no name, then the empty string /// will be returned (never null). /// public string NamespaceUri { get { return this.info.NamespaceUri; } } /// /// Returns this node's document. /// public XPathDocument Document { get { return this.info.Document; } } /// /// Returns this node's base Uri. This is string.Empty for all node kinds except Element, Root, and PI. /// public string BaseUri { get { return this.info.BaseUri; } } /// /// Returns this node's source line number. /// public int LineNumber { get { return this.info.LineNumberBase + (int) ((this.props & LineNumberMask) >> LineNumberShift); } } /// /// Return this node's source line position. /// public int LinePosition { get { return this.info.LinePositionBase + (int) this.posOffset; } } /// /// If this node is an element with collapsed text, then return the source line position of the node (the /// source line number is the same as LineNumber). /// public int CollapsedLinePosition { get { Debug.Assert(HasCollapsedText, "Do not call CollapsedLinePosition unless HasCollapsedText is true."); return LinePosition + (int) (this.props >> CollapsedPositionShift); } } /// /// Returns information about the node page. Only the 0th node on each page has this property defined. /// public XPathNodePageInfo PageInfo { get { return this.info.PageInfo; } } /// /// Returns the root node of the current document. This always succeeds. /// public int GetRoot(out XPathNode[] pageNode) { return this.info.Document.GetRootNode(out pageNode); } /// /// Returns the parent of this node. If this node has no parent, then 0 is returned. /// public int GetParent(out XPathNode[] pageNode) { pageNode = this.info.ParentPage; return this.idxParent; } /// /// Returns the next sibling of this node. If this node has no next sibling, then 0 is returned. /// public int GetSibling(out XPathNode[] pageNode) { pageNode = this.info.SiblingPage; return this.idxSibling; } /// /// Returns the next element in document order that has the same local name hashcode as this element. /// If there are no similar elements, then 0 is returned. /// public int GetSimilarElement(out XPathNode[] pageNode) { pageNode = this.info.SimilarElementPage; return this.idxSimilar; } /// /// Returns true if this node's name matches the specified localName and namespaceName. Assume /// that localName has been atomized, but namespaceName has not. /// public bool NameMatch(string localName, string namespaceName) { Debug.Assert(localName == null || (object) Document.NameTable.Get(localName) == (object) localName, "localName must be atomized."); return (object) this.info.LocalName == (object) localName && this.info.NamespaceUri == namespaceName; } /// /// Returns true if this is an Element node with a name that matches the specified localName and /// namespaceName. Assume that localName has been atomized, but namespaceName has not. /// public bool ElementMatch(string localName, string namespaceName) { Debug.Assert(localName == null || (object) Document.NameTable.Get(localName) == (object) localName, "localName must be atomized."); return NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element && (object) this.info.LocalName == (object) localName && this.info.NamespaceUri == namespaceName; } /// /// Return true if this node is an xmlns:xml node. /// public bool IsXmlNamespaceNode { get { string localName = this.info.LocalName; return NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace && localName.Length == 3 && localName == "xml"; } } /// /// Returns true if this node has a sibling. /// public bool HasSibling { get { return this.idxSibling != 0; } } /// /// Returns true if this node has a collapsed text node as its only content-typed child. /// public bool HasCollapsedText { get { return (this.props & HasCollapsedTextBit) != 0; } } /// /// Returns true if this node has at least one attribute. /// public bool HasAttribute { get { return (this.props & HasAttributeBit) != 0; } } /// /// Returns true if this node has at least one content-typed child (attributes and namespaces /// don't count). /// public bool HasContentChild { get { return (this.props & HasContentChildBit) != 0; } } /// /// Returns true if this node has at least one element child. /// public bool HasElementChild { get { return (this.props & HasElementChildBit) != 0; } } /// /// Returns true if this is an attribute or namespace node. /// public bool IsAttrNmsp { get { XPathNodeType xptyp = NodeType; return xptyp == XPathNodeType.Attribute || xptyp == XPathNodeType.Namespace; } } /// /// Returns true if this is a text or whitespace node. /// public bool IsText { get { return XPathNavigator.IsText(NodeType); } } /// /// Returns true if this node has local namespace declarations associated with it. Since all /// namespace declarations are stored out-of-line in the owner Document, this property /// can be consulted in order to avoid a lookup in the common case where this node has no /// local namespace declarations. /// public bool HasNamespaceDecls { get { return (this.props & HasNmspDeclsBit) != 0; } set { if (value) this.props |= HasNmspDeclsBit; else unchecked { this.props &= (byte) ~((uint) HasNmspDeclsBit); } } } /// /// Returns true if this node is an empty element that allows shortcut tag syntax. /// public bool AllowShortcutTag { get { return (this.props & AllowShortcutTagBit) != 0; } } /// /// Cached hashcode computed over the local name of this element. /// public int LocalNameHashCode { get { return this.info.LocalNameHashCode; } } /// /// Return the precomputed String value of this node (null if no value exists, i.e. document node, element node with complex content, etc). /// public string Value { get { return this.value; } } //----------------------------------------------- // Node construction //----------------------------------------------- /// /// Constructs the 0th XPathNode in each page, which contains only page information. /// public void Create(XPathNodePageInfo pageInfo) { this.info = new XPathNodeInfoAtom(pageInfo); } /// /// Constructs a XPathNode. Later, the idxSibling and value fields may be fixed up. /// public void Create(XPathNodeInfoAtom info, XPathNodeType xptyp, int idxParent) { Debug.Assert(info != null && idxParent <= UInt16.MaxValue); this.info = info; this.props = (uint) xptyp; this.idxParent = (ushort) idxParent; } /// /// Set this node's line number information. /// [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] public void SetLineInfoOffsets(int lineNumOffset, int linePosOffset) { Debug.Assert(lineNumOffset >= 0 && lineNumOffset <= MaxLineNumberOffset, "Line number offset too large or small: " + lineNumOffset); Debug.Assert(linePosOffset >= 0 && linePosOffset <= MaxLinePositionOffset, "Line position offset too large or small: " + linePosOffset); this.props |= ((uint) lineNumOffset << LineNumberShift); this.posOffset = (ushort) linePosOffset; } /// /// Set the position offset of this element's collapsed text. /// public void SetCollapsedLineInfoOffset(int posOffset) { Debug.Assert(posOffset >= 0 && posOffset <= MaxCollapsedPositionOffset, "Collapsed text line position offset too large or small: " + posOffset); this.props |= ((uint) posOffset << CollapsedPositionShift); } /// /// Set this node's value. /// public void SetValue(string value) { this.value = value; } /// /// Create an empty element value. /// public void SetEmptyValue(bool allowShortcutTag) { Debug.Assert(NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element); this.value = string.Empty; if (allowShortcutTag) this.props |= AllowShortcutTagBit; } /// /// Create a collapsed text node on this element having the specified value. /// public void SetCollapsedValue(string value) { Debug.Assert(NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element); this.value = value; this.props |= HasContentChildBit | HasCollapsedTextBit; } /// /// This method is called when a new child is appended to this node's list of attributes and children. /// The type of the new child is used to determine how various parent properties should be set. /// public void SetParentProperties(XPathNodeType xptyp) { if (xptyp == XPathNodeType.Attribute) { this.props |= HasAttributeBit; } else { this.props |= HasContentChildBit; if (xptyp == XPathNodeType.Element) this.props |= HasElementChildBit; } } /// /// Link this node to its next sibling. If "pageSibling" is different than the one stored in the InfoAtom, re-atomize. /// public void SetSibling(XPathNodeInfoTable infoTable, XPathNode[] pageSibling, int idxSibling) { Debug.Assert(pageSibling != null && idxSibling != 0 && idxSibling <= UInt16.MaxValue, "Bad argument"); Debug.Assert(this.idxSibling == 0, "SetSibling should not be called more than once."); this.idxSibling = (ushort) idxSibling; if (pageSibling != this.info.SiblingPage) { // Re-atomize the InfoAtom this.info = infoTable.Create(this.info.LocalName, this.info.NamespaceUri, this.info.Prefix, this.info.BaseUri, this.info.ParentPage, pageSibling, this.info.SimilarElementPage, this.info.Document, this.info.LineNumberBase, this.info.LinePositionBase); } } /// /// Link this element to the next element in document order that shares a local name having the same hash code. /// If "pageSimilar" is different than the one stored in the InfoAtom, re-atomize. /// public void SetSimilarElement(XPathNodeInfoTable infoTable, XPathNode[] pageSimilar, int idxSimilar) { Debug.Assert(pageSimilar != null && idxSimilar != 0 && idxSimilar <= UInt16.MaxValue, "Bad argument"); Debug.Assert(this.idxSimilar == 0, "SetSimilarElement should not be called more than once."); this.idxSimilar = (ushort) idxSimilar; if (pageSimilar != this.info.SimilarElementPage) { // Re-atomize the InfoAtom this.info = infoTable.Create(this.info.LocalName, this.info.NamespaceUri, this.info.Prefix, this.info.BaseUri, this.info.ParentPage, this.info.SiblingPage, pageSimilar, this.info.Document, this.info.LineNumberBase, this.info.LinePositionBase); } } } /// /// A reference to a XPathNode is composed of two values: the page on which the node is located, and the node's /// index in the page. /// internal struct XPathNodeRef { private XPathNode[] page; private int idx; public static XPathNodeRef Null { get { return new XPathNodeRef(); } } public XPathNodeRef(XPathNode[] page, int idx) { this.page = page; this.idx = idx; } public bool IsNull { get { return this.page == null; } } public XPathNode[] Page { get { return this.page; } } public int Index { get { return this.idx; } } public override int GetHashCode() { return XPathNodeHelper.GetLocation(this.page, this.idx); } } }