<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
	<metadata xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
		<authors>Charlie Poole</authors>
		<owners>Charlie Poole</owners>
		<summary>NUnitLite is a lightweight testing framework for .NET, based on NUnit.</summary>
		<description>NUnitLite provides a subset of the features of NUnit, uses minimal resources and runs on resource-restricted platforms used in embedded and mobile development. This package contains builds of NUnitLite for the .NET Compact Framework.&#10;&#13;How to use this package:&#10;&#13;1. Create a console application for your tests and delete the generated class containing Main().&#10;&#13;2. Install the NUnitLite package, which creates a new Main() as well as adding a reference to NUnitLite.&#10;&#13;3. Add your tests to the test project and start the project to execute them.</description>
		<copyright>Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Charlie Poole</copyright>
		<tags>test testing tdd framework fluent assert device phone compact embedded</tags>
		<file src="LICENSE.txt" />
                <file src="README.txt" />
                <file src="CHANGES.txt" />
		<file src="package\${package.base.name}\netcf-3.5\nunitlite.dll"  target="lib/net35-cf" />
		<file src="package\${package.base.name}\netcf-3.5\nunitlite.xml"  target="lib/net35-cf" />
		<file src="package\${package.base.name}\netcf-2.0\nunitlite.dll"  target="lib/net20-cf" />
		<file src="package\${package.base.name}\netcf-2.0\nunitlite.xml"  target="lib/net20-cf" />
		<file src="src\tests\Program.cs" target="content" />