Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Niels Kokholm and Peter Sestoft
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SCG = System.Collections.Generic;
namespace C5
/// A base class for implementing an IEnumerable<T>
public abstract class EnumerableBase : SCG.IEnumerable
/// Create an enumerator for this collection.
/// The enumerator
public abstract SCG.IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
/// Count the number of items in an enumerable by enumeration
/// The enumerable to count
/// The size of the enumerable
protected static int countItems(SCG.IEnumerable items)
ICollectionValue jtems = items as ICollectionValue;
if (jtems != null)
return jtems.Count;
int count = 0;
using (SCG.IEnumerator e = items.GetEnumerator())
while (e.MoveNext()) count++;
return count;
#region IEnumerable Members
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
/// Base class for classes implementing ICollectionValue[T]
public abstract class CollectionValueBase : EnumerableBase, ICollectionValue, IShowable
#region Event handling
EventBlock eventBlock;
public virtual EventTypeEnum ListenableEvents { get { return 0; } }
/// A flag bitmap of the events currently subscribed to by this collection.
public virtual EventTypeEnum ActiveEvents { get { return eventBlock == null ? 0 : eventBlock.events; } }
private void checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum eventType)
if ((ListenableEvents & eventType) == 0)
throw new UnlistenableEventException();
/// The change event. Will be raised for every change operation on the collection.
public virtual event CollectionChangedHandler CollectionChanged
add { checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum.Changed); (eventBlock ?? (eventBlock = new EventBlock())).CollectionChanged += value; }
if (eventBlock != null)
eventBlock.CollectionChanged -= value;
if (eventBlock.events == 0) eventBlock = null;
/// Fire the CollectionChanged event
protected virtual void raiseCollectionChanged()
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseCollectionChanged(this); }
/// The clear event. Will be raised for every Clear operation on the collection.
public virtual event CollectionClearedHandler CollectionCleared
add { checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum.Cleared); (eventBlock ?? (eventBlock = new EventBlock())).CollectionCleared += value; }
if (eventBlock != null)
eventBlock.CollectionCleared -= value;
if (eventBlock.events == 0) eventBlock = null;
/// Fire the CollectionCleared event
protected virtual void raiseCollectionCleared(bool full, int count)
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseCollectionCleared(this, full, count); }
/// Fire the CollectionCleared event
protected virtual void raiseCollectionCleared(bool full, int count, int? offset)
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseCollectionCleared(this, full, count, offset); }
/// The item added event. Will be raised for every individual addition to the collection.
public virtual event ItemsAddedHandler ItemsAdded
add { checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum.Added); (eventBlock ?? (eventBlock = new EventBlock())).ItemsAdded += value; }
if (eventBlock != null)
eventBlock.ItemsAdded -= value;
if (eventBlock.events == 0) eventBlock = null;
/// Fire the ItemsAdded event
/// The item that was added
protected virtual void raiseItemsAdded(T item, int count)
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseItemsAdded(this, item, count); }
/// The item removed event. Will be raised for every individual removal from the collection.
public virtual event ItemsRemovedHandler ItemsRemoved
add { checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum.Removed); (eventBlock ?? (eventBlock = new EventBlock())).ItemsRemoved += value; }
if (eventBlock != null)
eventBlock.ItemsRemoved -= value;
if (eventBlock.events == 0) eventBlock = null;
/// Fire the ItemsRemoved event
/// The item that was removed
protected virtual void raiseItemsRemoved(T item, int count)
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseItemsRemoved(this, item, count); }
/// The item added event. Will be raised for every individual addition to the collection.
public virtual event ItemInsertedHandler ItemInserted
add { checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum.Inserted); (eventBlock ?? (eventBlock = new EventBlock())).ItemInserted += value; }
if (eventBlock != null)
eventBlock.ItemInserted -= value;
if (eventBlock.events == 0) eventBlock = null;
/// Fire the ItemInserted event
/// The item that was added
protected virtual void raiseItemInserted(T item, int index)
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseItemInserted(this, item, index); }
/// The item removed event. Will be raised for every individual removal from the collection.
public virtual event ItemRemovedAtHandler ItemRemovedAt
add { checkWillListen(EventTypeEnum.RemovedAt); (eventBlock ?? (eventBlock = new EventBlock())).ItemRemovedAt += value; }
if (eventBlock != null)
eventBlock.ItemRemovedAt -= value;
if (eventBlock.events == 0) eventBlock = null;
/// Fire the ItemRemovedAt event
/// The item that was removed
protected virtual void raiseItemRemovedAt(T item, int index)
{ if (eventBlock != null) eventBlock.raiseItemRemovedAt(this, item, index); }
#region Event support for IList
protected virtual void raiseForSetThis(int index, T value, T item)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemsRemoved(item, 1);
raiseItemRemovedAt(item, index);
raiseItemsAdded(value, 1);
raiseItemInserted(value, index);
protected virtual void raiseForInsert(int i, T item)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemInserted(item, i);
raiseItemsAdded(item, 1);
protected void raiseForRemove(T item)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemsRemoved(item, 1);
protected void raiseForRemove(T item, int count)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemsRemoved(item, count);
protected void raiseForRemoveAt(int index, T item)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemRemovedAt(item, index);
raiseItemsRemoved(item, 1);
#region Event Support for ICollection
protected virtual void raiseForUpdate(T newitem, T olditem)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemsRemoved(olditem, 1);
raiseItemsAdded(newitem, 1);
protected virtual void raiseForUpdate(T newitem, T olditem, int count)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemsRemoved(olditem, count);
raiseItemsAdded(newitem, count);
protected virtual void raiseForAdd(T item)
if (ActiveEvents != 0)
raiseItemsAdded(item, 1);
protected virtual void raiseForRemoveAll(ICollectionValue wasRemoved)
if ((ActiveEvents & EventTypeEnum.Removed) != 0)
foreach (T item in wasRemoved)
raiseItemsRemoved(item, 1);
if (wasRemoved != null && wasRemoved.Count > 0)
protected class RaiseForRemoveAllHandler
CollectionValueBase collection;
CircularQueue wasRemoved;
bool wasChanged = false;
public RaiseForRemoveAllHandler(CollectionValueBase collection)
this.collection = collection;
mustFireRemoved = (collection.ActiveEvents & EventTypeEnum.Removed) != 0;
MustFire = (collection.ActiveEvents & (EventTypeEnum.Removed | EventTypeEnum.Changed)) != 0;
bool mustFireRemoved;
public readonly bool MustFire;
public void Remove(T item)
if (mustFireRemoved)
if (wasRemoved == null)
wasRemoved = new CircularQueue();
if (!wasChanged)
wasChanged = true;
public void Raise()
if (wasRemoved != null)
foreach (T item in wasRemoved)
collection.raiseItemsRemoved(item, 1);
if (wasChanged)
/// Check if collection is empty.
/// True if empty
public abstract bool IsEmpty { get;}
/// The number of items in this collection.
public abstract int Count { get;}
/// The value is symbolic indicating the type of asymptotic complexity
/// in terms of the size of this collection (worst-case or amortized as
/// relevant).
/// A characterization of the speed of the
/// Count
property in this collection.
public abstract Speed CountSpeed { get; }
/// Copy the items of this collection to part of an array.
/// if index
/// is not a valid index
/// into the array (i.e. negative or greater than the size of the array)
/// or the array does not have room for the items.
/// The array to copy to.
/// The starting index.
public virtual void CopyTo(T[] array, int index)
if (index < 0 || index + Count > array.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
foreach (T item in this) array[index++] = item;
/// Create an array with the items of this collection (in the same order as an
/// enumerator would output them).
/// The array
public virtual T[] ToArray()
T[] res = new T[Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (T item in this) res[i++] = item;
return res;
/// Apply an single argument action, to this enumerable
/// The action delegate
public virtual void Apply(Act action)
foreach (T item in this)
/// Check if there exists an item that satisfies a
/// specific predicate in this collection.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R = bool
/// defining the predicate
/// True if such an item exists
public virtual bool Exists(Fun predicate)
foreach (T item in this)
if (predicate(item))
return true;
return false;
/// Check if there exists an item that satisfies a
/// specific predicate in this collection and return the first one in enumeration order.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R == bool
) defining the predicate
/// True is such an item exists
public virtual bool Find(Fun predicate, out T item)
foreach (T jtem in this)
if (predicate(jtem))
item = jtem;
return true;
item = default(T);
return false;
/// Check if all items in this collection satisfies a specific predicate.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R = bool
/// defining the predicate
/// True if all items satisfies the predicate
public virtual bool All(Fun predicate)
foreach (T item in this)
if (!predicate(item))
return false;
return true;
/// Create an enumerable, enumerating the items of this collection that satisfies
/// a certain condition.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R = bool
/// defining the predicate
/// The filtered enumerable
public virtual SCG.IEnumerable Filter(Fun predicate)
foreach (T item in this)
if (predicate(item))
yield return item;
/// Choose some item of this collection.
/// if collection is empty.
public abstract T Choose();
/// Create an enumerator for this collection.
/// The enumerator
public override abstract SCG.IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
#region IShowable Members
public virtual bool Show(System.Text.StringBuilder stringbuilder, ref int rest, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
return Showing.ShowCollectionValue(this, stringbuilder, ref rest, formatProvider);
#region IFormattable Members
public virtual string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
return Showing.ShowString(this, format, formatProvider);
public override string ToString()
return ToString(null, null);
public abstract class DirectedCollectionValueBase : CollectionValueBase, IDirectedCollectionValue
/// Forwards
if same, else Backwards
/// The enumeration direction relative to the original collection.
public virtual EnumerationDirection Direction { [Tested]get { return EnumerationDirection.Forwards; } }
public abstract IDirectedCollectionValue Backwards();
IDirectedEnumerable IDirectedEnumerable.Backwards() { return this.Backwards(); }
/// Check if there exists an item that satisfies a
/// specific predicate in this collection and return the first one in enumeration order.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R == bool
) defining the predicate
/// True is such an item exists
public virtual bool FindLast(Fun predicate, out T item)
foreach (T jtem in Backwards())
if (predicate(jtem))
item = jtem;
return true;
item = default(T);
return false;
/// Base class (abstract) for ICollection implementations.
public abstract class CollectionBase : CollectionValueBase
#region Fields
/// The underlying field of the ReadOnly property
protected bool isReadOnlyBase = false;
/// The current stamp value
protected int stamp;
/// The number of items in the collection
protected int size;
/// The item equalityComparer of the collection
protected readonly SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer;
int iUnSequencedHashCode, iUnSequencedHashCodeStamp = -1;
protected CollectionBase(SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer)
if (itemequalityComparer == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("Item EqualityComparer cannot be null.");
this.itemequalityComparer = itemequalityComparer;
#region Util
/// Utility method for range checking.
/// if the start or count is negative or
/// if the range does not fit within collection size.
/// start of range
/// size of range
protected void checkRange(int start, int count)
if (start < 0 || count < 0 || start + count > size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
/// Compute the unsequenced hash code of a collection
/// The collection to compute hash code for
/// The item equalityComparer
/// The hash code
public static int ComputeHashCode(ICollectionValue items, SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer)
int h = 0;
//But still heuristic:
//Note: the three odd factors should really be random,
//but there will be a problem with serialization/deserialization!
//Two products is too few
foreach (T item in items)
uint h1 = (uint)itemequalityComparer.GetHashCode(item);
h += (int)((h1 * 1529784657 + 1) ^ (h1 * 2912831877) ^ (h1 * 1118771817 + 2));
return h;
The pairs (-1657792980, -1570288808) and (1862883298, -272461342) gives the same
unsequenced hashcode with this hashfunction. The pair was found with code like
HashDictionary set = new HashDictionary();
Random rnd = new C5Random(12345);
while (true)
int[] a = new int[2];
a[0] = rnd.Next(); a[1] = rnd.Next();
int h = unsequencedhashcode(a);
int[] b = a;
if (set.FindOrAdd(h, ref b))
Console.WriteLine("Code {5}, Pair ({1},{2}) number {0} matched other pair ({3},{4})", set.Count, a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], h);
foreach (T item in items)
h ^= itemequalityComparer.GetHashCode(item);
return (items.Count << 16) + h;
static Type isortedtype = typeof(ISorted);
/// Examine if collection1 and collection2 are equal as unsequenced collections
/// using the specified item equalityComparer (assumed compatible with the two collections).
/// The first collection
/// The second collection
/// The item equalityComparer to use for comparison
/// True if equal
public static bool StaticEquals(ICollection collection1, ICollection collection2, SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(collection1, collection2))
return true;
// bug20070227:
if (collection1 == null || collection2 == null)
return false;
if (collection1.Count != collection2.Count)
return false;
//This way we might run through both enumerations twice, but
//probably not (if the hash codes are good)
//TODO: check equal equalityComparers, at least here!
if (collection1.GetUnsequencedHashCode() != collection2.GetUnsequencedHashCode())
return false;
//TODO: move this to the sorted implementation classes?
//Really depends on speed of InstanceOfType: we could save a cast
ISorted stit, stat;
if ((stit = collection1 as ISorted) != null && (stat = collection2 as ISorted) != null && stit.Comparer == stat.Comparer)
using (SCG.IEnumerator dat = collection2.GetEnumerator(), dit = collection1.GetEnumerator())
while (dit.MoveNext())
if (!itemequalityComparer.Equals(dit.Current, dat.Current))
return false;
return true;
if (!collection1.AllowsDuplicates && (collection2.AllowsDuplicates || collection2.ContainsSpeed >= collection1.ContainsSpeed))
foreach (T x in collection1) if (!collection2.Contains(x)) return false;
else if (!collection2.AllowsDuplicates)
foreach (T x in collection2) if (!collection1.Contains(x)) return false;
// Now tit.AllowsDuplicates && tat.AllowsDuplicates
else if (collection1.DuplicatesByCounting && collection2.DuplicatesByCounting)
foreach (T item in collection2) if (collection1.ContainsCount(item) != collection2.ContainsCount(item)) return false;
// To avoid an O(n^2) algorithm, we make an aux hashtable to hold the count of items
// bug20101103: HashDictionary dict = new HashDictionary();
HashDictionary dict = new HashDictionary(itemequalityComparer);
foreach (T item in collection2)
int count = 1;
if (dict.FindOrAdd(item, ref count))
dict[item] = count + 1;
foreach (T item in collection1)
int count;
if (dict.Find(item, out count) && count > 0)
dict[item] = count - 1;
return false;
return true;
return true;
/// Get the unsequenced collection hash code of this collection: from the cached
/// value if present and up to date, else (re)compute.
/// The hash code
public virtual int GetUnsequencedHashCode()
if (iUnSequencedHashCodeStamp == stamp)
return iUnSequencedHashCode;
iUnSequencedHashCode = ComputeHashCode(this, itemequalityComparer);
iUnSequencedHashCodeStamp = stamp;
return iUnSequencedHashCode;
/// Check if the contents of otherCollection is equal to the contents of this
/// in the unsequenced sense. Uses the item equality comparer of this collection
/// The collection to compare to.
/// True if equal
public virtual bool UnsequencedEquals(ICollection otherCollection)
return otherCollection != null && StaticEquals((ICollection)this, otherCollection, itemequalityComparer);
/// Check if the collection has been modified since a specified time, expressed as a stamp value.
/// if this collection has been updated
/// since a target time
/// The stamp identifying the target time
protected virtual void modifycheck(int thestamp)
if (this.stamp != thestamp)
throw new CollectionModifiedException();
/// Check if it is valid to perform update operations, and if so increment stamp.
/// If colection is read-only
protected virtual void updatecheck()
if (isReadOnlyBase)
throw new ReadOnlyCollectionException();
#region ICollection members
/// True if this collection is read only
public virtual bool IsReadOnly { [Tested]get { return isReadOnlyBase; } }
#region ICollectionValue members
/// The size of this collection
public override int Count { [Tested]get { return size; } }
/// The value is symbolic indicating the type of asymptotic complexity
/// in terms of the size of this collection (worst-case or amortized as
/// relevant).
/// A characterization of the speed of the
/// Count
property in this collection.
public override Speed CountSpeed { get { return Speed.Constant; } }
#region IExtensible members
public virtual SCG.IEqualityComparer EqualityComparer { get { return itemequalityComparer; } }
/// True if this collection is empty
public override bool IsEmpty { [Tested]get { return size == 0; } }
#region IEnumerable Members
/// Create an enumerator for this collection.
/// The enumerator
public override abstract SCG.IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
public abstract class DirectedCollectionBase : CollectionBase, IDirectedCollectionValue
protected DirectedCollectionBase(SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer) : base(itemequalityComparer) { }
/// Forwards
if same, else Backwards
/// The enumeration direction relative to the original collection.
public virtual EnumerationDirection Direction { [Tested]get { return EnumerationDirection.Forwards; } }
public abstract IDirectedCollectionValue Backwards();
IDirectedEnumerable IDirectedEnumerable.Backwards() { return this.Backwards(); }
/// Check if there exists an item that satisfies a
/// specific predicate in this collection and return the first one in enumeration order.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R == bool
) defining the predicate
/// True is such an item exists
public virtual bool FindLast(Fun predicate, out T item)
foreach (T jtem in Backwards())
if (predicate(jtem))
item = jtem;
return true;
item = default(T);
return false;
/// Base class (abstract) for sequenced collection implementations.
public abstract class SequencedBase : DirectedCollectionBase, IDirectedCollectionValue
#region Fields
int iSequencedHashCode, iSequencedHashCodeStamp = -1;
protected SequencedBase(SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer) : base(itemequalityComparer) { }
#region Util
//TODO: make random for release
const int HASHFACTOR = 31;
/// Compute the unsequenced hash code of a collection
/// The collection to compute hash code for
/// The item equalityComparer
/// The hash code
public static int ComputeHashCode(ISequenced items, SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer)
//NOTE: It must be possible to devise a much stronger combined hashcode,
//but unfortunately, it has to be universal. OR we could use a (strong)
//family and initialise its parameter randomly at load time of this class!
//(We would not want to have yet a flag to check for invalidation?!)
//NBNBNB: the current hashcode has the very bad property that items with hashcode 0
// is ignored.
int iIndexedHashCode = 0;
foreach (T item in items)
iIndexedHashCode = iIndexedHashCode * HASHFACTOR + itemequalityComparer.GetHashCode(item);
return iIndexedHashCode;
/// Examine if tit and tat are equal as sequenced collections
/// using the specified item equalityComparer (assumed compatible with the two collections).
/// The first collection
/// The second collection
/// The item equalityComparer to use for comparison
/// True if equal
public static bool StaticEquals(ISequenced collection1, ISequenced collection2, SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(collection1, collection2))
return true;
if (collection1.Count != collection2.Count)
return false;
//This way we might run through both enumerations twice, but
//probably not (if the hash codes are good)
if (collection1.GetSequencedHashCode() != collection2.GetSequencedHashCode())
return false;
using (SCG.IEnumerator dat = collection2.GetEnumerator(), dit = collection1.GetEnumerator())
while (dit.MoveNext())
if (!itemequalityComparer.Equals(dit.Current, dat.Current))
return false;
return true;
/// Get the sequenced collection hash code of this collection: from the cached
/// value if present and up to date, else (re)compute.
/// The hash code
public virtual int GetSequencedHashCode()
if (iSequencedHashCodeStamp == stamp)
return iSequencedHashCode;
iSequencedHashCode = ComputeHashCode((ISequenced)this, itemequalityComparer);
iSequencedHashCodeStamp = stamp;
return iSequencedHashCode;
/// Check if the contents of that is equal to the contents of this
/// in the sequenced sense. Using the item equalityComparer of this collection.
/// The collection to compare to.
/// True if equal
public virtual bool SequencedEquals(ISequenced otherCollection)
return StaticEquals((ISequenced)this, otherCollection, itemequalityComparer);
/// Create an enumerator for this collection.
/// The enumerator
public override abstract SCG.IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
/// Forwards
if same, else Backwards
/// The enumeration direction relative to the original collection.
public override EnumerationDirection Direction { [Tested]get { return EnumerationDirection.Forwards; } }
/// Check if there exists an item that satisfies a
/// specific predicate in this collection and return the index of the first one.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R == bool
) defining the predicate
/// the index, if found, a negative value else
public int FindIndex(Fun predicate)
int index = 0;
foreach (T item in this)
if (predicate(item))
return index;
return -1;
/// Check if there exists an item that satisfies a
/// specific predicate in this collection and return the index of the last one.
/// A delegate
/// ( with R == bool
) defining the predicate
/// the index, if found, a negative value else
public int FindLastIndex(Fun predicate)
int index = Count - 1;
foreach (T item in Backwards())
if (predicate(item))
return index;
return -1;
/// Base class for collection classes of dynamic array type implementations.
public abstract class ArrayBase : SequencedBase
#region Fields
/// The actual internal array container. Will be extended on demand.
protected T[] array;
/// The offset into the internal array container of the first item. The offset is 0 for a
/// base dynamic array and may be positive for an updatable view into a base dynamic array.
protected int offset;
#region Util
/// Double the size of the internal array.
protected virtual void expand()
expand(2 * array.Length, size);
/// Expand the internal array container.
/// The new size of the internal array -
/// will be rounded upwards to a power of 2.
/// The (new) size of the (base) collection.
protected virtual void expand(int newcapacity, int newsize)
Debug.Assert(newcapacity >= newsize);
int newlength = array.Length;
while (newlength < newcapacity) newlength *= 2;
T[] newarray = new T[newlength];
Array.Copy(array, newarray, newsize);
array = newarray;
/// Insert an item at a specific index, moving items to the right
/// upwards and expanding the array if necessary.
/// The index at which to insert.
/// The item to insert.
protected virtual void insert(int i, T item)
if (size == array.Length)
if (i < size)
Array.Copy(array, i, array, i + 1, size - i);
array[i] = item;
#region Constructors
/// Create an empty ArrayBase object.
/// The initial capacity of the internal array container.
/// Will be rounded upwards to the nearest power of 2 greater than or equal to 8.
/// The item equalityComparer to use, primarily for item equality
protected ArrayBase(int capacity, SCG.IEqualityComparer itemequalityComparer)
: base(itemequalityComparer)
int newlength = 8;
while (newlength < capacity) newlength *= 2;
array = new T[newlength];
#region IIndexed members
/// If the arguments does not describe a
/// valid range in the indexed collection, cf. .
/// The directed collection of items in a specific index interval.
/// The low index of the interval (inclusive).
/// The size of the range.
public virtual IDirectedCollectionValue this[int start, int count]
checkRange(start, count);
return new Range(this, start, count, true);
#region IEditableCollection members
/// Remove all items and reset size of internal array container.
public virtual void Clear()
array = new T[8];
size = 0;
/// Create an array containing (copies) of the items of this collection in enumeration order.
/// The new array
public override T[] ToArray()
T[] res = new T[size];
Array.Copy(array, offset, res, 0, size);
return res;
/// Perform an internal consistency (invariant) test on the array base.
/// True if test succeeds.
public virtual bool Check()
bool retval = true;
if (size > array.Length)
Console.WriteLine("Bad size ({0}) > array.Length ({1})", size, array.Length);
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if ((object)(array[i]) == null)
Console.WriteLine("Bad element: null at index {0}", i);
return false;
return retval;
#region IDirectedCollection Members
/// Create a directed collection with the same contents as this one, but
/// opposite enumeration sequence.
/// The mirrored collection.
public override IDirectedCollectionValue Backwards() { return this[0, size].Backwards(); }
/// Choose some item of this collection. The result is the last item in the internal array,
/// making it efficient to remove.
/// if collection is empty.
public override T Choose() { if (size > 0) return array[size - 1]; throw new NoSuchItemException(); }
#region IEnumerable Members
/// Create an enumerator for this array based collection.
/// The enumerator
public override SCG.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
int thestamp = stamp, theend = size + offset, thestart = offset;
for (int i = thestart; i < theend; i++)
yield return array[i];
#region Range nested class
/// A helper class for defining results of interval queries on array based collections.
protected class Range : DirectedCollectionValueBase, IDirectedCollectionValue
int start, count, delta, stamp;
ArrayBase thebase;
internal Range(ArrayBase thebase, int start, int count, bool forwards)
this.thebase = thebase; stamp = thebase.stamp;
delta = forwards ? 1 : -1;
this.start = start + thebase.offset; this.count = count;
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// True if this collection is empty.
public override bool IsEmpty { get { thebase.modifycheck(stamp); return count == 0; } }
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// The number of items in the range
public override int Count { [Tested]get { thebase.modifycheck(stamp); return count; } }
/// The value is symbolic indicating the type of asymptotic complexity
/// in terms of the size of this collection (worst-case or amortized as
/// relevant).
/// A characterization of the speed of the
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// Count
property in this collection.
public override Speed CountSpeed { get { thebase.modifycheck(stamp); return Speed.Constant; } }
/// Choose some item of this collection.
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// if range is empty.
public override T Choose()
if (count == 0)
throw new NoSuchItemException();
return thebase.array[start];
/// Create an enumerator for this range of an array based collection.
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// The enumerator
public override SCG.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
yield return thebase.array[start + delta * i];
/// Create a araay collection range with the same contents as this one, but
/// opposite enumeration sequence.
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// The mirrored collection.
public override IDirectedCollectionValue Backwards()
Range res = (Range)MemberwiseClone();
res.delta = -delta;
res.start = start + (count - 1) * delta;
return res;
IDirectedEnumerable C5.IDirectedEnumerable.Backwards()
return Backwards();
/// Forwards
if same, else Backwards
/// if underlying collection has been modified.
/// The enumeration direction relative to the original collection.
public override EnumerationDirection Direction
return delta > 0 ? EnumerationDirection.Forwards : EnumerationDirection.Backwards;