#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptRoot="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" if [ "$BUILDVARS_DONE" != 1 ]; then . $scriptRoot/buildvars-setup.sh $* fi # Check the system to ensure the right pre-reqs are in place check_native_prereqs() { echo "Checking pre-requisites..." # Check presence of CMake on the path hash cmake 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install cmake before running this script"; exit 1; } # Check for clang hash clang-$__ClangMajorVersion.$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang$__ClangMajorVersion$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install clang before running this script"; exit 1; } } prepare_native_build() { # Specify path to be set for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. # This is where all built CoreClr libraries will copied to. export __CMakeBinDir="$__ProductBinDir" # Configure environment if we are doing a verbose build if [ $__VerboseBuild == 1 ]; then export VERBOSE=1 fi } build_native_corert() { # All set to commence the build echo "Commencing build of corert native components for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType" pushd "$__IntermediatesDir" # Regenerate the CMake solution echo "Invoking cmake with arguments: \"$__ProjectRoot\" $__BuildType" "$__ProjectRoot/src/Native/gen-buildsys-clang.sh" "$__ProjectRoot" $__ClangMajorVersion $__ClangMinorVersion $__BuildArch $__BuildType # Check that the makefiles were created. if [ ! -f "$__IntermediatesDir/Makefile" ]; then echo "Failed to generate native component build project!" popd exit 1 fi # Get the number of processors available to the scheduler # Other techniques such as `nproc` only get the number of # processors available to a single process. if [ `uname` = "FreeBSD" ]; then NumProc=`sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2+1 }'` elif [ `uname` = "NetBSD" ]; then NumProc=$(($(getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) else NumProc=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) fi # Build echo "Executing make install -j $NumProc $__UnprocessedBuildArgs" make install -j $NumProc $__UnprocessedBuildArgs if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build corert native components." popd exit $? fi echo "CoreRT native components successfully built." popd } initHostDistroRid() { if [ "$__HostOS" == "Linux" ]; then if [ ! -e /etc/os-release ]; then echo "WARNING: Can not determine runtime id for current distro." __HostDistroRid="" else source /etc/os-release __HostDistroRid="$ID.$VERSION_ID-$__HostArch" fi fi } initTargetDistroRid() { if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then if [ "$__BuildOS" == "Linux" ]; then if [ ! -e $ROOTFS_DIR/etc/os-release ]; then echo "WARNING: Can not determine runtime id for current distro." export __DistroRid="" else source $ROOTFS_DIR/etc/os-release export __DistroRid="$ID.$VERSION_ID-$__BuildArch" fi fi else export __DistroRid="$__HostDistroRid" fi } build_host_native_corert() { __SavedBuildArch=$__BuildArch __SavedIntermediatesDir=$__IntermediatesDir export __IntermediatesDir=$__IntermediatesHostDir export __BuildArch=$__HostArch export __CMakeBinDir="$__ProductHostBinDir" export CROSSCOMPILE= build_native_corert cp ${__ProductHostBinDir}/jitinterface.so ${__ProductBinDir} cp ${__ProductHostBinDir}/jitinterface.so ${__ProductBinDir}/packaging/publish1 export __BuildArch=$__SavedBuildArch export __IntermediatesDir=$__SavedIntermediatesDir export CROSSCOMPILE=1 } if $__buildnative; then # init the host distro name initHostDistroRid # init the target distro name initTargetDistroRid # Check prereqs. check_native_prereqs # Prepare the system prepare_native_build # Build the corert native components. build_native_corert if [ $__CrossBuild = 1 ]; then build_host_native_corert fi # Build complete fi