// // Tests for System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.cs // // Author: // Peter Dennis Bartok (pbartok@novell.com) // // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using MonoTests.stand_alone.WebHarness; using System.Web.UI.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; namespace MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls { [TestFixture] public class WebControlTest { private static HtmlTextWriter GetWriter () { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.NewLine = "\n"; return new HtmlTextWriter (sw); } private bool IsEqual(object[] a1, object[] a2, string assertion) { int matches; bool[] notfound; if (a1.Length != a2.Length) { if (assertion != null) { Assert.Fail(assertion + "( different length )"); } return false; } matches = 0; notfound = new bool[a1.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < a2.Length; j++) { if (a1[i].Equals(a2[j])) { matches++; break; } } if ((assertion != null) && (matches != i+1)) { Assert.Fail(assertion + "( missing " + a1[i].ToString() + " )"); } } return matches == a1.Length; } public class CustomControl : WebControl { public virtual string CustomProperty { get { return (string) ViewState ["CustomProperty"]; } set { ViewState ["CustomProperty"] = value; } } protected override Style CreateControlStyle () { return new Style (); } public void DoTrackViewState () { TrackViewState (); } public object DoSaveViewState () { return SaveViewState (); } public void DoLoadViewState (object state) { LoadViewState (state); } } public class CustomControl2 : CustomControl { protected override Style CreateControlStyle () { Style style = new Style (ViewState); style.BackColor = Color.Blue; return style; } } public class NamingContainer : WebControl, INamingContainer { } public class WebControlTestClass : WebControl { public WebControlTestClass() : base() { } public WebControlTestClass(string tag) : base(tag) { } public WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag tag) : base(tag) { } public new HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return base.TagKey; } } public new string TagName { get { return base.TagName; } } public StateBag Bag { get { return base.ViewState; } } public override bool EnableViewState { get { return base.EnableViewState; } } public string Render () { HtmlTextWriter writer; writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter(); base.Render (writer); return writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); } public bool IsTrackingVS () { return IsTrackingViewState; } public void SetTrackingVS () { TrackViewState (); } public object Save() { return base.SaveViewState(); } public void Load(object o) { base.LoadViewState(o); } public string[] KeyValuePairs() { IEnumerator e; string[] result; int item; e = ViewState.GetEnumerator(); result = new string[ViewState.Keys.Count]; item = 0; while (e.MoveNext()) { DictionaryEntry d; StateItem si; d = (DictionaryEntry)e.Current; si = (StateItem)d.Value; if (si.Value is String[]) { string[] values; values = (string[]) si.Value; result[item] = d.Key.ToString() + "="; if (values.Length > 0) { result[item] += values[0]; for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; i++) { result[item] += ", " + values[i]; } } } else { result[item] = d.Key.ToString() + "=" + si.Value; } item++; } return result; } public Style DoCreateControlStyle () { return base.CreateControlStyle (); } } [Test] public void CreateControlStyle () { WebControlTestClass w = new WebControlTestClass (); Assert.AreEqual (false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#1"); Style s = w.DoCreateControlStyle (); Assert.AreEqual (false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#2"); s = w.ControlStyle; Assert.AreEqual (true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#3"); } [Test] public void Constructors () { WebControlTestClass w; w = new WebControlTestClass(); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "C1"); Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span, w.TagKey, "C2"); Assert.AreEqual("span", w.TagName, "C3"); w = new WebControlTestClass("Small"); Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown, w.TagKey, "C4"); Assert.AreEqual("Small", w.TagName, "C5"); w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small); Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, w.TagKey, "C5"); Assert.AreEqual("small", w.TagName, "C6"); } [Test] public void StyleCreation () { WebControlTestClass w; w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small); Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, w.TagKey, "C5"); Assert.AreEqual("small", w.TagName, "C6"); Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C7"); // No style Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "C8"); // Force style creation? Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C9"); // Nope, 'get' access didn't create it w.BackColor = Color.Red; // Forces style creation! Assert.AreEqual(Color.Red, w.BackColor, "C10"); Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C11"); // Now we have a style w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Script); Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Script, w.TagKey, "C12"); Assert.AreEqual("script", w.TagName, "C13"); Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C14"); // Double-check Assert.IsNotNull(w.ControlStyle, "C15"); // Grab style, forcing creation Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C16"); // Double-check } [Test] public void Defaults () { WebControlTestClass w; w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small); Assert.AreEqual ("", w.AccessKey, "D1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, w.Attributes.Count, "D2"); Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "D3"); Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, w.BorderColor, "D4"); Assert.AreEqual (BorderStyle.NotSet, w.BorderStyle, "D5"); Assert.AreEqual (Unit.Empty, w.BorderWidth, "D6"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, w.CssClass, "D7"); Assert.AreEqual (true, w.Enabled, "D8"); Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, w.ForeColor, "D9"); Assert.AreEqual (Unit.Empty, w.Height, "D10"); Assert.AreEqual (0, w.Style.Count, "D11"); Assert.AreEqual (0, w.TabIndex, "D12"); Assert.AreEqual ("", w.ToolTip, "D13"); Assert.AreEqual (Unit.Empty, w.Width, "D14"); } [Test] public void Assignment () { CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; CultureInfo currentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; try { CultureInfo ciUS = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("en-US"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ciUS; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ciUS; RunAssignmentTests (); } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = currentUICulture; } } void RunAssignmentTests () { WebControlTestClass w; w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small); w.BackColor = Color.Red; Assert.AreEqual (Color.Red, w.BackColor, "A1"); w.Attributes["test"] = "testme"; Assert.AreEqual (1, w.Attributes.Count, "A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("testme", w.Attributes["test"], "A3"); w.BorderColor = Color.Green; Assert.AreEqual (Color.Green, w.BorderColor, "A4"); w.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dotted; Assert.AreEqual (BorderStyle.Dotted, w.BorderStyle, "A5"); w.BorderWidth = new Unit("12px"); Assert.AreEqual (12, w.BorderWidth.Value, "A6"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, w.CssClass, "A7"); w.Enabled = false; Assert.AreEqual (false, w.Enabled, "A8"); w.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet; Assert.AreEqual (Color.BlueViolet, w.ForeColor, "A9"); w.Height = new Unit(6.5); Assert.AreEqual (6, w.Height.Value, "A10"); Assert.AreEqual (0, w.Style.Count, "A11"); w.TabIndex = 10; Assert.AreEqual (10, w.TabIndex, "A12"); w.ToolTip = "I am a tip"; Assert.AreEqual ("I am a tip", w.ToolTip, "A13"); w.Width = new Unit(6.5, UnitType.Cm); Assert.AreEqual (6.5, w.Width.Value, "A14"); Assert.AreEqual(false, w.IsTrackingVS (), "A15"); w.SetTrackingVS (); Assert.AreEqual(true, w.IsTrackingVS (), "A16"); w.Enabled = true; Assert.AreEqual(true, w.Enabled, "A17"); w.Save(); w.Attributes["PrivateTag"] = "blah"; Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Attributes.Count, "A18"); w.Attributes.Clear(); w.Attributes["Style"] = "background-color: #ff00ff"; Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A19"); Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Style.Count, "A20"); w.Attributes.Clear(); w.Attributes.Add("Style", "foreground-color=#ff00ff"); Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A21"); Assert.AreEqual(0, w.Style.Count, "A22"); w.Attributes.Clear(); w.Attributes.Add("Style", "background: black; text-align: left;"); Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A23"); Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Style.Count, "A24"); w.Attributes["Style"] = "background: black; text-align: left; foreground: white;"; Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A25"); Assert.AreEqual(3, w.Style.Count, "A26"); w.Style["background-color"] = Color.Purple.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(4, w.Style.Count, "A27"); w.AccessKey = "I"; Assert.AreEqual("I", w.AccessKey, "A28"); // Check the bag string[] expect = { "BorderStyle=Dotted", "Width=6.5cm", "Height=6px", "BorderWidth=12px", "ForeColor=Color [BlueViolet]", "BorderColor=Color [Green]", "ToolTip=I am a tip", "BackColor=Color [Red]", "TabIndex=10", "AccessKey=I", "Enabled=True" }; IsEqual(expect, w.KeyValuePairs(), "A29"); } [Test] public void Methods() { WebControlTestClass w; WebControlTestClass w_copy; w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml); w_copy = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml); w.Enabled = true; w.AccessKey = "I"; w.Attributes["Argl"] = "Arglbla"; w.Attributes.Add("Style", "background: black; text-align: left;"); Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Attributes.Count, "M1"); Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Style.Count, "M2"); w_copy.TabIndex = 10; w_copy.Attributes["Blah"] = "blahblah"; Assert.AreEqual(0, w.TabIndex, "M3"); Assert.AreEqual(10, w_copy.TabIndex, "M4"); w_copy.CopyBaseAttributes(w); Assert.AreEqual(10, w_copy.TabIndex, "M5"); Assert.AreEqual("blahblah", w_copy.Attributes["Blah"], "M6"); Assert.AreEqual("Arglbla", w_copy.Attributes["Argl"], "M7"); // Styles should make it over, too Assert.AreEqual("black", w_copy.Style["background"], "M8"); // Check the bag string[] expect = { "TabIndex=10", "AccessKey=I" }; IsEqual(expect, w_copy.KeyValuePairs(), "M9"); Assert.AreEqual("\n\n", w.Render(), "M10"); Assert.AreEqual("\n\n", w_copy.Render(), "M11"); } [Test] public void CopyEnabled () { Label l = new Label (), ll = new Label (); l.Enabled = false; ll.CopyBaseAttributes (l); Assert.IsFalse (ll.Enabled, "enabled should be copied"); WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.SetTrackingVS (); c.CopyBaseAttributes (l); object o = c.Save (); c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.Load (o); Assert.IsFalse (c.Enabled, "enabled should be copied#2"); } [Test] public void RenderClientId () { NamingContainer container = new NamingContainer (); WebControlTestClass child = new WebControlTestClass (); container.Controls.Add (child); container.ID = "naming"; child.ID = "fooid"; Assert.AreEqual ("", child.Render (), "A1"); } [Test] public void ViewState() { WebControlTestClass w; WebControlTestClass w_copy; object state; w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml); w_copy = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml); w.SetTrackingVS (); w.BackColor = Color.Red; w.Attributes["test"] = "testme"; w.BorderColor = Color.Green; w.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dotted; w.BorderWidth = new Unit("12px"); w.Enabled = false; w.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet; w.Height = new Unit(6.5); w.TabIndex = 10; w.ToolTip = "I am a tip"; w.Width = new Unit(6.5, UnitType.Cm); w.Enabled = true; w.Attributes["PrivateTag"] = "blah"; w.Attributes["Style"] = "background-color: #ff00ff"; state = w.Save(); w_copy.Load(state); w_copy.SetTrackingVS(); /* MS: */ HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (w.Render(), w_copy.Render(), "VS1"); } [Test] public void ViewState2 () { CustomControl c = new CustomControl (); CustomControl copy = new CustomControl (); object state; c.DoTrackViewState (); c.CustomProperty = "CustomProperty"; c.ControlStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; c.ControlStyle.BorderColor = Color.Green; c.ControlStyle.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dotted; state = c.DoSaveViewState (); copy.DoLoadViewState (state); Assert.IsFalse (copy.ControlStyleCreated, "copy.ControlStyleCreated"); } [Test] public void ViewState3 () { CustomControl2 c = new CustomControl2 (); CustomControl2 copy = new CustomControl2 (); object state; c.DoTrackViewState (); c.ControlStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; state = c.DoSaveViewState (); copy.DoLoadViewState (state); Assert.AreEqual (Color.Blue, copy.ControlStyle.BackColor, "copy.BackColor"); } [Test] public void RenderBeginTag_TagOnly () { HtmlTextWriter writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); WebControl wc = new WebControl (HtmlTextWriterTag.Table); wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); string s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("\n", s, "table"); } [Test] public void RenderBeginTag_Attributes () { HtmlTextWriter writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); WebControl wc = new WebControl (HtmlTextWriterTag.Table); wc.ID = "test1"; wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); string s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("
\n", s, "ID"); writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); wc.ID = null; Assert.IsNull (wc.ID, "ID"); wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("
\n", s, "-ID"); } [Test] public void RenderBeginTag_Style () { HtmlTextWriter writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); WebControl wc = new WebControl (HtmlTextWriterTag.Table); wc.BackColor = Color.Aqua; wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); string s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("
\n", s, "BackColor"); writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); wc.BackColor = new Color (); Assert.IsTrue (wc.BackColor.IsEmpty, "IsEmpty"); wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("
\n", s, "-BackColor"); } [Test] public void RenderBeginTag_BorderWidth_span () { HtmlTextWriter writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); WebControl wc = new WebControl (HtmlTextWriterTag.Span); wc.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel (1); wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); string s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("", s, "BorderWidth"); } [Test] public void RenderBeginTag_BorderWidth_table () { HtmlTextWriter writer = WebControlTest.GetWriter (); WebControl wc = new WebControl (HtmlTextWriterTag.Table); wc.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel (1); wc.RenderBeginTag (writer); string s = writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); Assert.AreEqual ("
\n", s, "BorderWidth"); } [Test] public void EmptyStringTag () { WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass (String.Empty); Assert.AreEqual ("<>\n\n", wc.Render ()); } [Test] public void NullStringTag () { WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass (null); Assert.AreEqual ("<>\n\n", wc.Render ()); } [Test] public void UnknownTag () { WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass (HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown); Assert.AreEqual ("<>\n\n", wc.Render ()); } [Test] public void EnabledViewState () { WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.SetTrackingVS (); c.Enabled = false; object o = c.Save (); c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.Load (o); Assert.IsFalse (c.Enabled, "not enabled"); } [Test] public void EnabledViewState2 () { WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.Enabled = false; c.SetTrackingVS (); c.Width = 100; // to cause saveviewstate return not null object o = c.Save (); c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.Enabled = false; c.Load (o); Assert.IsFalse (c.Enabled, "not enabled"); } [Test] public void AttributeIsCaseInsensitive () { WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass (); c.Attributes ["hola"] = "hello"; c.Attributes ["HOla"] = "hi"; Assert.AreEqual ("hi", c.Attributes ["hoLA"], "#01"); } class MyControlAdapter : ControlAdapter { protected internal override void Render (HtmlTextWriter w) { w.WriteLine("MyControlAdapter.Render"); } } class MyWebControlAdapter : WebControlAdapter { protected override void RenderBeginTag (HtmlTextWriter w) { w.WriteLine("RenderBeginTag"); } protected override void RenderContents (HtmlTextWriter w) { w.WriteLine("RenderContents"); } protected override void RenderEndTag (HtmlTextWriter w) { w.WriteLine("RenderEndTag"); } } class MyWebControl : WebControl { public ControlAdapter my_control_adapter = new MyWebControlAdapter(); protected override global::System.Web.UI.Adapters.ControlAdapter ResolveAdapter () { return my_control_adapter; } public void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter writer) { Render(writer); } public bool GetIsEnabled { get { return IsEnabled; } } } [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // .NET doesn't use ResolveAdapter public void RenderWithWebControlAdapter () { MyWebControl c = new MyWebControl (); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter w = new HtmlTextWriter (sw); c.DoRender (w); Assert.AreEqual ("RenderBeginTag\nRenderContents\nRenderEndTag\n", sw.ToString ().Replace ("\r\n", "\n"), "RenderWithWebControlAdapter #1"); } [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // .NET doesn't use ResolveAdapter public void RenderWithControlAdapter () { MyWebControl c = new MyWebControl (); c.my_control_adapter = new MyControlAdapter (); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter w = new HtmlTextWriter (sw); c.DoRender (w); Assert.AreEqual ("MyControlAdapter.Render\n", sw.ToString ().Replace ("\r\n", "\n"), "RenderWithControlAdapter #1"); } [Test] public void IsEnabled () { MyWebControl parent = new MyWebControl (); MyWebControl child = new MyWebControl (); parent.Controls.Add (child); Assert.IsTrue (child.GetIsEnabled, "IsEnabled #1"); parent.Enabled = false; Assert.IsFalse (child.GetIsEnabled, "IsEnabled #2"); parent.Enabled = true; child.Enabled = false; Assert.IsFalse (child.GetIsEnabled, "IsEnabled #3"); } } }