// // Tests for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageMap.cs // // Author: // Hagit Yidov (hagity@mainsoft.com // // (C) 2005 Mainsoft Corporation (http://www.mainsoft.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using MonoTests.stand_alone.WebHarness; using MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework; using System.Threading; namespace MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls { class PokerImageMap : ImageMap { // View state Stuff public PokerImageMap () { TrackViewState (); } public object SaveState () { return SaveViewState (); } public void LoadState (object o) { LoadViewState (o); } public StateBag StateBag { get { return base.ViewState; } } public void DoOnClick (ImageMapEventArgs e) { base.OnClick (e); } public void DoOnBubbleEven (Object source, ImageMapEventArgs e) { base.OnBubbleEvent (source, e); } // Render Method public string Render () { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter (sw); Render (tw); return sw.ToString (); } } [TestFixture] public class ImageMapTest { [TestFixtureSetUp] public void SetUp () { WebTest.CopyResource (GetType (), "NoEventValidation.aspx", "NoEventValidation.aspx"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_DefaultProperties () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); Assert.AreEqual (0, imageMap.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count"); Assert.AreEqual (true, imageMap.Enabled, "Enabled"); Assert.AreEqual (HotSpotMode.NotSet, imageMap.HotSpotMode, "HotSpotMode"); Assert.AreEqual (0, imageMap.HotSpots.Count, "HotSpots.Count"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, imageMap.Target, "Target"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_AssignToDefaultProperties () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); Assert.AreEqual (0, imageMap.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count"); imageMap.Enabled = true; Assert.AreEqual (true, imageMap.Enabled, "Enabled"); Assert.AreEqual (0, imageMap.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-1"); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; Assert.AreEqual (HotSpotMode.Navigate, imageMap.HotSpotMode, "HotSpotMode"); Assert.AreEqual (1, imageMap.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-2"); imageMap.HotSpots.Add (new CircleHotSpot ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, imageMap.HotSpots.Count, "HotSpots.Count"); Assert.AreEqual (1, imageMap.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-3"); imageMap.Target = "Target"; Assert.AreEqual ("Target", imageMap.Target, "Target"); Assert.AreEqual (2, imageMap.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-4"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_Defaults_Render () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); string originalHtml = "<img src=\"\" />"; string renderedHtml = imageMap.Render (); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (originalHtml, renderedHtml, "RenderDefault"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_AssignedValues_RenderNavigate () { // HotSpotMode = Navigate using NavigateURL //----------------------------------------- PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); imageMap.Enabled = true; imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; imageMap.Target = "Target"; CircleHotSpot circle = new CircleHotSpot (); circle.NavigateUrl = "NavigateURL"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (circle); string originalHtml = "<img src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMap\" /><map name=\"ImageMap\" id=\"ImageMap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"0,0,0\" href=\"NavigateURL\" target=\"Target\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" />\r\n</map>"; string renderedHtml = imageMap.Render (); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (originalHtml, renderedHtml, "RenderNavigateTextAssigned"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_AssignedValues_RenderNavigateCircle () { // Circle.HotSpotMode = Navigate //------------------------------ PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); imageMap.Enabled = true; CircleHotSpot circle = new CircleHotSpot (); circle.AccessKey = "A"; circle.AlternateText = "Circle"; circle.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; circle.NavigateUrl = "NavigateURL"; circle.TabIndex = 1; circle.Radius = 10; circle.X = 30; circle.Y = 40; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (circle); string originalHtml = "<img src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMap\" /><map name=\"ImageMap\" id=\"ImageMap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"30,40,10\" href=\"NavigateURL\" title=\"Circle\" alt=\"Circle\" accesskey=\"A\" tabindex=\"1\" />\r\n</map>"; string renderedHtml = imageMap.Render (); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (originalHtml, renderedHtml, "RenderNavigateCircleTextAssigned"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_AssignedValues_RenderNavigateShapes () { // Rectangle/Polygon.HotSpotMode = Navigate //----------------------------------------- PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); imageMap.Enabled = true; imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.NotSet; RectangleHotSpot rect = new RectangleHotSpot (); rect.AccessKey = "R"; rect.AlternateText = "Rectangle"; rect.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; rect.NavigateUrl = "NavigateUrlRect"; rect.TabIndex = 1; rect.Bottom = 10; rect.Top = 20; rect.Left = 30; rect.Right = 40; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (rect); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; PolygonHotSpot poly = new PolygonHotSpot (); poly.AccessKey = "P"; poly.AlternateText = "Polygon"; poly.NavigateUrl = "NavigateUrlPoly"; poly.TabIndex = 2; poly.Coordinates = "10,20,30,40,50,60,100,200"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (poly); string originalHtml = "<img src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMap\" /><map name=\"ImageMap\" id=\"ImageMap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"30,20,40,10\" href=\"NavigateUrlRect\" title=\"Rectangle\" alt=\"Rectangle\" accesskey=\"R\" tabindex=\"1\" /><area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"10,20,30,40,50,60,100,200\" href=\"NavigateUrlPoly\" title=\"Polygon\" alt=\"Polygon\" accesskey=\"P\" tabindex=\"2\" />\r\n</map>"; string renderedHtml = imageMap.Render (); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (originalHtml, renderedHtml, "RenderNavigateShapesTextAssigned"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_AssignedValues_RenderInactive () { // HotSpotMode = Inactive //----------------------- PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); imageMap.Enabled = true; imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Inactive; imageMap.Target = "Target"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (new CircleHotSpot ()); string originalHtml = "<img src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMap\" /><map name=\"ImageMap\" id=\"ImageMap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"0,0,0\" nohref=\"true\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" />\r\n</map>"; string renderedHtml = imageMap.Render (); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (originalHtml, renderedHtml, "RenderInaciveTextAssigned"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_AssignedValues_RenderDisabled () { // Enabled = false //---------------- PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); imageMap.Enabled = false; imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; imageMap.Target = "Target"; CircleHotSpot circle = new CircleHotSpot (); circle.NavigateUrl = "NavigateURL"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (circle); string originalHtml = "<img class=\"aspNetDisabled\" src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMap\" /><map name=\"ImageMap\" id=\"ImageMap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"0,0,0\" target=\"Target\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" />\r\n</map>"; string renderedHtml = imageMap.Render (); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (originalHtml, renderedHtml, "RenderDisabledTextAssigne"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_ViewState () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); imageMap.Enabled = true; Assert.AreEqual (true, imageMap.Enabled, "Enabled-beforecopy"); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.Navigate; Assert.AreEqual (HotSpotMode.Navigate, imageMap.HotSpotMode, "HotSpotMode-beforecopy"); imageMap.HotSpots.Add (new CircleHotSpot ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, imageMap.HotSpots.Count, "HotSpots.Count-beforecopy"); imageMap.Target = "Target"; Assert.AreEqual ("Target", imageMap.Target, "Target-beforecopy"); object state = imageMap.SaveState (); PokerImageMap copy = new PokerImageMap (); copy.LoadState (state); Assert.AreEqual (true, copy.Enabled, "Enabled-aftercopy"); Assert.AreEqual (HotSpotMode.Navigate, copy.HotSpotMode, "HotSpotMode-aftercopy"); //Assert.AreEqual(1, copy.HotSpots.Count, "HotSpots.Count-aftercopy"); Assert.AreEqual ("Target", copy.Target, "Target-aftercopy"); } // Events Stuff private bool clicked = false; private string pbValue; private void ImageMapClickHandler (object sender, ImageMapEventArgs e) { clicked = true; pbValue = e.PostBackValue; } private void ResetEvents () { clicked = false; pbValue = "Init"; } [Test] public void ImageMap_Event () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); ResetEvents (); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; imageMap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler); Assert.AreEqual (false, clicked, "BeforeClick"); imageMap.DoOnClick (new ImageMapEventArgs ("HotSpotName")); Assert.AreEqual (true, clicked, "AfterClick"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_EventCircle () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); ResetEvents (); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.NotSet; CircleHotSpot circle = new CircleHotSpot (); circle.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; circle.PostBackValue = "myCircle"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (circle); imageMap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler); Assert.AreEqual ("Init", pbValue, "BeforeClick"); imageMap.DoOnClick (new ImageMapEventArgs (circle.PostBackValue)); Assert.AreEqual ("myCircle", pbValue, "AfterClick"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_EventRectangle () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); ResetEvents (); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; RectangleHotSpot rect = new RectangleHotSpot (); rect.PostBackValue = "myRect"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (rect); imageMap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler); Assert.AreEqual ("Init", pbValue, "BeforeClick"); imageMap.DoOnClick (new ImageMapEventArgs (rect.PostBackValue)); Assert.AreEqual ("myRect", pbValue, "AfterClick"); } [Test] public void ImageMap_EventPolygon () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); ResetEvents (); imageMap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.NotSet; PolygonHotSpot poly = new PolygonHotSpot (); poly.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; poly.PostBackValue = "myPoly"; imageMap.HotSpots.Add (poly); imageMap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler); Assert.AreEqual ("Init", pbValue, "BeforeClick"); imageMap.DoOnClick (new ImageMapEventArgs (poly.PostBackValue)); Assert.AreEqual ("myPoly", pbValue, "AfterClick"); } public void ImageMap_BubbleEvent () { PokerImageMap imageMap = new PokerImageMap (); ResetEvents (); ImageMapEventArgs args = new ImageMapEventArgs ("HotSpotName"); imageMap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler); Assert.AreEqual (false, clicked, "BeforeClick"); imageMap.DoOnBubbleEven (imageMap, args); Assert.AreEqual (true, clicked, "AfterClick"); } private static void ImageMapClickHandler2 (object sender, ImageMapEventArgs e) { WebTest.CurrentTest.UserData = e.PostBackValue; } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ImageMap_PostBackRectangle () { WebTest t = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (myPageLoad)); t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = "imgmap"; fr.Controls["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = "0"; t.Request = fr; t.Run (); Assert.AreEqual ("Rectangle", t.UserData, "AfterPostBack"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ImageMap_PostBackFireEvent () { WebTest t = new WebTest ("NoEventValidation.aspx"); t.Invoker = PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (PostBackFireEvent_Init); t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = "imgmap"; fr.Controls["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = "0"; t.Request = fr; t.Run (); if (t.UserData == null) Assert.Fail ("Event not fired fail"); Assert.AreEqual ("ImageMapClickHandler", t.UserData.ToString (), "PostBackFireEvent"); } #region PostBackFireEvent public static void PostBackFireEvent_Init (Page p) { ImageMap imgmap = new ImageMap (); imgmap.ID = "imgmap"; imgmap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.NotSet; imgmap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler3); RectangleHotSpot rect = new RectangleHotSpot (); rect.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; rect.PostBackValue = "Rectangle"; imgmap.HotSpots.Add (rect); p.Form.Controls.Add (imgmap); } public static void ImageMapClickHandler3 (object sender, ImageMapEventArgs e) { WebTest.CurrentTest.UserData = "ImageMapClickHandler"; } #endregion [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ImageMap_PostBackCircle () { WebTest t = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (myPageLoad)); t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = "imgmap"; fr.Controls["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = "2"; t.Request = fr; t.Run (); Assert.AreEqual ("Circle", t.UserData, "AfterPostBack"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ImageMap_PostBackPolygon () { WebTest t = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (myPageLoad)); t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = "imgmap"; fr.Controls["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = "1"; t.Request = fr; t.Run (); Assert.AreEqual ("Polygon", t.UserData, "AfterPostBack"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ImageMap_PostBack_RenderBefore () { WebTest t = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (myPageLoad)); #region orig string strTarget = "<img id=\"imgmap\" src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMapimgmap\" /><map name=\"ImageMapimgmap\" id=\"ImageMapimgmap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"0,0,0,0\" href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('imgmap','0')\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" /><area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"\" href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('imgmap','1')\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" /><area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"0,0,0\" href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('imgmap','2')\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" />\r\n</map>"; #endregion string RenderedPageHtml = t.Run (); string RenderedControlHtml = HtmlDiff.GetControlFromPageHtml (RenderedPageHtml); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (strTarget, RenderedControlHtml, "BeforePostBack"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ImageMap_PostBack_RenderAfter () { WebTest t = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad (myPageLoad)); t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = "imgmap"; fr.Controls["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = "0"; t.Request = fr; #region orig string strTarget = "<img id=\"imgmap\" src=\"\" usemap=\"#ImageMapimgmap\" /><map name=\"ImageMapimgmap\" id=\"ImageMapimgmap\">\r\n\t<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"0,0,0,0\" href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('imgmap','0')\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" /><area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"\" href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('imgmap','1')\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" /><area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"0,0,0\" href=\"javascript:__doPostBack('imgmap','2')\" title=\"\" alt=\"\" />\r\n</map>"; #endregion string RenderedPageHtml = t.Run (); string RenderedControlHtml = HtmlDiff.GetControlFromPageHtml (RenderedPageHtml); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (strTarget, RenderedControlHtml, "AfterPostBack"); } public static void myPageLoad (Page page) { WebTest.CurrentTest.UserData = "Init"; ImageMap imgmap = new ImageMap (); imgmap.ID = "imgmap"; imgmap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.NotSet; imgmap.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler (ImageMapClickHandler2); RectangleHotSpot rect = new RectangleHotSpot (); rect.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; rect.PostBackValue = "Rectangle"; imgmap.HotSpots.Add (rect); PolygonHotSpot poly = new PolygonHotSpot (); poly.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; poly.PostBackValue = "Polygon"; imgmap.HotSpots.Add (poly); imgmap.HotSpotMode = HotSpotMode.PostBack; CircleHotSpot circle = new CircleHotSpot (); circle.PostBackValue = "Circle"; imgmap.HotSpots.Add (circle); // Two marks for getting controls from form LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG); LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG); page.Form.Controls.Add (lcb); page.Form.Controls.Add (imgmap); page.Form.Controls.Add (lce); } [SetUp] public void SetUpTest () { Thread.Sleep (100); } [TestFixtureTearDown] public void TearDown () { WebTest.Unload (); } } }