// // TimeSpanTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.TimeSpan struct // // Authors: // Duco Fijma (duco@lorentz.xs4all.nl) // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com> // // (C) 2001 Duco Fijma // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com) // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; namespace MonoTests.System { [TestFixture] public class TimeSpanTest { private void Debug (TimeSpan ts) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("Days {0}", ts.Days); Console.Out.WriteLine ("Hours {0}", ts.Hours); Console.Out.WriteLine ("Minutes {0}", ts.Minutes); Console.Out.WriteLine ("Seconds {0}", ts.Seconds); Console.Out.WriteLine ("Milliseconds {0}", ts.Milliseconds); Console.Out.WriteLine ("Ticks {0}", ts.Ticks); } [Test] public void TestCtors () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (1234567890); Assert.AreEqual ("00:02:03.4567890", t1.ToString (), "A1"); t1 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3); Assert.AreEqual ("01:02:03", t1.ToString (), "A2"); t1 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3,4); Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04", t1.ToString (), "A3"); t1 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3,4,5); Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0050000", t1.ToString (), "A4"); t1 = new TimeSpan (-1,2,-3,4,-5); Assert.AreEqual ("-22:02:56.0050000", t1.ToString (), "A5"); t1 = new TimeSpan (0,25,0,0,0); Assert.AreEqual ("1.01:00:00", t1.ToString (), "A6"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void DaysOverflow () { int days = (int) (Int64.MaxValue / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) + 1; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (days, 0, 0, 0, 0); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void TemporaryOverflow () { // calculating part of this results in overflow (days) // but the negative hours, minutes, seconds & ms correct this int days = (int) (Int64.MaxValue / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) + 1; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (days, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue); Assert.AreEqual (10650320, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (14, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (28, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (352, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (9201876488683520000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void NoOverflowInHoursMinsSecondsMS () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual (24879, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (22, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (44, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (30, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (647, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (21496274706470000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void MaxDays () { new TimeSpan (Int32.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, 0); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void MinDays () { new TimeSpan (Int32.MinValue, 0, 0, 0, 0); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void MaxHours () { // LAMESPEC: the highest hours are "special" TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, Int32.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Days, "Max-Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, ts.Hours, "Max-Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Minutes, "Max-Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Max-Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Max-Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-36000000000, ts.Ticks, "Max-Ticks"); ts = new TimeSpan (0, Int32.MaxValue - 596522, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (-24855, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-3, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-21474828000000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void MaxHours_BreakPoint () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, Int32.MaxValue - 596523, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (24855, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (2, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (28, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (16, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (21474808960000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MinHours () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, -256204778, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (-10675199, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-2, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-9223372008000000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void MinHours_BreakPoint () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, -2146887124, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (-24855, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-2, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-28, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (-16, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-21474808960000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MaxMinutes () { TimeSpan ts; ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 256204778, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (177919, ts.Days, "Max-Days"); Assert.AreEqual (23, ts.Hours, "Max-Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (38, ts.Minutes, "Max-Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Max-Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Max-Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (153722866800000000, ts.Ticks, "Max-Ticks"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void MaxMinutes_BreakPoint () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, Int32.MaxValue - 35791394, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-52, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-31200000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MinMinutes () { TimeSpan ts; ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, Int32.MinValue, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (-1491308, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-2, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-8, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-1288490188800000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MinMinutes_BreakPoint () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, -2111692253, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual (-1466452, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-22, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-53, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (-0, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-1267015351800000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MaxSeconds () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 0, Int32.MaxValue, 0); Assert.AreEqual (24855, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (3, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (14, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (7, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (21474836470000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MinSeconds () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 0, Int32.MinValue, 0); Assert.AreEqual (-24855, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-3, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-14, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (-8, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-21474836480000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MaxMilliseconds () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 0, 0, Int32.MaxValue); Assert.AreEqual (24, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (20, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (31, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (23, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (647, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (21474836470000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void MinMilliseconds () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 0, 0, Int32.MinValue); Assert.AreEqual (-24, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-20, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-31, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (-23, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-648, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-21474836480000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void NegativeTimeSpan () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (-23, -59, -59); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (-23, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (-59, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (-59, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (-863990000000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); } [Test] public void TestProperties () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3,4,5); TimeSpan t2 = -t1; Assert.AreEqual (1, t1.Days, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (2, t1.Hours, "A2"); Assert.AreEqual (3, t1.Minutes, "A3"); Assert.AreEqual (4, t1.Seconds, "A4"); Assert.AreEqual (5, t1.Milliseconds, "A5"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, t2.Days, "A6"); Assert.AreEqual (-2, t2.Hours, "A7"); Assert.AreEqual (-3, t2.Minutes, "A8"); Assert.AreEqual (-4, t2.Seconds, "A9"); Assert.AreEqual (-5, t2.Milliseconds, "A10"); } [Test] public void TestAdd () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (2,3,4,5,6); TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3,4,5); TimeSpan t3 = t1 + t2; TimeSpan t4 = t1.Add (t2); TimeSpan t5; bool exception; Assert.AreEqual (3, t3.Days, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (5, t3.Hours, "A2"); Assert.AreEqual (7, t3.Minutes, "A3"); Assert.AreEqual (9, t3.Seconds, "A4"); Assert.AreEqual (11, t3.Milliseconds, "A5"); Assert.AreEqual ("3.05:07:09.0110000", t4.ToString (), "A6"); try { t5 = TimeSpan.MaxValue + new TimeSpan (1); exception = false; } catch (OverflowException) { exception = true; } Assert.IsTrue (exception, "A7"); } [Test] public void TestCompare () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (-1); TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan (1); int res; bool exception; Assert.AreEqual (-1, TimeSpan.Compare (t1, t2), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, TimeSpan.Compare (t2, t1), "A2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, TimeSpan.Compare (t2, t2), "A3"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, TimeSpan.Compare (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.MaxValue), "A4"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, t1.CompareTo (t2), "A5"); Assert.AreEqual (1, t2.CompareTo (t1), "A6"); Assert.AreEqual (0, t2.CompareTo (t2), "A7"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, TimeSpan.Compare (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.MaxValue), "A8"); Assert.AreEqual (1, TimeSpan.Zero.CompareTo (null), "A9"); try { res = TimeSpan.Zero.CompareTo(""); exception = false; } catch (ArgumentException) { exception = true; } Assert.IsTrue (exception, "A10"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t1 == t2, "A11"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t1 > t2, "A12"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t1 >= t2, "A13"); Assert.AreEqual (true, t1 != t2, "A14"); Assert.AreEqual (true, t1 < t2, "A15"); Assert.AreEqual (true, t1 <= t2, "A16"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void NoNegateMinValue() { TimeSpan t1 = TimeSpan.MinValue.Negate (); } [Test] public void TestNegateAndDuration () { TimeSpan t1; bool exception; Assert.AreEqual ("-00:00:00.0012345", new TimeSpan (12345).Negate ().ToString (), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0012345", new TimeSpan (-12345).Duration ().ToString (), "A2"); try { t1 = TimeSpan.MinValue.Duration (); exception = false; } catch (OverflowException) { exception = true; } Assert.IsTrue (exception, "A4"); Assert.AreEqual ("-00:00:00.0000077", (-(new TimeSpan (77))).ToString (), "A5"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0000077", (+(new TimeSpan(77))).ToString(), "A6"); } [Test] public void TestEquals () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (1); TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan (2); string s = "justastring"; Assert.AreEqual (true, t1.Equals (t1), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t1.Equals (t2), "A2"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t1.Equals (s), "A3"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t1.Equals (null), "A4"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.Equals (t1, t1), "A5"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.Equals (t1, t2), "A6"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.Equals (t1, null), "A7"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.Equals (t1, s), "A8"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.Equals (s, t2), "A9"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.Equals (null, null), "A10"); } [Test] public void TestFromXXXX () { Assert.AreEqual ("12.08:16:48", TimeSpan.FromDays (12.345).ToString (), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("12:20:42", TimeSpan.FromHours (12.345).ToString (), "A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:12:20.7000000", TimeSpan.FromMinutes (12.345).ToString (), "A3"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:12.3450000", TimeSpan.FromSeconds (12.345).ToString (), "A4"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0120000", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (12.345).ToString (), "A5"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0012345", TimeSpan.FromTicks (12345).ToString (), "A6"); Assert.AreEqual ("-00:00:00.0010000", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (-0.5).ToString (), "A7"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0010000", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (0.5).ToString (), "A8"); Assert.AreEqual ("-00:00:00.0030000", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (-2.5).ToString (), "A9"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0030000", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (2.5).ToString (), "A10"); Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00.0010000", TimeSpan.FromSeconds (0.0005).ToString (), "A11"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromDays_MinValue () { TimeSpan.FromDays (Double.MinValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromDays_MaxValue () { TimeSpan.FromDays (Double.MaxValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void FromDays_NaN () { TimeSpan.FromDays (Double.NaN); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromDays_PositiveInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MaxValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromDays (Double.PositiveInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromDays_NegativeInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MinValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.FromDays (Double.NegativeInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromHours_MinValue () { TimeSpan.FromHours (Double.MinValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromHours_MaxValue () { TimeSpan.FromHours (Double.MaxValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void FromHours_NaN () { TimeSpan.FromHours (Double.NaN); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromHours_PositiveInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MaxValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromHours (Double.PositiveInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromHours_NegativeInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MinValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.FromHours (Double.NegativeInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMilliseconds_MinValue () { TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (Double.MinValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMilliseconds_MaxValue () { TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (Double.MaxValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void FromMilliseconds_NaN () { TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (Double.NaN); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMilliseconds_PositiveInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MaxValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (Double.PositiveInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMilliseconds_NegativeInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MinValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (Double.NegativeInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMinutes_MinValue () { TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double.MinValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMinutes_MaxValue () { TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double.MaxValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void FromMinutes_NaN () { TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double.NaN); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMinutes_PositiveInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MaxValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double.PositiveInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromMinutes_NegativeInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MinValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double.NegativeInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromSeconds_MinValue () { TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Double.MinValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromSeconds_MaxValue () { TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Double.MaxValue); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void FromSeconds_NaN () { TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Double.NaN); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromSeconds_PositiveInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MaxValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Double.PositiveInfinity)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void FromSeconds_NegativeInfinity () { // LAMESPEC: Document to return TimeSpan.MinValue Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Double.NegativeInfinity)); } [Test] public void TestGetHashCode () { Assert.AreEqual (77, new TimeSpan (77).GetHashCode (), "A1"); } private void ParseHelper (string s, bool expectFormat, bool expectOverflow, string expect) { bool formatException = false; bool overflowException = false; string result = "junk "; try { result = TimeSpan.Parse (s).ToString (); } catch (OverflowException) { overflowException = true; } catch (FormatException) { formatException = true; } Assert.AreEqual (expectFormat, formatException, "A1 [" + s + "]"); Assert.AreEqual (expectOverflow, overflowException, "A2 " + s + "]"); if (!expectOverflow && !expectFormat) { Assert.AreEqual (expect, result, "A3 [" + s + "]"); } } [Test] public void TestParse () { ParseHelper (" 13:45:15 ",false, false, "13:45:15"); ParseHelper (" -1:2:3 ", false, false, "-01:02:03"); // In 4.0 when the first part is out of range, it parses it as day. ParseHelper (" 25:11:12 ", false, false, "25.11:12:00"); ParseHelper (" 24:11:12 ", false, false, "24.11:12:00"); ParseHelper (" 23:11:12 ", false, false, "23:11:12"); ParseHelper ("-21.23:59:59.9999999", false, false, "-21.23:59:59.9999999"); ParseHelper ("10:12 ", false, false, "10:12:00"); ParseHelper ("aaa", true, false, "dontcare"); ParseHelper ("100000000000000.1:1:1", false, true, "dontcare"); ParseHelper ("24:60:60", false, true, "dontcare"); ParseHelper ("0001:0002:0003.12 ", false, false, "01:02:03.1200000"); // In 4.0 when a section has more than 7 digits an OverflowException is thrown. ParseHelper (" 1:2:3:12345678 ", false, true, "dontcare"); ParseHelper ("10:11:12:13", false, false, "10.11:12:13"); // Days using : instead of . as separator ParseHelper ("10.11", true, false, "dontcare"); // days+hours is invalid if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { // Force the use of french culture -which is using a non common NumberDecimalSeparator- // as current culture, to show that the Parse method is *actually* being culture sensitive // *and* also keeping the compatibility with '.' CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); CultureInfo prev_culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; try { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = french_culture; ParseHelper ("10:10:10,006", false, false, "10:10:10.0060000"); ParseHelper ("10:10:10.006", false, false, "10:10:10.0060000"); } finally { // restore culture Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = prev_culture; } } ParseHelper ("00:00:00", false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseHelper ("00:10:00", false, false, "00:10:00"); } // LAMESPEC: timespan in documentation is wrong - hh:mm:ss isn't mandatory [Test] public void Parse_Days_WithoutColon () { TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.Parse ("1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, ts.Days, "Days"); } [Test] public void TestSubstract () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (2,3,4,5,6); TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3,4,5); TimeSpan t3 = t1 - t2; TimeSpan t4 = t1.Subtract (t2); TimeSpan t5; bool exception; Assert.AreEqual ("1.01:01:01.0010000", t3.ToString (), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("1.01:01:01.0010000", t4.ToString (), "A2"); try { t5 = TimeSpan.MinValue - new TimeSpan (1); exception = false; } catch (OverflowException) { exception = true; } Assert.IsTrue (exception, "A3"); } [Test] public void TestToString () { TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan (1,2,3,4,5); TimeSpan t2 = -t1; Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0050000", t1.ToString (), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("-1.02:03:04.0050000", t2.ToString (), "A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("10675199.02:48:05.4775807", TimeSpan.MaxValue.ToString (), "A3"); Assert.AreEqual ("-10675199.02:48:05.4775808", TimeSpan.MinValue.ToString (), "A4"); } [Test] public void ToString_Constants () { Assert.AreEqual ("00:00:00", TimeSpan.Zero.ToString (), "Zero"); Assert.AreEqual ("10675199.02:48:05.4775807", TimeSpan.MaxValue.ToString (), "MaxValue"); Assert.AreEqual ("-10675199.02:48:05.4775808", TimeSpan.MinValue.ToString (), "MinValue"); } [Test] public void Parse_InvalidValuesAndFormat_ExceptionOrder () { // hours should be between 0 and 23 but format is also invalid (too many dots) // In 2.0 overflow as precedence over format, but not in 4.0 try { TimeSpan.Parse (""); Assert.Fail ("#A1"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { TimeSpan.Parse ("0.999999999999.99.0"); Assert.Fail ("#A2"); } catch (OverflowException) { } } [Test] public void Parse_MinMaxValues () { Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, TimeSpan.Parse ("10675199.02:48:05.4775807"), "MaxValue"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.Parse ("-10675199.02:48:05.4775808"), "MinValue"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void Parse_OverMaxValue() { TimeSpan.Parse ("10675199.02:48:05.4775808"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void Parse_UnderMinValue() { TimeSpan.Parse ("-10675199.02:48:05.4775809"); } [Test] public void ParseMissingSeconds () { // as seen in ML for http://resources.esri.com/arcgisserver/apis/silverlight/ TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.Parse ("0:0:.75"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Days, "Days"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Hours, "Hours"); Assert.AreEqual (750, ts.Milliseconds, "Milliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Minutes, "Minutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ts.Seconds, "Seconds"); Assert.AreEqual (7500000, ts.Ticks, "Ticks"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0000086805555555555555, ts.TotalDays, 0.00000000000000001, "TotalDays"); Assert.AreEqual (0.00020833333333333332, ts.TotalHours, 0.00000000000000001, "TotalHours"); Assert.AreEqual (750.0, ts.TotalMilliseconds, "TotalMilliseconds"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0125, ts.TotalMinutes, "TotalMinutes"); Assert.AreEqual (0.75, ts.TotalSeconds, "TotalSeconds"); } // 'Ported' the Parse test to use TryParse [Test] public void TryParse () { TimeSpan result; Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse (" 13:45:15 ", out result), "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("13:45:15", result.ToString (), "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse (" -1:2:3 ", out result), "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual ("-01:02:03", result.ToString (), "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("aaa", out result), "#C2"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("-21.23:59:59.9999999", out result), "#D1"); Assert.AreEqual ("-21.23:59:59.9999999", result.ToString (), "#D2"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("100000000000000.1:1:1", out result), "#E1"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("24:60:60", out result), "#E2"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("0001:0002:0003.12 ", out result), "#F1"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse (" 1:2:3:12345678 ", out result), "#G1"); // Min and Max values Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("10675199.02:48:05.4775807", out result), "MaxValue#1"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, result, "MaxValue#2"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("-10675199.02:48:05.4775808", out result), "MinValue#1"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, result, "MinValue#2"); if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { // Force the use of french culture -which is using a non common NumberDecimalSeparator- // as current culture, to show that the Parse method is *actually* being culture sensitive CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); CultureInfo prev_culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; result = new TimeSpan (0, 10, 10, 10, 6); try { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = french_culture; Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("10:10:10,006", out result), "#CultureSensitive1"); Assert.AreEqual ("10:10:10.0060000", result.ToString (), "#CultureSensitive2"); } finally { // restore culture Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = prev_culture; } } } [Test] public void TryParseErrors () { TimeSpan result; Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("", out result), "Format#1"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("10675199.02:48:05.4775808", out result), "OverMaxValue"); Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("-10675199.02:48:05.4775809", out result), "UnderMinValue"); } [Test] public void TryParseOverloads () { TimeSpan result; if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { // We use fr-FR culture since its NumericDecimalSeparator is not the same used by // most cultures - including the invariant one. CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("11:50:50,006", french_culture, out result), "#A1"); } // LAMESPEC - msdn states that an instance of DateTimeFormatInfo is retrieved to // obtain culture sensitive information, but at least in the betas that's false DateTimeFormatInfo format_info = new DateTimeFormatInfo (); format_info.TimeSeparator = ";"; Assert.AreEqual (false, TimeSpan.TryParse ("11;50;50", format_info, out result), "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual (true, TimeSpan.TryParse ("11:50:50", format_info, out result), "#B2"); } [Test] public void ParseExact () { // At this point we are only missing the style bites and then we are // pretty much done with the standard formats. // // 'g' format - this is the short and culture sensitive format // string [] g_format = new string [] { "g" }; ParseExactHelper ("12", g_format, false, false, "12.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("11:12", g_format, false, false, "11:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("-11:12", g_format, false, false, "-11:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("25:13", g_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("11:66", g_format, true, false, "dontcare"); // I'd have expected OverflowExc here ParseExactHelper ("11:12:13", g_format, false, false, "11:12:13"); ParseExactHelper ("-11:12:13", g_format, false, false, "-11:12:13"); ParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", g_format, true, false, "dontcare"); // this should work as well ParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", g_format, true, false, "dontcare", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:66", g_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:13", g_format, false, false, "10.11:12:13"); ParseExactHelper ("11:12:13.6", g_format, false, false, "11:12:13.6000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ParseExactHelper ("10:11", g_format, false, false, "10:11:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.None); ParseExactHelper ("10:11", g_format, false, false, "10:11:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); // no effect if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); CultureInfo us_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("en-US"); ParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", g_format, true, false, "dontcare", us_culture); ParseExactHelper ("11:12:13,6", g_format, false, false, "11:12:13.6000000", french_culture); ParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:13.6", g_format, false, false, "10.11:12:13.6000000", us_culture); ParseExactHelper (" 10:11:12:13.6 ", g_format, false, false, "10.11:12:13.6000000", us_culture); } // // G format // string [] G_format = new string [] { "G" }; ParseExactHelper ("9:10:12", G_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("9:10:12.6", G_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("3.9:10:12", G_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("3.9:10:12.153", G_format, true, false, "dontcare"); // this should be valid... ParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:66.153", G_format, true, false, "dontcare"); // seconds out of range if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); CultureInfo us_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("en-US"); ParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:12.153", G_format, false, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); ParseExactHelper ("0:9:10:12.153", G_format, false, false, "09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); ParseExactHelper ("03:09:10:12.153", G_format, false, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); ParseExactHelper ("003:009:0010:0012.00153", G_format, false, false, "3.09:10:12.0015300", us_culture); ParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:12.153", G_format, true, false, "dontcare", french_culture); // fr-FR uses ',' as decimal separator ParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:12,153", G_format, false, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", french_culture); ParseExactHelper (" 3:9:10:12.153 ", G_format, false, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); ParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:13.153", G_format, false, false, "3.09:10:13.1530000", us_culture, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); } // c format string [] c_format = new string [] { "c" }; ParseExactHelper ("12", c_format, false, false, "12.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("12:11", c_format, false, false, "12:11:00"); ParseExactHelper ("12:66", c_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("10.11:12", c_format, false, false, "10.11:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", c_format, false, false, "10.11:12:13"); ParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:13", c_format, true, false, "dontcare"); // this is normally accepted in the Parse method ParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13.6", c_format, false, false, "10.11:12:13.6000000"); ParseExactHelper ("10:11:12,6", c_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper (" 10:11:12.6 ", c_format, false, false, "10:11:12.6000000"); ParseExactHelper ("10:12", c_format, false, false, "10:12:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); ParseExactHelper ("10:123456789999", c_format, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [0], true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { String.Empty }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { null }, true, false, "dontcare"); if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); ParseExactHelper ("10:11:12,6", c_format, true, false, "dontcare", french_culture); } } [Test] public void ParseExactMultipleFormats () { ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { "G", "g" }, false, false, "10:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { "g", "G" }, false, false, "10:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("7.8:9:10", new string [] { "G", "g" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("7.8:9:10", new string [] { "G", "g", "c" }, false, false, "7.08:09:10"); ParseExactHelper ("7:8:9:10", new string [] { "c", "g" }, false, false, "7.08:09:10"); ParseExactHelper ("7:8:9:10", new string [] { "c", "G" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("7.123456789:1", new string [] { "c", "G", "g" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("7.123456789:1", new string [] { "G", "g", "c" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("1234567890123456", new string [] { "c", "g" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // I'd expect an OverflowException ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { null, "c", "g" }, true, false, "10:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { String.Empty, "c", "g" }, true, false, "10:12:00"); } [Test] public void ParseExactCustomFormats () { // Days ParseExactHelper ("33", new string [] { "%d" }, false, false, "33.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("00", new string [] { "%d" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("33", new string [] { "%dd" }, false, false, "33.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("3333", new string [] { "%d" }, false, false, "3333.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("3333", new string [] { "%ddd" }, true, false, "3333.00:00:00"); // 'dd' mismatch the digit count ParseExactHelper ("3333", new string [] { "%dddd" }, false, false, "3333.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("00033", new string [] { "%ddddd" }, false, false, "33.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("00033", new string [] { "%d" }, false, false, "33.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("00000003", new string [] { "%dddddddd" }, false, false, "3.00:00:00"); // up to 8 'd' ParseExactHelper ("000000003", new string [] { "%ddddddddd" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("33", new string [] { "d" }, true, false, "33.00:00:00"); // This is sort of weird. ParseExactHelper ("33", new string [] { "dd" }, false, false, "33.00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("-33", new string [] { "%d" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("33", new string [] { "%d" }, false, false, "-33.00:00:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); // Hours ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%h" }, false, false, "12:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("00", new string [] { "%h" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("012", new string [] { "%h" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // more than 2 digits ParseExactHelper ("00012", new string [] { "%hhhhh" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("15", new string [] { "%h" }, false, false, "15:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("24", new string [] { "%h" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("15", new string [] { "%hh" }, false, false, "15:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("1", new string [] { "%hh" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // 'hh' but a single digit ParseExactHelper ("01", new string [] { "%hh" }, false, false, "01:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("015", new string [] { "%hhh" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // Too many 'h' ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "h" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "hh" }, false, false, "12:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("-15", new string [] {"%h"}, true, false, "dontcare"); // Explicit - not accepted ParseExactHelper ("15", new string [] { "%h" }, false, false, "-15:00:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); ParseExactHelper ("15", new string [] { "%H" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // Uppercase is not accepted // Minutes ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%m" }, false, false, "00:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("00", new string [] { "%m" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("60", new string [] { "%m" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%mm" }, false, false, "00:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("1", new string [] { "%mm" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%mmm" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "m" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "mm" }, false, false, "00:12:00"); ParseExactHelper ("-12", new string [] { "%m" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%m" }, false, false, "-00:12:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%M" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // Seconds ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%s" }, false, false, "00:00:12"); ParseExactHelper ("00", new string [] { "%s" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("000", new string [] { "%s" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%ss" }, false, false, "00:00:12"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%sss" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("60", new string [] { "%s" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("-12", new string [] { "%s" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%s" }, false, false, "-00:00:12", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); // Fractions of seconds - f ParseExactHelper ("3", new string [] { "%f" }, false, false, "00:00:00.3000000"); ParseExactHelper ("0", new string [] { "%f" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("03", new string [] { "%f" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // This would work for other elements ParseExactHelper ("10", new string [] { "%f" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // Only a digit is accepted with '%f' ParseExactHelper ("3", new string [] { "%ff" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("12", new string [] { "%ff" }, false, false, "00:00:00.1200000"); ParseExactHelper ("123", new string [] { "%ff" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("123", new string [] { "%fff" }, false, false, "00:00:00.1230000"); ParseExactHelper ("1234", new string [] { "%ffff" }, false, false, "00:00:00.1234000"); ParseExactHelper ("1234567", new string [] { "%fffffff" }, false, false, "00:00:00.1234567"); ParseExactHelper ("1234567", new string [] { "%FfFFFFF" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // Mixed f and M ParseExactHelper ("12345678", new string [] { "%ffffffff" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("0000000", new string [] { "%fffffff" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); // Fractions of second - F ParseExactHelper ("3", new string [] { "%F" }, false, false, "00:00:00.3000000"); ParseExactHelper ("333", new string [] { "%FFFFF" }, false, false, "00:00:00.3330000"); ParseExactHelper ("1234567", new string [] { "%FFFFFFF" }, false, false, "00:00:00.1234567"); // Multiple symbols ParseExactHelper ("9:10", new string [] { @"h\:m" }, false, false, "09:10:00"); ParseExactHelper ("9;10", new string [] { @"h\;m" }, false, false, "09:10:00"); ParseExactHelper ("10:9", new string [] { @"m\:h" }, false, false, "09:10:00"); ParseExactHelper ("10:9", new string [] { @"%m\:%h" }, false, false, "09:10:00"); ParseExactHelper ("9 10", new string [] { @"h\ m" }, false, false, "09:10:00"); ParseExactHelper ("9 10", new string [] { @"h\ \ \ m" }, false, false, "09:10:00"); ParseExactHelper (" 9:10 ", new string [] { @"h\:m" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("9:10:11", new string [] { @"h\:m\:s" }, false, false, "09:10:11"); ParseExactHelper ("9:10:11:6", new string [] { @"h\:m\:s\:f" }, false, false, "09:10:11.6000000"); ParseExactHelper ("9:10:11:666", new string [] { @"h\:m\:s\:f" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // fff with 1 digit ParseExactHelper ("9:10:11:", new string [] { @"h\:m\:s\:F" }, false, false, "09:10:11"); // optional frac of seconds ParseExactHelper ("9:10:11:", new string [] { @"h\:m\:s\:FF" }, false, false, "09:10:11"); ParseExactHelper ("9:10:11::", new string [] { @"h\:m\:s\:F\:" }, false, false, "09:10:11"); ParseExactHelper ("8:9:10:11:6666666", new string [] { @"d\:h\:m\:s\:fffffff" }, false, false, "8.09:10:11.6666666"); ParseExactHelper ("8:9:10:11:6666666", new string [] { @"d\:h\:m\:s\:fffffff" }, false, false, "-8.09:10:11.6666666", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); ParseExactHelper ("9:10", new string [] { @"h\:h" }, true, false, "dontcare"); // Repeated element // Misc ParseExactHelper (" 0 ", new string [] { "%d" }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper (" 0 ", new string [] { " %d " }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("0", new string [] { " %d " }, true, false, "dontcare"); ParseExactHelper ("::", new string [] { @"\:\:" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); // funny ParseExactHelper ("::", new string [] { @"\:\:" }, false, false, "00:00:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); ParseExactHelper (" 0", new string [] { @"\ d" }, false, false, "00:00:00"); ParseExactHelper ("Interval = 12:13:14", new string [] { @"'Interval = 'h\:m\:s" }, false, false, "12:13:14"); } void ParseExactHelper (string input, string [] formats, bool format_error, bool overflow_error, string expected, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null, TimeSpanStyles timeSpanStyles = TimeSpanStyles.None) { bool overflow_exc = false; bool format_exc = false; TimeSpan result = TimeSpan.Zero; try { result = TimeSpan.ParseExact (input, formats, formatProvider, timeSpanStyles); } catch (OverflowException) { overflow_exc = true; } catch (FormatException) { format_exc = true; } Assert.AreEqual (format_error, format_exc, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (overflow_error, overflow_exc, "A2"); if (!overflow_exc && !format_exc) Assert.AreEqual (expected, result.ToString ()); } // 'Ported' the ParseExact test to use TryParseExact instead. [Test] [Category ("Calendars")] public void TryParseExact () { CultureInfo french_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); CultureInfo us_culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("en-US"); // // 'g' format - this is the short and culture sensitive format // string [] g_format = new string [] { "g" }; TryParseExactHelper ("12", g_format, false, "12.00:00:00"); TryParseExactHelper ("11:12", g_format, false, "11:12:00"); TryParseExactHelper ("-11:12", g_format, false, "-11:12:00"); TryParseExactHelper ("25:13", g_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("11:66", g_format, true, "dontcare"); // I'd have expected OverflowExc here TryParseExactHelper ("11:12:13", g_format, false, "11:12:13"); TryParseExactHelper ("-11:12:13", g_format, false, "-11:12:13"); TryParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", g_format, true, "dontcare"); // this should work as well TryParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", g_format, true, "dontcare", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", g_format, true, "dontcare", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:66", g_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:13", g_format, false, "10.11:12:13"); TryParseExactHelper ("11:12:13.6", g_format, false, "11:12:13.6000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); TryParseExactHelper ("11:12:13,6", g_format, false, "11:12:13.6000000", french_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:13.6", g_format, false, "10.11:12:13.6000000", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper (" 10:11:12:13.6 ", g_format, false, "10.11:12:13.6000000", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11", g_format, false, "10:11:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.None); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11", g_format, false, "10:11:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); // no effect // // G format // string [] G_format = new string [] { "G" }; TryParseExactHelper ("9:10:12", G_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("9:10:12.6", G_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("3.9:10:12", G_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("3.9:10:12.153", G_format, true, "dontcare"); // this should be valid... TryParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:12.153", G_format, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("0:9:10:12.153", G_format, false, "09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("03:09:10:12.153", G_format, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("003:009:0010:0012.00153", G_format, false, "3.09:10:12.0015300", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:66.153", G_format, true, "dontcare"); // seconds out of range TryParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:12.153", G_format, true, "dontcare", french_culture); // fr-FR uses ',' as decimal separator TryParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:12,153", G_format, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", french_culture); TryParseExactHelper (" 3:9:10:12.153 ", G_format, false, "3.09:10:12.1530000", us_culture); TryParseExactHelper ("3:9:10:13.153", G_format, false, "3.09:10:13.1530000", us_culture, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); // c format string [] c_format = new string [] { "c" }; TryParseExactHelper ("12", c_format, false, "12.00:00:00"); TryParseExactHelper ("12:11", c_format, false, "12:11:00"); TryParseExactHelper ("12:66", c_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("10.11:12", c_format, false, "10.11:12:00"); TryParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13", c_format, false, "10.11:12:13"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11:12:13", c_format, true, "dontcare"); // this is normally accepted in the Parse method TryParseExactHelper ("10.11:12:13.6", c_format, false, "10.11:12:13.6000000"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11:12,6", c_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:11:12,6", c_format, true, "dontcare", french_culture); TryParseExactHelper (" 10:11:12.6 ", c_format, false, "10:11:12.6000000"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:12", c_format, false, "10:12:00", null, TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative); TryParseExactHelper ("10:123456789999", c_format, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [0], true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { String.Empty }, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper ("10:12", new string [] { null }, true, "dontcare"); TryParseExactHelper (null, new string [] { null }, true, "dontcare"); } void TryParseExactHelper (string input, string [] formats, bool error, string expected, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null, TimeSpanStyles styles = TimeSpanStyles.None) { TimeSpan result; bool success; success = TimeSpan.TryParseExact (input, formats, formatProvider, styles, out result); Assert.AreEqual (!error, success); if (!error) Assert.AreEqual (expected, result.ToString ()); } [Test] public void ParseExactExceptions () { try { TimeSpan.ParseExact (null, "g", null); Assert.Fail ("#A1"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } try { TimeSpan.ParseExact ("10:12", (string)null, null); Assert.Fail ("#A2"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } try { TimeSpan.ParseExact ("10:12", (string [])null, null); Assert.Fail ("#A3"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } } [Test] public void ToStringOverloads () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (1, 2, 3, 4, 6); // Simple version - culture invariant Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString (), "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString ("c"), "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString (null), "#A3"); Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString (String.Empty), "#A4"); if (!GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { // // IFormatProvider ones - use a culture changing numeric format. // Also, we use fr-FR as culture, since it uses some elements different to invariant culture // CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("fr-FR"); Assert.AreEqual ("1:2:03:04,006", ts.ToString ("g", culture), "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual ("1:02:03:04,0060000", ts.ToString ("G", culture), "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString ("c", culture), "#B3"); // 'c' format ignores CultureInfo Assert.AreEqual ("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString ("t", culture), "#B4"); // 't' and 'T' are the same as 'c' Assert.AreEqual("1.02:03:04.0060000", ts.ToString("T", culture), "#B5"); ts = new TimeSpan (4, 5, 6); Assert.AreEqual ("4:05:06", ts.ToString ("g", culture), "#C1"); Assert.AreEqual ("0:04:05:06,0000000", ts.ToString ("G", culture), "#C2"); } } [Test] public void ToStringCustomFormats () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (1, 3, 5, 7); Assert.AreEqual ("1", ts.ToString ("%d"), "#A0"); Assert.AreEqual ("3", ts.ToString ("%h"), "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("5", ts.ToString ("%m"), "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("7", ts.ToString ("%s"), "#A3"); Assert.AreEqual ("0", ts.ToString ("%f"), "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ts.ToString ("%F"), "#A5"); // Nothing to display Assert.AreEqual ("01", ts.ToString ("dd"), "#B0"); Assert.AreEqual ("00000001", ts.ToString ("dddddddd"), "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual ("03", ts.ToString ("hh"), "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual ("05", ts.ToString ("mm"), "#B3"); Assert.AreEqual ("07", ts.ToString ("ss"), "#B4"); Assert.AreEqual ("00", ts.ToString ("ff"), "#B5"); Assert.AreEqual ("0000000", ts.ToString ("fffffff"), "#B6"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, ts.ToString ("FF"), "#B7"); Assert.AreEqual ("01;03;05", ts.ToString (@"dd\;hh\;mm"), "#C0"); Assert.AreEqual ("05 07", ts.ToString (@"mm\ ss"), "#C1"); Assert.AreEqual ("05 07 ", ts.ToString (@"mm\ ss\ FF"), "#C2"); Assert.AreEqual ("Result = 3 hours with 5 minutes and 7 seconds", ts.ToString (@"'Result = 'h' hours with 'm' minutes and 's' seconds'"), "#C3"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", ts.ToString (@"\ \ "), "#C4"); ts = new TimeSpan (1, 3, 5, 7, 153); Assert.AreEqual ("1", ts.ToString ("%F"), "#D0"); Assert.AreEqual ("15", ts.ToString ("FF"), "#D1"); // Don't use %, as the parser gets confused here Assert.AreEqual ("153", ts.ToString ("FFFFFFF"), "#D2"); // Negative values are shown without sign ts = new TimeSpan (-1, -3, -5); Assert.AreEqual ("1", ts.ToString ("%h"), "#E0"); Assert.AreEqual ("3", ts.ToString ("%m"), "#E1"); Assert.AreEqual ("5", ts.ToString ("%s"), "#E2"); ts = new TimeSpan (123456789); Assert.AreEqual ("12.3", ts.ToString ("s\\.f"), "#F0"); Assert.AreEqual ("12.3", ts.ToString ("s\\.F"), "#F1"); Assert.AreEqual ("12.3456789", ts.ToString ("s\\.fffffff"), "#F2"); Assert.AreEqual ("12.345678", ts.ToString ("s\\.ffffff"), "#F3"); ts = new TimeSpan (1234); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000123", ts.ToString ("s\\.ffffff"), "#G0"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0001", ts.ToString ("s\\.ffff"), "#G1"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.", ts.ToString ("s\\.F"), "#G2"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.", ts.ToString ("s\\.FFF"), "#G3"); ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (0.05); Assert.AreEqual (".0", ts.ToString ("\\.f"), "#H0"); Assert.AreEqual (".", ts.ToString ("\\.F"), "#H1"); } [Test] public void ToStringOverloadsErrors () { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan (10, 10, 10); string result; try { result = ts.ToString ("non-valid"); Assert.Fail ("#1"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { result = ts.ToString ("C"); Assert.Fail ("#2"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { ts.ToString ("m"); Assert.Fail ("#3"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { ts.ToString ("d"); // Missing % for single char Assert.Fail ("#4"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { ts.ToString ("ddddddddd"); Assert.Fail ("#5"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { ts.ToString ("hhh"); Assert.Fail ("#5"); } catch (FormatException) { } try { ts.ToString ("ffffffff"); Assert.Fail ("6"); } catch (FormatException) { } } } }