#nullable disable using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Mono; namespace System.Reflection { internal struct MonoPropertyInfo { public Type parent; public Type declaring_type; public String name; public MethodInfo get_method; public MethodInfo set_method; public PropertyAttributes attrs; } [Flags] internal enum PInfo { Attributes = 1, GetMethod = 1 << 1, SetMethod = 1 << 2, ReflectedType = 1 << 3, DeclaringType = 1 << 4, Name = 1 << 5 } internal delegate object GetterAdapter (object _this); internal delegate R Getter (T _this); [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class RuntimePropertyInfo : PropertyInfo { #pragma warning disable 649 internal IntPtr klass; internal IntPtr prop; MonoPropertyInfo info; PInfo cached; GetterAdapter cached_getter; #pragma warning restore 649 [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void get_property_info (RuntimePropertyInfo prop, ref MonoPropertyInfo info, PInfo req_info); [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern Type[] GetTypeModifiers (RuntimePropertyInfo prop, bool optional); [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern object get_default_value (RuntimePropertyInfo prop); internal BindingFlags BindingFlags { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.GetMethod | PInfo.SetMethod); bool isPublic = info.set_method?.IsPublic == true || info.get_method?.IsPublic == true; bool isStatic = info.set_method?.IsStatic == true || info.get_method?.IsStatic == true; bool isInherited = DeclaringType != ReflectedType; return FilterPreCalculate (isPublic, isInherited, isStatic); } } // Copied from https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/7a24a538cd265993e5864179f51781398c28ecdf/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/RtType.cs#L2022 static BindingFlags FilterPreCalculate (bool isPublic, bool isInherited, bool isStatic) { BindingFlags bindingFlags = isPublic ? BindingFlags.Public : BindingFlags.NonPublic; if (isInherited) { // We arrange things so the DeclaredOnly flag means "include inherited members" bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; if (isStatic) bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; else bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Instance; } else { if (isStatic) bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Static; else bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Instance; } return bindingFlags; } public override Module Module { get { return GetRuntimeModule (); } } internal RuntimeType GetDeclaringTypeInternal () { return (RuntimeType) DeclaringType; } RuntimeType ReflectedTypeInternal { get { return (RuntimeType) ReflectedType; } } internal RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule () { return GetDeclaringTypeInternal ().GetRuntimeModule (); } #region Object Overrides public override String ToString() { return FormatNameAndSig(false); } private string FormatNameAndSig(bool serialization) { StringBuilder sbName = new StringBuilder(PropertyType.FormatTypeName(serialization)); sbName.Append(" "); sbName.Append(Name); var pi = GetIndexParameters (); if (pi.Length > 0) { sbName.Append (" ["); RuntimeParameterInfo.FormatParameters (sbName, pi, 0, serialization); sbName.Append ("]"); } return sbName.ToString(); } #endregion void CachePropertyInfo (PInfo flags) { if ((cached & flags) != flags) { get_property_info (this, ref info, flags); cached |= flags; } } public override PropertyAttributes Attributes { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.Attributes); return info.attrs; } } public override bool CanRead { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.GetMethod); return (info.get_method != null); } } public override bool CanWrite { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.SetMethod); return (info.set_method != null); } } public override Type PropertyType { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.GetMethod | PInfo.SetMethod); if (info.get_method != null) { return info.get_method.ReturnType; } else { ParameterInfo[] parameters = info.set_method.GetParametersInternal (); return parameters [parameters.Length - 1].ParameterType; } } } public override Type ReflectedType { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.ReflectedType); return info.parent; } } public override Type DeclaringType { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.DeclaringType); return info.declaring_type; } } public override string Name { get { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.Name); return info.name; } } public override MethodInfo[] GetAccessors (bool nonPublic) { int nget = 0; int nset = 0; CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.GetMethod | PInfo.SetMethod); if (info.set_method != null && (nonPublic || info.set_method.IsPublic)) nset = 1; if (info.get_method != null && (nonPublic || info.get_method.IsPublic)) nget = 1; MethodInfo[] res = new MethodInfo [nget + nset]; int n = 0; if (nset != 0) res [n++] = info.set_method; if (nget != 0) res [n++] = info.get_method; return res; } public override MethodInfo GetGetMethod (bool nonPublic) { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.GetMethod); if (info.get_method != null && (nonPublic || info.get_method.IsPublic)) return info.get_method; else return null; } public override ParameterInfo[] GetIndexParameters () { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.GetMethod | PInfo.SetMethod); ParameterInfo[] src; int length; if (info.get_method != null) { src = info.get_method.GetParametersInternal (); length = src.Length; } else if (info.set_method != null) { src = info.set_method.GetParametersInternal (); length = src.Length - 1; } else return Array.Empty (); var dest = new ParameterInfo [length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { dest [i] = RuntimeParameterInfo.New (src [i], this); } return dest; } public override MethodInfo GetSetMethod (bool nonPublic) { CachePropertyInfo (PInfo.SetMethod); if (info.set_method != null && (nonPublic || info.set_method.IsPublic)) return info.set_method; else return null; } /*TODO verify for attribute based default values, just like ParameterInfo*/ public override object GetConstantValue () { return get_default_value (this); } public override object GetRawConstantValue() { return get_default_value (this); } // According to MSDN the inherit parameter is ignored here and // the behavior always defaults to inherit = false // public override bool IsDefined (Type attributeType, bool inherit) { return MonoCustomAttrs.IsDefined (this, attributeType, false); } public override object[] GetCustomAttributes (bool inherit) { return MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributes (this, false); } public override object[] GetCustomAttributes (Type attributeType, bool inherit) { return MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributes (this, attributeType, false); } delegate object GetterAdapter (object _this); delegate R Getter (T _this); delegate R StaticGetter (); #pragma warning disable 169 // Used via reflection static object GetterAdapterFrame (Getter getter, object obj) { return getter ((T)obj); } static object StaticGetterAdapterFrame (StaticGetter getter, object obj) { return getter (); } #pragma warning restore 169 /* * The idea behing this optimization is to use a pair of delegates to simulate the same effect of doing a reflection call. * The first delegate cast the this argument to the right type and the second does points to the target method. */ static GetterAdapter CreateGetterDelegate (MethodInfo method) { Type[] typeVector; Type getterType; object getterDelegate; MethodInfo adapterFrame; Type getterDelegateType; string frameName; if (method.IsStatic) { typeVector = new Type[] { method.ReturnType }; getterDelegateType = typeof (StaticGetter<>); frameName = "StaticGetterAdapterFrame"; } else { typeVector = new Type[] { method.DeclaringType, method.ReturnType }; getterDelegateType = typeof (Getter<,>); frameName = "GetterAdapterFrame"; } getterType = getterDelegateType.MakeGenericType (typeVector); getterDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate (getterType, method); adapterFrame = typeof (RuntimePropertyInfo).GetMethod (frameName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); adapterFrame = adapterFrame.MakeGenericMethod (typeVector); return (GetterAdapter)Delegate.CreateDelegate (typeof (GetterAdapter), getterDelegate, adapterFrame, true); } public override object GetValue (object obj, object[] index) { if (index == null || index.Length == 0) { /*FIXME we should check if the number of arguments matches the expected one, otherwise the error message will be pretty criptic.*/ #if !FULL_AOT_RUNTIME if (cached_getter == null) { MethodInfo method = GetGetMethod (true); if (method == null) throw new ArgumentException ($"Get Method not found for '{Name}'"); if (!DeclaringType.IsValueType && !PropertyType.IsByRef && !method.ContainsGenericParameters) { //FIXME find a way to build an invoke delegate for value types. cached_getter = CreateGetterDelegate (method); // The try-catch preserves the .Invoke () behaviour try { return cached_getter (obj); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TargetInvocationException (ex); } } } else { try { return cached_getter (obj); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TargetInvocationException (ex); } } #endif } return GetValue (obj, BindingFlags.Default, null, index, null); } public override object GetValue (object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture) { object ret = null; MethodInfo method = GetGetMethod (true); if (method == null) throw new ArgumentException ($"Get Method not found for '{Name}'"); if (index == null || index.Length == 0) ret = method.Invoke (obj, invokeAttr, binder, null, culture); else ret = method.Invoke (obj, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture); return ret; } public override void SetValue (object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture) { MethodInfo method = GetSetMethod (true); if (method == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Set Method not found for '" + Name + "'"); object [] parms; if (index == null || index.Length == 0) parms = new object [] {value}; else { int ilen = index.Length; parms = new object [ilen+ 1]; index.CopyTo (parms, 0); parms [ilen] = value; } method.Invoke (obj, invokeAttr, binder, parms, culture); } public override Type[] GetOptionalCustomModifiers () => GetCustomModifiers (true); public override Type[] GetRequiredCustomModifiers () => GetCustomModifiers (false); private Type[] GetCustomModifiers (bool optional) => GetTypeModifiers (this, optional) ?? Type.EmptyTypes; public override IList GetCustomAttributesData () { return CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes (this); } public sealed override bool HasSameMetadataDefinitionAs (MemberInfo other) => HasSameMetadataDefinitionAsCore (other); public override int MetadataToken { get { return get_metadata_token (this); } } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern int get_metadata_token (RuntimePropertyInfo monoProperty); [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern PropertyInfo internal_from_handle_type (IntPtr event_handle, IntPtr type_handle); internal static PropertyInfo GetPropertyFromHandle (RuntimePropertyHandle handle, RuntimeTypeHandle reflectedType) { if (handle.Value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException ("The handle is invalid."); PropertyInfo pi = internal_from_handle_type (handle.Value, reflectedType.Value); if (pi == null) throw new ArgumentException ("The property handle and the type handle are incompatible."); return pi; } } }