using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; namespace Monodoc.Storage { public class ZipStorage : IDocStorage { string zipFileName; int code; ZipOutputStream zipOutput; ZipFile zipFile; // SharpZipLib use linear search to map name to index, correct that a bit Dictionary entries = new Dictionary (); public ZipStorage (string zipFileName) { this.zipFileName = zipFileName; } public bool SupportRevision { get { return false; } } public IDocRevisionManager RevisionManager { get { return null; } } public bool SupportChange { get { return true; } } public string Store (string id, string text) { EnsureOutput (); SetupEntry (zipOutput, ref id); var writer = new StreamWriter (zipOutput); writer.Write (text); writer.Flush (); return id; } public string Store (string id, byte[] data) { EnsureOutput (); SetupEntry (zipOutput, ref id); zipOutput.Write (data, 0, data.Length); return id; } public string Store (string id, Stream stream) { EnsureOutput (); SetupEntry (zipOutput, ref id); stream.CopyTo (zipOutput); return id; } void SetupEntry (ZipOutputStream zipOutput, ref string id) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (id)) id = GetNewCode (); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (id); zipOutput.PutNextEntry (entry); } public Stream Retrieve (string id) { EnsureInput (); int index; ZipEntry entry; if (!entries.TryGetValue (id, out index) || (entry = zipFile[index]) == null) entry = zipFile.GetEntry (id); if (entry != null) return zipFile.GetInputStream (entry); else throw new ArgumentException ("id", string.Format ("'{0}' isn't a valid id for this storage", id)); } public IEnumerable GetAvailableIds () { EnsureInput (); return zipFile.Cast ().Select (ze => ze.Name); } void EnsureOutput () { if (zipFile != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("This ZipStorage instance is already used in read-mode"); if (zipOutput != null) return; zipOutput = new ZipOutputStream (File.Create (zipFileName)); #if !MONO zipOutput.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off; #endif } void EnsureInput () { if (zipOutput != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("This ZipStorage instance is already used in write-mode"); if (zipFile != null) return; zipFile = new ZipFile (zipFileName); entries = Enumerable.Range (0, zipFile.Size).ToDictionary (i => zipFile[i].Name, i => i); } public void Dispose () { if (zipOutput != null) zipOutput.Dispose (); if (zipFile != null) zipFile.Close (); } string GetNewCode () { return String.Format ("{0}", code++); } } }