// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// [....]
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime {
/// Iterators that use containment to control a nested iterator return one of the following values from MoveNext().
public enum IteratorResult {
NoMoreNodes, // Iteration is complete; there are no more nodes
NeedInputNode, // The next node needs to be fetched from the contained iterator before iteration can continue
HaveCurrentNode, // This iterator's Current property is set to the next node in the iteration
/// Tokenize a string containing IDREF values and deref the values in order to get a list of ID elements.
public struct IdIterator {
private XPathNavigator navCurrent;
private string[] idrefs;
private int idx;
public void Create(XPathNavigator context, string value) {
this.navCurrent = XmlQueryRuntime.SyncToNavigator(this.navCurrent, context);
this.idrefs = XmlConvert.SplitString(value);
this.idx = -1;
public bool MoveNext() {
do {
if (this.idx >= idrefs.Length)
return false;
while (!this.navCurrent.MoveToId(this.idrefs[this.idx]));
return true;
/// Return the current result navigator. This is only defined after MoveNext() has returned true.
public XPathNavigator Current {
get { return this.navCurrent; }