GC Handles
GC handles are wrappers that are used to keep references to
managed objects in the unmanaged space and preventing the
object from being disposed.
These are the C equivalents of the System.GCHandle
There are two kinds of GCHandles that can be created:
To retrieve the target address of an object pointed to by a
GCHandle you should use
For example, consider the following C code:
static MonoObject* o = NULL;
The object in `o' will *NOT* be scanned.
If you need to store an object in a C variable and prevent
it from being collected, you need to acquire a GC handle for
guint32 handle = mono_gchandle_new (my_object, TRUE);
TRUE means the object will be pinned, so it won't move in
memory when we'll use a moving GC. You can access the
MonoObject* referenced by a handle with:
MonoObject* obj = mono_gchandle_get_target (handle);
When you don't need the handle anymore you need to call:
mono_gchandle_free (handle);
Note that if you assign a new object to the C var, you need
to get a new handle, it's not enough to store a new object in
the C var.
So code that looked like this:
static MonoObject* o = NULL;
o = mono_object_new (...);
/* use o */
/* when done to allow the GC to collect o */
o = NULL;
should now be changed to:
static guint32 o_handle;
MonoObject *o = mono_object_new (...);
o_handle = mono_gchandle_new (o, TRUE);
/* use o or mono_gchandle_get_target (o_handle) */
/* when done to allow the GC to collect o */
mono_gchandle_free (o_handle);
mono_gchandle_new (MonoObject *obj, gboolean pinned)
obj: managed object to get a handle forpinned: whether the object should be pinned
a handle that can be used to access the object from
unmanaged code.
This returns a handle that wraps the object, this is used to keep a
reference to a managed object from the unmanaged world and preventing the
object from being disposed.
pinned is false the address of the object can not be obtained, if it is
true the address of the object can be obtained. This will also pin the
object so it will not be possible by a moving garbage collector to move the
mono_gchandle_new_weakref (MonoObject *obj, gboolean track_resurrection)
obj: managed object to get a handle forpinned: whether the object should be pinned
a handle that can be used to access the object from
unmanaged code.
This returns a weak handle that wraps the object, this is used to
keep a reference to a managed object from the unmanaged world.
Unlike the mono_gchandle_new the object can be reclaimed by the
garbage collector. In this case the value of the GCHandle will be
set to zero.
pinned is false the address of the object can not be obtained, if it is
true the address of the object can be obtained. This will also pin the
object so it will not be possible by a moving garbage collector to move the
mono_gchandle_get_target (guint32 gchandle)
gchandle: a GCHandle's handle.
The handle was previously created by calling mono_gchandle_new or
Returns a pointer to the MonoObject represented by the handle or
NULL for a collected object if using a weakref handle.