#!/usr/bin/env bash # Stop script if unbound variable found (use ${var:-} if intentional) set -u # Stop script if command returns non-zero exit code. # Prevents hidden errors caused by missing error code propagation. set -e usage() { echo "Common settings:" echo " --configuration <value> Build configuration: 'Debug' or 'Release' (short: --c)" echo " --verbosity <value> Msbuild verbosity: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic] (short: -v)" echo " --binaryLog Create MSBuild binary log (short: -bl)" echo "" echo "Actions:" echo " --restore Restore dependencies (short: -r)" echo " --build Build all projects (short: -b)" echo " --rebuild Rebuild all projects" echo " --test Run all unit tests (short: -t)" echo " --sign Sign build outputs" echo " --publish Publish artifacts (e.g. symbols)" echo " --pack Package build outputs into NuGet packages and Willow components" echo " --help Print help and exit (short: -h)" echo "" echo "Advanced settings:" echo " --projects <value> Project or solution file(s) to build" echo " --ci Set when running on CI server" echo " --prepareMachine Prepare machine for CI run, clean up processes after build" echo " --nodeReuse <value> Sets nodereuse msbuild parameter ('true' or 'false')" echo " --warnAsError <value> Sets warnaserror msbuild parameter ('true' or 'false')" echo "" echo "Command line arguments starting with '/p:' are passed through to MSBuild." } source="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" # resolve $source until the file is no longer a symlink while [[ -h "$source" ]]; do scriptroot="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$source" )" && pwd )" source="$(readlink "$source")" # if $source was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the # symlink file was located [[ $source != /* ]] && source="$scriptroot/$source" done scriptroot="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$source" )" && pwd )" restore=false build=false rebuild=false test=false pack=false publish=false integration_test=false performance_test=false sign=false public=false ci=false warn_as_error=true node_reuse=true binary_log=false projects='' configuration='Debug' prepare_machine=false verbosity='minimal' properties='' while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do opt="$(echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" case "$opt" in --help|-h) usage exit 0 ;; --configuration|-c) configuration=$2 shift ;; --verbosity|-v) verbosity=$2 shift ;; --binarylog|-bl) binary_log=true ;; --restore|-r) restore=true ;; --build|-b) build=true ;; --rebuild) rebuild=true ;; --pack) pack=true ;; --test|-t) test=true ;; --integrationtest) integration_test=true ;; --performancetest) performance_test=true ;; --sign) sign=true ;; --publish) publish=true ;; --preparemachine) prepare_machine=true ;; --projects) projects=$2 shift ;; --ci) ci=true ;; --warnaserror) warn_as_error=$2 shift ;; --nodereuse) node_reuse=$2 shift ;; /p:*) properties="$properties $1" ;; /m:*) properties="$properties $1" ;; /bl:*) properties="$properties $1" ;; *) echo "Invalid argument: $1" usage exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [[ "$ci" == true ]]; then binary_log=true node_reuse=false fi . "$scriptroot/tools.sh" function InitializeCustomToolset { local script="$eng_root/restore-toolset.sh" if [[ -a "$script" ]]; then . "$script" fi } function Build { InitializeToolset InitializeCustomToolset if [[ ! -z "$projects" ]]; then properties="$properties /p:Projects=$projects" fi local bl="" if [[ "$binary_log" == true ]]; then bl="/bl:\"$log_dir/Build.binlog\"" fi MSBuild $_InitializeToolset \ $bl \ /p:Configuration=$configuration \ /p:RepoRoot="$repo_root" \ /p:Restore=$restore \ /p:Build=$build \ /p:Rebuild=$rebuild \ /p:Test=$test \ /p:Pack=$pack \ /p:IntegrationTest=$integration_test \ /p:PerformanceTest=$performance_test \ /p:Sign=$sign \ /p:Publish=$publish \ /p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=$ci \ $properties ExitWithExitCode 0 } # Import custom tools configuration, if present in the repo. configure_toolset_script="$eng_root/configure-toolset.sh" if [[ -a "$configure_toolset_script" ]]; then . "$configure_toolset_script" fi # TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1468 # Temporary workaround to avoid breaking change. # Remove once repos are updated. if [[ -n "${useInstalledDotNetCli:-}" ]]; then use_installed_dotnet_cli="$useInstalledDotNetCli" fi Build