namespace System.Web.ModelBinding { public static class ModelBinders { private static readonly ModelBinderDictionary _binders = CreateDefaultBinderDictionary(); public static ModelBinderDictionary Binders { get { return _binders; } } #if UNDEF internal static IModelBinder GetBinderFromAttributes(Type type, Func<string> errorMessageAccessor) { AttributeCollection allAttrs = TypeDescriptorHelper.Get(type).GetAttributes(); CustomModelBinderAttribute[] filteredAttrs = allAttrs.OfType<CustomModelBinderAttribute>().ToArray(); return GetBinderFromAttributesImpl(filteredAttrs, errorMessageAccessor); } internal static IModelBinder GetBinderFromAttributes(ICustomAttributeProvider element, Func<string> errorMessageAccessor) { CustomModelBinderAttribute[] attrs = (CustomModelBinderAttribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomModelBinderAttribute), true /* inherit */); return GetBinderFromAttributesImpl(attrs, errorMessageAccessor); } private static IModelBinder GetBinderFromAttributesImpl(CustomModelBinderAttribute[] attrs, Func<string> errorMessageAccessor) { // this method is used to get a custom binder based on the attributes of the element passed to it. // it will return null if a binder cannot be detected based on the attributes alone. if (attrs == null) { return null; } switch (attrs.Length) { case 0: return null; case 1: IModelBinder binder = attrs[0].GetBinder(); return binder; default: string errorMessage = errorMessageAccessor(); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } } #endif private static ModelBinderDictionary CreateDefaultBinderDictionary() { // We can't add a binder to the HttpPostedFileBase type as an attribute, so we'll just // prepopulate the dictionary as a convenience to users. ModelBinderDictionary binders = new ModelBinderDictionary() { #if UNDEF { typeof(HttpPostedFileBase), new HttpPostedFileBaseModelBinder() }, { typeof(byte[]), new ByteArrayModelBinder() }, { typeof(Binary), new LinqBinaryModelBinder() } #endif }; return binders; } } }