// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2006 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Jackson Harper jackson@ximian.com using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows.Forms; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms.DataBinding { [TestFixture] public class BindingTest : TestHelper { [Test] public void CtorTest () { string prop = "PROPERTY NAME"; object data_source = new object (); string data_member = "DATA MEMBER"; Binding b = new Binding (prop, data_source, data_member); Assert.IsNull (b.BindingManagerBase, "ctor1"); Console.WriteLine ("MEMBER INFO: " + b.BindingMemberInfo); Assert.IsNotNull (b.BindingMemberInfo, "ctor2"); Assert.IsNull (b.Control, "ctor3"); Assert.IsFalse (b.IsBinding, "ctor4"); Assert.AreSame (b.PropertyName, prop, "ctor5"); Assert.AreSame (b.DataSource, data_source, "ctor6"); Assert.AreEqual (false, b.FormattingEnabled, "ctor7"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, b.FormatString, "ctor8"); Assert.IsNull (b.FormatInfo, "ctor9"); Assert.IsNull (b.NullValue, "ctor10"); Assert.AreEqual (Convert.DBNull, b.DataSourceNullValue, "ctor11"); } [Test] public void CtorNullTest () { Binding b = new Binding (null, null, null); Assert.IsNull (b.PropertyName, "ctornull1"); Assert.IsNull (b.DataSource, "ctornull2"); } [Test] public void CtorEmptyProperty () { Binding b = new Binding ("Text", 6, String.Empty); Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); c.DataBindings.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual ("6", c.Text, "A1"); } [Test] public void BindingManagerBaseTest () { if (TestHelper.RunningOnUnix) { Assert.Ignore ("Fails at the moment"); } Control c1 = new Control (); Control c2 = new Control (); Binding binding; c1.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c2.BindingContext = c1.BindingContext; binding = c2.DataBindings.Add ("Text", c1, "Text"); Assert.IsNull (binding.BindingManagerBase, "1"); c1.CreateControl (); c2.CreateControl (); Assert.IsNull (binding.BindingManagerBase, "2"); c2.DataBindings.Remove (binding); binding = c2.DataBindings.Add ("Text", c1, "Text"); Assert.IsTrue (binding.BindingManagerBase != null, "3"); } [Test] /* create control and set binding context */ public void BindingContextChangedTest () { Control c = new Control (); // Test BindingContextChanged Event c.BindingContextChanged += new EventHandler (Event_Handler1); BindingContext bcG1 = new BindingContext (); eventcount = 0; c.BindingContext = bcG1; Assert.AreEqual (1, eventcount, "A1"); } [Test] /* create control and show control */ public void BindingContextChangedTest2 () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Control c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add (c); c.BindingContextChanged += new EventHandler (Event_Handler1); eventcount = 0; f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (1, eventcount, "A1"); f.Dispose(); } [Test] /* create control, set binding context, and show control */ public void BindingContextChangedTest3 () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Control c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add (c); c.BindingContextChanged += new EventHandler (Event_Handler1); eventcount = 0; c.BindingContext = new BindingContext ();; f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (1, eventcount, "A1"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void BindingContextChangedTest4 () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; ContainerControl cc = new ContainerControl (); Control c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add (cc); cc.Controls.Add (c); c.BindingContextChanged += new EventHandler (Event_Handler1); cc.BindingContextChanged += new EventHandler (Event_Handler1); f.BindingContextChanged += new EventHandler (Event_Handler1); eventcount = 0; f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (5, eventcount, "A1"); f.Dispose (); } int eventcount; public void Event_Handler1 (object sender, EventArgs e) { //Console.WriteLine (sender.GetType()); //Console.WriteLine (Environment.StackTrace); eventcount++; } [Test] public void DataBindingCountTest1 () { Control c = new Control (); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.DataBindings.Count, "1"); c.DataBindings.Add (new Binding ("Text", c, "Name")); Assert.AreEqual (1, c.DataBindings.Count, "2"); Binding b = c.DataBindings[0]; Assert.AreEqual (c, b.Control, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (c, b.DataSource, "4"); Assert.AreEqual ("Text", b.PropertyName, "5"); Assert.AreEqual ("Name", b.BindingMemberInfo.BindingField, "6"); } [Test] public void DataBindingCountTest2 () { Control c = new Control (); Control c2 = new Control (); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.DataBindings.Count, "1"); c.DataBindings.Add (new Binding ("Text", c2, "Name")); Assert.AreEqual (1, c.DataBindings.Count, "2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c2.DataBindings.Count, "3"); Binding b = c.DataBindings[0]; Assert.AreEqual (c, b.Control, "4"); Assert.AreEqual (c2, b.DataSource, "5"); Assert.AreEqual ("Text", b.PropertyName, "6"); Assert.AreEqual ("Name", b.BindingMemberInfo.BindingField, "7"); } [Test] public void DataSourceNullTest () { ChildMockItem item = new ChildMockItem (); Control c = new Control (); c.Tag = null; item.ObjectValue = null; c.DataBindings.Add ("Tag", item, "ObjectValue"); Form f = new Form (); f.Controls.Add (c); f.Show (); // Need this to init data binding Assert.AreEqual (DBNull.Value, c.Tag, "1"); f.Dispose (); } // For this case to work, the data source property needs // to have an associated 'PropertyChanged' event. [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyChanged () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual ("A", c.Text, "#A1"); item.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual ("B", c.Text, "#B1"); } [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyChanged_Original () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual ("A", c.Text, "#A1"); item.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual ("B", c.Text, "#B1"); } [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyChanged_Original_BadName () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "xxxxxxTextXXXXX"); try { c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.Fail ("exc1"); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Assert.AreEqual ("dataMember", ex.ParamName, "ex.ParamName"); // (test is not locale dependent) } } [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyChanged_OneDeep () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); One parent = new One (); parent.MockItem = item; Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", parent, "MockItem.Text"); c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual ("A", c.Text, "#A1"); item.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual ("B", c.Text, "#B1"); } [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyChanged_ThreeDeep () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); One parent = new One (); parent.Two = new Two (); parent.Two.Three = new Three (); parent.Two.Three.MockItem = item; Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", parent, "Two.Three.MockItem.Text"); c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Console.WriteLine ("c.Text: " + c.Text); Assert.AreEqual ("A", c.Text, "#A1"); item.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual ("B", c.Text, "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, c.DataBindings.Count, "c.DataBindings.Count"); BindingMemberInfo bmi = c.DataBindings[0].BindingMemberInfo; Assert.AreEqual ("Two.Three.MockItem", bmi.BindingPath, "bmi.BindingPath"); Assert.AreEqual ("Two.Three.MockItem.Text", bmi.BindingMember, "bmi.BindingMember"); Assert.AreEqual ("Text", bmi.BindingField, "bmi.BindingField"); } [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyChanged_DataSet () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); DataTable table1 = new DataTable ("Customers"); table1.Columns.Add ("Id", typeof (int)); table1.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof (string)); table1.Rows.Add (new object[] {3, "customer1"}); table1.Rows.Add (new object[] {7, "customer2"}); ds.Tables.Add (table1); DataTable table2 = new DataTable ("Orders"); table2.Columns.Add ("OrderId", typeof (int)); table2.Columns.Add ("CustomerId", typeof (int)); table2.Rows.Add (new object[] {56, 7}); table2.Rows.Add (new object[] {57, 3}); ds.Tables.Add (table2); DataRelation relation = new DataRelation ("CustomerOrders", table1.Columns ["Id"], table2.Columns ["CustomerId"]); ds.Relations.Add (relation); Control ctrl = new Control (); ctrl.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); ctrl.CreateControl (); ctrl.DataBindings.Add ("Text", ds, "Customers.CustomerOrders.OrderId"); Assert.AreEqual ("57", ctrl.Text, "A1"); } [Test] public void DataSourcePropertyDifferentType () { Exception exc = new Exception (String.Empty, new ArgumentNullException ("PARAM")); // The type of the property is Exception, but we know that the value // is actually an ArgumentException, thus specify the ParamName property Control ctrl = new Control (); ctrl.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); ctrl.CreateControl (); ctrl.DataBindings.Add ("Text", exc, "InnerException.ParamName"); Assert.AreEqual ("PARAM", ctrl.Text, "A1"); } [Test] public void IsBindingTest () { MockItem [] items = new MockItem [] { new MockItem ("A", 0) }; Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", items, "Text"); Binding binding2 = new Binding ("Text", items [0], "Text"); Assert.IsFalse (binding.IsBinding, "#A1"); Assert.IsFalse (binding2.IsBinding, "#A2"); Control c = new Control (); Control c2 = new Control (); c.DataBindings.Add (binding); c2.DataBindings.Add (binding2); Assert.IsFalse (binding.IsBinding, "#B1"); Assert.IsFalse (binding2.IsBinding, "#B2"); c.CreateControl (); c2.CreateControl (); Assert.IsFalse (binding.IsBinding, "#C1"); Assert.IsFalse (binding2.IsBinding, "#C2"); Form form = new Form (); form.ShowInTaskbar = false; form.Controls.Add (c); form.Controls.Add (c2); Assert.IsTrue (binding.IsBinding, "#D1"); Assert.IsTrue (binding2.IsBinding, "#D2"); form.Show (); // Important part - // IsBinding is true ALWAYS with PropertyManager, even when // ResumeBinding has been called // CurrencyManager curr_manager = (CurrencyManager)form.BindingContext [items]; PropertyManager prop_manager = (PropertyManager)form.BindingContext [items [0]]; curr_manager.SuspendBinding (); prop_manager.SuspendBinding (); Assert.IsFalse (binding.IsBinding, "#E1"); Assert.IsTrue (binding2.IsBinding, "#E2"); curr_manager.ResumeBinding (); prop_manager.ResumeBinding (); Assert.IsTrue (binding.IsBinding, "#F1"); Assert.IsTrue (binding2.IsBinding, "#F2"); form.Dispose (); } [Test] public void ReadValueTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); ChildMockItem item = new ChildMockItem (); item.ObjectValue = "A"; Binding binding = new Binding ("Tag", item, "ObjectValue"); binding.ControlUpdateMode = ControlUpdateMode.Never; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual (null, c.Tag, "#A1"); item.ObjectValue = "B"; Assert.AreEqual (null, c.Tag, "#B1"); binding.ReadValue (); Assert.AreEqual ("B", c.Tag, "#C1"); item.ObjectValue = "C"; binding.ReadValue (); Assert.AreEqual ("C", c.Tag, "#D1"); c.Dispose(); } [Test] public void WriteValueTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem (); item.Text = "A"; Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); binding.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.Never; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual ("A", c.Text, "#A1"); c.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual ("A", item.Text, "#B1"); binding.WriteValue (); Assert.AreEqual ("B", item.Text, "#C1"); } [Test] public void BindableComponentTest () { Control c = new Control (); MockItem item = new MockItem (String.Empty, 0); Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual (c, binding.Control, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (c, binding.BindableComponent, "#A2"); // // Now use IBindableComponent - update binding when property changes // since ToolStripItem doesn't have validation at all // BindableToolStripItem toolstrip_item = new BindableToolStripItem (); toolstrip_item.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); Binding binding2 = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); binding2.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged; item.Text = "A"; toolstrip_item.DataBindings.Add (binding2); Assert.AreEqual (null, binding2.Control, "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual (toolstrip_item, binding2.BindableComponent, "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual (item.Text, toolstrip_item.Text, "#B3"); toolstrip_item.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual (toolstrip_item.Text, item.Text, "#C1"); } [Test] public void ControlUpdateModeTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); binding.ControlUpdateMode = ControlUpdateMode.Never; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c.Text, "#A1"); item.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c.Text, "#B1"); } [Test] public void DataSourceUpdateModeTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem ("A", 0); Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Text"); binding.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.Never; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual ("A", c.Text, "#A1"); c.Text = "B"; Assert.AreEqual ("A", item.Text, "#B1"); binding.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged; Assert.AreEqual ("A", item.Text, "#C1"); c.Text = "C"; Assert.AreEqual ("C", item.Text, "#D1"); // This requires a Validation even, which we can't test // by directly modifying the property binding.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation; c.Text = "D"; Assert.AreEqual ("C", item.Text, "#E1"); } [Test] public void DataSourceNullValueTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); ChildMockItem item = new ChildMockItem (); item.ObjectValue = "A"; Binding binding = new Binding ("Tag", item, "ObjectValue"); binding.DataSourceNullValue = "NonNull"; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual (c.Tag, "A", "#A1"); // Since Tag property doesn't have a // TagChanged event, we need to force an update c.Tag = null; binding.WriteValue (); Assert.AreEqual (item.ObjectValue, "NonNull", "#B1"); } [Test] public void NullValueTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); DataTable table = new DataTable (); table.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof (string)); table.Columns.Add ("Id", typeof (int)); table.Rows.Add (null, DBNull.Value); Binding binding = new Binding ("Tag", table, "Name"); Binding binding2 = new Binding ("Width", table, "Id"); binding.FormattingEnabled = true; binding.NullValue = "non-null"; binding2.FormattingEnabled = true; binding2.NullValue = 101; c.Width = 99; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); c.DataBindings.Add (binding2); Assert.AreEqual ("non-null", c.Tag, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (101, c.Width, "#A2"); } [Test] public void FormattingEnabledTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.BindingContext = new BindingContext (); c.CreateControl (); MockItem item = new MockItem (); item.Value = 666; Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", item, "Value"); binding.FormattingEnabled = true; binding.FormatString = "p"; c.DataBindings.Add (binding); Assert.AreEqual ((666).ToString ("p"), c.Text, "#A1"); binding.FormatString = "c"; Assert.AreEqual ((666).ToString ("c"), c.Text, "#B1"); Console.WriteLine (c.Text); binding.FormattingEnabled = false; Assert.AreEqual ((666).ToString (), c.Text, "#C1"); } [Test] public void FormatStringTest () { Binding binding = new Binding ("Text", null, "Text"); binding.FormatString = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, binding.FormatString, "#A1"); } } class ChildMockItem : MockItem { object value; public ChildMockItem () : base (null, 0) { } public object ObjectValue { get { return value; } set { this.value = value; } } } class BindableToolStripItem : ToolStripItem, IBindableComponent { ControlBindingsCollection data_bindings; BindingContext binding_context; public ControlBindingsCollection DataBindings { get { if (data_bindings == null) data_bindings = new ControlBindingsCollection (this); return data_bindings; } } public BindingContext BindingContext { get { return binding_context; } set { binding_context = value; } } } class One { //---- //private global::System.Collections.Generic.IList m_twoList // = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List (); // //public global::System.Collections.Generic.IList TwoList //{ // get { return m_twoList; } //} //---- private Two m_two; public Two Two { get { return m_two; } set { m_two = value; } } //---- private MockItem m_MockItem; public MockItem MockItem { get { return m_MockItem; } set { m_MockItem = value; } } //---- public override string ToString () { return "!!! ToString on One !!!"; } } class Two { //private global::System.Collections.Generic.IList m_MockItemList // = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List (); // //public global::System.Collections.Generic.IList MockItemList //{ // get { return m_MockItemList; } //} //---- private MockItem m_MockItem; public MockItem MockItem { get { return m_MockItem; } set { m_MockItem = value; } } private Three m_Three; public Three Three { get { return m_Three; } set { m_Three = value; } } public override string ToString () { return "!!! ToString on Two !!!"; } } class Three { private MockItem m_MockItem; public MockItem MockItem { get { return m_MockItem; } set { m_MockItem = value; } } public override string ToString () { return "!!! ToString on Three !!!"; } } }