// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Class: ResourceManager
** jathaine
** Purpose: Default way to access String and Object resources
** from an assembly.
namespace System.Resources {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
// This is implemented in System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime as function System.Resources.WindowsRuntimeResourceManager,
// allowing us to ask for a WinRT-specific ResourceManager.
// Ideally this would be an interface, or at least an abstract class - but neither seems to play nice with FriendAccessAllowed.
internal class WindowsRuntimeResourceManagerBase
public virtual bool Initialize(string libpath, string reswFilename, out PRIExceptionInfo exceptionInfo){exceptionInfo = null; return false;}
public virtual String GetString(String stringName, String startingCulture, String neutralResourcesCulture){return null;}
public virtual CultureInfo GlobalResourceContextBestFitCultureInfo {
get { return null; }
// [[....] 3/9/2012] This class should be named PRIErrorInfo.
// During Dev11 CLR RC Ask mode, the Windows Modern Resource Manager
// made a breaking change such that ResourceMap.GetSubtree returns null when a subtree is
// not found instead of throwing an exception. As a result the name of this class is no longer accurate.
// It should be called PRIErrorInfo. However changing the name of this internal class would cause
// mscorlib.asmmeta and System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.asmmeta to change,
// which would in turn require updating of the mscorlib and System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime
// reference assemblies under InternalApis. This would not meet the Ask Mode bar at this time.
// To get an idea of which files may need to be updated when updating this name,
// see changeset 399234 in the DevDiv2 database, though the update procedure may have changed
// by the time you read this.
internal class PRIExceptionInfo
public string _PackageSimpleName;
public string _ResWFile;
#endif // FEATURE_APPX
// Resource Manager exposes an assembly's resources to an application for
// the correct CultureInfo. An example would be localizing text for a
// user-visible message. Create a set of resource files listing a name
// for a message and its value, compile them using ResGen, put them in
// an appropriate place (your assembly manifest(?)), then create a Resource
// Manager and query for the name of the message you want. The Resource
// Manager will use CultureInfo.GetCurrentUICulture() to look
// up a resource for your user's locale settings.
// Users should ideally create a resource file for every culture, or
// at least a meaningful subset. The filenames will follow the naming
// scheme:
// basename.culture name.resources
// The base name can be the name of your application, or depending on
// the granularity desired, possibly the name of each class. The culture
// name is determined from CultureInfo's Name property.
// An example file name may be MyApp.en-US.resources for
// MyApp's US English resources.
// -----------------
// Refactoring Notes
// -----------------
// In Feb 08, began first step of refactoring ResourceManager to improve
// maintainability (sd changelist 3012100). This resulted in breaking
// apart the InternalGetResourceSet "big loop" so that the file-based
// and manifest-based lookup was located in separate methods.
// In Apr 08, continued refactoring so that file-based and manifest-based
// concerns are encapsulated by separate classes. At construction, the
// ResourceManager creates one of these classes based on whether the
// RM will need to use file-based or manifest-based resources, and
// afterwards refers to this through the interface IResourceGroveler.
// Serialization Compat: Ideally, we could have refactored further but
// this would have broken serialization compat. For example, the
// ResourceManager member UseManifest and UseSatelliteAssem are no
// longer relevant on ResourceManager. Similarly, other members could
// ideally be moved to the file-based or manifest-based classes
// because they are only relevant for those types of lookup.
// Solution now / in the future:
// For now, we simply use a mediator class so that we can keep these
// members on ResourceManager but allow the file-based and manifest-
// based classes to access/set these members in a uniform way. See
// ResourceManagerMediator.
// We encapsulate fallback logic in a fallback iterator class, so that
// this logic isn't duplicated in several methods.
// In the future, we can look into either breaking serialization if we
// decide this doesn't make sense for ResourceManager (i.e. how common
// is the scenario), manually make serialization work by providing
// appropriate OnSerialization, Deserialization methods. We can also
// look into further factoring and better design of IResourceGroveler
// interface to accommodate unused parameters that don't make sense
// for either file-based or manifest-based lookup paths.
// Benefits of this refactoring:
// - Makes it possible to understand what the ResourceManager does,
// which is key for maintainability.
// - Makes the ResourceManager more extensible by identifying and
// encapsulating what varies
// - Unearthed a bug that's been lurking a while in file-based
// lookup paths for InternalGetResourceSet if createIfNotExists is
// false.
// - Reuses logic, e.g. by breaking apart the culture fallback into
// the fallback iterator class, we don't have to repeat the
// sometimes confusing fallback logic across multiple methods
// - Fxcop violations reduced to 1/5th of original count. Most
// importantly, code complexity violations disappeared.
// - Finally, it got rid of dead code paths. Because the big loop was
// so confusing, it masked unused chunks of code. Also, dividing
// between file-based and manifest-based allowed functionaliy
// unused in silverlight to fall out.
// Note: this type is integral to the construction of exception objects,
// and sometimes this has to be done in low memory situtations (OOM) or
// to create TypeInitializationExceptions due to failure of a static class
// constructor. This type needs to be extremely careful and assume that
// any type it references may have previously failed to construct, so statics
// belonging to that type may not be initialized. FrameworkEventSource.Log
// is one such example.
public class ResourceManager
internal class CultureNameResourceSetPair {
public String lastCultureName;
public ResourceSet lastResourceSet;
protected String BaseNameField;
// Sets is a many-to-one table of CultureInfos mapped to ResourceSets.
// Don't synchronize ResourceSets - too fine-grained a lock to be effective
[Obsolete("call InternalGetResourceSet instead")]
protected Hashtable ResourceSets;
// don't serialize the cache of ResourceSets
private Dictionary _resourceSets;
private String moduleDir; // For assembly-ignorant directory location
protected Assembly MainAssembly; // Need the assembly manifest sometimes.
private Type _locationInfo; // For Assembly or type-based directory layout
private Type _userResourceSet; // Which ResourceSet instance to create
private CultureInfo _neutralResourcesCulture; // For perf optimizations.
private CultureNameResourceSetPair _lastUsedResourceCache;
private bool _ignoreCase; // Whether case matters in GetString & GetObject
private bool UseManifest; // Use Assembly manifest, or grovel disk.
// unused! But need to keep for serialization
[OptionalField(VersionAdded = 1)]
private bool UseSatelliteAssem; // Are all the .resources files in the
// main assembly, or in satellite assemblies for each culture?
private bool _isDebugSatellite;
private static volatile Hashtable _installedSatelliteInfo; // Give the user the option
// to prevent certain satellite assembly probes via a config file.
// Note that config files are per-appdomain, not per-assembly nor process
private static volatile bool _checkedConfigFile; // Did we read the app's config file?
// Whether to fall back to the main assembly or a particular
// satellite for the neutral resources.
private UltimateResourceFallbackLocation _fallbackLoc;
// Version number of satellite assemblies to look for. May be null.
private Version _satelliteContractVersion;
private bool _lookedForSatelliteContractVersion;
// unused! But need to keep for serialization
[OptionalField(VersionAdded = 1)]
private Assembly _callingAssembly; // Assembly who created the ResMgr.
// replaces _callingAssembly
[OptionalField(VersionAdded = 4)]
private RuntimeAssembly m_callingAssembly; // Assembly who created the ResMgr.
// no need to serialize this; just create a new one on deserialization
private IResourceGroveler resourceGroveler;
public static readonly int MagicNumber = unchecked((int)0xBEEFCACE); // If only hex had a K...
// Version number so ResMgr can get the ideal set of classes for you.
// ResMgr header is:
// 1) MagicNumber (little endian Int32)
// 2) HeaderVersionNumber (little endian Int32)
// 3) Num Bytes to skip past ResMgr header (little endian Int32)
// 4) IResourceReader type name for this file (bytelength-prefixed UTF-8 String)
// 5) ResourceSet type name for this file (bytelength-prefixed UTF8 String)
public static readonly int HeaderVersionNumber = 1;
//It would be better if we could use _neutralCulture instead of calling
//CultureInfo.InvariantCulture everywhere, but we run into problems with the .cctor. CultureInfo
//initializes assembly, which initializes ResourceManager, which tries to get a CultureInfo which isn't
//there yet because CultureInfo's class initializer hasn't finished. If we move SystemResMgr off of
//Assembly (or at least make it an internal property) we should be able to circumvent this problem.
// private static CultureInfo _neutralCulture = null;
// This is our min required ResourceSet type.
private static readonly Type _minResourceSet = typeof(ResourceSet);
// These Strings are used to avoid using Reflection in CreateResourceSet.
// The first set are used by ResourceWriter. The second are used by
// InternalResGen.
internal static readonly String ResReaderTypeName = typeof(ResourceReader).FullName;
internal static readonly String ResSetTypeName = typeof(RuntimeResourceSet).FullName;
internal static readonly String MscorlibName = typeof(ResourceReader).Assembly.FullName;
internal const String ResFileExtension = ".resources";
internal const int ResFileExtensionLength = 10;
// My private debugging aid. Set to 5 or 6 for verbose output. Set to 3
// for summary level information.
internal static readonly int DEBUG = 0; //Making this const causes C# to consider all of the code that it guards unreachable.
private static volatile bool s_IsAppXModel;
[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable
private void Init()
m_callingAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
protected ResourceManager()
// This constructor is not designed to be used under AppX and is not in the Win8 profile.
// However designers may use them even if they are running under AppX since they are
// not subject to the restrictions of the Win8 profile.
Contract.Assert(!AppDomain.IsAppXModel() || AppDomain.IsAppXDesignMode());
_lastUsedResourceCache = new CultureNameResourceSetPair();
ResourceManagerMediator mediator = new ResourceManagerMediator(this);
resourceGroveler = new ManifestBasedResourceGroveler(mediator);
// Constructs a Resource Manager for files beginning with
// baseName in the directory specified by resourceDir
// or in the current directory. This Assembly-ignorant constructor is
// mostly useful for testing your own ResourceSet implementation.
// A good example of a baseName might be "Strings". BaseName
// should not end in ".resources".
// Note: System.Windows.Forms uses this method at design time.
private ResourceManager(String baseName, String resourceDir, Type usingResourceSet) {
if (null==baseName)
throw new ArgumentNullException("baseName");
if (null==resourceDir)
throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceDir");
// This constructor is not designed to be used under AppX and is not in the Win8 profile.
// However designers may use them even if they are running under AppX since they are
// not subject to the restrictions of the Win8 profile.
Contract.Assert(!AppDomain.IsAppXModel() || AppDomain.IsAppXDesignMode());
BaseNameField = baseName;
moduleDir = resourceDir;
_userResourceSet = usingResourceSet;
#pragma warning disable 618
ResourceSets = new Hashtable(); // for backward compatibility
#pragma warning restore 618
_resourceSets = new Dictionary();
_lastUsedResourceCache = new CultureNameResourceSetPair();
UseManifest = false;
ResourceManagerMediator mediator = new ResourceManagerMediator(this);
resourceGroveler = new FileBasedResourceGroveler(mediator);
#if !FEATURE_CORECLR && !MONO // PAL doesn't support eventing, and we don't compile event providers for coreclr
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized && FrameworkEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) {
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
String defaultResName = GetResourceFileName(culture);
if (resourceGroveler.HasNeutralResources(culture, defaultResName)) {
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesFound(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, defaultResName);
else {
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesNotFound(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, defaultResName);
[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var have to be marked non-inlineable
public ResourceManager(String baseName, Assembly assembly)
if (null==baseName)
throw new ArgumentNullException("baseName");
if (null==assembly)
throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
if (!(assembly is RuntimeAssembly))
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeAssembly"));
MainAssembly = assembly;
BaseNameField = baseName;
m_callingAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
// Special case for mscorlib - protect mscorlib's private resources.
// This isn't for security reasons, but to ensure we can make
// breaking changes to mscorlib's internal resources without
// assuming users may have taken a dependency on them.
if (assembly == typeof(Object).Assembly && m_callingAssembly != assembly)
m_callingAssembly = null;
[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable
public ResourceManager(String baseName, Assembly assembly, Type usingResourceSet)
if (null==baseName)
throw new ArgumentNullException("baseName");
if (null==assembly)
throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
// This constructor is not designed to be used under AppX and is not in the Win8 profile.
// However designers may use them even if they are running under AppX since they are
// not subject to the restrictions of the Win8 profile.
Contract.Assert(!AppDomain.IsAppXModel() || AppDomain.IsAppXDesignMode());
if (!(assembly is RuntimeAssembly))
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeAssembly"));
MainAssembly = assembly;
BaseNameField = baseName;
if (usingResourceSet != null && (usingResourceSet != _minResourceSet) && !(usingResourceSet.IsSubclassOf(_minResourceSet)))
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ResMgrNotResSet"), "usingResourceSet");
_userResourceSet = usingResourceSet;
m_callingAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
// Special case for mscorlib - protect mscorlib's private resources.
// This isn't for security reasons, but to ensure we can make
// breaking changes to mscorlib's internal resources without
// assuming users may have taken a dependency on them.
if (assembly == typeof(Object).Assembly && m_callingAssembly != assembly)
m_callingAssembly = null;
[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable
public ResourceManager(Type resourceSource)
if (null==resourceSource)
throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceSource");
if (!(resourceSource is RuntimeType))
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeType"));
_locationInfo = resourceSource;
MainAssembly = _locationInfo.Assembly;
BaseNameField = resourceSource.Name;
m_callingAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
// Special case for mscorlib - protect mscorlib's private resources.
if (MainAssembly == typeof(Object).Assembly && m_callingAssembly != MainAssembly)
m_callingAssembly = null;
internal ResourceManager(String baseName, Assembly assembly, bool isDebugSatellite) : this(baseName, assembly) {
_isDebugSatellite = isDebugSatellite;
private void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext ctx)
this._resourceSets = null;
this.resourceGroveler = null;
this._lastUsedResourceCache = null;
private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx)
_resourceSets = new Dictionary();
_lastUsedResourceCache = new CultureNameResourceSetPair();
// set up resource groveler, depending on whether this ResourceManager
// is looking for files or assemblies
ResourceManagerMediator mediator = new ResourceManagerMediator(this);
if (UseManifest)
resourceGroveler = new ManifestBasedResourceGroveler(mediator);
resourceGroveler = new FileBasedResourceGroveler(mediator);
// correct callingAssembly for v2
if (this.m_callingAssembly == null)
this.m_callingAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)_callingAssembly;
// v2 does this lazily
if (UseManifest && this._neutralResourcesCulture == null)
_neutralResourcesCulture = ManifestBasedResourceGroveler.GetNeutralResourcesLanguage(MainAssembly, ref _fallbackLoc);
private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx)
// Initialize the fields Whidbey expects
_callingAssembly = m_callingAssembly;
UseSatelliteAssem = UseManifest;
#pragma warning disable 618
ResourceSets = new Hashtable(); // for backward compatibility
#pragma warning restore 618
// Trying to unify code as much as possible, even though having to do a
// security check in each constructor prevents it.
private void CommonAssemblyInit()
if (_bUsingModernResourceManagement == false)
UseManifest = true;
_resourceSets = new Dictionary();
_lastUsedResourceCache = new CultureNameResourceSetPair();
_fallbackLoc = UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.MainAssembly;
ResourceManagerMediator mediator = new ResourceManagerMediator(this);
resourceGroveler = new ManifestBasedResourceGroveler(mediator);
_neutralResourcesCulture = ManifestBasedResourceGroveler.GetNeutralResourcesLanguage(MainAssembly, ref _fallbackLoc);
#if !FEATURE_CORECLR && !MONO // PAL doesn't support eventing, and we don't compile event providers for coreclr
if (_bUsingModernResourceManagement == false)
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized && FrameworkEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) {
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
String defaultResName = GetResourceFileName(culture);
if (resourceGroveler.HasNeutralResources(culture, defaultResName)) {
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesFound(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, defaultResName);
else {
String outputResName = defaultResName;
if (_locationInfo != null && _locationInfo.Namespace != null)
outputResName = _locationInfo.Namespace + Type.Delimiter + defaultResName;
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesNotFound(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, outputResName);
#pragma warning disable 618
ResourceSets = new Hashtable(); // for backward compatibility
#pragma warning restore 618
// Gets the base name for the ResourceManager.
public virtual String BaseName {
get { return BaseNameField; }
// Whether we should ignore the capitalization of resources when calling
// GetString or GetObject.
public virtual bool IgnoreCase {
get { return _ignoreCase; }
set { _ignoreCase = value; }
// Returns the Type of the ResourceSet the ResourceManager uses
// to construct ResourceSets.
public virtual Type ResourceSetType {
get { return (_userResourceSet == null) ? typeof(RuntimeResourceSet) : _userResourceSet; }
protected UltimateResourceFallbackLocation FallbackLocation
get { return _fallbackLoc; }
set { _fallbackLoc = value; }
// Tells the ResourceManager to call Close on all ResourceSets and
// release all resources. This will shrink your working set by
// potentially a substantial amount in a running application. Any
// future resource lookups on this ResourceManager will be as
// expensive as the very first lookup, since it will need to search
// for files and load resources again.
// This may be useful in some complex threading scenarios, where
// creating a new ResourceManager isn't quite the correct behavior.
public virtual void ReleaseAllResources()
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerReleasingResources(BaseNameField, MainAssembly);
Dictionary localResourceSets = _resourceSets;
// If any calls to Close throw, at least leave ourselves in a
// consistent state.
_resourceSets = new Dictionary();
_lastUsedResourceCache = new CultureNameResourceSetPair();
lock(localResourceSets) {
IDictionaryEnumerator setEnum = localResourceSets.GetEnumerator();
IDictionaryEnumerator setEnum2 = null;
#pragma warning disable 618
if (ResourceSets != null) {
setEnum2 = ResourceSets.GetEnumerator();
ResourceSets = new Hashtable(); // for backwards compat
#pragma warning restore 618
while (setEnum.MoveNext()) {
if (setEnum2 != null) {
while (setEnum2.MoveNext()) {
public static ResourceManager CreateFileBasedResourceManager(String baseName, String resourceDir, Type usingResourceSet)
return new ResourceManager(baseName, resourceDir, usingResourceSet);
// Given a CultureInfo, GetResourceFileName generates the name for
// the binary file for the given CultureInfo. This method uses
// CultureInfo's Name property as part of the file name for all cultures
// other than the invariant culture. This method does not touch the disk,
// and is used only to construct what a resource file name (suitable for
// passing to the ResourceReader constructor) or a manifest resource file
// name should look like.
// This method can be overriden to look for a different extension,
// such as ".ResX", or a completely different format for naming files.
protected virtual String GetResourceFileName(CultureInfo culture) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255);
// If this is the neutral culture, don't append culture name.
if (!culture.HasInvariantCultureName)
CultureInfo.VerifyCultureName(culture.Name, true);
return sb.ToString();
// WARNING: This function must be kept in [....] with ResourceFallbackManager.GetEnumerator()
// Return the first ResourceSet, based on the first culture ResourceFallbackManager would return
internal ResourceSet GetFirstResourceSet(CultureInfo culture)
// Logic from ResourceFallbackManager.GetEnumerator()
if (_neutralResourcesCulture != null && culture.Name == _neutralResourcesCulture.Name)
culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
if(_lastUsedResourceCache != null) {
lock (_lastUsedResourceCache) {
if (culture.Name == _lastUsedResourceCache.lastCultureName)
return _lastUsedResourceCache.lastResourceSet;
// Look in the ResourceSet table
Dictionary localResourceSets = _resourceSets;
ResourceSet rs = null;
if (localResourceSets != null)
lock (localResourceSets)
localResourceSets.TryGetValue(culture.Name, out rs);
if (rs != null)
// update the cache with the most recent ResourceSet
if (_lastUsedResourceCache != null) {
lock (_lastUsedResourceCache) {
_lastUsedResourceCache.lastCultureName = culture.Name;
_lastUsedResourceCache.lastResourceSet = rs;
return rs;
return null;
// Looks up a set of resources for a particular CultureInfo. This is
// not useful for most users of the ResourceManager - call
// GetString() or GetObject() instead.
// The parameters let you control whether the ResourceSet is created
// if it hasn't yet been loaded and if parent CultureInfos should be
// loaded as well for resource inheritance.
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var have to be marked non-inlineable
public virtual ResourceSet GetResourceSet(CultureInfo culture, bool createIfNotExists, bool tryParents) {
if (null==culture)
throw new ArgumentNullException("culture");
Dictionary localResourceSets = _resourceSets;
ResourceSet rs;
if (localResourceSets != null) {
lock (localResourceSets) {
if (localResourceSets.TryGetValue(culture.Name, out rs))
return rs;
StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
if (UseManifest && culture.HasInvariantCultureName) {
string fileName = GetResourceFileName(culture);
RuntimeAssembly mainAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)MainAssembly;
Stream stream = mainAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(_locationInfo, fileName, m_callingAssembly == MainAssembly, ref stackMark);
if (createIfNotExists && stream!=null) {
rs = ((ManifestBasedResourceGroveler)resourceGroveler).CreateResourceSet(stream, MainAssembly);
AddResourceSet(localResourceSets, culture.Name, ref rs);
return rs;
// Note: ideally we could plumb through the stack crawl mark here, but we must
// call the virtual 3-argument InternalGetResourceSet method for compatibility.
// Security-wise, we're not overly interested in protecting access to resources,
// since full-trust callers can get them already and most resources are public.
// Also, the JIT inliner could always inline a caller into another assembly's
// method, so the entire idea of a security check written this way is ----.
// So if we happen to return some resources in cases where we should really be
// doing a demand for member access permissions, we're not overly concerned.
// I verified this with our CAS expert. -- Brian, 2/11/2010
return InternalGetResourceSet(culture, createIfNotExists, tryParents);
// InternalGetResourceSet is a non-threadsafe method where all the logic
// for getting a resource set lives. Access to it is controlled by
// threadsafe methods such as GetResourceSet, GetString, & GetObject.
// This will take a minimal number of locks.
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable
protected virtual ResourceSet InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo culture, bool createIfNotExists, bool tryParents)
Contract.Assert(culture != null, "culture != null");
StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
return InternalGetResourceSet(culture,createIfNotExists,tryParents, ref stackMark);
// InternalGetResourceSet is a non-threadsafe method where all the logic
// for getting a resource set lives. Access to it is controlled by
// threadsafe methods such as GetResourceSet, GetString, & GetObject.
// This will take a minimal number of locks.
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
private ResourceSet InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo requestedCulture, bool createIfNotExists, bool tryParents, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark)
Dictionary localResourceSets = _resourceSets;
ResourceSet rs = null;
CultureInfo foundCulture = null;
lock (localResourceSets) {
if (localResourceSets.TryGetValue(requestedCulture.Name, out rs)) {
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized) {
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerFoundResourceSetInCache(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, requestedCulture.Name);
return rs;
ResourceFallbackManager mgr = new ResourceFallbackManager(requestedCulture, _neutralResourcesCulture, tryParents);
foreach (CultureInfo currentCultureInfo in mgr)
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerLookingForResourceSet(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, currentCultureInfo.Name);
lock(localResourceSets) {
if (localResourceSets.TryGetValue(currentCultureInfo.Name, out rs)) {
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerFoundResourceSetInCache(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, currentCultureInfo.Name);
// we need to update the cache if we fellback
if(requestedCulture != currentCultureInfo) foundCulture = currentCultureInfo;
// InternalGetResourceSet will never be threadsafe. However, it must
// be protected against reentrancy from the SAME THREAD. (ie, calling
// GetSatelliteAssembly may send some window messages or trigger the
// Assembly load event, which could fail then call back into the
// ResourceManager). It's happened.
rs = resourceGroveler.GrovelForResourceSet(currentCultureInfo, localResourceSets,
tryParents, createIfNotExists, ref stackMark);
// found a ResourceSet; we're done
if (rs != null)
foundCulture = currentCultureInfo;
if (rs != null && foundCulture != null)
// add entries to the cache for the cultures we have gone through
// currentCultureInfo now refers to the culture that had resources.
// update cultures starting from requested culture up to the culture
// that had resources.
foreach (CultureInfo updateCultureInfo in mgr)
AddResourceSet(localResourceSets, updateCultureInfo.Name, ref rs);
// stop when we've added current or reached invariant (top of chain)
if (updateCultureInfo == foundCulture)
return rs;
// Simple helper to ease maintenance and improve readability.
private static void AddResourceSet(Dictionary localResourceSets, String cultureName, ref ResourceSet rs)
// InternalGetResourceSet is both recursive and reentrant -
// assembly load callbacks in particular are a way we can call
// back into the ResourceManager in unexpectedly on the same thread.
lock(localResourceSets) {
// If another thread added this culture, return that.
ResourceSet lostRace;
if (localResourceSets.TryGetValue(cultureName, out lostRace)) {
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(lostRace, rs)) {
// Note: In certain cases, we can be trying to add a ResourceSet for multiple
// cultures on one thread, while a second thread added another ResourceSet for one
// of those cultures. So when we lose the ----, we must make sure our ResourceSet
// isn't in our dictionary before closing it.
if (!localResourceSets.ContainsValue(rs))
rs = lostRace;
else {
localResourceSets.Add(cultureName, rs);
protected static Version GetSatelliteContractVersion(Assembly a)
// Ensure that the assembly reference is not null
if (a == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("a", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Assembly"));
String v = null;
if (a.ReflectionOnly) {
foreach (CustomAttributeData data in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(a)) {
if (data.Constructor.DeclaringType == typeof(SatelliteContractVersionAttribute)) {
v = (String)data.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
if (v == null)
return null;
else {
Object[] attrs = a.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SatelliteContractVersionAttribute), false);
if (attrs.Length == 0)
return null;
Contract.Assert(attrs.Length == 1, "Cannot have multiple instances of SatelliteContractVersionAttribute on an assembly!");
v = ((SatelliteContractVersionAttribute)attrs[0]).Version;
Version ver;
try {
ver = new Version(v);
catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
// Note we are prone to hitting infinite loops if mscorlib's
// SatelliteContractVersionAttribute contains bogus values.
// If this assert fires, please fix the build process for the
// BCL directory.
if (a == typeof(Object).Assembly) {
Contract.Assert(false, "mscorlib's SatelliteContractVersionAttribute is a malformed version string!");
return null;
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidSatelliteContract_Asm_Ver", a.ToString(), v), e);
return ver;
// On the phone return null. The calling code will use the assembly version instead to avoid potential type
// and library loads caused by CA lookup. NetCF uses the assembly version always.
return null;
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
protected static CultureInfo GetNeutralResourcesLanguage(Assembly a)
// This method should be obsolete - replace it with the one below.
// Unfortunately, we made it protected.
UltimateResourceFallbackLocation ignoringUsefulData = UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.MainAssembly;
CultureInfo culture = ManifestBasedResourceGroveler.GetNeutralResourcesLanguage(a, ref ignoringUsefulData);
return culture;
internal static bool CompareNames(String asmTypeName1,
String typeName2,
AssemblyName asmName2)
Contract.Assert(asmTypeName1 != null, "asmTypeName1 was unexpectedly null");
// First, compare type names
int comma = asmTypeName1.IndexOf(',');
if (((comma == -1) ? asmTypeName1.Length : comma) != typeName2.Length)
return false;
// case sensitive
if (String.Compare(asmTypeName1, 0, typeName2, 0, typeName2.Length, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
return false;
if (comma == -1)
return true;
// Now, compare assembly display names (IGNORES VERSION AND PROCESSORARCHITECTURE)
// also, for mscorlib ignores everything, since that's what the binder is going to do
// case insensitive
AssemblyName an1 = new AssemblyName(asmTypeName1.Substring(comma));
if (String.Compare(an1.Name, asmName2.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
return false;
// to match IsMscorlib() in VM
if (String.Compare(an1.Name, "mscorlib", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return true;
if ((an1.CultureInfo != null) && (asmName2.CultureInfo != null) &&
(an1.CultureInfo.LCID != asmName2.CultureInfo.LCID)
(an1.CultureInfo.Name != asmName2.CultureInfo.Name)
return false;
byte[] pkt1 = an1.GetPublicKeyToken();
byte[] pkt2 = asmName2.GetPublicKeyToken();
if ((pkt1 != null) && (pkt2 != null)) {
if (pkt1.Length != pkt2.Length)
return false;
for(int i=0; i < pkt1.Length; i++) {
if(pkt1[i] != pkt2[i])
return false;
return true;
// Throws WinRT hresults
private string GetStringFromPRI(String stringName, String startingCulture, String neutralResourcesCulture) {
Contract.Assert(_WinRTResourceManager != null);
if (stringName.Length == 0)
return null;
string resourceString = null;
// Do not handle exceptions. See the comment in SetAppXConfiguration about throwing
// exception types that the ResourceManager class is not documented to throw.
resourceString = _WinRTResourceManager.GetString(
String.IsNullOrEmpty(startingCulture) ? null : startingCulture,
String.IsNullOrEmpty(neutralResourcesCulture) ? null : neutralResourcesCulture);
return resourceString;
// Since we can't directly reference System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime from mscorlib, we have to get the type via reflection.
// It would be better if we could just implement WindowsRuntimeResourceManager in mscorlib, but we can't, because
// we can do very little with WinRT in mscorlib.
internal static WindowsRuntimeResourceManagerBase GetWinRTResourceManager()
Type WinRTResourceManagerType = Type.GetType("System.Resources.WindowsRuntimeResourceManager, " + AssemblyRef.SystemRuntimeWindowsRuntime, true);
return (WindowsRuntimeResourceManagerBase)Activator.CreateInstance(WinRTResourceManagerType, true);
private bool _bUsingModernResourceManagement; // Written only by SetAppXConfiguration
private WindowsRuntimeResourceManagerBase _WinRTResourceManager; // Written only by SetAppXConfiguration
private bool _PRIonAppXInitialized; // Written only by SetAppXConfiguration
private PRIExceptionInfo _PRIExceptionInfo; // Written only by SetAppXConfiguration
#endif // FEATURE_APPX
// Only call SetAppXConfiguration from ResourceManager constructors, and nowhere else.
// Throws MissingManifestResourceException and WinRT HResults
private void SetAppXConfiguration()
Contract.Assert(_bUsingModernResourceManagement == false); // Only this function writes to this member
Contract.Assert(_WinRTResourceManager == null); // Only this function writes to this member
Contract.Assert(_PRIonAppXInitialized == false); // Only this function writes to this member
Contract.Assert(_PRIExceptionInfo == null); // Only this function writes to this member
bool bUsingSatelliteAssembliesUnderAppX = false;
RuntimeAssembly resourcesAssembly = (RuntimeAssembly)MainAssembly;
if (resourcesAssembly == null)
resourcesAssembly = m_callingAssembly;
if (resourcesAssembly != null)
if (resourcesAssembly != typeof(Object).Assembly) // We are not loading resources for mscorlib
// Cannot load the WindowsRuntimeResourceManager when in a compilation process, since it
// lives in System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime and only mscorlib may be loaded for execution.
if (AppDomain.IsAppXModel() && !AppDomain.IsAppXNGen)
s_IsAppXModel = true;
// If we have the type information from the ResourceManager(Type) constructor, we use it. Otherwise, we use BaseNameField.
String reswFilename = _locationInfo == null ? BaseNameField : _locationInfo.FullName;
// The only way this can happen is if a class inherited from ResourceManager and
// did not set the BaseNameField before calling the protected ResourceManager() constructor.
// For other constructors, we would already have thrown an ArgumentNullException by now.
// Throwing an ArgumentNullException now is not the right thing to do because technically
// ResourceManager() takes no arguments, and because it is not documented as throwing
// any exceptions. Instead, let's go through the rest of the initialization with this set to
// an empty string. We may in fact fail earlier for another reason, but otherwise we will
// throw a MissingManifestResourceException when GetString is called indicating that a
// resW filename called "" could not be found.
if (reswFilename == null)
reswFilename = String.Empty;
WindowsRuntimeResourceManagerBase WRRM = null;
bool bWRRM_Initialized = false;
if (AppDomain.IsAppXDesignMode())
WRRM = GetWinRTResourceManager();
try {
PRIExceptionInfo exceptionInfo; // If the exception info is filled in, we will ignore it.
bWRRM_Initialized = WRRM.Initialize(resourcesAssembly.Location, reswFilename, out exceptionInfo);
bUsingSatelliteAssembliesUnderAppX = !bWRRM_Initialized;
catch(Exception e)
bUsingSatelliteAssembliesUnderAppX = true;
if (e.IsTransient)
if (!bUsingSatelliteAssembliesUnderAppX)
// See AssemblyNative::IsFrameworkAssembly for details on which kinds of assemblies are considered Framework assemblies.
// The Modern Resource Manager is not used for such assemblies - they continue to use satellite assemblies (i.e. .resources.dll files).
_bUsingModernResourceManagement = !resourcesAssembly.IsFrameworkAssembly();
if (_bUsingModernResourceManagement)
// Only now are we certain that we need the PRI file.
// Note that if IsAppXDesignMode is false, we haven't checked if the PRI file exists.
// This is by design. We will find out in the call to WindowsRuntimeResourceManager.Initialize below.
// At this point it is important NOT to set _bUsingModernResourceManagement to false
// if the PRI file does not exist because we are now certain we need to load PRI
// resources. We want to fail by throwing a MissingManifestResourceException
// if WindowsRuntimeResourceManager.Initialize fails to locate the PRI file. We do not
// want to fall back to using satellite assemblies anymore. Note that we would not throw
// the MissingManifestResourceException from this function, but from GetString. See the
// comment below on the reason for this.
if (WRRM != null && bWRRM_Initialized)
// Reuse the one successfully created earlier
_WinRTResourceManager = WRRM;
_PRIonAppXInitialized = true;
_WinRTResourceManager = GetWinRTResourceManager();
try {
_PRIonAppXInitialized = _WinRTResourceManager.Initialize(resourcesAssembly.Location, reswFilename, out _PRIExceptionInfo);
// Note that _PRIExceptionInfo might be null - this is OK.
// In that case we will just throw the generic
// MissingManifestResource_NoPRIresources exception.
// See the implementation of GetString for more details.
// We would like to be able to throw a MissingManifestResourceException here if PRI resources
// could not be loaded for a recognized reason. However, the ResourceManager constructors
// that call SetAppXConfiguration are not documented as throwing MissingManifestResourceException,
// and since they are part of the portable profile, we cannot start throwing a new exception type
// as that would break existing portable libraries. Hence we must save the exception information
// now and throw the exception on the first call to GetString.
// We will throw MissingManifestResource_NoPRIresources from GetString
// when we see that _PRIonAppXInitialized is false.
catch(Exception e)
// ERROR_MRM_MAP_NOT_FOUND can be thrown by the call to ResourceManager.get_AllResourceMaps
// in WindowsRuntimeResourceManager.Initialize.
// In this case _PRIExceptionInfo is now null and we will just throw the generic
// MissingManifestResource_NoPRIresources exception.
// See the implementation of GetString for more details.
if (e.HResult != __HResults.ERROR_MRM_MAP_NOT_FOUND)
throw; // Unexpected exception code. Bubble it up to the caller.
// Allow all other exception types to bubble up to the caller.
// Yes, this causes us to potentially throw exception types that are not documented.
// Ultimately the tradeoff is the following:
// -We could ignore unknown exceptions or rethrow them as inner exceptions
// of exceptions that the ResourceManager class is already documented as throwing.
// This would allow existing portable libraries to gracefully recover if they don't care
// too much about the ResourceManager object they are using. However it could
// mask potentially fatal errors that we are not aware of, such as a disk drive failing.
// The alternative, which we chose, is to throw unknown exceptions. This may tear
// down the process if the portable library and app don't expect this exception type.
// On the other hand, this won't mask potentially fatal errors we don't know about.
// resourcesAssembly == null should not happen but it can. See the comment on Assembly.GetCallingAssembly.
// However for the sake of 100% backwards compatibility on Win7 and below, we must leave
// _bUsingModernResourceManagement as false.
#endif // FEATURE_APPX
// Looks up a resource value for a particular name. Looks in the
// current thread's CultureInfo, and if not found, all parent CultureInfos.
// Returns null if the resource wasn't found.
public virtual String GetString(String name) {
return GetString(name, (CultureInfo)null);
// Looks up a resource value for a particular name. Looks in the
// specified CultureInfo, and if not found, all parent CultureInfos.
// Returns null if the resource wasn't found.
public virtual String GetString(String name, CultureInfo culture) {
if (null==name)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
// If the caller explictily passed in a culture that was obtained by calling CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture,
// null it out, so that we re-compute it. If we use modern resource lookup, we may end up getting a "better"
// match, since CultureInfo objects can't represent all the different languages the AppX resource model supports.
// For classic resources, this causes us to ignore the languages list and instead use the older Win32 behavior,
// which is the design choice we've made. (See the call a little later to GetCurrentUICultureNoAppX()).
if(Object.ReferenceEquals(culture, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture))
culture = null;
if (_bUsingModernResourceManagement)
if (_PRIonAppXInitialized == false)
// Always throw if we did not fully succeed in initializing the WinRT Resource Manager.
if (_PRIExceptionInfo != null && _PRIExceptionInfo._PackageSimpleName != null && _PRIExceptionInfo._ResWFile != null)
throw new MissingManifestResourceException(Environment.GetResourceString("MissingManifestResource_ResWFileNotLoaded", _PRIExceptionInfo._ResWFile, _PRIExceptionInfo._PackageSimpleName));
throw new MissingManifestResourceException(Environment.GetResourceString("MissingManifestResource_NoPRIresources"));
// Throws WinRT hresults.
return GetStringFromPRI(name,
culture == null ? null : culture.Name,
#endif // FEATURE_APPX
if (null==culture) {
// When running inside AppX we want to ignore the languages list when trying to come up with our CurrentUICulture.
// This line behaves the same way as CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture would have in .NET 4
culture = Thread.CurrentThread.GetCurrentUICultureNoAppX();
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerLookupStarted(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, culture.Name);
ResourceSet last = GetFirstResourceSet(culture);
if (last != null)
String value = last.GetString(name, _ignoreCase);
if (value != null)
return value;
// This is the CultureInfo hierarchy traversal code for resource
// lookups, similar but necessarily orthogonal to the ResourceSet
// lookup logic.
ResourceFallbackManager mgr = new ResourceFallbackManager(culture, _neutralResourcesCulture, true);
foreach (CultureInfo currentCultureInfo in mgr) {
ResourceSet rs = InternalGetResourceSet(currentCultureInfo, true, true);
if (rs == null)
if (rs != last) {
String value = rs.GetString(name, _ignoreCase);
if (value != null)
// update last used ResourceSet
if (_lastUsedResourceCache != null) {
lock (_lastUsedResourceCache) {
_lastUsedResourceCache.lastCultureName = currentCultureInfo.Name;
_lastUsedResourceCache.lastResourceSet = rs;
return value;
last = rs;
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerLookupFailed(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, culture.Name);
return null;
// Looks up a resource value for a particular name. Looks in the
// current thread's CultureInfo, and if not found, all parent CultureInfos.
// Returns null if the resource wasn't found.
public virtual Object GetObject(String name) {
return GetObject(name, (CultureInfo)null, true);
// Looks up a resource value for a particular name. Looks in the
// specified CultureInfo, and if not found, all parent CultureInfos.
// Returns null if the resource wasn't found.
public virtual Object GetObject(String name, CultureInfo culture) {
return GetObject(name, culture, true);
private Object GetObject(String name, CultureInfo culture, bool wrapUnmanagedMemStream)
if (null==name)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
// If the caller explictily passed in a culture that was obtained by calling CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture,
// null it out, so that we re-compute it based on the Win32 value and not the AppX language list value.
// (See the call a little later to GetCurrentUICultureNoAppX()).
if(Object.ReferenceEquals(culture, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture))
culture = null;
if (null==culture) {
// When running inside AppX we want to ignore the languages list when trying to come up with our CurrentUICulture.
// This line behaves the same way as CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture would have in .NET 4
culture = Thread.CurrentThread.GetCurrentUICultureNoAppX();
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerLookupStarted(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, culture.Name);
ResourceSet last = GetFirstResourceSet(culture);
if (last != null)
Object value = last.GetObject(name, _ignoreCase);
if (value != null)
UnmanagedMemoryStream stream = value as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
if (stream != null && wrapUnmanagedMemStream)
return new UnmanagedMemoryStreamWrapper(stream);
return value;
// This is the CultureInfo hierarchy traversal code for resource
// lookups, similar but necessarily orthogonal to the ResourceSet
// lookup logic.
ResourceFallbackManager mgr = new ResourceFallbackManager(culture, _neutralResourcesCulture, true);
foreach (CultureInfo currentCultureInfo in mgr) {
// Note: Technically this method should be passed in a stack crawl mark that we then pass
// to InternalGetResourceSet for ensuring we demand permissions to read your private resources
// if you're reading resources from an assembly other than yourself. But, we must call our
// three argument overload (without the stack crawl mark) for compatibility. After
// consideration, we aren't worried about the security impact.
ResourceSet rs = InternalGetResourceSet(currentCultureInfo, true, true);
if (rs == null)
if (rs != last) {
Object value = rs.GetObject(name, _ignoreCase);
if (value != null) {
// update the last used ResourceSet
if (_lastUsedResourceCache != null) {
lock (_lastUsedResourceCache) {
_lastUsedResourceCache.lastCultureName = currentCultureInfo.Name;
_lastUsedResourceCache.lastResourceSet = rs;
UnmanagedMemoryStream stream = value as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
if (stream != null && wrapUnmanagedMemStream)
return new UnmanagedMemoryStreamWrapper(stream);
return value;
last = rs;
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized)
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerLookupFailed(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, culture.Name);
return null;
public UnmanagedMemoryStream GetStream(String name) {
return GetStream(name, (CultureInfo)null);
public UnmanagedMemoryStream GetStream(String name, CultureInfo culture) {
Object obj = GetObject(name, culture, false);
UnmanagedMemoryStream ums = obj as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
if (ums == null && obj != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_ResourceNotStream_Name", name));
return ums;
// Internal helper method - gives an end user the ability to prevent
// satellite assembly probes for certain cultures via a config file.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
private bool TryLookingForSatellite(CultureInfo lookForCulture)
if (!_checkedConfigFile) {
lock (this) {
if (!_checkedConfigFile) {
_checkedConfigFile = true;
_installedSatelliteInfo = GetSatelliteAssembliesFromConfig();
if (_installedSatelliteInfo == null)
return true;
String[] installedSatellites = (String[]) _installedSatelliteInfo[MainAssembly.FullName];
if (installedSatellites == null)
return true;
// The config file told us what satellites might be installed.
int pos = Array.IndexOf(installedSatellites, lookForCulture.Name);
if (FrameworkEventSource.IsInitialized && FrameworkEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) {
if (pos < 0) {
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerCultureNotFoundInConfigFile(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, lookForCulture.Name);
else {
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ResourceManagerCultureFoundInConfigFile(BaseNameField, MainAssembly, lookForCulture.Name);
return pos >= 0;
// Note: There is one config file per appdomain. This is not
// per-process nor per-assembly.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
private Hashtable GetSatelliteAssembliesFromConfig()
String fileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FusionStore.ConfigurationFileInternal;
if (fileName == null) {
return null;
// Don't do a security assert. We need to support semi-trusted
// scenarios, but asserting here causes infinite resource lookups
// while initializing security & looking up mscorlib's config file.
// Use internal methods to bypass security checks.
// If we're dealing with a local file name or a UNC path instead
// of a URL, check to see if the file exists here for perf (avoids
// throwing a FileNotFoundException).
if (fileName.Length >= 2 &&
((fileName[1] == Path.VolumeSeparatorChar) || (fileName[0] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar && fileName[1] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) &&
return null;
ConfigTreeParser parser = new ConfigTreeParser();
String queryPath = "/configuration/satelliteassemblies";
ConfigNode node = null;
// Catch exceptions in case a web app doesn't have a config file.
try {
node = parser.Parse(fileName, queryPath, true);
catch(Exception) {}
if (node == null) {
return null;
// The application config file will contain sections like this:
// fr
// fr-FR
// de-CH
Hashtable satelliteInfo = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach(ConfigNode assemblyNode in node.Children) {
if (!String.Equals(assemblyNode.Name, "assembly"))
throw new ApplicationException(Environment.GetResourceString("XMLSyntax_InvalidSyntaxSatAssemTag", Path.GetFileName(fileName), assemblyNode.Name));
if (assemblyNode.Attributes.Count == 0)
throw new ApplicationException(Environment.GetResourceString("XMLSyntax_InvalidSyntaxSatAssemTagNoAttr", Path.GetFileName(fileName)));
DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry) assemblyNode.Attributes[0];
String assemblyName = (String) de.Value;
if (!String.Equals(de.Key, "name") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName) || assemblyNode.Attributes.Count > 1)
throw new ApplicationException(Environment.GetResourceString("XMLSyntax_InvalidSyntaxSatAssemTagBadAttr", Path.GetFileName(fileName), de.Key, de.Value));
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(5);
foreach(ConfigNode child in assemblyNode.Children)
if (child.Value != null)
String[] satellites = new String[list.Count];
for(int i=0; i