// // Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace System.Runtime.Caching { internal class MemoryCacheEntry: MemoryCacheKey { const byte EntryStateMask = 0x1f; private Object _value; private DateTime _utcCreated; // expiration private DateTime _utcAbsExp; private TimeSpan _slidingExp; private ExpiresEntryRef _expiresEntryRef; private byte _expiresBucket; // index of the expiration list (bucket) // usage private byte _usageBucket; // index of the usage list (== priority-1) private UsageEntryRef _usageEntryRef; // ref into the usage list private DateTime _utcLastUpdateUsage; // time we last updated usage private CacheEntryRemovedCallback _callback; private SeldomUsedFields _fields; // optimization to reduce workingset when the entry hasn't any dependencies class SeldomUsedFields { internal Collection _dependencies; // the entry's dependency needs to be disposed when the entry is released internal Dictionary _dependents; // dependents must be notified when this entry is removed internal MemoryCache _cache; internal Tuple _updateSentinel; // the MemoryCacheEntry (and its associated store) of the OnUpdateSentinel for this entry, if there is one } internal Object Value { get { return _value; } } internal bool HasExpiration() { return _utcAbsExp < DateTime.MaxValue; } internal DateTime UtcAbsExp { get { return _utcAbsExp; } set { _utcAbsExp = value; } } internal DateTime UtcCreated { get { return _utcCreated; } } internal ExpiresEntryRef ExpiresEntryRef { get { return _expiresEntryRef; } set { _expiresEntryRef = value; } } internal byte ExpiresBucket { get { return _expiresBucket; } set { _expiresBucket = value; } } internal bool InExpires() { return !_expiresEntryRef.IsInvalid; } internal TimeSpan SlidingExp { get { return _slidingExp; } } internal EntryState State { get { return (EntryState)(_bits & EntryStateMask); } set { _bits = (byte)(((uint)_bits & ~(uint)EntryStateMask) | (uint)value); } } internal byte UsageBucket { get { return _usageBucket; } } internal UsageEntryRef UsageEntryRef { get { return _usageEntryRef; } set { _usageEntryRef = value; } } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode", Justification = "Grandfathered suppression from original caching code checkin")] internal DateTime UtcLastUpdateUsage { get { return _utcLastUpdateUsage; } set { _utcLastUpdateUsage = value; } } internal MemoryCacheEntry(String key, Object value, DateTimeOffset absExp, TimeSpan slidingExp, CacheItemPriority priority, Collection dependencies, CacheEntryRemovedCallback removedCallback, MemoryCache cache) : base(key) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } _utcCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; _value = value; _slidingExp = slidingExp; if (_slidingExp > TimeSpan.Zero) { _utcAbsExp = _utcCreated + _slidingExp; } else { _utcAbsExp = absExp.UtcDateTime; } _expiresEntryRef = ExpiresEntryRef.INVALID; _expiresBucket = 0xff; _usageEntryRef = UsageEntryRef.INVALID; if (priority == CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable) { _usageBucket = 0xff; } else { _usageBucket = 0; } _callback = removedCallback; if (dependencies != null) { _fields = new SeldomUsedFields(); _fields._dependencies = dependencies; _fields._cache = cache; } } internal void AddDependent(MemoryCache cache, MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor dependent) { lock (this) { if (State > EntryState.AddedToCache) { return; } if (_fields == null) { _fields = new SeldomUsedFields(); } if (_fields._cache == null) { _fields._cache = cache; } if (_fields._dependents == null) { _fields._dependents = new Dictionary(); } _fields._dependents[dependent] = dependent; } } private void CallCacheEntryRemovedCallback(MemoryCache cache, CacheEntryRemovedReason reason) { if (_callback == null) { return; } CacheEntryRemovedArguments args = new CacheEntryRemovedArguments(cache, reason, new CacheItem(Key, _value)); try { _callback(args); } catch { // } } internal void CallNotifyOnChanged() { if (_fields != null && _fields._dependencies != null) { foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in _fields._dependencies) { monitor.NotifyOnChanged(new OnChangedCallback(this.OnDependencyChanged)); } } } // Associates this entry with an update sentinel. If this entry has a sliding expiration, we need to // touch the sentinel so that it doesn't expire. internal void ConfigureUpdateSentinel(MemoryCacheStore sentinelStore, MemoryCacheEntry sentinelEntry) { lock (this) { if (_fields == null) { _fields = new SeldomUsedFields(); } _fields._updateSentinel = Tuple.Create(sentinelStore, sentinelEntry); } } internal bool HasUsage() { return _usageBucket != 0xff; } internal bool InUsage() { return !_usageEntryRef.IsInvalid; } private void OnDependencyChanged(Object state) { if (State == EntryState.AddedToCache) { _fields._cache.RemoveEntry(this.Key, this, CacheEntryRemovedReason.ChangeMonitorChanged); } } internal void Release(MemoryCache cache, CacheEntryRemovedReason reason) { State = EntryState.Closed; // Are there any cache entries that depend on this entry? // If so, we need to fire their dependencies. Dictionary.KeyCollection deps = null; // clone the dependents lock (this) { if (_fields != null && _fields._dependents != null && _fields._dependents.Count > 0) { deps = _fields._dependents.Keys; // set to null so RemoveDependent does not attempt to access it, since we're not // using a copy of the KeyCollection. _fields._dependents = null; Dbg.Assert(_fields._dependents == null, "_fields._dependents == null"); } } if (deps != null) { foreach (MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor dependent in deps) { if (dependent != null) { dependent.OnCacheEntryReleased(); } } } CallCacheEntryRemovedCallback(cache, reason); // Dispose any dependencies if (_fields != null && _fields._dependencies != null) { foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in _fields._dependencies) { monitor.Dispose(); } } } internal void RemoveDependent(MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor dependent) { lock (this) { if (_fields._dependents != null) { _fields._dependents.Remove(dependent); } } } internal void UpdateSlidingExp(DateTime utcNow, CacheExpires expires) { if (_slidingExp > TimeSpan.Zero) { DateTime utcNewExpires = utcNow + _slidingExp; if (utcNewExpires - _utcAbsExp >= CacheExpires.MIN_UPDATE_DELTA || utcNewExpires < _utcAbsExp) { expires.UtcUpdate(this, utcNewExpires); } } } internal void UpdateSlidingExpForUpdateSentinel() { // We don't need a lock to get information about the update sentinel SeldomUsedFields fields = _fields; if (fields != null) { Tuple sentinelInfo = fields._updateSentinel; // touch the update sentinel to keep it from expiring if (sentinelInfo != null) { MemoryCacheStore sentinelStore = sentinelInfo.Item1; MemoryCacheEntry sentinelEntry = sentinelInfo.Item2; sentinelStore.UpdateExpAndUsage(sentinelEntry, updatePerfCounters: false); // perf counters shouldn't be polluted by touching update sentinel entry } } } internal void UpdateUsage(DateTime utcNow, CacheUsage usage) { // update, but not more frequently than once per second. if (InUsage() && _utcLastUpdateUsage < utcNow - CacheUsage.CORRELATED_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) { _utcLastUpdateUsage = utcNow; usage.Update(this); if (_fields != null && _fields._dependencies != null) { foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in _fields._dependencies) { MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor m = monitor as MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor; if (m == null) { continue; } foreach (MemoryCacheEntry e in m.Dependencies) { MemoryCacheStore store = e._fields._cache.GetStore(e); e.UpdateUsage(utcNow, store.Usage); } } } } } } }