//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // [....] // [....] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Data.SqlClient { using System; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.ProviderBase; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; sealed internal class SqlConnectionFactory : DbConnectionFactory { private SqlConnectionFactory() : base(SqlPerformanceCounters.SingletonInstance) {} public static readonly SqlConnectionFactory SingletonInstance = new SqlConnectionFactory(); private const string _metaDataXml = "MetaDataXml"; override public DbProviderFactory ProviderFactory { get { return SqlClientFactory.Instance; } } override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) { return CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningConnection, userOptions: null); } override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions) { SqlConnectionString opt = (SqlConnectionString)options; SqlConnectionPoolKey key = (SqlConnectionPoolKey) poolKey; SqlInternalConnection result = null; SessionData recoverySessionData = null; SqlConnectionString userOpt = null; if (userOptions != null) { userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)userOptions; } else if (owningConnection != null) { userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)(((SqlConnection)owningConnection).UserConnectionOptions); } if (owningConnection != null) { recoverySessionData = ((SqlConnection)owningConnection)._recoverySessionData; } if (opt.ContextConnection) { result = GetContextConnection(opt, poolGroupProviderInfo); } else { bool redirectedUserInstance = false; DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity = null; // Pass DbConnectionPoolIdentity to SqlInternalConnectionTds if using integrated security. // Used by notifications. if (opt.IntegratedSecurity) { if (pool != null) { identity = pool.Identity; } else { identity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent(); } } // FOLLOWING IF BLOCK IS ENTIRELY FOR SSE USER INSTANCES // If "user instance=true" is in the connection string, we're using SSE user instances if (opt.UserInstance) { // opt.DataSource is used to create the SSE connection redirectedUserInstance = true; string instanceName; if ( (null == pool) || (null != pool && pool.Count <= 0) ) { // Non-pooled or pooled and no connections in the pool. SqlInternalConnectionTds sseConnection = null; try { // What about a failure - throw? YES! // SqlConnectionString sseopt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, opt.DataSource, true /* user instance=true */, false /* set Enlist = false */); sseConnection = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, sseopt, key.Credential, null, "", null, false); // NOTE: Retrieve here. This user instance name will be used below to connect to the Sql Express User Instance. instanceName = sseConnection.InstanceName; if (!instanceName.StartsWith("\\\\.\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw SQL.NonLocalSSEInstance(); } if (null != pool) { // Pooled connection - cache result SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo) pool.ProviderInfo; // No lock since we are already in creation mutex providerInfo.InstanceName = instanceName; } } finally { if (null != sseConnection) { sseConnection.Dispose(); } } } else { // Cached info from pool. SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo) pool.ProviderInfo; // No lock since we are already in creation mutex instanceName = providerInfo.InstanceName; } // NOTE: Here connection option opt is cloned to set 'instanceName=' that was // retrieved from the previous SSE connection. For this UserInstance connection 'Enlist=True'. // options immutable - stored in global hash - don't modify opt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, instanceName, false /* user instance=false */, null /* do not modify the Enlist value */); poolGroupProviderInfo = null; // null so we do not pass to constructor below... } result = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, opt, key.Credential, poolGroupProviderInfo, "", null, redirectedUserInstance, userOpt, recoverySessionData); } return result; } protected override DbConnectionOptions CreateConnectionOptions(string connectionString, DbConnectionOptions previous) { Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(connectionString), "empty connectionString"); SqlConnectionString result = new SqlConnectionString(connectionString); return result; } override internal DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo CreateConnectionPoolProviderInfo(DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions){ DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = null; if (((SqlConnectionString) connectionOptions).UserInstance) { providerInfo = new SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo(); } return providerInfo; } override protected DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions CreateConnectionPoolGroupOptions( DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions ) { SqlConnectionString opt = (SqlConnectionString)connectionOptions; DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions poolingOptions = null; if (!opt.ContextConnection && opt.Pooling) { // never pool context connections. int connectionTimeout = opt.ConnectTimeout; if ((0 < connectionTimeout) && (connectionTimeout < Int32.MaxValue/1000)) connectionTimeout *= 1000; else if (connectionTimeout >= Int32.MaxValue/1000) connectionTimeout = Int32.MaxValue; poolingOptions = new DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions( opt.IntegratedSecurity, opt.MinPoolSize, opt.MaxPoolSize, connectionTimeout, opt.LoadBalanceTimeout, opt.Enlist); } return poolingOptions; } // SxS (VSDD 545786): metadata files are opened from <.NetRuntimeFolder>\CONFIG\ // this operation is safe in SxS because the file is opened in read-only mode and each NDP runtime accesses its own copy of the metadata // under the runtime folder. [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] override protected DbMetaDataFactory CreateMetaDataFactory(DbConnectionInternal internalConnection, out bool cacheMetaDataFactory){ Debug.Assert (internalConnection != null, "internalConnection may not be null."); cacheMetaDataFactory = false; if (internalConnection is SqlInternalConnectionSmi) { throw SQL.NotAvailableOnContextConnection(); } NameValueCollection settings = (NameValueCollection)PrivilegedConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.data.sqlclient"); Stream XMLStream =null; if (settings != null){ string [] values = settings.GetValues(_metaDataXml); if (values != null) { XMLStream = ADP.GetXmlStreamFromValues(values, _metaDataXml); } } // if the xml was not obtained from machine.config use the embedded XML resource if (XMLStream == null){ XMLStream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlMetaData.xml"); cacheMetaDataFactory = true; } Debug.Assert (XMLStream != null,"XMLstream may not be null."); return new SqlMetaDataFactory (XMLStream, internalConnection.ServerVersion, internalConnection.ServerVersion); //internalConnection.ServerVersionNormalized); } override internal DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo CreateConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo (DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions) { return new SqlConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo((SqlConnectionString)connectionOptions); } internal static SqlConnectionString FindSqlConnectionOptions(SqlConnectionPoolKey key) { SqlConnectionString connectionOptions = (SqlConnectionString )SingletonInstance.FindConnectionOptions(key); if (null == connectionOptions) { connectionOptions = new SqlConnectionString(key.ConnectionString); } if (connectionOptions.IsEmpty) { throw ADP.NoConnectionString(); } return connectionOptions; } private SqlInternalConnectionSmi GetContextConnection(SqlConnectionString options, object providerInfo) { SmiContext smiContext = SmiContextFactory.Instance.GetCurrentContext(); SqlInternalConnectionSmi result = (SqlInternalConnectionSmi)smiContext.GetContextValue((int)SmiContextFactory.ContextKey.Connection); // context connections are automatically re-useable if they exist unless they've been doomed. if (null == result || result.IsConnectionDoomed) { if (null != result) { result.Dispose(); // A doomed connection is a messy thing. Dispose of it promptly in nearest receptacle. } result = new SqlInternalConnectionSmi(options, smiContext); smiContext.SetContextValue((int)SmiContextFactory.ContextKey.Connection, result); } result.Activate(); return result; } override internal DbConnectionPoolGroup GetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection connection) { SqlConnection c = (connection as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { return c.PoolGroup; } return null; } override internal DbConnectionInternal GetInnerConnection(DbConnection connection) { SqlConnection c = (connection as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { return c.InnerConnection; } return null; } override protected int GetObjectId(DbConnection connection) { SqlConnection c = (connection as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { return c.ObjectID; } return 0; } override internal void PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection) { SqlConnection c = (outerConnection as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { c.PermissionDemand(); } } override internal void SetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) { SqlConnection c = (outerConnection as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { c.PoolGroup = poolGroup; } } override internal void SetInnerConnectionEvent(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to) { SqlConnection c = (owningObject as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { c.SetInnerConnectionEvent(to); } } override internal bool SetInnerConnectionFrom(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to, DbConnectionInternal from) { SqlConnection c = (owningObject as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { return c.SetInnerConnectionFrom(to, from); } return false; } override internal void SetInnerConnectionTo(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to) { SqlConnection c = (owningObject as SqlConnection); if (null != c) { c.SetInnerConnectionTo(to); } } } sealed internal class SqlPerformanceCounters : DbConnectionPoolCounters { private const string CategoryName = ".NET Data Provider for SqlServer"; private const string CategoryHelp = "Counters for System.Data.SqlClient"; public static readonly SqlPerformanceCounters SingletonInstance = new SqlPerformanceCounters(); [System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, PermissionAccess=PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess.Write, MachineName=".", CategoryName=CategoryName)] private SqlPerformanceCounters() : base (CategoryName, CategoryHelp) { } } }