// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
using System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler;
using System.Linq;
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class...
// It is fine to use Debug.Assert in cases where you assert an obvious thing that is supposed
// to prevent from simple mistakes during development (e.g. method argument validation
// in cases where it was you who created the variables or the variables had already been validated or
// in "else" clauses where due to code changes (e.g. adding a new value to an enum type) the default
// "else" block is chosen why the new condition should be treated separately). This kind of asserts are
// (can be) helpful when developing new code to avoid simple mistakes but have no or little value in
// the shipped product.
// PlanCompiler.Assert *MUST* be used to verify conditions in the trees. These would be assumptions
// about how the tree was built etc. - in these cases we probably want to throw an exception (this is
// what PlanCompiler.Assert does when the condition is not met) if either the assumption is not correct
// or the tree was built/rewritten not the way we thought it was.
// Use your judgment - if you rather remove an assert than ship it use Debug.Assert otherwise use
// PlanCompiler.Assert.
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler
/// Delegate pattern that the ColumnMapTranslator uses to find its replacement
/// columnMaps. Given a columnMap, return it's replacement.
internal delegate ColumnMap ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate(ColumnMap columnMap);
/// ColumnMapTranslator visits the ColumnMap hiearchy and runs the translation delegate
/// you specify; There are some static methods to perform common translations, but you
/// can bring your own translation if you desire.
/// This visitor only creates new ColumnMap objects when necessary; it attempts to
/// replace-in-place, except when that is not possible because the field is not
/// writable.
/// NOTE: over time, we should be able to modify the ColumnMaps to have more writable
/// fields;
internal class ColumnMapTranslator : ColumnMapVisitorWithResults
#region Constructors
/// Singleton instance for the "public" methods to use;
static private ColumnMapTranslator Instance = new ColumnMapTranslator();
/// Constructor; no one should use this.
private ColumnMapTranslator()
#region Visitor Helpers
/// Returns the var to use in the copy, either the original or the
/// replacement. Note that we will follow the chain of replacements, in
/// case the replacement was also replaced.
private static Var GetReplacementVar(Var originalVar, Dictionary replacementVarMap)
// SQLBUDT #478509: Follow the chain of mapped vars, don't
// just stop at the first one
Var replacementVar = originalVar;
while (replacementVarMap.TryGetValue(replacementVar, out originalVar))
if (originalVar == replacementVar)
replacementVar = originalVar;
return replacementVar;
#region "Public" surface area
/// Bring-Your-Own-Replacement-Delegate method.
internal static ColumnMap Translate(ColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
return columnMap.Accept(ColumnMapTranslator.Instance, translationDelegate);
/// Replace VarRefColumnMaps with the specified ColumnMap replacement
internal static ColumnMap Translate(ColumnMap columnMapToTranslate, Dictionary varToColumnMap)
ColumnMap result = Translate(columnMapToTranslate,
delegate(ColumnMap columnMap)
VarRefColumnMap varRefColumnMap = columnMap as VarRefColumnMap;
if (null != varRefColumnMap)
if (varToColumnMap.TryGetValue(varRefColumnMap.Var, out columnMap))
// perform fixups; only allow name changes when the replacement isn't
// already named (and the original is named...)
if (!columnMap.IsNamed && varRefColumnMap.IsNamed)
columnMap.Name = varRefColumnMap.Name;
columnMap = varRefColumnMap;
return columnMap;
return result;
/// Replace VarRefColumnMaps with new VarRefColumnMaps with the specified Var
internal static ColumnMap Translate(ColumnMap columnMapToTranslate, Dictionary varToVarMap)
ColumnMap result = Translate(columnMapToTranslate,
delegate(ColumnMap columnMap)
VarRefColumnMap varRefColumnMap = columnMap as VarRefColumnMap;
if (null != varRefColumnMap)
Var replacementVar = GetReplacementVar(varRefColumnMap.Var, varToVarMap);
if (varRefColumnMap.Var != replacementVar)
columnMap = new VarRefColumnMap(varRefColumnMap.Type, varRefColumnMap.Name, replacementVar);
return columnMap;
return result;
/// Replace VarRefColumnMaps with ScalarColumnMaps referring to the command and column
internal static ColumnMap Translate(ColumnMap columnMapToTranslate, Dictionary> varToCommandColumnMap)
ColumnMap result = Translate(columnMapToTranslate,
delegate(ColumnMap columnMap)
VarRefColumnMap varRefColumnMap = columnMap as VarRefColumnMap;
if (null != varRefColumnMap)
KeyValuePair commandAndColumn;
if (!varToCommandColumnMap.TryGetValue(varRefColumnMap.Var, out commandAndColumn))
throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.UnknownVar, 1, varRefColumnMap.Var.Id); // shouldn't have gotten here without having a resolveable var
columnMap = new ScalarColumnMap(varRefColumnMap.Type, varRefColumnMap.Name, commandAndColumn.Key, commandAndColumn.Value);
// While we're at it, we ensure that all columnMaps are named; we wait
// until this point, because we don't want to assign names until after
// we've gone through the transformations;
if (!columnMap.IsNamed)
columnMap.Name = ColumnMap.DefaultColumnName;
return columnMap;
return result;
#region Visitor methods
#region List handling
/// List(ColumnMap)
private void VisitList(TResultType[] tList, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
where TResultType : ColumnMap
for (int i = 0; i < tList.Length; i++)
tList[i] = (TResultType)tList[i].Accept(this, translationDelegate);
#region EntityIdentity handling
/// DiscriminatedEntityIdentity
protected override EntityIdentity VisitEntityIdentity(DiscriminatedEntityIdentity entityIdentity, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
ColumnMap newEntitySetColumnMap = entityIdentity.EntitySetColumnMap.Accept(this, translationDelegate);
VisitList(entityIdentity.Keys, translationDelegate);
if (newEntitySetColumnMap != entityIdentity.EntitySetColumnMap)
entityIdentity = new DiscriminatedEntityIdentity((SimpleColumnMap)newEntitySetColumnMap, entityIdentity.EntitySetMap, entityIdentity.Keys);
return entityIdentity;
/// SimpleEntityIdentity
protected override EntityIdentity VisitEntityIdentity(SimpleEntityIdentity entityIdentity, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
VisitList(entityIdentity.Keys, translationDelegate);
return entityIdentity;
/// ComplexTypeColumnMap
internal override ColumnMap Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
SimpleColumnMap newNullSentinel = columnMap.NullSentinel;
if (null != newNullSentinel)
newNullSentinel = (SimpleColumnMap)translationDelegate(newNullSentinel);
VisitList(columnMap.Properties, translationDelegate);
if (columnMap.NullSentinel != newNullSentinel)
columnMap = new ComplexTypeColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, columnMap.Properties, newNullSentinel);
return translationDelegate(columnMap);
/// DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap
internal override ColumnMap Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
ColumnMap newDiscriminator = columnMap.Discriminator.Accept(this, translationDelegate);
VisitList(columnMap.ForeignKeys, translationDelegate);
VisitList(columnMap.Keys, translationDelegate);
ColumnMap newElement = columnMap.Element.Accept(this, translationDelegate);
if (newDiscriminator != columnMap.Discriminator || newElement != columnMap.Element)
columnMap = new DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newElement, columnMap.Keys, columnMap.ForeignKeys,(SimpleColumnMap)newDiscriminator, columnMap.DiscriminatorValue);
return translationDelegate(columnMap);
/// EntityColumnMap
internal override ColumnMap Visit(EntityColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
EntityIdentity newEntityIdentity = VisitEntityIdentity(columnMap.EntityIdentity, translationDelegate);
VisitList(columnMap.Properties, translationDelegate);
if (newEntityIdentity != columnMap.EntityIdentity)
columnMap = new EntityColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, columnMap.Properties, newEntityIdentity);
return translationDelegate(columnMap);
/// SimplePolymorphicColumnMap
internal override ColumnMap Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMapTranslatorTranslationDelegate translationDelegate)
ColumnMap newTypeDiscriminator = columnMap.TypeDiscriminator.Accept(this, translationDelegate);
// NOTE: we're using Copy-On-Write logic to avoid allocation if we don't
// need to change things.