// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.CqlGeneration
/// This class represents slots for expressions over boolean variables, e.g., _from0, _from1, etc
internal sealed class BooleanProjectedSlot : ProjectedSlot
#region Constructor
/// Creates a boolean slot for expression that comes from originalCellNum, i.e.,
/// the value of the slot is and the name is "_from{}", e.g., _from2
internal BooleanProjectedSlot(BoolExpression expr, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, int originalCellNum)
m_expr = expr;
m_originalCell = new CellIdBoolean(identifiers, originalCellNum);
Debug.Assert(!(expr.AsLiteral is CellIdBoolean) ||
BoolLiteral.EqualityComparer.Equals((CellIdBoolean)expr.AsLiteral, m_originalCell), "Cellid boolean for the slot and cell number disagree");
#region Fields
/// The actual value of the slot - could be !
private readonly BoolExpression m_expr;
/// A boolean corresponding to the original cell number (_from0)
private readonly CellIdBoolean m_originalCell;
#region Methods
/// Returns "_from0", "_from1" etc. is ignored.
internal override string GetCqlFieldAlias(MemberPath outputMember)
return m_originalCell.SlotName;
internal override StringBuilder AsEsql(StringBuilder builder, MemberPath outputMember, string blockAlias, int indentLevel)
if (m_expr.IsTrue || m_expr.IsFalse)
// No Case statement for TRUE and FALSE
m_expr.AsEsql(builder, blockAlias);
// Produce "CASE WHEN boolExpr THEN True ELSE False END" in order to enforce the two-state boolean logic:
// if boolExpr returns the boolean Unknown, it gets converted to boolean False.
builder.Append("CASE WHEN ");
m_expr.AsEsql(builder, blockAlias);
builder.Append(" THEN True ELSE False END");
return builder;
internal override DbExpression AsCqt(DbExpression row, MemberPath outputMember)
if (m_expr.IsTrue || m_expr.IsFalse)
return m_expr.AsCqt(row);
// Produce "CASE WHEN boolExpr THEN True ELSE False END" in order to enforce the two-state boolean logic:
// if boolExpr returns the boolean Unknown, it gets converted to boolean False.
return DbExpressionBuilder.Case(new DbExpression[] { m_expr.AsCqt(row) }, new DbExpression[] { DbExpressionBuilder.True }, DbExpressionBuilder.False);
internal override void ToCompactString(StringBuilder builder)
StringUtil.FormatStringBuilder(builder, "<{0}, ", m_originalCell.SlotName);