// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
namespace System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel
// This file contains an enum for the errors generated by Metadata Loading (SOM)
// There is almost a one-to-one correspondence between these error codes
// and the resource strings - so if you need more insight into what the
// error code means, please see the code that uses the particular enum
// AND the corresponding resource string
// error numbers end up being hard coded in test cases; they can be removed, but should not be changed.
// reusing error numbers is probably OK, but not recommended.
// The acceptable range for this enum is
// 0000 - 0999
// The Range 10,000-15,000 is reserved for tools
/// Summary description for ErrorCode.
internal enum ErrorCode
InvalidErrorCodeValue = 0,
// unused 1,
SecurityError = 2,
// unused 3,
IOException = 4,
XmlError = 5,
TooManyErrors = 6,
MalformedXml = 7,
UnexpectedXmlNodeType = 8,
UnexpectedXmlAttribute = 9,
UnexpectedXmlElement = 10,
TextNotAllowed = 11,
EmptyFile = 12,
XsdError = 13,
InvalidAlias = 14,
// unused 15,
IntegerExpected = 16,
InvalidName = 17,
// unused 18,
AlreadyDefined = 19,
ElementNotInSchema = 20,
// unused 21,
InvalidBaseType = 22,
NoConcreteDescendants = 23,
CycleInTypeHierarchy = 24,
InvalidVersionNumber = 25,
InvalidSize = 26,
InvalidBoolean = 27,
// unused 28,
BadType = 29,
// unused 30,
// unused 31,
InvalidVersioningClass = 32,
InvalidVersionIntroduced = 33,
BadNamespace = 34,
// unused 35,
// unused 36,
// unused 37,
UnresolvedReferenceSchema = 38,
// unused 39,
NotInNamespace = 40,
NotUnnestedType = 41,
BadProperty = 42,
UndefinedProperty = 43,
InvalidPropertyType = 44,
InvalidAsNestedType = 45,
InvalidChangeUnit = 46,
UnauthorizedAccessException = 47,
// unused 48,
// unused 49,
/// Namespace attribute must be specified.
MissingNamespaceAttribute = 50,
/// Precision out of range
PrecisionOutOfRange = 51,
/// Scale out of range
ScaleOutOfRange = 52,
DefaultNotAllowed = 53,
InvalidDefault = 54,
/// One of the required facets is missing
RequiredFacetMissing = 55,
BadImageFormatException = 56,
MissingSchemaXml = 57,
BadPrecisionAndScale = 58,
InvalidChangeUnitUsage = 59,
NameTooLong = 60,
CircularlyDefinedType = 61,
InvalidAssociation = 62,
/// The facet isn't allow by the property type.
FacetNotAllowedByType = 63,
/// This facet value is constant and is specified in the schema
ConstantFacetSpecifiedInSchema = 64,
// unused 65,
// unused 66,
// unused 67,
// unused 68,
// unused 69,
// unused 70,
// unused 71,
// unused 72,
// unused 73,
BadNavigationProperty = 74,
InvalidKey = 75,
// unused 76,
// unused 77,
// unused 78,
// unused 79,
// unused 80,
// unused 81,
// unused 82,
// unused 83,
// unused 84,
// unused 85,
// unused 86,
// unused 87,
// unused 88,
// unused 89,
// unused 90,
// unused 91,
/// Multiplicity value was malformed
InvalidMultiplicity = 92,
// unused 93,
// unused 94,
// unused 95,
/// The value for the Action attribute is invalid or not allowed in the current context
InvalidAction = 96,
/// An error occured processing the On<Operation> elements
InvalidOperation = 97,
// unused 98,
/// Ends were given for the Property element of a EntityContainer that is not a RelationshipSet
InvalidContainerTypeForEnd = 99,
/// The extent name used in the EntittyContainerType End does not match the name of any of the EntityContainerProperties in the containing EntityContainer
InvalidEndEntitySet = 100,
/// An end element was not given, and cannot be inferred because too many EntityContainerEntitySet elements that are good possibilities.
AmbiguousEntityContainerEnd = 101,
/// An end element was not given, and cannot be infered because there is no EntityContainerEntitySets that are the correct type to be used as an EntitySet.
MissingExtentEntityContainerEnd = 102,
// unused 103,
// unused 104,
// unused 105,
/// Not a valid parameter direction for the parameter in a function
BadParameterDirection = 106,
/// Unable to infer an optional schema part, to resolve this, be more explicit
FailedInference = 107,
// unused = 108,
/// Invalid facet attribute(s) specified in provider manifest
InvalidFacetInProviderManifest = 109,
/// Invalid role value in the relationship constraint
InvalidRoleInRelationshipConstraint = 110,
/// Invalid Property in relationship constraint
InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraint = 111,
/// Type mismatch between ToProperty and FromProperty in the relationship constraint
TypeMismatchRelationshipConstaint = 112,
/// Invalid multiplicty in FromRole in the relationship constraint
InvalidMultiplicityInRoleInRelationshipConstraint = 113,
/// The number of properties in the FromProperty and ToProperty in the relationship constraint must be identical
MismatchNumberOfPropertiesInRelationshipConstraint = 114,
/// No Properties defined in either FromProperty or ToProperty in the relationship constraint
MissingPropertyInRelationshipConstraint = 115,
/// Missing constraint in relationship type in ssdl
MissingConstraintOnRelationshipType = 116,
// unused 117,
// unused 118,
/// Same role referred in the ToRole and FromRole of a referential constraint
SameRoleReferredInReferentialConstraint = 119,
/// Invalid value for attribute ParameterTypeSemantics
InvalidValueForParameterTypeSemantics = 120,
/// Invalid type used for a Relationship End Type
InvalidRelationshipEndType = 121,
/// Invalid PrimitiveTypeKind
InvalidPrimitiveTypeKind = 122,
// unused 123,
/// Invalid TypeConversion DestinationType
InvalidTypeConversionDestinationType = 124,
/// Expected a integer value between 0 - 255
ByteValueExpected = 125,
/// Invalid Type specified in function
FunctionWithNonPrimitiveTypeNotSupported = 126,
/// Precision must not be greater than 28
PrecisionMoreThanAllowedMax = 127,
/// Properties that are part of entity key must be of scalar type
EntityKeyMustBeScalar = 128,
/// Binary and spatial type properties which are part of entity key are currently not supported
EntityKeyTypeCurrentlyNotSupported = 129,
/// The primitive type kind does not have a prefered mapping
NoPreferredMappingForPrimitiveTypeKind = 130,
/// More than one PreferredMapping for a PrimitiveTypeKind
TooManyPreferredMappingsForPrimitiveTypeKind = 131,
/// End with * multiplicity cannot have operations specified
EndWithManyMultiplicityCannotHaveOperationsSpecified = 132,
/// EntitySet type has no keys
EntitySetTypeHasNoKeys = 133,
/// InvalidNumberOfParametersForAggregateFunction
InvalidNumberOfParametersForAggregateFunction = 134,
/// InvalidParameterTypeForAggregateFunction
InvalidParameterTypeForAggregateFunction = 135,
/// Composable functions and function imports must declare a return type.
ComposableFunctionOrFunctionImportWithoutReturnType = 136,
/// Non-composable functions must not declare a return type.
NonComposableFunctionWithReturnType = 137,
/// Non-composable functions do not permit the aggregate, niladic, or built-in attributes.
NonComposableFunctionAttributesNotValid = 138,
/// Composable functions can not include command text attribute.
ComposableFunctionWithCommandText = 139,
/// Functions should not declare both a store name and command text (only one or the other
/// can be used).
FunctionDeclaresCommandTextAndStoreFunctionName = 140,
/// SystemNamespace
SystemNamespace = 141,
/// Empty DefiningQuery text
EmptyDefiningQuery = 142,
/// Schema, Table and DefiningQuery are all specified, and are mutualy exlusive
TableAndSchemaAreMutuallyExclusiveWithDefiningQuery = 143,
// unused 144,
/// Conurency can't change for any sub types of an EntitySet type.
ConcurrencyRedefinedOnSubTypeOfEntitySetType = 145,
/// Function import return type must be either empty, a collection of entities, or a singleton scalar.
FunctionImportUnsupportedReturnType = 146,
/// Function import specifies a non-existent entity set.
FunctionImportUnknownEntitySet = 147,
/// Function import specifies entity type return but no entity set.
FunctionImportReturnsEntitiesButDoesNotSpecifyEntitySet = 148,
/// Function import specifies entity type that does not derive from element type of entity set.
FunctionImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet = 149,
/// Function import specifies a binding to an entity set but does not return entities.
FunctionImportSpecifiesEntitySetButDoesNotReturnEntityType = 150,
/// InternalError
InternalError = 152,
/// Same Entity Set Taking part in the same role of the relationship set in two different relationship sets
SimilarRelationshipEnd = 153,
/// Entity key refers to the same property twice
DuplicatePropertySpecifiedInEntityKey = 154,
/// Function declares a ReturnType attribute and element
AmbiguousFunctionReturnType = 156,
/// Nullable Complex Type not supported in Edm V1
NullableComplexType = 157,
/// Only Complex Collections supported in Edm V1.1
NonComplexCollections = 158,
/// No Key defined on Entity Type
KeyMissingOnEntityType = 159,
/// Invalid namespace specified in using element
InvalidNamespaceInUsing = 160,
/// Need not specify system namespace in using
NeedNotUseSystemNamespaceInUsing = 161,
/// Cannot use a reserved/system namespace as alias
CannotUseSystemNamespaceAsAlias = 162,
/// Invalid qualification specified for type
InvalidNamespaceName = 163,
/// Invalid Entity Container Name in extends attribute
InvalidEntityContainerNameInExtends = 164,
// unused 165,
/// Must specify namespace or alias of the schema in which this type is defined
InvalidNamespaceOrAliasSpecified = 166,
/// Entity Container cannot extend itself
EntityContainerCannotExtendItself = 167,
/// Failed to retrieve provider manifest
FailedToRetrieveProviderManifest = 168,
/// Mismatched Provider Manifest token values in SSDL artifacts
ProviderManifestTokenMismatch = 169,
/// Missing Provider Manifest token value in SSDL artifact(s)
ProviderManifestTokenNotFound = 170,
/// Empty CommandText element
EmptyCommandText = 171,
/// Inconsistent Provider values in SSDL artifacts
InconsistentProvider = 172,
/// Inconsistent Provider Manifest token values in SSDL artifacts
InconsistentProviderManifestToken = 173,
/// Duplicated Function overloads
DuplicatedFunctionoverloads = 174,
/// InvalidProvider
InvalidProvider = 175,
/// FunctionWithNonEdmTypeNotSupported
FunctionWithNonEdmTypeNotSupported = 176,
/// ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndDefinedEntitySet
ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndDefinedEntitySet = 177,
/// ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndDefinedEntitySet
ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndNestedComplexProperty = 178,
// unused = 179,
/// A function import can be either composable or side-effecting, but not both.
FunctionImportComposableAndSideEffectingNotAllowed = 180,
/// A function import can specify an entity set or an entity set path, but not both.
FunctionImportEntitySetAndEntitySetPathDeclared = 181,
/// In model functions facet attribute is allowed only on ScalarTypes
FacetOnNonScalarType = 182,
/// Captures several conditions where facets are placed on element where it should not exist.
IncorrectlyPlacedFacet = 183,
/// Return type has not been declared
ReturnTypeNotDeclared = 184,
TypeNotDeclared = 185,
RowTypeWithoutProperty = 186,
ReturnTypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement = 187,
TypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement = 188,
ReferenceToNonEntityType = 189,
/// Collection and reference type parameters are not allowed in function imports.
FunctionImportCollectionAndRefParametersNotAllowed = 190,
IncompatibleSchemaVersion = 191,
/// The structural annotation cannot use codegen namespaces
NoCodeGenNamespaceInStructuralAnnotation = 192,
/// Function and type cannot have the same fully qualified name
AmbiguousFunctionAndType = 193,
/// Cannot load different version of schema in the same ItemCollection
CannotLoadDifferentVersionOfSchemaInTheSameItemCollection = 194,
/// Expected bool value
BoolValueExpected = 195,
/// End without Multiplicity specified
EndWithoutMultiplicity = 196,
/// In SSDL, if composable function returns a collection of rows (TVF), all row properties must be of scalar types.
TVFReturnTypeRowHasNonScalarProperty = 197,
// FunctionUnknownEntityContainer = 198,
// FunctionEntityContainerMustBeSpecified = 199,
// FunctionUnknownEntitySet = 200,
/// Only nullable parameters are supported in function imports.
FunctionImportNonNullableParametersNotAllowed = 201,
/// Defining expression and entity set can not be specified at the same time.
FunctionWithDefiningExpressionAndEntitySetNotAllowed = 202,
/// Function specifies return type that does not derive from element type of entity set.
FunctionEntityTypeScopeDoesNotMatchReturnType = 203,
/// The specified type cannot be used as the underlying type of Enum type.
InvalidEnumUnderlyingType = 204,
/// Duplicate enumeration member.
DuplicateEnumMember = 205,
/// The calculated value for an enum member is ouf of Int64 range.
CalculatedEnumValueOutOfRange = 206,
/// The enumeration value for an enum member is out of its underlying type range.
EnumMemberValueOutOfItsUnderylingTypeRange = 207,
/// The Srid value is out of range.
InvalidSystemReferenceId = 208,
/// A CSDL spatial type in a file without the UseSpatialUnionType annotation
UnexpectedSpatialType = 209,