// // SSPIWrapper.cs // // Author: // Martin Baulig // // Copyright (c) 2015 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #if MONO_FEATURE_NEW_TLS && SECURITY_DEP #if MONO_SECURITY_ALIAS extern alias MonoSecurity; #endif #if MONO_SECURITY_ALIAS using MX = MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.X509; using MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.Interface; #else using MX = Mono.Security.X509; using Mono.Security.Interface; #endif using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using MNS = Mono.Net.Security; namespace System.Net.Security { internal class SSPIInterface { public IMonoTlsContext Context { get; private set; } public IMonoTlsEventSink EventSink { get; private set; } public SSPIInterface (IMonoTlsContext context, IMonoTlsEventSink eventSink) { Context = context; EventSink = eventSink; } } internal static class GlobalSSPI { internal static SSPIInterface Create (string hostname, bool serverMode, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertName, bool checkCertRevocationStatus, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy, LocalCertSelectionCallback certSelectionDelegate, RemoteCertValidationCallback remoteValidationCallback, SSPIConfiguration userConfig) { if (userConfig.Settings != null && remoteValidationCallback != null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); var context = userConfig.Provider.CreateTlsContext ( hostname, serverMode, (TlsProtocols)protocolFlags, serverCertificate, clientCertificates, remoteCertRequired, checkCertName, checkCertRevocationStatus, (MonoEncryptionPolicy)encryptionPolicy, userConfig.Settings); return new SSPIInterface (context, userConfig.EventSink); } } /* * SSPIWrapper _is a _class that provides a managed implementation of the equivalent * _class _in Microsofts .NET Framework. * * The SSPIWrapper class is used by the TLS/SSL stack to implement both the * protocol handshake as well as the encryption and decryption of messages. * * Microsoft's implementation of this class is merely a P/Invoke wrapper * around the native SSPI APIs on Windows. This implementation instead, * provides a managed implementation that uses the cross platform Mono.Security * to provide the equivalent functionality. * * Ideally, this should be abstracted with a different name, and decouple * the naming from the SSPIWrapper name, but this allows Mono to reuse * the .NET code with minimal changes. * * The "internal" methods here are the API that is consumed by the class * libraries. */ internal static class SSPIWrapper { static void SetCredentials (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeFreeCredentials credentials) { if (credentials != null && !credentials.IsInvalid) { if (!secModule.Context.HasCredentials && credentials.Certificate != null) { var cert = new X509Certificate2 (credentials.Certificate.RawData); secModule.Context.SetCertificate (cert, credentials.Certificate.PrivateKey); } bool success = true; credentials.DangerousAddRef (ref success); } } /* * @safecontext is null on the first use, but it will become non-null for invocations * where the connection is being re-negotiated. * */ internal static int AcceptSecurityContext (SSPIInterface secModule, ref SafeFreeCredentials credentials, ref SafeDeleteContext safeContext, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (endianness != Endianness.Native) throw new NotSupportedException (); if (safeContext == null) { if (credentials == null || credentials.IsInvalid) return (int)SecurityStatus.CredentialsNeeded; secModule.Context.Initialize (secModule.EventSink); safeContext = new SafeDeleteContext (secModule.Context); } SetCredentials (secModule, credentials); var incoming = GetInputBuffer (inputBuffer); IBufferOffsetSize outgoing; var retval = (int)safeContext.Context.GenerateNextToken (incoming, out outgoing); UpdateOutput (outgoing, outputBuffer); return retval; } internal static int InitializeSecurityContext (SSPIInterface secModule, ref SafeFreeCredentials credentials, ref SafeDeleteContext safeContext, string targetName, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (inputBuffer != null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); if (safeContext == null) { secModule.Context.Initialize (secModule.EventSink); safeContext = new SafeDeleteContext (secModule.Context); } return InitializeSecurityContext (secModule, credentials, ref safeContext, targetName, inFlags, endianness, null, outputBuffer, ref outFlags); } internal static int InitializeSecurityContext (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeFreeCredentials credentials, ref SafeDeleteContext safeContext, string targetName, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (endianness != Endianness.Native) throw new NotSupportedException (); SetCredentials (secModule, credentials); SecurityBuffer inputBuffer = null; if (inputBuffers != null) { if (inputBuffers.Length != 2 || inputBuffers [1].type != BufferType.Empty) throw new NotSupportedException (); inputBuffer = inputBuffers [0]; } var incoming = GetInputBuffer (inputBuffer); IBufferOffsetSize outgoing = null; var retval = (int)safeContext.Context.GenerateNextToken (incoming, out outgoing); UpdateOutput (outgoing, outputBuffer); return retval; } internal static int EncryptMessage (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext safeContext, SecurityBuffer securityBuffer, uint sequenceNumber) { var incoming = GetInputBuffer (securityBuffer); var retval = (int)safeContext.Context.EncryptMessage (ref incoming); UpdateOutput (incoming, securityBuffer); return retval; } internal static int DecryptMessage (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext safeContext, SecurityBuffer securityBuffer, uint sequenceNumber) { var incoming = GetInputBuffer (securityBuffer); var retval = (int)safeContext.Context.DecryptMessage (ref incoming); UpdateOutput (incoming, securityBuffer); return retval; } internal static byte[] CreateShutdownMessage (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext safeContext) { return safeContext.Context.CreateCloseNotify (); } internal static byte[] CreateHelloRequestMessage (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext safeContext) { return safeContext.Context.CreateHelloRequest (); } internal static bool IsClosed (SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext safeContext) { return safeContext.Context.ReceivedCloseNotify; } internal static SafeFreeCredentials AcquireCredentialsHandle (SSPIInterface SecModule, string package, CredentialUse intent, SecureCredential scc) { return new SafeFreeCredentials (scc); } public static ChannelBinding QueryContextChannelBinding (SSPIInterface SecModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute) { return null; } internal static X509Certificate2 GetRemoteCertificate (SafeDeleteContext safeContext, out X509Certificate2Collection remoteCertificateStore) { X509CertificateCollection monoCollection; if (safeContext == null || safeContext.IsInvalid) { remoteCertificateStore = null; return null; } var monoCert = safeContext.Context.GetRemoteCertificate (out monoCollection); if (monoCert == null) { remoteCertificateStore = null; return null; } remoteCertificateStore = new X509Certificate2Collection (); foreach (var cert in monoCollection) { remoteCertificateStore.Add (cert); } return (X509Certificate2)monoCert; } internal static bool CheckRemoteCertificate (SafeDeleteContext safeContext) { return safeContext.Context.VerifyRemoteCertificate (); } internal static MonoTlsConnectionInfo GetMonoConnectionInfo (SSPIInterface SecModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext) { return securityContext.Context.GetConnectionInfo (); } internal static SslConnectionInfo GetConnectionInfo (SSPIInterface SecModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext) { var info = securityContext.Context.GetConnectionInfo (); if (info == null) return null; return new SslConnectionInfo ((int)info.ProtocolVersion); } class InputBuffer : IBufferOffsetSize { public byte[] Buffer { get; private set; } public int Offset { get; private set; } public int Size { get; private set; } public InputBuffer (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { Buffer = buffer; Offset = offset; Size = size; } } static IBufferOffsetSize GetInputBuffer (SecurityBuffer incoming) { return incoming != null ? new InputBuffer (incoming.token, incoming.offset, incoming.size) : null; } static void UpdateOutput (IBufferOffsetSize buffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer) { if (buffer != null) { outputBuffer.token = buffer.Buffer; outputBuffer.offset = buffer.Offset; outputBuffer.size = buffer.Size; outputBuffer.type = BufferType.Token; } else { outputBuffer.token = null; outputBuffer.size = outputBuffer.offset = 0; outputBuffer.type = BufferType.Empty; } } } } #endif