// // X509CRL.cs: Handles X.509 certificates revocation lists. // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot // // Copyright (C) 2004,2006 Novell Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // Copyright 2013 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.Security.X509.Extensions; namespace Mono.Security.X509 { /* * CertificateList ::= SEQUENCE { * tbsCertList TBSCertList, * signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, * signature BIT STRING * } * * TBSCertList ::= SEQUENCE { * version Version OPTIONAL, * -- if present, MUST be v2 * signature AlgorithmIdentifier, * issuer Name, * thisUpdate Time, * nextUpdate Time OPTIONAL, * revokedCertificates SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { * userCertificate CertificateSerialNumber, * revocationDate Time, * crlEntryExtensions Extensions OPTIONAL * -- if present, MUST be v2 * } OPTIONAL, * crlExtensions [0] Extensions OPTIONAL } * -- if present, MUST be v2 */ #if !INSIDE_CORLIB && !INSIDE_SYSTEM public #endif class X509Crl { public class X509CrlEntry { private byte[] sn; private DateTime revocationDate; private X509ExtensionCollection extensions; internal X509CrlEntry (byte[] serialNumber, DateTime revocationDate, X509ExtensionCollection extensions) { sn = serialNumber; this.revocationDate = revocationDate; if (extensions == null) this.extensions = new X509ExtensionCollection (); else this.extensions = extensions; } internal X509CrlEntry (ASN1 entry) { sn = entry [0].Value; Array.Reverse (sn); revocationDate = ASN1Convert.ToDateTime (entry [1]); extensions = new X509ExtensionCollection (entry [2]); } public byte[] SerialNumber { get { return (byte[]) sn.Clone (); } } public DateTime RevocationDate { get { return revocationDate; } } public X509ExtensionCollection Extensions { get { return extensions; } } public byte[] GetBytes () { ASN1 sequence = new ASN1 (0x30); sequence.Add (new ASN1 (0x02, sn)); sequence.Add (ASN1Convert.FromDateTime (revocationDate)); if (extensions.Count > 0) sequence.Add (new ASN1 (extensions.GetBytes ())); return sequence.GetBytes (); } } private string issuer; private byte version; private DateTime thisUpdate; private DateTime nextUpdate; private ArrayList entries; private string signatureOID; private byte[] signature; private X509ExtensionCollection extensions; private byte[] encoded; private byte[] hash_value; public X509Crl (byte[] crl) { if (crl == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("crl"); encoded = (byte[]) crl.Clone (); Parse (encoded); } private void Parse (byte[] crl) { string e = "Input data cannot be coded as a valid CRL."; try { // CertificateList ::= SEQUENCE { ASN1 encodedCRL = new ASN1 (encoded); if ((encodedCRL.Tag != 0x30) || (encodedCRL.Count != 3)) throw new CryptographicException (e); // CertificateList / TBSCertList, ASN1 toBeSigned = encodedCRL [0]; if ((toBeSigned.Tag != 0x30) || (toBeSigned.Count < 3)) throw new CryptographicException (e); int n = 0; // CertificateList / TBSCertList / Version OPTIONAL, -- if present, MUST be v2 if (toBeSigned [n].Tag == 0x02) { version = (byte) (toBeSigned [n++].Value [0] + 1); } else version = 1; // DEFAULT // CertificateList / TBSCertList / AlgorithmIdentifier, signatureOID = ASN1Convert.ToOid (toBeSigned [n++][0]); // CertificateList / TBSCertList / Name, issuer = X501.ToString (toBeSigned [n++]); // CertificateList / TBSCertList / Time, thisUpdate = ASN1Convert.ToDateTime (toBeSigned [n++]); // CertificateList / TBSCertList / Time OPTIONAL, ASN1 next = toBeSigned [n++]; if ((next.Tag == 0x17) || (next.Tag == 0x18)) { nextUpdate = ASN1Convert.ToDateTime (next); next = toBeSigned [n++]; } // CertificateList / TBSCertList / revokedCertificates SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { entries = new ArrayList (); // this is OPTIONAL so it may not be present if no entries exists if ((next != null) && (next.Tag == 0x30)) { ASN1 revokedCertificates = next; for (int i=0; i < revokedCertificates.Count; i++) { entries.Add (new X509CrlEntry (revokedCertificates [i])); } } else { n--; } // CertificateList / TBSCertList / crlExtensions [0] Extensions OPTIONAL } ASN1 extns = toBeSigned [n]; if ((extns != null) && (extns.Tag == 0xA0) && (extns.Count == 1)) extensions = new X509ExtensionCollection (extns [0]); else extensions = new X509ExtensionCollection (null); // result in a read only object // CertificateList / AlgorithmIdentifier string signatureAlgorithm = ASN1Convert.ToOid (encodedCRL [1][0]); if (signatureOID != signatureAlgorithm) throw new CryptographicException (e + " [Non-matching signature algorithms in CRL]"); // CertificateList / BIT STRING byte[] bitstring = encodedCRL [2].Value; // first byte contains unused bits in first byte signature = new byte [bitstring.Length - 1]; Buffer.BlockCopy (bitstring, 1, signature, 0, signature.Length); } catch { throw new CryptographicException (e); } } public ArrayList Entries { get { return ArrayList.ReadOnly (entries); } } public X509CrlEntry this [int index] { get { return (X509CrlEntry) entries [index]; } } public X509CrlEntry this [byte[] serialNumber] { get { return GetCrlEntry (serialNumber); } } public X509ExtensionCollection Extensions { get { return extensions; } } public byte[] Hash { get { if (hash_value == null) { ASN1 encodedCRL = new ASN1 (encoded); byte[] toBeSigned = encodedCRL [0].GetBytes (); using (var ha = PKCS1.CreateFromOid (signatureOID)) hash_value = ha.ComputeHash (toBeSigned); } return hash_value; } } public string IssuerName { get { return issuer; } } public DateTime NextUpdate { get { return nextUpdate; } } public DateTime ThisUpdate { get { return thisUpdate; } } public string SignatureAlgorithm { get { return signatureOID; } } public byte[] Signature { get { if (signature == null) return null; return (byte[]) signature.Clone (); } } public byte[] RawData { get { return (byte[]) encoded.Clone (); } } public byte Version { get { return version; } } public bool IsCurrent { get { return WasCurrent (DateTime.Now); } } public bool WasCurrent (DateTime instant) { if (nextUpdate == DateTime.MinValue) return (instant >= thisUpdate); else return ((instant >= thisUpdate) && (instant <= nextUpdate)); } public byte[] GetBytes () { return (byte[]) encoded.Clone (); } private bool Compare (byte[] array1, byte[] array2) { if ((array1 == null) && (array2 == null)) return true; if ((array1 == null) || (array2 == null)) return false; if (array1.Length != array2.Length) return false; for (int i=0; i < array1.Length; i++) { if (array1 [i] != array2 [i]) return false; } return true; } public X509CrlEntry GetCrlEntry (X509Certificate x509) { if (x509 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("x509"); return GetCrlEntry (x509.SerialNumber); } public X509CrlEntry GetCrlEntry (byte[] serialNumber) { if (serialNumber == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("serialNumber"); for (int i=0; i < entries.Count; i++) { X509CrlEntry entry = (X509CrlEntry) entries [i]; if (Compare (serialNumber, entry.SerialNumber)) return entry; } return null; } public bool VerifySignature (X509Certificate x509) { if (x509 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("x509"); // 1. x509 certificate must be a CA certificate (unknown for v1 or v2 certs) if (x509.Version >= 3) { BasicConstraintsExtension basicConstraints = null; // 1.2. Check for ca = true in BasicConstraint X509Extension ext = x509.Extensions [""]; if (ext != null) { basicConstraints = new BasicConstraintsExtension (ext); if (!basicConstraints.CertificateAuthority) return false; } // 1.1. Check for "cRLSign" bit in KeyUsage extension ext = x509.Extensions [""]; if (ext != null) { KeyUsageExtension keyUsage = new KeyUsageExtension (ext); if (!keyUsage.Support (KeyUsages.cRLSign)) { // 2nd chance if basicConstraints is CertificateAuthority // and KeyUsage support digitalSignature if ((basicConstraints == null) || !keyUsage.Support (KeyUsages.digitalSignature)) return false; } } } // 2. CRL issuer must match CA subject name if (issuer != x509.SubjectName) return false; // 3. Check the CRL signature with the CA certificate public key switch (signatureOID) { case "1.2.840.10040.4.3": return VerifySignature (x509.DSA); default: return VerifySignature (x509.RSA); } } internal bool VerifySignature (DSA dsa) { if (signatureOID != "1.2.840.10040.4.3") throw new CryptographicException ("Unsupported hash algorithm: " + signatureOID); DSASignatureDeformatter v = new DSASignatureDeformatter (dsa); // only SHA-1 is supported v.SetHashAlgorithm ("SHA1"); ASN1 sign = new ASN1 (signature); if ((sign == null) || (sign.Count != 2)) return false; // parts may be less than 20 bytes (i.e. first bytes were 0x00) byte[] part1 = sign [0].Value; byte[] part2 = sign [1].Value; byte[] sig = new byte [40]; // parts may be less than 20 bytes (i.e. first bytes were 0x00) // parts may be more than 20 bytes (i.e. first byte > 0x80, negative) int s1 = System.Math.Max (0, part1.Length - 20); int e1 = System.Math.Max (0, 20 - part1.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy (part1, s1, sig, e1, part1.Length - s1); int s2 = System.Math.Max (0, part2.Length - 20); int e2 = System.Math.Max (20, 40 - part2.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy (part2, s2, sig, e2, part2.Length - s2); return v.VerifySignature (Hash, sig); } internal bool VerifySignature (RSA rsa) { RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter v = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter (rsa); v.SetHashAlgorithm (PKCS1.HashNameFromOid (signatureOID)); return v.VerifySignature (Hash, signature); } public bool VerifySignature (AsymmetricAlgorithm aa) { if (aa == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("aa"); // only validate the signature (in case we don't have the CA certificate) if (aa is RSA) return VerifySignature (aa as RSA); else if (aa is DSA) return VerifySignature (aa as DSA); else throw new NotSupportedException ("Unknown Asymmetric Algorithm " + aa.ToString ()); } static public X509Crl CreateFromFile (string filename) { byte[] crl = null; using (FileStream fs = File.Open (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { crl = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read (crl, 0, crl.Length); fs.Close (); } return new X509Crl (crl); } } }